February 2015 Loop - Canada West District


February 2015 Loop - Canada West District
Canada West District Church of the
In Memory...
Edric Drell Allen, 97, passed away
January 11. He was born October
12, 1917, in South Fork, Pennsylvania, and raised in Detroit, Michigan. Allen received his Bachelor of
Theology in 1944 at Olivet Nazarene University, his Master of Divinity in 1949 at Nazarene Theological Seminary, and his Doctor of
Ministry in 1976 at Vanderbilt University. He was a pastor for 20
years in Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, and Alberta. He retired from
Trevecca Nazarene University in
Nashville, Tennessee, after 20
years as an administrator and professor emeritus. After retiring, he
and his wife, Geraldine, served
short assignments teaching at European Nazarene College in
Büsingen, Germany, and at Caribbean Theological College in Trinidad. Allen served in the U.S. Air
Force during the Korean Conflict
with 28 years total service including the U.S. Army Reserve, retiring
in 1977. Drell was preceded in
death by grandchildren Kelly Dianne Allen (1984) of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Gregory
Marshall Allen (2014) of North
Richland Hills, Texas. He is survived by his wife of 75 years, Geraldine Allen; sons David D. Allen
and wife, Sandra, of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Marshall
D. Allen and wife, Jo Ann, of North
Richland Hills, Texas; grandson
Tom (Neil) Allen and wife, Wendy,
and great-granddaughter Riley
Louise Allen of Keller, Texas.
February 2015
February 7 - March 28 6:00-7:30pm: Calgary First
Encounter – Living the Acts Narrative Bible Study
i n
t h e
F i r e s i d e
R o o m .
Explore life with the Holy Spirit! Join us as we interact with the Acts narrative in its Biblical context,
and discover how it impacts the life of the believer.
How is God living out His story in you?
Childcare is available for $60/family (by donation).
February 20-22, 2015 Missions Fest: is a free
event in Edmonton at the Shaw Conference Centre.
Beginning at 6:00 pm on Friday night concluding on
Sunday evening at 10:00 pm. Full schedule and details can be found here. Find the NMI booth during
your time there and say hello to our Canada West
District Representatives!
February 26, 2015 Ambrose Winter Open House
from 10:00 - 3:00 click here
March 13-15, 2015: Legacy Youth Conference:
Joy. legacyyouthconference.com
March 27, 2015 Rocky Mountain House Easter
Drama: This Easter drama will be performed by the
King’s Players from Glenview Nazarene Church, all
ticket proceeds will be in support of the Rocky
youth who will be attending NYC in Louisville. Any
and all are welcome, if you have further questions
please contact Mitch Brower
March 31, 2015: Entrance Scholarships & Church
Servant Leadership Scholarship Deadline. Click here
for more information
Canada West District Church of the
Please pray for the students
from Canada West District
that will be attending NYC
Jarrett Meilicke
Matthew Cox
Austin Bitzer
Jessica Bitzer
Dixon Wood
Carson Wood
Payton Unger
Chelsea Hoffer
Charlie Titterington
Cody McLean
Tommy Titterington
Brandon Stewart
Sarah Robertson
Autumn WIlliams
Shane Stewart
Janelle Weslowski
Rachel Burick
Olivia Burick
Jake Ashton
Sarah Ashton
Zakk Halverson
Zak Scheerschmidt
Kaylee Scheerschmidt
Elya Ewing
Adam Schwartz
Lauren Schwartz
Paul Zapote
Katherine Kvellestad
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Ambrose Courses: Three courses
are being offered this spring through Ambrose
University. This opportunity is especially pertinent to Pastors, for further information please
check out their website here, the courses offered are as follows;
April 27 - May 1, 2015 Preaching in a Shifting
Culture, Instructor: Mark Buchanan, Terry
Young and Bill McAlpine
April 27 - May 1, 2015 Old Testament, Exodus, Instructor: Tremper Longman
May 11 - 15, 2015 Incarceration, Grace and Justice, Instructor: Donald Stoesz
April 16 - 19, 2015 Wesleyan Holiness Women
Clergy Conference: Several women clergy from
Canada attended the 2013 conference in Estes
Park and found it really beneficial. A considerable amount of prayer and planning goes into
this event, to encourage and equip women in in
their call. For more information please click
May 15, 2015 Deadline for Assembly Documents.
July 1, 2015 Harmattan deadline to request
landscape and Children’s special needs request.
Apply here.
August 11 - 13, 2015 PALCON @ Ambrose: beginning with registration at 2 pm on Aug. 11
and ending with the evening service on Aug. 13.
Registration cost is $175.00 and will open
shortly. Please continue to check with our office
or our website for upcoming details.
Canada West District Church of the
Please pray for the sponsors from Canada West
District that will be attending NYC 2015
Clayton Meilicke
Monica Meilicke
Treena Cox
Ryan Wood
PALCON (continued) Keynote speakers are Dr.
Gary Nelson, President of Tyndale University
College & Seminary and Rev. Mark Buchanan,
Associate Professor at Ambrose Seminary.
Workshops are scheduled for the afternoons,
evening speakers to be announced. For further
information please click here or here.
Ginger Bitzer
Nathan Nichols
Alanna Wycoco
Srimal Ranasinghe
Mitch Brower
Sheri Lynne Martin
Carly Herbert
Ryan Herbert
Rick Ewing
Matthew Prendergast
Calgary East Church has been partnering with
PSSAW, Peer Support Services for Abused Women. Half of the group members are from the local community. They are of a different faith
than the Christian worldview and have now become very comfortable in our building and with
our people. Calgary East is now looking into the
possibility of hosting a monthly 'Getting to
Know Your Neighbour', another partnership
with the local Penbrooke intiviative that seeks
to bring together different ethnicities out of
isolation into their community.
Jenn Tattrie
NYC can often be a lifechanging experience for youth
who have the opportunity to
go. It can literally change the
trajectory of their lives and so
thank you so much for your
prayer and financial support
so far. If you are able to financially support some of the
youth, but don’t know any of
them personally, please feel
free to write a cheque addressed to ‘Canada West
NYC’. You can designate it to
one of the students or to the
group as a whole, please remember some of the sponsors
need financial support as
well! For further information
please contact Jenn Tattrie at
One of the ladies Bible study groups at Calgary
East church heard about a former missionary
with SIM (Sudan Interior Mission) who had come
home to care for her ailing mother. The month
of December was difficult as both ladies ended
up in different hospitals over the Christmas
season. The missionary's sacrifice continued as
her meager savings were quickly used up and
she was unable to work during her recovery.
The study group was moved to assist this missionary with a card of encouraging words and
some money to meet financial obligations. Beyond budget lines and special offerings, a need
was met as believers reached out in love. The
missionary was visibly moved as God's care and
the sensitivity of His people covered an outstanding bill.
Canada West District Church of the
Please pray for Tim Mandzie's
nephew has just been diagCHURCH NEWS
nosed with cancer - in the
lungs and heart. He starts Calgary East Men’s Ministry hosted a Valentine's
chemo in a week .
breakfast for all the ladies on Feb. 14. The 'lower auditorium' (aka the basement) was transformed into a
Pray for Tiffani Mandzie
beautiful hall, with linen tablecloths, fresh flowers, huge
(Penny & Tim's daughter in
breakfast with all the trimmings, and a teaching on the
law). Tiffani is exhausted all
legacy of love. The ladies were grateful to be honoured
the time with her pregnancy.
in such a thoughtful way and appreciated the opporHopefully it does not last the
tunity to sit and relax.
whole time!
The Blackfalds historical socie- Prince Albert Open Door
Community Church is pleased
ty is writing a book and would
to announce that the District
like to include us! If you have
Work and Witness Project to
any history of the Blackfalds
Prince Albert Saskatchewan is
Church of the Nazarene to give complete! The construction
please email Rose Graham.
part of the project was completed November 12, 2014 to
November 29, 2014.
Eight to 10 individuals from the
Prince Albert Church joined together throughout the
project time to assist with it’s completion. Thanks to
the many participants who are not attendees of the
Church, who came and helped. The pastor and two congregation members spent a considerable amount of
time working tirelessly, sometimes late at night, to complete the work. Many thanks to these three individuals.
- Richard Bahan
North Country Community Church and Westpointe
Community Church (Evangelical Mennonite) received
an award from the Grande
Prairie Crime Prevention for
their 2014 Faith in Action
ministry to the Hillside Community in the City of Grande
Prairie. This Faith in Action
event was the second year
for this ministry in Grande
Prairie, to this same community. And because of the
community impact, Faith in Action was nominated for
this award. This award was presented to Pastor Doug
Webb, who received the award on behalf of both
Canada West District Church of the
NMI: Spring 2015 Tour
with Lindell Browning
Lindell's Itinerary includes:
March 8 am Calgary Skyview
March 8 pm Rocky Mtn.
March 9 Red Deer First
March 10 Drumheller
March 11 - Stettler
March 12 Sedgewick
March 13 Ft. Saskatchewan
March 15 am Edmonton
March 15 pm Edmonton
South Side
March 16 Sherwood Park
March 17 Rimbey
March 18 Olds
March 19 Sylvan Lake
March 20 Lacombe
March 21 Caroline ... 9 - 11 am
Breakfast/ Brunch
March 22 am Calgary First
March 22 pm Innisfail
Please contact the local
church for service times
and events.
NMI: Spring 2015 Tour with Lindell Browning
Lindell and Kay Browning have served in the
Middle East since 1979. They have lived in
Jerusalem, Amman Jordan, Nazareth, and
Bethlehem. Lindell has served as the Field
Strategy Coordinator for the Eastern Mediterranean which includes work in Israel, Jordan,
Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey and some
Creative Access countries.
Kay served as
the administrative assistant, financial manager for the Field Office and taught English
as a Second Language. They are both graduates of Olivet Nazarene University. Lindell
graduated from Nazarene Theological Seminary with an M.Div. and Kay received her MA
from Bethany Nazarene College (now Southern Nazarene Un.). Olivet Nazarene University conferred both with honorary doctorates
in May 2014. They have raised four children
in the Middle East and now have 7 grandchildren.
Canada West District Church of the
If you have something you
would like to add to the
monthly newsletter, please do
not hesitate to contact our
office at cwdnaz@telus.net
Glenview Nazarene Church (Medicine Hat) celebrated the installation of their new pastoral
family, Rev. Joshua and Sara Falk, with their
children Lincoln and Owen, on Sunday January
25, 2015. Dr. Larry and Rev. Audrey Dahl and
Dr. David and Mrs. Dawn Falk were special
guests for this celebration. Many congregation
members of all ages participated in the service
of installation, a time to covet together as pastor and church family for the days and years of
ministry ahead. The Service was followed by a
joyful meal together. Pastor Joshua preached
from Mark 1, and the text of Jesus’ call to the
fisherman to leave their nets and follow
We wrestled with the idea of the
“immediate” response of these people who otherwise wouldn’t be called to such a life. Are we
ready to accept the fact that God loves us and
wants to know us as much as we are called to
love Him and know Him? Are we listening for
the “follow me” in our ordinary lives to simply
leave and immediately follow and all Him to use
us, restore us, surprise us with a task or joy
that we cannot yet imagine? Are we ready to
move forward into the place where Jesus might
be taking us? This is the place to decide and
move along, together. Our faith community
joined together in communion as an act of accepting His grace into our lives and our church
for the days to come.