Eden Energy Medicine is coming to Delphi!


Eden Energy Medicine is coming to Delphi!
Eden Energy Medicine
is coming to Delphi!
"Energy medicine is the last great frontier in
medicine." Mehmet Oz, MD
The health of your body, mind and spirit are deeply
rooted in the energy systems of your body. Eden Energy
Medicine (EEM) teaches specific techniques to bring
your energies back into balance, as well as techniques
to activate the body's natural healing abilities. Balanced
energies will naturally increase your vitality,
effectiveness and joy in life!
Taught sequentially, EM101 and EM102 are each oneday introductory classes that cover many of the key
topics from Donna Eden's award-winning book, Energy
Medicine. The information you gain from these two
classes will help you feel and be your best.
Eden Energy Medicine 101
Saturday, June 27, 2015
9:30 - 5:00 pm
$125 plus food and lodging
Additional $10 fee for 6 CEs (Continuing Education
Credits) for massage therapists through NCBTMB
(National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage
and Bodywork).
EM101 introduces EEM basics plus many topics that are
important for self-care and healing. You will learn a
quick Daily Energy Routine (just over 5 minutes) that
will help you feel more energized, calm and focused,
plus ways to feel more grounded and centered. You'll
also be introduced to meridians and their role in your
health, as well as ways to manage your stress.
Eden Energy Medicine 102 (Prerequisite: Eden Energy
Medicine 101 class)
Sunday, June 28, 2015
9:30 - 5:00 pm
$125 plus food and lodging
Additional $10 fee for 6 CEs for massage therapists
through NCBTMB.
EM102 picks up where EM101 leaves off and offers
important techniques for handling pain and keeping
your aura healthy. You'll also learn how to energy test
for foods and substances to determine if what you are
ingesting is in energetic harmony with you. You will
learn how to energy test others using the Spleen
Meridian energy test, as well as three easy ways to
energy test yourself. Just like EM101, this class is full of
practice, practice, practice, but it ends with each
participant experiencing an EEM mini-session that
balances and calms their energy.
These classes are straight forward, easy, and full of
information to help you take better care of yourself and
help others do the same. To register, call 1-888-3357448 or email Kelly at registrar@delphiu.com.
6 CEs available for massage therapists through NCBTMB
with an additional $10 fee. Innersource is approved by
the NCBTMB as a continuing education Approved
Provider (450052-06). Approved courses are labeled and
the contact hours may be used for required certification
for massage therapists.
Classes are taught by Peggy
Koelliker, owner of The Healing
Connection and an Eden Energy
Medicine (EEM) Advanced
Practitioner. She is also a
field instructor for Inner Sanctuary Training. For over 14
years, Peggy has used her expertise in the field of
energy medicine (EEM, EFT, RoHun, Reiki and hypnosis)
to help her clients remove limiting beliefs and think
with greater clarity; to feel better physically, connect
with Spirit and walk with grace and purpose. Please visit
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web only). Other options available to meet your individual
needs. Deadline for print ready ads: November 15th for the
January issue and May 15th for the July issue.
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Healing Arts Journal ∙ Delphi University ∙ Delphiu.com ∙ January 2015