Wednesday`s Word - Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Earlysville, VA


Wednesday`s Word - Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Earlysville, VA
Wednesday’s Word
A weekly publication of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
A community of faith, formation & fruitfulness
February 18, 2015
Ash Wednesday:
At Home Worship
Lent is a season of preparation. Just as you would prepare for any important journey, the Church moves to Easter
through a vital spiritual journey. You are encouraged to join the Chestnut Grove community as we launch our
Lenten Journey. Ash Wednesday recalls our need for forgiveness and New Life. We repent, ask forgiveness, and
meditate upon God’s love for humanity manifest in the life and suffering of Jesus. We (traditionally) sing, pray
and receive ashes, a symbol of the penitent heart. See page two for guidelines for our alternative journey, shaped
by today’s inclement weather.
Associate Pastor Search
Town Hall Meeting
Sunday, February 22
9:30am & 12pm
After a prayer-filled season of dialogue and discernment, the AP Search team is pleased to announce that we
unanimously believe we have been providentially connected to Chestnut Grove’s next Associate Pastor of
FORMATION. Join the Search team for a town-hall style dialogue where we will recount our 13 month search process,
introduce the candidate, and answer your questions about the process ahead. In order to accommodate as many
Chestnut Grovians as possible, we will host two sessions on Sunday, February 22. Each will commence immediately
following our each of our morning worship gatherings. With questions, please contact Christi Carder, Search Team
Chair at 293-8952.
Continued on page 2
Beginning our Lenten Journey Together (At Home)
Ash Wednesday
February 18, 2015
*For an At-Home launch to your Lenten Journey follow the worship order below
Scripture Reading
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Prayer of Confession—A Litany
L: Let us pray.
Our anger at our frustration and our envy of those
more fortunate than ourselves,
C: Holy and merciful God,
we confess to you and to one another,
and to the whole communion of
saints in heaven and on earth,
that we have sinned by our own fault
in thought, word, and deed, by
what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
we confess to you, O God.
Our intemperate love of worldly goods and
comforts, and our dishonesty in daily life and work,
we confess to you, O God.
We have not loved you with our
whole heart, mind, and strength.
We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We have not forgiven others as
we have been forgiven.
Have mercy on us, O God.
We have not listened to your call
to serve as Christ served us.
We have not been true to the mind of Christ.
We have grieved your Holy Spirit.
Our negligence in prayer and worship,
and our failure to commend the faith that is in us,
we confess to you, O God.
Accept our repentance, O God,
for the wrongs we have done.
For our neglect of human need and suffering
and our indifference to injustice and cruelty,
accept our repentance, O God.
For our waste and pollution
of your creation and our
lack of concern for
those who come after us,
Have mercy on us, O God.
We confess to you, O God,
all our past unfaithfulness:
The pride, hypocrisy, and impatience in our lives,
accept our repentance, O God.
we confess to you, O God.
Restore us, O God,
and let your anger depart from us.
Our self-indulgent appetites and ways and our
exploitation of other people,
Favorably hear us, O God,
for your mercy is great.
we confess to you, O God.
Evening Song
Lord, I Need You
Closing Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Continued on page 3
J.O.Y. Club Movie Event
What’s Happening at the EE ??
Coffee with a Cop Wednesday, February 25
10-11am. Join your neighbors and police officers for
coffee and conversations.
Exchange for a Change is having a prom
clothes event! We are accepting prom clothes until
February 28 and will hold boutique sessions on
March 14 & 21, all at the Earlysville Exchange.
Please bring in prom dresses, shoes & suits in all
teen sizes.
ESL Classes are beginning at the EE with a
conversation partner program. The program will
connect an English speaker with an individual seeking to practice his/her conversational English. The
partners will set the meeting time and location.
Partners will meet weekly for 30-60 minutes. No
foreign language experience is necessary, just a
willingness to talk and listen with others. If you are
interested, contact Heidi Farr at 964-9323 or
The J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Movie
Event, the epic production of Sight &
Sound Theater’s “Noah” will be held
on Monday, February 23 at 1pm in
the Revitalized Basement. Popcorn
and drinks included. This film of a
live stage production has captivated
audiences ever since its debut and
brings delightful creativity and unique realism to the
timeless story of Noah. Watch in amazement as
trained animals hurry to the ark, two-by-two. Then
enter the expansive ark that stretches across the 300foot stage where countless animals float on the rising
waters with Noah and his family. Please RSVP to BJ
Coyner at 985-6037 or by
Wednesday, February 18 to attend.
WMU Meeting
All are invited to an evening of
enlightenment and discussion
regarding Human Trafficking
in the Charlottesville/
Albemarle area on Monday,
February 23 at 7pm, in the Revitalized Basement. A
representative from The Arbor will share information
about the faith-based organization that opened in
January 2015 as a shelter for female survivors of sex
trafficking in Virginia. Come learn how The Arbor
plans to provide a safe place where women can begin
new lives filled with hope and freedom, and learn how
you can be part of this new ministry in our community.
Questions? Please contact Edith Fisher at
Prepare for Easter
Blood Drive
In memory of Edd Bailey join us Saturday, Feb 28
from 9am—1pm in the Upper Room. To sign up
contact the office at
or 978-3819 or use the sign up sheet available in the
Welcome Area. Limited walk-ins also welcome.
Family Game Night
Join a new small group study to
prepare you for the celebration of
Easter. Study meets at 7pm on
Tuesday, March 3 and will continue March 10, 17, 24.
Meet at Benny and Ella Claire's home, 4470 Advance
Mills Road. To participate please contact us at 9733552 or Holy Week begins
March 29.
On Friday, March 13, 6-8pm you are
invited to Chestnut Grove to share
and play a variety of games. We
will gather around tables to connect
with each other in fun and new
ways. Pizza, drinks, and popcorn
will be provided. Bring your family’s favorite game
and invite others to learn and play it with you. Please
RSVP by Wednesday, March 11 by emailing the
office at Questions
please call Barbara at 978-3819.
Continued on page 4
This Sunday’s Text:
1 Corinthians 3:1-23
What does the Scripture say to you?
Inclement Weather Info
In the event of inclement weather on Sundays, CG will
post announcements as follows:
- CG website homepage:
- CG outgoing voicemail: 978-3819
- CBS Newsplex
- NBC 29
- WINA AM 1070
If Sunday morning worship is cancelled, evening gatherings will be cancelled as well. Wednesday evening
cancellations will be posted on the CG website and CG
voicemail by 2pm. A church-wide email will also be
sent to all active Chestnut Grovians for whom we have
addresses. Once you receive notification, feel free to
pass it along as desired.
Chestnut Grove treasures our team of volunteers.
This week’s (Sunday, Feb 22) children’s workers are:
8:30 Vicki Daw, Becky Hockman, Jen Neal
9:50 Sherie Bryant, Bill Bryant, Darren Haden
11:00 Adriayn Chan, Ed Carder, Melissa Ballif,
Erin Richards, Randy Richards, Christi Carder,
Emma Roberts, Courtney Roberts, Schuyler
Vinzant, Tonya King
Thank you for loving and sharing God’s love with our
Prayer List
Our church is dedicated in prayer for each person on our prayer list. Please contact Lorraine Williams at
973-5194 if you wish a card to be sent. Please update the church office on the individuals you have placed
on our prayer list so that our records are current.
Please call or email prayer requests and updates to the church office
Associate Pastor Search Team 1-28-15
Mike Amos (Deb & Jeff Robbins) 2-11-15
Virgil Berry 2-11-15
Zoe Edwards (Barbara Edwards) 1-21-15
Bill Greer 2-11-15
Chris Hertel (Grant Brownrigg) 2-18-15
C.T. Huff 1-21-15
Mary Huff 1-28-15
Francis Jones 1-21-15
Diane Lambert 2-18-15
Ken Loftin 2-4-15
David Maddox (Mark Roberts) 2-4-15
Garland Oliver 2-4-15
Cathy Sullivan 1-21-15
Bill Wharam 2-18-15
*Food Collection Item for February: Cereal
Continued on page 5
Worship Gatherings—Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School—All ages 9:50 am
Music Weekly Rehearsals
5:30pm Youth Praise Band rehearsal in Upper Room
6:20pm Music Group for Him on stage
3:15pm Radical Ringers bell rehearsal in room 103
7:30pm Glorify bell rehearsal in room 103
4:45pm Beginners Ukulele rehearsal in room 103
6:30pm Adult Choir in Sanctuary
4:15pm Ukuleaders rehearsal in room 103
6:30pm Meal and Gathering
Wednesdays (September—May)
5:30 L.I.F.E. Together Dinner
6:30 Small Group Gatherings
For the latest on rehearsal schedules see the music calendar on our website
Feb 22
Feb 23
9:30am & 12pm
Associate Pastor
Search Town Hall
10am Laurels
9:30am Discerning
the Voice of God
1pm J.O.Y.
Club Movie
10am Church at
7pm Arbor
4pm Bible Study
March 1
March 2
March 3
6:30 GA Meeting
10am Laurels
6:30 Tween
Feb 24
9:30am Discerning
the Voice of God
10am Church at
7pm Small Group
March 8
March 9
6:30 Tween
10am Laurels
March 10
9:30am Discerning
the Voice of God
4pm Bible Study
7pm Small Group
March 15
March 16
6:30 GA Meeting
10am Laurels
March 17
9:30am Discerning
the Voice of God
10am Church at
7pm Small Group
Feb 18
Ash Wednesday
(@ Home) Worship
Feb 19
Feb 25
Feb 26
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
Feb 20
Feb 21
Feb 27
Feb 28
2:30pm BW
All State Choir to Richmond
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
March 4
March 5
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
March 6
March 7
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
March 11
March 12
March 13
March 14
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
6pm Family
Game Night
1pm Baby
March 19
March 20
March 21
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
March 18
noon Mid Week Prayer
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together