Weekly Schedule - The Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury


Weekly Schedule - The Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury
The Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury
Parish Priest: Rev. James Finan
St Mary’s Presbytery, Magdalene Street, Glastonbury, BA69EJ
Tel: 01458 832203
Parish Office: 01458 835931 (10.30am – 4.00pm)
St Mary’s Hall booking: 07773 476230
e-mail: parish@glastonburyshrine.co.uk
Website: www.glastonburyshrine.co.uk
Diocesan website: www.cliftondiocese.com
Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered Charity No: 233977
February 2015, 1 Sunday of Lent, Year B
Week 1 of Lent; Year 1
Sunday 22 February: 1st Sunday of Lent
Sat. 6.00pm Mass: Mary Malone RIP
11.00am Mass: The Parish
Wednesday 25th : Weekday of Lent
10.00am Mass: Fr. Kevin Knox-Lecky RIP followed by
10.20am: Holy Hour (until 11.15am)
12 noon: Stations of the Cross
12.30pm Mass: Mary Mulcahy’s Intentions
7.00pm: Legion of Mary (St Mary’s Lower Hall)
4.00pm: ‘Teach us to Pray’ series for Lent; in church
7.00pm Mass of Healing by Candlelight
Thursday 26th : Weekday of Lent
Friday 27th: Weekday of Lent
Saturday 28th: Weekday of Lent
9.40am: Rosary Circle
10.00am Mass: Domenico Cinicola RIP (Anniv. 24th Feb.)
10.30am: Confessions (until 11am)
10.30am: Exposition + Healing Prayer (until 11am)
CAFOD Lent Fast Day: This weekend, at the end of each Mass, Deacon David Brinn, CAFOD
Regional Manager, will be with us to give a short talk about CAFOD Lent Fast Day, which is on
Friday this week 27th February.
Parish Diary: Tuesday 17th February: 6pm to 7pm – Holy Hour in preparation for Lent
Wednesday 18th February; Ash Wednesday – start Lent with Mass at 10.00am
Friday 27th February: 7pm – Mass of Healing in Candlelight.
Wednesday 18th March: 7pm – Penitential Service at St Michael’s, Shepton Mallet
Wednesday 25th March: 7pm – Penitential Service here at St. Mary’s.
Lenten Devotions Programme:
Tuesday evenings, 7pm; lower hall; ‘Seeking the Common Good’, considerations for election year.
Wednesdays; Holy Hour will follow 10.00am Mass. Thursdays; 12 noon Stations of the Cross in
church and at 2pm; Contemplative prayer at Abbey House. Fridays 12 noon; Silent vigil for peace
at Market Cross, and, at 4pm in church; Teach us to pray. See poster for programme details.
Mass of Healing in Candlelight: this Friday 27th February at 7pm; an opportunity for private
healing prayer, either for yourself or someone close to you. Everyone welcome, do join us.
Pope Francis Tweet of the Week: “Lord, grant us the grace to know we are sinners.”
Reflections for 1 Sunday of Lent: “He was with the wild beasts, and the angels looked after
him” - “Shiny Happy People” was released by the band R.E.M. in 1991. The song has an
indomitably joyful tone to it, which some love and others hate! The idea of Christ’s Church being
filled with shiny, happy, people would seem to be anathema to many outside the Church, even
more so in Lent. However, Lent is to be a joyful time. Yes, it’s a time of testing and purification and
this can be painful. Nevertheless, anything which brings us closer to Jesus and allows the Holy
Spirit to speak more clearly into our lives has to be embraced. God calls us all to be disciples of
Jesus. Discipleship requires discipline. Discipline on our vocational journey will lead to deep joy.
Fr. Matt Anscombe; vocations@cliftondiocese.com
Prayer for the Sick or Housebound: Please remember in your prayers, Hildegard and Walter
Sunday 29 February: 2nd Sunday of Lent
5.15pm – 5.45pm: Exposition and Confessions
Sat. 6.00pm Mass: Christina and Sam Earner RIP
11.00am Mass: The Parish
At St Michael’s Shepton Mallet
Sunday 22nd February :
Tuesday 24th:
Friday 27th :
Saturday 28th :
Sunday 29th February :
9.00am Mass:
No Mass this Tuesday
9.15am Mass:
No Confessions this Saturday
9.00am Mass:
Eucharistic and Word Ministries
This Sunday 22
February: 1st Sunday of Lent, Year B
Saturday 6.00pm: Reading: M Watson Chalices: M Payne, M Protheroe Hosts: G Forbes
Sunday 11.00am: Reading: S Oxley Chalices: M D’Ovidio, V Yasities Hosts: M Jarrett
Next Sunday 1 March: 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B
Saturday 6.00pm: Reading: K Iles Chalices: G Forbes, J Cloonan Hosts: M Payne
Sunday 11.00am: Reading: B Rees Chalices: H Marquis, D O’Driscoll Hosts: M D’Ovidio
Prayers of the Faithful; Response: “but deliver us from evil.”
Offertory Collections: Plate: £394.85 p Thank you
2nd Collection next weekend: CAFOD Lent Fast Day
Schnitzer, Terry Shepherd, Ronald Shepherd, Marilyn Kennedy, Terri Mummery, Ian, Samantha Harris,
Lesley Baker, Beattie Dare, Bob Bragmore, Joan and Mary Gifford, Teresa Dinardo and Peggy Dyer.
Diocesan Prayer Link: Please pray for parishioners at St George, Taunton and St Teresa of
Lisieux, Taunton, and also St John Fisher, Wellington, with St Richard of Chichester, Wiveliscombe
and their Parish Priests, Fr.David Mills and Fr. Vincent Curtis. Thank you.
Silent Weekly Vigil for Peace: Fridays 12 noon for ½hour, organized by local Churches; pray in
silence for peace in the world, All welcome, just turn up when you can and stay as long as you like.
St Michael’s and St Mary’s Lent Retreat Day; at Brownshill, Stroud. Saturday 14th March.
Minibus from St Michael’s and lunch included. Cost £30.- 7 seats still available. See poster and, if
interested, contact Theresa Gibson on 01749 342587.
St Mary’s and St Michael’s Pilgrimage to Bologna + North Italy; 3rd – 10th May: See the
Shroud of Turin, Venice, Padua, Loretto, Florence. £550 from Bristol, includes flight, trains, hotels
with breakfast. See poster and speak to Sue as soon as possible, please, as booking is urgent.
Churches Together AGM and Open Forum: Wed 25th Feb; 7.30pm at Grace Community Church
Ideas welcome on joint activities to build unity in the community. See poster with location map.
Lenten Lunches in St Mary’s Hall, every Saturday throughout Lent, 12 noon to 2pm; starting
next Saturday, 21st February. Delicious lunches of home-made soup, selection of breads, tea or
coffee; minimum donation £2.50, all proceeds to St Peter’s LifeLine, this year’s selected charity.
Please do stop while you shop to support us! Thank you.
A Day on Medieval Saints: Saturday 28 February; 9.45am at Dillington House, Ilminster, led by
Sr Elizabeth Rees; includes Julian of Norwich and her contemporaries, Sts Dominic and Catherine
of Siena. To book please phone Dillington House, tel.01460 258613.