The Bard - Emerald Society of Wisconsin
The Bard - Emerald Society of Wisconsin
The Bard March, 2015 Tim Casey, Editor From the President Hello members of the Emerald Society of Wisconsin, We are in the home stretch leading up to our annual fundraiser on March 1st. Members of the fundraising committee did a final walk through at the ICHC on February 3rd. Sean Burke from Burke’s Irish Castle joined us as well and is currently putting together a menu for our event. The businesses that have donated to the fundraiser in the past continue to do so, but we can always have more. If you have any business contacts that would like to contribute to the fundraiser, please get in touch with Julie Smith, In addition to businesses, we need our members to help advertise the event. I don’t think 350 attendees is unrealistic, but we need to put the word out. If you would like a flyer or an 8 ½ by 11 poster, let me know and I will get one to you. You should be seeing or posters on social media. Many of the L.E. agencies have them posted in their buildings as well. If you have an idea of where a poster should go, let me know. We have a photographer that will be taking pictures at the event. If you do not want your picture posted on our website or Facebook, please let her know not to take your picture. She is aware of safety concerns due to our profession and will not be offended if you do not want your picture taken. An issue that still needs to be addressed is volunteers. With a large venue we have a greater need for volunteers. The following vacancies need to be filled; admissions table, rear door security, Saturday setup and hosts. The host position will be responsible for reminding attendees to take in the various levels of the ICHC and handing out schedules. In addition, the host will assist the members at stationary positions with anything that station may need. The Bard, March, 2015 Page 1 It is imperative that we get more volunteers than we have had in the past. None of the positions require heavy lifting and volunteers will be generously rewarded with one beer ticket for every hour worked. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Julie Smith with times that you can help and she will put you on the schedule. On February 6th, I met with Aidan Cronin, the Consul General of Ireland and representatives of Irish groups in Milwaukee. The Government of Ireland is preparing for the Anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising rebellion. The Consul General stressed that the Government wants to honor and remember the event, reflect on the legacy and look to the future. That said, the various Irish groups in Milwaukee will be working together to commemorate the Anniversary. We agreed that at the 2015 Shamrock Club’s Easter Rising Mass we will be letting the Irish community know what we want to do in Milwaukee. However, I asked that flyers be available to hand out during our fundraiser. We have a second meeting scheduled for March 27 when we will have further discussions. I will keep you informed on what is happening. Lastly, if you have any interest in serving on the board of directors, please get in touch with Carol Ann Kashishian, Take care and stay safe. Gary 2015 MASS AND PARADES UPDATE Greetings to all Emerald Society members. I hope you are in good health and surviving the winter. St. Patrick’s Day events are fast approaching. This year the Mass at St. Patrick's Church, 723 W Washington St, Milwaukee, WI, along with the Downtown Parade and the Bluemound Road Parade will take place on Saturday March 14th. The Mass at St. Patrick’s Church will begin at 8:30 a.m. This is a great way to start off the day. Pews will be reserved for Emerald Society members. Meet in the back of Church and we will march into Mass as a Unit. Everyone is welcome. The Bard, March, 2015 Page 2 Following Mass is the Downtown Parade. The Parade kicks off at 12 noon from the area of 3rd street and Wisconsin Ave. At this time I do not know our unit number or our line-up location. I will keep you updated, as I get more information. Again this year, a shuttle bus will be available to take our members from Burke's Irish Castle (53rd and Bluemound Rd.) to the Downtown Parade. After the Downtown Parade, the shuttle bus will drive our members back to Burke's, where you can prepare for the 3:30 p.m. Bluemound Road Parade. If you plan on taking the shuttle from Burke's, please be at Burke’s no later than 10:30 a.m. The Bluemound Road Parade will start at 3:30 p.m. from the area of 66th and Bluemound Road. At this time, I do not know our unit number for the parade. I have requested that The Emerald Society be placed behind The Greater Milwaukee Fire & Police Pipes and Drums for both Parades. We need squad cars to represent all of the various departments of our membership. Please consider getting a squad or extending an invitation to your department to send a Squad to be in both parades. This year The Emerald Society Honoree of the Year is our very own Josh Morgan. Congratulations to Josh for an honor well deserved!! That is all the information I have at this time. Please make plans on attending this year’s events. Let’s show off our Pride in the law enforcement profession and our Irish heritage. I will keep you updated. Call me any time with questions or concerns. Ken Donovan (262 894-0128). I am a long time member of the International Police Association and have made many friends throughout the world. I know that several of our members (Emerald Society, MRPA and the Pipe Band) are also members. Consider becoming a member. It would be a great way to make contact and network, not only here in the US, but across the world. Several informational documents are attached for your information. Please contact me with questions. Jim Sanfilippo We are sending information via the attached flyer out again in support of the ESOIL. The drawing is this coming April 12th. Please pass this information on to your organization for their interest. The raffle is to help defray the cost of the Emerald Society of Illinois, as they host the 20th Anniversary of the International Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies in Chicago, this coming September. You can purchase a ticket online at They except credit cards or PayPal. The Bard, March, 2015 Page 3 Calendar of Events Sunday, March 1, 2015 Fundraiser and Membership Meeting Irish Cultural and Heritage Center 2133 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee WI Phone: 414 345-8800 1200 to 1800 hours Monday, March 2, 2015 Emerald Society Meeting Burke’s Irish Castle NEXT MEETING March 14 Saint Patrick’s Day Mass St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 723 W. Washington Street 0830 hours Monday, March 2, 2015 Burke’s Irish Castle 5326 W. Bluemound Road March 14 Saint Patrick’s Day Parades 7:00 P.M March 15 Irish Day at the Domes 0900 to 1600 hours March 17 Saint Patrick’s Day Board of Directors Meeting: 6:00 P.M. All Day… April 5 Easter Rising Mass 9:30 Irish Cultural and Heritage Center 2133 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee WI Phone: 414 345-8800 0900 hours Monday, May 4, 2015 Emerald Society Meeting Burke’s Irish Castle General Membership Meeting 1900 hours Board of Directors Meeting 1800 hours Note: . All dates and times are subject to change Emerald Society of Wisconsin Officers Past Presidents President Immediate Past President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Quartermaster Historian Chaplain Gary Schneider Dennis Moroney Carol Ann Kashishian Josh Morgan Elizabeth Hanson Pete Fleming Bill Sullivan Rev. Terry Brennan Tom Fischer Ken Donovan John Isely Pete Fleming Bill Sullivan Tom McKale Kevin Lynch Jim Sanfilippo Pat Dunn John Finnegan Board of Directors: Kim Miswald Betty Grinker Julie Smith John Harrington Steve Roufus Dean Newport March 2015 March 2015 March 2016 March 2016 The Bard Editor: Tim Casey The Bard, March, 2015 The Bard is the official publication of the EMERALD SOCIETY of WISCONSIN P.O. Box 24, Milwaukee WI 53201-0024 and is published as often as we have something important to say. Dues are $25.00 per year. First year dues are waived for any recruit, cadet or student enrolled in a state-certified or federal basic law enforcement program. Web site: Page 4 E-mail: The Bard - Gary Schneider –