Order Form - Humboldt County Beekeepers Association


Order Form - Humboldt County Beekeepers Association
2015 Group Order for Italian and Carniolan Package Bees and Queens
This group order is for Italians and Carniolan package bees and queens that I will
be picking up from Koehnen & Sons in Glenn County.
The prices listed here include transportation to Humboldt, for pick up here in Eureka in
April. There is no sales tax on package bees or queens.
Four-pound Italian package, including a queen $110.00
Four-pound Carniolan package, including a queen $110.00
Individual marked Italian or Carniolan queens (for re-queening or making
divides): $28.00
The deadline for me to receive your Order Form and payment for this Group Order
is Wednesday March 25, 2015
Please mail your Order Form and payment to my PO Box
Brad Woodward, PO Box 441, Loleta, CA 95551
so that it arrives by the Wed. March 25 deadline.
Please note: The supply of package bees and queens is limited, and demand is high.
Orders well be treated on a first-come, first-served basis, based on when I receive your
order form and payment.
If, due to higher-than-expected demand, I receive any orders/payments beyond what I can
fill, I will contact you promptly and will of course refund your payment promptly. In the
past, this has not been a problem for anyone who placed their order before the deadline,
but of course I can’t say for sure if this year will be different. If you are trying to order
(or add to your order) after the deadline has already passed please call or e-mail me first
to check on availability.
Pick-up date and location: Sunday April 26, 2015 at Humboldt County Farm Advisors
parking lot: going S from Eureka on 101, take the Humboldt Hill exit to 5630 Broadway
Street, Eureka CA. Time is 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Come early if you have a long drive
ahead of you.
There is a small chance that the package bee and/or queen orders could end up being
delayed by a week or so, if weather is not favorable for queen mating. I usually get final
confirmation about a week and a half before the pick-up day, and if there’s going to be
any delay. I will notify you immediately.
Print out and mail the attached Order Form to my P.O Box along with a
check or money order (not cash).
ORDER FORM: 2015 Group Order for Italian or Carniolan Package Bees and Queens
Print clearly please:
Name: __________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________
Four Pound package Italian Bees: ________ x $110 = $_________
Four Pound package Carniolan Bees ________x$110 = $__________
(#4 pound package includes a queen)
To order a Queen Only:
Italian queen:
Carniolan queen
_________x $28 = $__________
________ x $28 = $__________
There is no sales tax on bees & queens.
GRAND TOTAL: $__________
Please make your check or money order to "Brad Woodward" and write "bees" in the
memo line. Please do not send cash.
Mail this Order Form, along with your check or money order (please no cash) to:
Brad Woodward
P.O. Box 441
Loleta, Ca. 95551
Deadline to place your order and make payment: March 25, 2015
Pickup date: April 26, 2015
Pick up Location: Humboldt County Farm Advisors Parking Lot
For more information on this package bee and queen order, directions to the pick-up
location disclaimers, etc., see the attached Cover Sheet.
Questions? Give me a call at (707) 496-9707, or email me at woodlynbrand@att.net