Letter of Recommendation Cover Sheet


Letter of Recommendation Cover Sheet
ERAS - Letter of Recommendation (LoR) Cover Sheet
LoR Author:
Applicant Name:
Applicant ECFMG ID:
Or AAMC ID (If known)
Specialty to which this
letter will be assigned:
Thank you for agreeing to write a letter of recommendation for the above named applicant in support of their
residency application. This cover sheet explains the special procedures needed to prepare a letter for UQOchsner Medical Students for ERAS−the Electronic Residency Application Service.
Instructions for LoR Author:
1. UQ-Ochsner accepts ERAS letters of recommendation in electronic format (preferred), by fax, or by
2. Please send the letter to the following and it will be uploaded directly to ECFMG and ERAS:
Scott L. Peters, MSHCM
Senior Operations & Student Affairs Administrator
Ochsner Clinical School/The University of Queensland, School of Medicine
1401 Jefferson Highway/Ochsner Academic Center, 1 Floor
New Orleans, LA 70121
Phone: 504-842-0197
Fax: 504-842-4805
3. Please do not submit via the ERAS Letter of Recommendation Portal (LoRP).
4. If sending electronically, please do not copy the student/applicant on the email as this will indicate
they did not waive their right to see the letter.
5. Please Note: LoRs must be on official letterhead, signed, and dated. If you need an electronic
version of Ochsner letterhead, please email speters@ochsner.org.
I waive /
I do not waive my right to see this letter.
If "I waive" is selected, I waive my right to see this letter under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA). I acknowledge that this letter is for the specific purpose of supporting my ERAS application.
Applicant Signature: ___________________________________________
This form is provided by the Ochsner Clinical School Office of Student Affairs.
Ochsner Center for Academic Excellence ● phone +1 504-842-0197 ● fax +1 504-842-4805 ● ochsner.org/uq
Content to Include:
1. Address the letter to "Dear Program Director"; individualized salutations are not necessary.
2. Include in your letter whether or not the applicant has waived their right to see this recommendation, as
indicated on the other side of this form.
3. The nature of your relationship with the applicant; how long and in what context you know the
4. Include specific examples to address strengths of the applicant, details about the student/applicant and
their performance.
5. Mention any experience(s) that might add character/uniqueness to the student/applicant.
When to Say No:
You do not know the student well enough
You cannot write a strong or supportive letter
The student’s timeline is unreasonable for you and your schedule
You are too busy with other commitments
Do not say yes if you cannot meet the deadline. Missing LoRs or not having LoRs submitted on time
can cost students their interviews.
If you feel you cannot write a strong LoR for the student, please tell them so they can find someone
Proofread letter – especially the student’s name and gender
Do not reiterate the student’s CV
Send the letter as a Word document with electronic signature – any errors can be corrected without
having to get you to redo the letter. If you do not have an electronic signature on file, then you can
send a scanned copy of your signature and it will be added to the document.
This form is provided by the Ochsner Clinical School Office of Student Affairs.
Ochsner Center for Academic Excellence ● phone +1 504-842-0197 ● fax +1 504-842-4805 ● ochsner.org/uq