Worship Service - Abyssinian Baptist Church


Worship Service - Abyssinian Baptist Church
Worship Service
Baptism – 11:00 AM
February 22, 2015
“To all those who enter here, be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent. Before the service, speak to
God. During the service, let God speak to you. After the service, speak to others.”
9:00 am
11:00 am Reverend Clinton M. Miller, M. Div.
Pastor, Brown Memorial Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
9:00 am
11:00 am Dina Foster Osbourne, Organist
Call to Worship
My Lord, what a morning! You have raised up a mighty nation and a mighty
People: We are strong, proud, and yours.
My Lord, what a morning! You brought us through dips and hollows, up
and down the streets, over hills and mountains, and through valleys.
People: We are strong, proud, brave and yours.
My Lord, this morning, we come to celebrate you, affirming
ourselves as images of you in all your glory and to say "Yes, Lord,
we are strong, proud, brave, and yours in every way." We count
it all joy!
The Lord’s Prayer
“Lift Every Voice and Sing”
Invocation and Chant
Responsive Reading
“Black History Observance”
Gloria Patri
Prayer and Choral Response
9:00 am
11:00 am The Cathedral Choir
"Wade in the Water” arr. Darin Atwater
Soloist: Janinah Burnett, Soprano
Pastoral Emphasis
9:00 am
11:00 am The Cathedral Choir
"Lord I Want to Be a Christian” arr. Moses Hogan
Sermon and Invitation
9:00 am
11:00 am Offertory Sentences & Selections
The Cathedral Choir
"A City Built Four Square" Dorothy Love Coates
Soloist: Mary Flowers, Contralto
Offertory Prayer
Benediction and Amen
“Siyahamba” #164
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Lift every voice and sing,
till earth and heaven ring,
ring with the harmonies of liberty;
let our rejoicing rise,
high as the list’ning skies,
let it resound loud as the rolling sea
sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
facing the rising sun, of our new day begun,
let us march on till victory is won.
Stony the road we trod,
bitter the chast'ning rod,
felt in the day when hope unborn had died;
yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet,
come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
we have come over a way that with tears has been watered
we have come, treading our path through
the blood of the slaughtered,
out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last
where the bright gleam of our bright star is cast.
God of our weary years, God of our silent tears,
thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
thou who has by thy might, led us into the light,
keep us forever in the path, we pray
lest our feet stray from the places
our God where we met thee,
lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world
we forget thee,
shadowed beneath thy hand, may we forever stand,
True To Our God, True To Our Native Land.
Abyssinian Baptist Church
In conjunction with
The Mattie Fletcher Powell Satellite Ministry
Guest Preacher
Reverend Clinton M. Miller
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Reverend Clinton Miller first felt the divine call to the
Gospel ministry at age 19, but did not actively pursue vocation in ministry until he was
a seminarian at Yale University.
Upon graduation from Divinity School in 1994, Reverend Miller continued training for
ministry as an Intern Minister at The Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York
City, under the guidance of Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III. While at Abyssinian, Rev. Miller
served as youth minister, and in October of 2000, he was called to pastor Brown
Memorial Baptist Church. The mission of his ministry at Brown Memorial is to
introduce the Salvation of Jesus Christ to individuals through dynamic worship,
relevant Christian education, responsible stewardship, inclusive fellowship and
impacting evangelism.
Since assuming the pastorate at Brown, Rev. Miller has applied the functions of
traditional ministry to this community of believers. Through preaching, counseling and
visitation, he has set a tone that allows Brown Memorial’s vision to be realized.
Currently, Brown Memorial plans to launch new educational programs, a summer day
camp and a banquet facility in the newly built church annex. Reverend Miller has a
vision to stabilize the ministry of Brown Memorial by demonstrating consistent
Christian service, strong financial administration, and sound preaching.
During his tenure at Brown Memorial, the church has built a fellowship hall, renovated
its sanctuary, and started a community development corporation. More importantly,
Brown Memorial has placed priority emphasis on ministry and service to the Brooklyn
community and New York City.
Previously, Rev. Miller taught in the NYC Public School system for four years before
entering full time ministry. He went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History
from Southern Connecticut State University.
Rev. Miller has served on various boards including The Harlem YMCA, The Bedford
Stuyvesant YMCA, The Brooklyn chapter of the American Red Cross and Bishop
Loughlin’s Board of Governors. He also served as chaplain for the New York Liberty
of the WNBA.
Ordained by American Baptist Churches, and the United Missionary Baptist
Association of New York, Rev. Miller attempts to build his ministry around Christian
concepts of fairness, justice and the development of genuine Christian community.
3.0 in 24Mo!
We have launched our inaugural campaign for AbyssinianWEST --- 3.0 in 24
MO! Our Pastor has addressed our membership with letters asking for your
assistance in our effort to raise $12 Million to build our educational center. We are
asking each member to make a pledge, over and above your tithes and offerings, for
the next 24 months to help us raise $3 Million.
Pledge cards were included in your mailings and are available in the church elevator
lobby, and at Abyssinian.org via the “AbyssinianWEST” icon. The pledge card can
be left at the front desk in the Trustee mailbox. Special envelopes for your pledge
payments are available from the ushers.
Thank you in advance for your support. Through your generosity, we will be able to
begin to meet the financial requirement for our move west
Sunday Morning Praying Band assembles Sunday mornings at 7:00 AM.
Sunday Morning Bible Study meets at 8:45 AM.
WE Youth Worship Experience Sundays, 9:15 AM – 11:00AM.
Monday Afternoon Bible Class resumes Monday, February 23rd at 12:00 Noon.
Mid-Week Manna Worship Service - Wednesday evenings 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Worship Experience for Youth
2015 Calendars are here!
The Sunday School Ministry thanks you for your
patience and prayers of our fundraising project to
support AbyssinianWEST.
This calendar showcasing our Youth, honors
the memory of the late
Abyssinian Trustee Yvonne Blackwell
for many years of dedicated service and featuring
pictures of Abyssinian young people
WE Calendars are conveniently located in the
Lobby bookstore and we ask your continued
support by purchasing a calendar for yourself,
friends, and family members at a cost of only $10.
Attention Ministry Leaders!
The 2015 Ministry Annual Plan is now available
All 2015 MAPs are due TODAY. No Exceptions! MAPs and Ministry Event
Proposal forms are available for pick-up at the Elevator Lobby Reception Desk and via
Abyssinian.org. To print or digitally complete these forms, you must have Adobe
Acrobat Reader on your computer. Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded at
If you have any questions regarding the MAP process, contact Minister Rashad Moore
at rasmoore@abyssinian.org or ext. 212 as soon as possible.
Sign-Up for AbyAlertz
Abyssinian’s Text Messaging System to receive church
announcements, information on weather and holiday
closings, event notices, general updates, and
service reminders on your smartphone
It’s easy! Simply text “Aby” to 55469 from your
smartphone, or visit
and complete the form
Winter 2015 Course Offerings
When Sisters Collide: The Story of Leah and Rachel
Tuesdays February 10th – March 24th | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Instructor: Reverend Itang H. Young
Sisterhood has been a transformative, unifying and liberating force among women
throughout history. What happens when the circle of sisterhood is broken by jealousy,
envy, and bitterness? The story of Leah and Rachel illustrates exactly what happens
when two powerful women joined together in sisterhood collide. This course focuses
on identifying the barriers to the cultivation of healthy "sister-ships," while
empowering women to transcend their differences and move toward embracing one
another in love and sisterhood.
Course Material:
Embracing Sisterhood: Class, Identity, and Contemporary Black Women
Does your company have summer internships available for high school or college
students? If so, please send any information you have about this kind of opportunity to
sundayschool@abyssinian.org. We will distribute the information to Abyssinian high
school and college students. Please send ASAP as deadlines are fast approaching.
NEW MEMBERS CLASS SCHEDULE – Classes meet at 8:30 AM in Blue Room
Class #1
Class #2
Class #3
Class #4
At the Cross: Jesus and Salvation - Sunday, March 1st
Faith Foundations: Baptist Polity and Practices - Sunday, March 8th
The Abyssinian Baptist Church: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Sunday, March 15th
Giving God Our Best: Worship & Stewardship - Sunday, February 22nd
Baby Blessings take place on the 2nd Sunday in 11:00 AM Service. Baby
Blessing Classes are held monthly on the third Wednesday, 6:00 PM in the
Nursery. Next Class: Wednesday, March 18, 2015. Parents who wish to have their
child blessed must attend this class. To register call Church office, Ext. 216.
Considering marriage? Recently engaged? If you plan to have your nuptials at
Abyssinian, call 212.862.7474, ext. 216, to check the availability of the church, and
arrange pre-marital counseling. You must also schedule an appointment with the
Wedding Coordinator, Tamieka L. Jones, at “A Perfect Setting Inc.,” 800-4512951, or send email to: info@aperfectsettingevents.com.
The Abyssinian Health Ministry presents: HEARTSMARTS
Are you HeartSmart? Are you doing everything you can for a healthy strong heart?
Do you have high blood pressure, diabetes or pre-diabetic, high cholesterol, or are
you overweight? Then you should consider being in the next HeartSmarts class.
Every Monday, at 6:30 PM in the Blue Room, you can be your own health
solution. This is a great opportunity to turn things around or possibly prevent heart
disease. All reading material provided by NY Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical
Good Grief! Abyssinian’s Grief & Bereavement Support Group provides assistance to
those coping with loss. Co-facilitated by Deacon Dr. Henry McCurtis and Deaconess
Dr. Sydney Bush, the group meets bi-weekly Tuesdays, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Preregistration is required. Contact Reverend Itang H. Young at 212.862.7474, ext. 220.
Health Ministry Free Exercise Class – The New Year is upon us! It's time to get
back to a healthy workout. The Health Ministry and Ethel Calhoun are ready each
Tuesday, from 6:30 - 7:30 PM to help you move, stretch, and dance, to improve your
heart rate and flexibility. Classes are free and open to all, and take place at the Fred
Samuels Community Center (669 Lenox Avenue at143rd Street.)
Celebrating Women in Jazz
Camille Thurman and Kersten Stevens
Sunday, March 1, 2015
4:00 PM | Doors Open 3:30 PM
$20 – General Admission
$10 – Seniors & Students
Host: Sheila Anderson of WBGO
Jazz 88.3 FM
Sponsored by
The Abyssinian Women’s Ministry is pleased to announce a powerful line-up of
dynamic speakers and preachers for Women’s Week of Services 2015.
Weeknight Services - 7:00 PM Monday, March 2nd – Friday, March 6th
Monday, March 2nd – Evening of Christian Education Emphasis
Guest Lecturer: Nnenna Agba, Nigerian UN Women
Tuesday, March 3rd – All Female Worship Service
Guest Preacher Reverend Dionne Boissière, Chaplain, Church Center for the UN
Wednesday, March 4th – Friday, March 6th – Three Night Revival
Guest Revivalist – Reverend Lisa Jenkins, Pastor, St. Matthews BC - Harlem
Sunday, March 8th – 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM - 62nd WOMEN’S DAY
Guest Speaker: Marian Wright Edelman, President - The Children’s Defense Fund
2015 Theme
Spiritual Nourishment: The Relevance of Mind, Soul and Body
“Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength” Deut. 6:5
Attire Color: Uninterrupted White
TODAY, the Women's Ministry will host an open meeting after the 9 AM service
(11:15 AM) in the 2nd Floor Rehearsal Hall, and following 11AM service in the
Sanctuary’s 7th Ave. Section, outside of Trustees office.
Claudia Hat Designs
Now featuring a limited collection of
“Uninterrupted White” Hats
exclusively created for Women’s Day 2015
for Your Own Distinctive Women’s Day Look
20% of all Hat Sales will be donated to AbyssinianWest Campaign
Strivers Row 2128 sq. ft. duplex available. Features wood burning fireplace,
hardwood floors, two full bathrooms, washer/dryer, and contemporary kitchen with
stainless steel appliances, granite countertop, separate dining area off kitchen, central
HVAC, large bedrooms, abundant closet space and storage. Rent is $5,000,
(negotiable). View duplex at http://postlets.com/r/2372-adam-clayton-powell-jr-blvdunit-3-new-york-ny-10030/13272344 or contact William Wooten at 929.238.3043 to
arrange personal viewing.
Outsmart the SAT test, with the only prep class created by instructors who
earned multiple perfect scores (2400) on the actual exam! Catalyst offers this SAT
Bootcamp, a one-weekend workshop that arms students with go-to strategies for
every question they're guaranteed to face. Selected topics include:
How to crack math questions that stump more than 90% of test-takers;
How to craft a perfect score essay, no matter what the question;
How to spot hidden clues that instantly reveal main idea in tedious reading passages;
How to maintain focus and clarity under pressure,
Bootcamp Session takes place Saturday, February 28th and Sunday, March 1st at 9:00
AM -1:00 PM at Leman Manhattan, 41 Broad Street. Cost is $175 per student for
entire weekend and course materials. For info or to enroll, visit CatalystPrep.com
and click Bootcamp Sign-Up tab on website's menu bar. Deadline to enroll is
Wednesday, February 25th. A Portion Of The Proceeds Will Benefit DAIS - Diversity
Awareness Initiative for Students.
The NYC School Construction Authority is currently accepting nominations for
the 2015 Summer Internship Program. The paid six-week internship is designed to
expose talented high school students to a variety of public and private sector careers.
Program provides hands-on-training, and access to college and career counseling.
Nominated students must: be a current NYC public high school student; have a GPA
of 80 or higher; and available to work fulltime July 6 – August 14, 2015. Nominated
students must complete and submit applications by March 6, 2015. To
nominate a student for the 2015 NYCSCA Summer Internship Program, contact Dea.
Larry Dais 917. 991.5696, or via ld1@columbia.edu.
The East Tremont Child and Development Center seeks a Group Teacher.
Must have a MA degree in ECE, NYS Certified (N-6 or B-2), and a minimum of two
years’ experience working in a UPK classroom. Send resume and certification to:
East Tremont Child Care and Development Center, 1811 Crotona Avenue Bronx, NY
10457 or Email: ETCCDC@aol.com | Fax: 718-731-2759 Attn: Clara Freeman,
TODAY | 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
The Wendy Hilliard Gymnastics Foundation hosts the Harlem Gymnastics
Invitational, featuring over 700 gymnasts. Event takes place at HCZ Armory, 40 West
143rd Street. Free admission (HCZ Intake form required on site). Hosted by Wendy
Hilliard Gymnastics Foundation. Contact whfny.org 212 316-0315.
  
Tuesday, February 24th at 6:00 PM – St. Paul’s Chapel
Concert Series performing Sacred Songs & Spirituals
features Abyssinian’s Dina Foster-Osbourne at the AeolianSkinner Organ, and Guest Soloist Sharmane Davis,
Soprano. Concert takes place at St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia
University (1160 Amsterdam Ave. at 117th Street.) Doors open
at 5:45 PM. Free Admission.
Saturday, February 28th at 4:00 PM – “The Flip Side of the Coin” The
Brothers Speak. A play written and directed by Abyssinian Member Hazel
Rosetta Smith. Abyssinian member, Jeff Bolding, is Musical Director. Kevin
Sibley and Tyrone Lewis are Ministers of Music. Play performed at the Adam Clayton
Powell State Office Building at 125th Street. All tickets are $30. Contact 212.362.3681
for more information.
Make personal notes while listening to the Word of God
Sermon Title:
Biblical Text:
Points to Note:
Courtesy of Saundra Parks | 212.633.9000
212.368.4471| adcorp.org
Gerald Barbour
Eleanor E. Olive
Alexis Thomas
Patricia Proctor
Sheila S. Boston Robinson
Chairman, Board of Deacons
Chair, Board of Deaconess
Chair, Board of Trustees
Church Clerk
Nicholas S. Richards
Assistant Minister for Global Outreach
Ext. 218
James Davis, Jr.
Dina Foster Osbourne
C. Anthony Bryant
Director, Music Ministries & Fine Arts
Church Organist
Minister of Music for Youth
Ext. 261
Building, Grounds & Maintenance
Ext. 245
Ext. 244
7:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:15 am -11:00 am
11:00 am
2nd Sunday
11:00 am
3rd Sunday
9:00 & 11:00 am
4th Sunday
11:00 am
5th Sunday
11:00 am
Praying Band
Bible Class
Sunday School
Worship Service
WE Youth Worship Experience
Worship Service
Babies Blessed
Communion/Right Hand of Fellowship (11 am)
Youth Day
7:00 pm
Mid-Week Manna
132 Odell Clark Place • New York, New York 10030 | 212.862.7474 (T) | 212.862.3255 (F)