Our Bulletin - Carmel Reformed Church


Our Bulletin - Carmel Reformed Church
February 22, 2015
*Praise Team
“You Are My All In All”
“All the People Said Amen”
“Be Thou My Vision”
*Christian Greeting
Profession of Faith - Randy Vande Vegte
Sacrament of Baptism - Grayson Dale Vande Vegte
Ministry in Music - Alix Van Ravenswaay
Congregational Prayer
(Offering for Jr. RCYF)
Offertory Hymn - #154 (vs. 1, 2 & 4)
“What a Wonderful Savior”
(Offering for General Fund)
(Please pass the Guest Registers during this time)
Scripture: Mark 14:1-9
(page 1578 or 1582)
Hymn of Preparation - #134 (vs. 1 & 2) “My Jesus, I Love Thee”
Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
Hymn - #137 (vs. 1 & 2)
“O How I Love Jesus”
(Offering for Missionary Support)
*Closing Refrain - #137
Emma Zwart and Karrigan Wolfswinkel
Welcome and Prayer
Sofia Sandbulte
Call to Worship (on the screen)
Charli Bomgaars
*Christian Greeting
Nick Van Regenmorter
*Praise Team
“My Lighthouse”
Cassidy Bollinger, reader
“Lord, I Need You”
Paityn Albert, reader
Children’s Message Avery Sandbulte, Emma Zwart, Brett Segar
Ministry in Music
Sadie Ribbens
Choral Reading
Shega Heitritter, Chloe Wynia,
Jaren Pierce, Brianna Fedders, Sydney Gesink
Ministry in Music
Gracie Vanden Brink, Andrea Sandbulte
Offertory Hymn - #460
“’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”
“O How I Love Jesus”
Scripture: John 6:25-40
(page 1657)
Message: “I WILL NEVER...”
Mark Van Voorst
*Closing Hymn - #275
“Jesus Is Lord of All”
*Parting Hymn - #785 (vs. 1, no chorus) “God Be With You”
Ushers: Darien Downs, Jaren Pierce, Gracie Vanden Brink
Deacons: Isaac Hooyer, Bryce Robertson, Sadie Ribbens,
Charli Bomgaars, Colin Robertson, Andrew Frick
(* Please stand if you are able)
Pastor Voskuil will lead our morning worship service.
Song sheets for those who are unable to see the screen
are on the bulletin table or ask an usher for one.
Jesus invites us to worship, saying, “Repent, and believe in the
good news!” (Mark 1:15, NRSV). Let us welcome one another to
worship and a new week of discipleship. Please join us for refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship
Friendship Register: During the first offering this morning,
please sign and pass the “Friendship” Register down the row.
Once it reaches the end and members and guests have signed,
please pass it back to the center.
It is our joy to welcome Randy Vande Vegte into the communicant family of Carmel through profession of faith. We will also
celebrate the sacrament of baptism for Randy and Stephanie’s son,
Grayson Dale. May God pour out his blessings on this family.
Saturday, February 28
7:00 p.m.—Heartbound.
This morning by the grace of God, we celebrate the Sacrament of
the Lord’s Supper. A communion service will also be held in the
Chapel after the evening service for those who could not be here
this morning.
Join us for evening worship as “Teens Take the Lead.” The Jr.
RCYF will lead the first part of our service. We praise God for
our young people and their sponsors and we’re thankful for their
participation today. May God bless them, and us, as we worship
together! The offering this evening will go to the Jr. RCYF.
Special thanks to Alix Van Ravenswaay for her ministry in music this morning; and Sadie Ribbens, and Gracie Vanden Brink
and Andrea Sandbulte for their ministries in music this evening.
10:50 a.m.—Sunday School.
5:45 p.m.—Jr. RCYF. Meet in the sanctuary to run through our
service. Everyone needs to be here on time.
7:00 p.m.—Sr. RCYF.
Nursery Attendants: Erica R., Nicole V. B., Rachel R., Addisyn
H. (am); Heather D. J. (pm). Greeters: Tim Bomgaars, Frieda
Bartels and Mary Brommer (am); Jr. RCYF (pm). Ushers: Chris
(M); Keaton (NE); Verlyn (SW). Door Attendant: Marlin. Audio: Terry (am & pm). Video: Dan (am); Brian (pm). Refreshments: Lloyd De Jong, Pete De Jong. After Service Greeters:
Pastor Rog & Milt (M); Loren (NE); Mark (SW).
Wednesday, February 25
7:00 p.m.—Sr. RCYF Practice for Youth Sunday.
7:15 p.m.—Catechism for grades 1-12.
Youth Sunday. The Sr. RCYF will lead our morning worship service. Jeff Funderburg will lead our evening worship service.
Nursery Attendants: Kay Koedam, Donna Tea, Sarah Sandbulte, Nykolas Downs (am); Ronda Leusink (pm). Greeters:
Allan De Jong, Todd De Jong (am); Tim Gesink (pm). Ushers:
Sr. RCYF Members. Door Attendant: Ken De Boer. Audio:
Dan Fedders (am) Russ Vande Vegte (pm). Video: Terry Vande
Vegte (am); Jerry Renes (pm). Refreshments: Frieda Bartels,
Verlyn Van Regenmorter. Cookies: Mary Lou Verburg, Carmen
Maassen, Linda Mulder, Carol Langstraat, Anita Van Ravenhorst.
Special Music: Sr. RCYF (am); Les Te Grotenhuis (pm). Special Offering: First offering will be for Sr. RCYF. Special offering (2nd offering) is for Seminary Aid.
Uphold in Prayer
Muriel Oostra is in Avera McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls.
Lois Joffer is in Avera McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls.
Pete Vonk was in the Sioux Center Hospital and returned home.
Brexton and Colter Niemeyer have come home from Sanford Hospital.
Nellie Vander Vliet dealing with cancer in her lymph nodes.
Tapestries of Life Mission Trip February 21-28.
Denny & Lin De Jong in Jackson, MS Feb. 21-28 with JFA work group.
Joni Byker our Mission Partner dealing with ongoing health issues.
Carter Van Meeteren and Paisley Davelaar
Search Committee
Trevor Pritchard has been deployed for six months.
Dan Burrington in the military
Nick Haverhals, Ashley Haverhals
Praying for our local congregations: This week please be in
prayer for God’s blessing for the Bridge of Hope Ministries Congregation and the ministry of Pastor Verlyn Boone.
Please help us to help you: When you have an illness, accident,
upcoming surgery, birth or death in the family, or other needs,
please notify one of the elders or the church office.
Happy Anniversary to Les and Jo Te Grotenhuis who will
celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Feb. 25;
and to Bernie and Linda Mulder who will celebrate their 50th
wedding anniversary on Thursday, Feb. 26.
“We would like to thank you for thinking of us in the passing
of our grandma and great-grandma. It was an incredible blessing
to receive the prayers, thoughts, and cards in our time of celebrating her life.”
Jake, Ashley & Brock Anderson
“Thank you to our Carmel Church family for the cards and
words of condolences for the deaths of our brother and sister-inlaw.”
Herb and Kaye Kuyper
Articles for the HIGHLIGHTS are due TODAY, Feb. 22.
If you haven’t filled out your sheet to update our church
phone directory, PLEASE do so today. We want our directory to
be as up to date as possible. Extra sheets are near the bulletins.
You may place the sheet in the church office mailbox or you may
e-mail the information to carmelch@mtcnet.net.
The pigs-in-the-blanket are almost gone. If you would like
some, get them soon. We will not be making them again till next
fall. They are in the freezer in the Moses Room. They are $12
per dozen. Please sign the sheet and put your money in the box.
If you have gotten pigs and have not yet paid for them, please put
your money in the box.
The Zestos Freezer in the church kitchen has been restocked.
If you have a need, please help yourself to whatever is in the
freezer, no questions asked.
Kidzone, a program for kids K-4th grade run through First
Reformed Church in Sioux Center, is looking for volunteers to
help out. Activities range from playing in the gym, crafting, Bible Study, helping with homework, community service, etc.
Hours are from 3:00 - 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays. Even
if you can only help out once or twice a month; anything is appreciated! Anita Van Ravenhorst is co-director of Kidzone and Colleen Bomgaars is also a volunteer, so if you have any questions,
please talk to them. They would love to share their experience at
Kidzone. For more information contact Jami Sandbulte.
Family Life Art of Marriage Conference will be held Friday,
February 27, 6:30-9:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 28, 8:30 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. at First Reformed Church in Sioux Center. We are
excited to host an Art of Marriage Seminar. Dan & Robyn Van
Roekel are coming to present the video conference. Dan, a native
of Sioux Center, works for Family Life and will facilitate this
conference. The cost is $40. This includes a manual full of conference notes as well as additional material to help with the sessions. Let us know if you need child care. Please call the First
Reformed Church office (722-1861) by February 16 if you
plan to attend. Visit: www.TheArtofMarriage.com for more
Bible Study
Before Amen: The Power of Simple Prayer
A 4-week Study by Max Lucado
We all pray … some.
But wouldn’t we like to pray… more? Better?
Stronger? With more fire, faith, and fervency?
Beginning Thursday, March 12
Morning at 9:00 a.m. evening at 7:00 p.m.
Sign up TODAY by the mailboxes
Everyone is welcome. Invite your friends.