2/15/2015 - Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church In Chicago, IL
2/15/2015 - Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church In Chicago, IL
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church Bridgeport / Chicago REV. JOSEPH ALTMAN, Pastor REV. MICHAEL FLYNN, O. Carm., Resident REV. MSGR. RICHARD P. HYNES, Resident DEACON FRANCIS P. HENRY DEACON ERIK AND MRS. PATTY ZEIMYS Rectory Office 653 W. 37th Street - Chicago, IL 60609 Phone: 773-927-6263 Fax: 773-847-0600 Parish Registration: Welcome! New parishioners may register at the rectory or on-line. WWW.NATIVITYBRIDGEPORT.ORG Join us on Facebook at Nativity of Our Lord Parish Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM (Saturday—anticipatory — in church) 8:00 AM (in accessible chapel) 11:00 AM (in the church) 5:00 PM (in accessible chapel) Monday through Friday 6:50 AM Monday through Saturday 8:30 AM Anointing of the Sick/Reconciliation: ANYTIME by appointment or in emergency School: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bridgeport Catholic Academy Ms Caroline Koster, Principal Phone: 773-376-6223 WWW.BCACHICAGO.ORG Page Two Saturday, February 14th 5:00 PM Mary Jane Fitzpatrick by Carl & Colleen Powell Kathleen (12th Anniversary) & John Shannon by Pat DuBrock Dean Koclanis by Gerri Koclanis Sunday, February 15th 8:00 AM Lois Shea Hamrock by Rita Akin Antonia Murrillo by Lillian Buckley 11:00AM Ray O’Malley by Family Josephine, Russell & Eugene O’Brien by Family John Hujbar by Rich & Georgian 5:00 PM For The Unborn Monday, February 16th 6:50 AM All Souls in Purgatory 8:30 AM Sis Daley (12th Anniversary) & the Daley Family by Daley Family Tuesday, February 17th 6:50 AM Florence Sheperis by John & Sandy Tedesco 8:30 AM All Those Diagnosed with Cancer Wednesday, February 18th Ash Wednesday Fast and Abstinence 6:50 AM For Parishioners of Nativity of Our Lord Ashes given at Mass 8:30 AM For Parishioners of Nativity of Our Lord Ashes given at Mass 3:00 PM Prayer Service (in the Chapel) Ashes given at Prayer Service 7:00 PM For Parishioners of Nativity of Our Lord Ashes given at Mass Thursday, February 19th 6:50 AM Dolores Geers by Family 8:30 AM Mike Studenroth by Friends Mae & Harry Brice by Family Friday, February 20th Abstinence 6:50 AM Bingo Committee and Bingo Volunteers 8:30 AM Frances Bonoma (7th Anniversary) by Paul & Roseanne Bonoma Saturday, February 21st 8:30 AM Betty Sieler Labny by Joe & Georgiann 5:00 PM Jimmy Caruso by Peter, Thesese & John Caruso Connors & McGinnis Families by Steve & Courtney Connors Edward Urbanski by Joe Urbanski & Family Sunday, February 22nd 8:00 AM Henry Palmisano (9th Anniversary) by Lillian and Perry Buckley James Dunne by Wife & Children 11:00AM Mary O’Malley by Family Ada Orent by Friends Thomas Petrey by Family 5:00 PM John F. Murphy by Friends LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, February 21st 5:00 PM Altar Servers K. Rokita, A. Boyle, M. Boyle Lector R. Glowacki Eucharistic Minister D/ G;pwaclo Sunday, February 22nd 8:00 AM Lector Eucharistic Minister 11:00 AM Altar Servers J. Huels J. Huels J. Halisz, K. Halisz, M. Kozicki Lector Eucharistic Minister N. Tristani D. Tristani 5:00 PM Lector Eucharistic Minister M. Torrez E. Curley Ash Wednesday February 18th, 2015 Complete Fast and Abstinence (NO MEAT) Ashes will be distributed at all Masses 6:50 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Prayer Service at 3pm in the Chapel and the Mass at 7:00 p.m. Page Three Please Support the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal “Entrusted with Responsibility” Please spend some time this week reflecting on the Annual Catholic Appeal brochure that you received with your bulletin. Please remember that the Annual Catholic Appeal is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments. As you review the work enabled by your contribution to the Annual Catholic Appeal, please reflect on God’s gifts to you. He has given you all that you have. With these gifts, you are entrusted with responsibility. Your gifts to our parish, to the Archdiocese and to the work of the Church throughout the world should be given in gratitude for the continuing gifts that God gives you. Each pledge makes a difference because all parishes participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our Archdiocese to deliver needed ministries and services. Our combined gifts not only signify our gratitude to God, they fund a significant portion of the work of our Archdiocese. After our parish goal of $12,684.78 is reached in cash, 100% of any additional funds come back to our parish to help to fund our needs. In last year’s Appeal, Nativity of Our Lord Parish received a 2 to 1 reduction of our debt for each dollar that was contributed. Although the final result of our Parish contribution to last year’s Appeal is not complete, as of January 20, 2015, our Parish has contributed over $40,000.00, so the reduction to our past debts will be over $80,000.00. While we will no longer receive this benefit, we were helped by the generosity of the Annual Catholic Appeal and so I asked every parishioner and family to contribute generously to this year’s Appeal in gratitude for what we received last year. If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it to Mass next weekend. For those of you that did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond to it, we will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all Masses the weekend of February 14 & 15. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. *************************************** St. Patrick’s Day Party Will Be Here Soon Our Nativity of Our Lord Annual St. Patrick’s Day Party will take place on February 28, 2015. This is a special and an important occasion for our Parish in a few ways. First, it’s a party. It’s a time for friends and parishioners to gather for good food, lots of laughs and maybe a wee bit to drink. Second, it’s an opportunity to remember and celebrate the life of a great Saint, who devoted his life in the service of God and spread the Christian Faith throughout Ireland. Many of us have benefitted personally from his saintly work. Third, our St. Patrick’s Day Party is an essential fund raising effort for the sake of our Parish. I ask you to buy a ticket, or tickets or a table. I know you’ll have a great time, if you join us. Thank you. ******************************************* On February 27 and 28, in conjunction with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, a Festival of Forgiveness will be held throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago. Its purpose is to remind us that although we are sinners, God is merciful and forgiving to all who seek repentance. In order to celebrate God's merciful forgiveness the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will be offered on those days in select parishes on a 24 hour basis and in most parishes offered for extended hours. At Nativity of Our Lord, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered on Friday, Feb. 27, after Stations of the Cross until 10 pm and on Saturday, Feb. 28, from 2nd until 4:30pm. Please make an effort to receive this Sacrament. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) produced a statement in 1966 called Pastoral Statement on Penance and Abstinence, which was modified slightly in 1983. In the United States, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared that "the age of fasting is from the completion of the eighteenth year to the beginning of the sixtieth." The USCCB also allows the substitution of some other form of penance for abstinence on all of the Fridays of the year, except for those Fridays in Lent. Thus, the rules for fasting and abstinence in the United States are: Every person 14 years of age or older must abstain from meat (and items made with meat) on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent. Every person between the age of 18 and 60 must fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Every person 14 years of age or older must abstain from meat (and items made with meat) on all other Fridays of the year, unless he or she substitutes some other form of penance for abstinence. According to the USCCB website[9] Abstinence laws consider that meat comes only from animals such as chickens, cows, sheep or pigs --- all of which live on land. Birds are also considered meat. Abstinence does not include meat juices and liquid foods made from meat. Thus, such foods as chicken broth, consomme, soups cooked or flavored with meat, meat gravies or sauces, as well as seasonings or condiments made from animal fat are technically not forbidden. However, moral theologians have traditionally taught that we should abstain from all animal-derived products (except foods such as gelatin, butter, cheese and eggs, which do not have any meat taste). Fish are a different category of animal. Salt and freshwater species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, (cold-blooded animals) and shellfish are permitted. Those that are excused from fast and abstinence outside the age limits include the physically or mentally ill including individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Also excluded are pregnant or nursing women. In all cases, common sense should prevail, and ill persons should not further jeopardize their health by fasting. Nativity of Our Lord Parish REST IN PEACE ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY Joan A. Jameson was born into eternal life on February 9th, 2015 February 28th, 2015 Mary Lou DePhilip was born into eternal life on February 9th, 2015 Doors open at 6p.m. HARRINGTON’S Family Style Corned Beef Dinner 7p.m. We extend our sympathy and our prayers to all their families and friends. Party Continues All Night $40.00 per person includes dinner RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Post-dinner admission at 9p.m. is $10.00 per person MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER Information: Call : Chris McCormick 773-376-6311 Knights of Columbus Fish Fry March 6th & March 27th Save the Date - The 30th Anniversary celebration of Bridgeport Catholic Academy will take place on Saturday, April 18, 2015, at the Italian American Club. The evening will include dinner, dancing, and an open bar. Entertainment will be provided by Father Daniel Brandt and the Vander Cook Jazz Assembly. After dinner, a DJ will provide music for dancing. Alumni and parishioners from the founding parishes are all invited. We will honor the first BCA Class of 1986. The founding principals, Chris Dransoff, Sal Guccione, and Jerry Molitor will be recognized for their contributions. The “Class of 1965” from our affiliated schools and parishes will recognize their 50th anniversary. The “Class of 1990” from BCA, celebrates their 25th anniversary and the “Class of 2005” celebrates their 10th anniversary. Are you an alumni? A search committee is being formed. If you would like to be on this committee and help us locate your fellow classmates please email me. We are looking for all alumni who are 21 and older. Come and join in the festivities! Contact: Lillian Buckley Buckleylillian1@gmail.com A Gift that will last a Lifetime MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS HEAVENLY AND HISTORIC STAINED GLASS WINDOWS WINDOW SPONSORSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE $500 TO $8,000 DEPENDING ON WINDOW ENSURE A LASTING LEGACY OF A LOVED ONE, A TRIBUTE TO A CHERISHED FRIEND, RECOGNITION OF YOUR FAMILY’S PARISH HERITAGE, OR A CLASS MEMORIAL Weekend of February 8th, 2015 Number of Envelopes used 144 Sunday Offertory Envelopes Sunday Loose Sunday Electronic Total Collection $ 2,812.75 $ 458.10 $ 656.00 $ 3,926.85 Weekly Offertory Goal $4,650.00 Fiscal Year to Date as of 7/11/2014 (Actual) $ 115,956.67 Fiscal Year to Date as of 7/11/2014 (Goal) $ 148,800.00 *Fiscal Year July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015 CALL THE RECTORY FOR DETAILS 773-927-6263 All 2nd collections will continue to be reported as previously. We will be adding on a monthly basis vigil candle money and stipend money Restoration Fund $787.00 1st Sunday of Lent Washington’s Birthday 22 15 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Marriage Day 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 Blessing of Throats Sunday, Feb 1st at 8 a.m., 11 a.m. & 5 p. m. 1 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Boy Scout Sunday Sun Fr. Joe Altman Roseanne Bonoma Michael Deuerling Terry Dybas Jose Flores The Presentation of the Lord AA Meeting 7:30pm Parish Council Mtg 7PM 23 AA Meeting 7:30pm Open Meeting Everyone is Welcome to Attend St. Polycarp Julian Calendar Lent Begins AA Meeting 7:30pm Baptismal Meeting 7pm in Church HOLIDAY (Presidents’ Day in some states) 16 Washington’s Birthday observed 9 AA Meeting 7:30pm GROUND HOG DAY World Day for Consecrated Life 2 Mon Art Gray Deacon Fran Henry Lynette Panjan Marta Carreira-Slabe Maggie Stewart CCD in School Building 6p.m. to 7:15p.m. St Blaise St. Ansgar CCD in School Building 6p.m. to 7:15p.m. Founders of the Servite Order The Seven Holy Knights of Columbus Meeting 7:30p.m. Church Hall 24 17 CCD in School Building 6p.m. to 7:15p.m. Knights of Columbus Meeting 7:30p.m. Church Finance Council Mtg. 6:30p.m. 10 St. Scholastica 3 Tue Bingo Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. Games begin at 6:45 p.m. Bingo Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. Games begin at 6:45 p.m. 25 Bingo Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. Games begin at 6:45 p.m. Fast & Abstinence ASH WEDNESDAY Ashes Distributed at All Masses 6:50a.m., 8:30a.m. and 7p.m. 18 Bingo Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. Games begin at 6:45 p.m. World Day of the Sick 11 Our Lady of Lourdes 4 Wed February 2015 St. Agatha 26 19 Chinese New Year 4713 12 Lincoln’s Birthday 5 Thu 27 20 13 6 St. Pat’s Party Set Up Abstinence Abstinence First Friday St. Paul Miki And Companions 28 21 St. Patrick’s Day Parish Party St. Peter Damian SS.Cyril & Methodius Valentine’s Day 14 First Saturday BVM Sat 6:50 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Weekday Masses Fri 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) 11:00 a.m. (Church) 5:00 p.m. (Chapel) 7 Mass Schedule Saturday Masses Sunday Masses