Newsletter - Richfield United Methodist Church


Newsletter - Richfield United Methodist Church
Lent 2015
March 2015
Lenten Taizé Worship Series
Wednesday Evenings
Come away to a quiet place to worship on five Wednesdays during Lent from
6:00-6:25 p.m.
This year we will again be
ordering plants for our
Easter gardens in the
church. If you would like to
order, please complete a
form which can be found on
the church website,, or at
church in the commons area
and return it to the
church office by
Sun., March 15
We’re taking on a
fitness/prayer challenge this
Lenten season.
Praying Paul's Paths (P3)
Please visit the church
website,, or
see the bulletin
board at church
in the commons
area for all the
February 25
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
Healing (with an opportunity for anointing)
Taizé is a quiet, introspective service of prayer; simple, meditative hymns;
silence, and reflection. Bring a friend, and stay for the study on prayer!
Lenten Adult Study
Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
During Lent, the Adult Study will be come-as-you-are, no-prior-experiencenecessary, study on prayer. Nothing required but a yearning for a deeper
connection with the Holy. All are welcome!
February 25
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
Discovering your Prayer/ Spiritual Type
Searching Prayer
Experiential Prayer
Relational Prayer
Innovative Prayer
Pastor Pam will lead the series based on Patricia D. Brown’s Paths to
Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God. You do not need the
book to participate.
See page 2 for a complete listing of Holy Week worship
services and activities.
My office in the church looks out onto Oak
Hill Cemetery. In this time of Lent, it is a
constant reminder of “from dust you have
come, to dust you shall return.” You might
think it is a depressing view, but actually it is a constant
reminder of resurrection and the communion of saints.
The view changes with the seasons. When I came to RUMC
this fall, it was full of autumn reds, yellows, and oranges. The
wind would whirl the trees like rock stars whipping their hair.
Then the quiet winter set in, with the monotone whites dirtying to
deep gray to black. Today the snow-filled sunset turned the
whole scene to a pinky-purple watercolor-washed impressionist
I eagerly await the green of spring, when God will show off in
a billion shades of green, and resurrection colors will fill the
earth once again.
But first, we must walk through this quiet contemplative
season of Lent. And that is OK. In Lent we, like the bulbs and
buds that are more potential and hope than flower, continue to
rest and draw strength from our deep rootedness in Christ. It is
a womb time filled with possibilities as we take on new spiritual
disciplines that work on our souls to strengthen us for the days
that will bring full sun and rain. It is a womb time filled with
possibilities as we give up something that we have let take too
big of a place in our lives—Facebook, gaming, alcohol, tobacco,
whatever—so that there is more room for our loved ones, our
neighbors, and God.
Life is short, the cemetery reminds me, so give it all you can.
And know that God is with you always, for ever and ever and
ever, and will never let you go.
Have a rich, blessed Lent.
-Pastor Pam
We are pleased to announce that you can now watch the
9:00am Service LIVE every Sunday. While your presence at
church is important, we realize that there are some Sundays
where you can't make it. In the event that you can't, just log on
to at 9:00am and search Richfield United
Methodist Church. There you will find our channel (which you
can subscribe to for updates) and watch the service live. And if
that still doesn't work for you, after the service, the video is
recorded and posted for you to watch at a later time. You can
even watch past services going back for over a year.
-Dale Olson
Throughout these days we will have the opportunity to celebrate
the high of Palm Sunday through the somber moments of Good
Friday. Then on Easter Sunday we will rejoice again in the
Resurrection of Christ. We hope that you will make plans to be
part of each of these special opportunities to deepen your faith
as we move through this very holy time.
Palm Sunday Services: March 29
9:00 a.m. (Sanctuary); 11:00 a.m. (Living Waters)
Maundy Thursday Service: April 2
6:30 p.m. A communion service in commemoration of Jesus’
Last Supper with his disciples. Following worship we will serve
others by making sandwiches for the homeless.
Good Friday Services: April 3rd
12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. The day we remember the
crucifixion of Jesus.
Holy Saturday: April 4th Serve others by volunteering with
Wesley Meals. Help prepare and service a meal for those in
need. Contact Wayne and Sue Johnson to see how you can
Easter Day Services: April 5
9:00 a.m. (Sanctuary); 11:00 a.m. (Sanctuary)
A time of fellowship with continental breakfast will be held
between the services.
As I prepared to write about my experiences with stewardship at
RUMC, I thought I’d better see what Google had to say about
the topic. Turns out “stewardship” is the 89th most looked up
word on Merriam-Webster defines
stewardship as “the activity or job of protecting and being
responsible for something.”
So I sat there thinking about this new perspective on a familiar
word. Then I thought about those little blue communication
cards that always accompany our Living Waters bulletins. You
see, I’ve always been a bit nervous to share a prayer request on
one of those blue cards. It somehow makes it more real when
put to pen and paper.
Last September, I’d had enough of bearing a particular burden
alone and decided it was time I got over my irrational fear of
writing down my prayer request. So I wrote it down, and nothing
changed. I put the little blue card in the basket and wondered
why I was so nervous about doing this in the past.
I think I wrote two other follow-up prayer requests about the
same concern. Then one day I got an email. Someone on the
prayer team had prayed for me and had some ideas that might
help. Tears started running down my cheek because someone
cared. Someone else wanted to protect and be responsible for
me and my prayer concerns. I now see that email as an act of
stewardship and am so thankful for the gift of wisdom in
-Lynnae Haines
March 15, 22, and 29
Adult Forum Series on Planned Giving
Throughout our lives, all of us require assistance from time to
time, whether physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual. For
many of us, RUMC has helped us to get through these times.
Just as we depend on the church, so does the church depend
on financial assistance from people like us to ensure that it can
have a positive impact today, tomorrow, and into the future.
There are three primary ways we can help support our church:
Gifts to the Operating Fund to support the regular
operations of our church
Gifts to the Capital Fund to help renovate and maintain our
church facility
Planned “Legacy” gifts, which provide financial support for
RUMC into the future
While we may be familiar with the Operating and Capital Funds,
fewer of us are knowledgeable about how to support RUMC
through planned giving. However, help is on the way!
The RUMC Foundation has scheduled three adult forums
on Sunday, March 15, 22 and 29, 10:15 – 11:00 AM in the
Heritage Room, to help us learn how we can magnify the
impact of our own life on earth through planned, legacy
giving. Our presenter will be Jack Fistler, Director of
Planned Giving for the Minnesota United Methodist
Foundation (MUMF). The focus of each session will be as
March 15 – “Creating a Legacy with Financial and Estate
Planning” – This session will provide an overview of
charitable planned giving options.
March 22 – “Wills and the ‘How To's of Bequests”
March 29 – “Trusts and Other Planned Giving Options” –
This session will include a brief re-cap of the previous
sessions and describe how MUMF can assist churches
and individuals with planned giving.
Attend any or all of the sessions, and learn how you can
magnify the impact of your life by supporting RUMC into the
If this was the Marketplace Money report on MPR, the theme
music would be the one that is neither depressing nor giddy.
So, first, the good news as of January 31, 2015:
We are ahead of budget for giving and other income for
RUMC $23,000!
RUMC is just slightly ahead of budget for expenses even
though we have overages on snow removal and building
repair costs of $13,000.
RUMC received $8,700 in the Christmas offering, allowing
for $5,000 budgeted for operations, and $3,700 sent to
Small Sums!
Caring For Children is slightly behind budget due to
positions open in the fall for siblings of children already in
the program. These spaces are now filled to capacity, and
the deficit is reducing monthly. CFC is on budget for
All of that means that RUMC is in the black for fiscal year
June 2015!
The rest of the story:
Over much of the past 10 years, RUMC has had the
blessing of undesignated legacy giving for the church (in
addition to the Foundation) that totaled about $250,000.
Those funds have been steadily declining for: a special
road assessment, the replacement of the office and
common area air conditioning in 2013, replacement of the
security system, and fire code-required modifications. As of
June 30, 2014, there was $35,000 remaining in this
undesignated legacy giving fund. Rather than doing a
capital campaign when the sanctuary air conditioner died
this past summer, the remaining balance was used pay for
the replacement, which cost $42,000. Therefore, the
undesignated legacy funds, which had provided a cushion
for our aging building, is now gone.
As always, funds are carefully managed and expenditures
are kept to a minimum in all areas. However, those legacy
funds that provided a measure of comfort are now gone in
case of another emergency.
So, where are we, as some of you have asked?
We celebrate those who give of their time and talents in so
many ways.
Operations look good at this time.
Like all churches blessed with faithful, gracious, aging
givers, we pray that and celebrate folks would continue to
fulfill their pledges. We celebrate those who give without
pledging also.
We celebrate with those who are able to give above and
beyond with additional financial gifts.
We pray that Adult Forums the RUMC Foundation is
offering at 10:00 a.m. on March 15, 22, and 29 will be
helpful and that folks will know how much their gifts both in
this life and as a legacy mean to RUMC and the
Questions are always welcome—talk to Pastor Pam or
Rodney Fors, chair of the Finance Committee.
F.R.O.G. Hop
Lunch and Learn Series
"Transition and Downsizing"
Children in Kindergarten – 5th grade are encouraged to explore
Lenten practices each Wednesday night 6-7pm. We will use
crafts, activities, stories, and games as we learn faith practices
together. Adult volunteers are needed to guide these sessions.
Please contact Marcia Henningson to volunteer.
March 4
March 11
March 18
The Last Supper-Try Sedar Food
March 25
No Lesson this Day
Thursday, March 12, 12 pm-2:00 pm
Have you recently lost a loved one? Are you planning to retire or
move to a smaller home? Do you want less stuff in your
life? Come learn how to downsize your things in the midst of
emotional situations. Go from stuck and overwhelmed to hopeful
and confident. Gain the tools you need to reclaim your space.
Topics include "How will I know when I'm ready?", "What
feelings might arise?" and "How do I do it my way?"
The presentation will be given by Marcie Spears who is an
Organizing Angel. She specializes in helping clients to downsize
after the death of a loved one or a significant life transition. She
understands that it's not about the things; it's about the
emotions, memories and personal relationships represented by
the things. Learn more at
Our lunch will begin at 12 Noon and the program will end no
later than 2:00 pm. The cost is $10.00 for the luncheon and
presentation (scholarships are available). Please sign up
by Monday, March 9th in the Commons area, by email
to, or call Kay at 612-861-6086.
Please join us and reap the benefits of good food, deepened
relationships, and improved health and well-being!
Series of Parenting Classes (2 classes remaining)
at Richfield UMC
Parents / Caregivers of 3 – 13 yr olds are invited; child care
provided. Each Class suggested donation $5.00
Information and Registration at:
Your Instructor: Toni Schutta is a National Speaker, Author,
Parent Coach and a Licensed Psychologist with a Master’s
Degree in Psychology who has 20 years of experience helping
“How Understanding Your Child’s Temperament Can Make
You a Better Parent” Is one of your kids giving you a run for
your money? Baffled as to why s/he can’t get with the program?
It could be a temperamental trait that’s making it tough to parent
this child. Come to this class to learn the nine temperamental
traits, complete a free assessment and learn how to work with
temperament rather than against it so you and your child can
both be more successful. Wed., March 11, 6-7 PM
“Curb Back Talk and Whining Now!” For many parents, back
talk and whining rate highly on the irritation scale. Learn how
you can improve the way that you and your child communicate
so you’ll both be happier! You’ll leave with 9 easy-to-implement
strategies for reducing whining and 8 for getting rid of back talk.
Wed., April 8, 6-7 PM
Come and join “Women Who Read”. The group meets from 1:30
-3:00 P.M. on the first Monday of each month. The selection
for March 2 is Welcome to the Great Mysterious by Lorna
Landvick. On April 6, the group will discuss Ian Cron’s
novel Chasing Francis.
Thank you to everyone who donated hats, mittens and scarves
to the Mitten Tree. The items were distributed to students in
Please save the date for our Spring Luncheon: Saturday May
2nd, gathering starting at 11:30 am. More information coming.
Sturgis, Kenneth
Houts, Beverly
Fuhrmann, Gero
Bodger, Donald
Urista, Jean
Regan, Mary Jane
Moore, T.Y.
Clarke, Scott
Bosch, Betty
Alexander, Lynne
Burmeister, Amy
Bodger, David
Hudson, Marlys
Crandall, Beverly
Olson, Ryan
Gunderson, Sheryl
Pavia, Mary
Thompson, Lavonne
Klint, Betty
Thorson, Melissa
Haines, Lynnae
Martin, Mary
Sack, Michelle
Berner, David
Mahn, Judith
Tjossem, Steve
Etken, Lois
Larson, Casey
Green, Joanne
Novak, McKenzie
Ouk, Chhim
Musgrave, Sarah
After being home with my new little baby girl Elliott Joy the last
few months, I am happy to say I am back at CFC. It was a
lovely time to be able to get to know baby Ellie and learn what it
is like to be a family of four! As a center, we have a few big
tasks coming up that will be keeping us extra busy. We are due
to be relicensed and we will also be going through the process
of accreditation once again. This will keep us on our toes, but
will help make sure we are continuing to provide excellence in
early childhood education. The Young Infant room has been
especially busy the last few months as they have had five new
infants start over the past few months. We are grateful to be
staying busy and enjoying so many baby snuggles!
Kari Beckstrom
Caring for Children Early Learning Center, Director
This summer our youth will be traveling to
Lake Traverse, SD to serve the people there.
We will be working to help facilitate kids'
programming through local schools, serve with
local assisted living/nursing homes, and help out with other
work projects in the community. Throughout the week we will
learn about Native culture, travel to Sica Hollow State Park, and
join the community for a cookout.
In order for our young people to experience meeting the people
of Lake Traverse Reservation and learn from them throughout
the week, we need your support. At this time we have 10
people signed up for this trip. The total cost of this trip includes
meals, lodging, vehicle rental, gas, project materials, resources,
evening activities, t-shirts, and Youth Works staffing of projects
is $5,350. We have asked each family to contribute $75 for
each student attending, keeping in mind that some families are
supporting multiple young people for this trip.
How can you support us?
Chocolate Chip Cookie Fundraiser
Sunday, March 1—10:00am
Youth will make warm, fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and
sell them at 10:00am in the commons to help support their
mission trip. Cookies will be sold for $1/ cookie or $5 for half a
dozen. Remember this cookie bake is to support the youth
Flamingo Flocking
Flocking Sales and Flocking Insurance will be sold March 1 –
March 29. Flocking will take place in the month of June.
Things may be looking gray and dull this time of year, but you
can brighten up your friends or neighbors yard (and faces too)
by Flamingo Flocking their yard. Don’t forget, friends, relatives,
teachers, coaches, and co-workers can all be
“flamingo-ed” you don’t have to belong to Richfield UMC.
Here's how the flamingo flocking works To Flamingo someone's yard....simply fill out a Flocking Form
directly with a youth or on the table outside the office with:
1) Name of Recipient
2) "Flamingo-ing" Address
3) What size flock you would like delivered (up to 50 birds)
4) Fee Paid to Richfield United Methodist Church Youth
Richfield UMC Youth will place the flamingos in the yard of the
friends that you have paid to have "Flamingoed." Each of the
flocks will have a note explaining how a friend has paid to have
them "Flamingoed" in support of our fundraiser. The flamingos
will mysteriously take flight and move to another lawn within a
few days.
To buy "Flamingo Insurance"....
If you would rather not have the flamingos visit you, purchase
Anti-Flocking Insurance. Anti-Flocking
Insurance Forms will be available at the table
outside the church office. The purchase of this
Anti-flocking Insurance guarantees that no flock
of flamingos will roost on your lawn as they
migrate around the city during the course of this
fundraising event. The cost of this insurance
requires a premium of only $15.00
Remember we can only deliver flocks to Minneapolis, Richfield,
Edina and areas within 8 miles of the church.
Special Offering for Youth Mission Trip (only if necessary)
If by April 1, we have not reached the funding necessary to
complete our mission trip to Lake Traverse we will take a
special offering at both worship services on Sunday, April 12.
Youth Group for Middle School and High School
Wednesday Nights, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Join in for games, activities, art, service projects, and growing in
faith together. We meet in the middle school youth room each
week. Friends are welcome.
Youth Coffee Time Leaders Needed
Sundays, 10–10:30am, Higher Ground Room
Volunteer to meet with high school youth
following 9am worship to talk about what you
experienced in worship and guide them in life
applications of the worship text. Contact Marcia
Henningson, to volunteer with
this insightful group of young people.
My Changing Self:
Exploring Identity, Sexuality, and
Saturday, April 11—8:30am – 3:30pm, Grades 3 – 8
Richfield UMC in collaboration with Minnehaha UMC and Lake
Harriet UMC would like to invite you to a daylong retreat for 3rd
- 8th graders to explore – in a safe and loving environment –
who we are as individuals and how we live in relation to others.
We’ll discuss being made in God’s image, looking at our
changing bodies and how that impacts our interactions with
others. We’ll equip our young people with skills to filter
messages received from peers and the media. We’ll also
provide them with resources, and work together to identify their
support network.
My Changing Selves will take place at Richfield UMC on April
11, 8:30-3:30pm with groups dividing by age and gender.
We invite you to a parent / guardian info session on
Wednesday, March 25 at 6pm in the Fireside Room.
Register online by Sunday, March 29.
Concert to Benefit Beacon
Interfaith Outreach project
66 West
Sunday, March 15, 3pm
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd,
4801 France Ave. S, Minneapolis
Caritas Vocal Ensemble is a 10-person a capella choral group
with a passion for singing and a desire to change the world
through their benefit concerts. Founded in 2002, they only
perform for the benefit of non-profit organizations whose
mission is to provide basic human services. The group has a
repertoire that spans centuries, and their singing is a delight.
Funds raised at the March 15th concert through a free will
offering will help provide homes for 39 young adults who have
experienced homelessness. Read more about Beacon and 66
West at Learn more about Caritas Vocal
Ensemble at
363 Sandwich Making – Thursday April 2, 7:30pm
Tie a string, set a calendar reminder, write on your hand in
permanent marker – do whatever you need to in order to
remember that our next opportunity to make sandwiches for the
homeless will be on Maundy Thursday after the 6:30pm worship
around 7:30pm.
Car Kits to Give to the Homeless
The social justice team along with private donors will be
gathering supplies for kits that can be kept in your car to give to
those who are homeless that you may encounter at exit ramps
or while you are driving. Please contact Marcia Henningson or
Gail Johnson if you would like to give input to what we might put
into these kits for these colder months or if you would like to be
part of gathering supplies by Wednesday, March 4.
Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC)
Day on the Hill—Tuesday, March 10, 2015
This is an annual policy briefing and lobby day. Participants are
briefed on the JRLC issues that are being debated and voted on
at our State Capitol. Clergy and lay people from across the state
attend Day on the Hill to show our interfaith commitment to
social justice and to participate in the lawmaking process.
Registration is required. Participants gather in the morning at
RiverCentre in downtown St. Paul for inspiration and issue
briefings. Buses then transport us to the Capitol for a short rally.
Meetings are held with legislators in the afternoon. Buses
shuttle between RiverCentre and the Capitol until 4 p.m. Visit
the JRLC website to register.
A film that demonstrates the power of music and its
ability to “awaken” those with dementia and other
chronic cognitive impairments.
March 19th and March 25th—2:00 pm and 7:00 pm both days
Walker Methodist, 3737 Bryant Ave. S.
Susan Ross has served with us at RUMC for well over 10
years. Although she was all set to retire a year ago, church life
intervened (we were losing our pastor!) and Susan graciously
and generously agreed to stay on for another year or so to see
us through our transition. How time flies! She has let us know
that she will retire at the end of February. She has also told us
that she would prefer a quiet departure, i.e., no big goodbyes and no cake.
That doesn't mean we can't wish her well. That doesn't mean
we can't say, "God bless you, we'll miss you," "Thanks for
everything." Drop off a card in the church office. Send a card
c/o RUMC. Send an e-mail. Make a phone call. Your choice.
We are a generous people. Let our generosity of spirit shine as
we say so long, farewell and thank you to Susan, one who has
given so much to us.
-Blessings, Your SPRC
Homebound Communion
On Sunday, February 1st, we were able to once again celebrate
the important ministry of the distribution of
homebound communion. Thirteen of our dear homebound
members were visited and blessed on that Sunday with the
caring presence of trained volunteers and the sacrament of
Holy Communion. Over and over again, the volunteers were
thanked and told how much it mattered that they were
remembered by their beloved church community. A special
thank you to the care and parish ministers that went out and
served communion on that Sunday: Jim and Sandy Nelson,
Wayne Johnson, Mitzi Taylor, Jill Williamson, Marilyn Dodge,
Kate Currie, Jeannine Mory, and Sue Burmeister.
Souper Bowl Success
Richfield United Methodist Church
and Lake Harriet United Methodist
Church spent January and Super
Bowl Sunday collecting cans of
soup as part of the "Souper Bowl
of Caring"—a friendly competition
to see which congregation could collect the most cans of soup.
The results: Richfield, 2,068, and Lake Harriet, 1,300.
Cans collected at Richfield will go to VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted
to Assist People), and cans collected at Lake Harriet will go to
Joyce Uptown Food Shelf.
Thank you to all my church friends for the caring, concern,
prayers, and cards I received during my recent heart surgery. I
also appreciated the visits with Pastor Pam and Parish Nurse,
Kay. What a blessing! It is great to have such a good church
-Marge Osterdyk
12:00 pm LW Small Group
Monday, March 09, 2015
Each Saturday in March
10:00 am Tai Chi
9:00 am Yoga
4:00 pm Heartline Deadline
9:00 am God's Hands Thrift Store
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
9:45 am Alanon and Alanon Beginners
8:30 am JRLC's Day on the Hill
9:30 am Women's Bible Study
Sunday, March 01, 2015
5:00 pm UMW Wesleyan Circle
9:00 am Sanctuary Worship Service
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
10:00 am Youth Chocolate Chip Cookie
9:00 am Men's Bible Study
9:30 am UMW Redbird Circle
10:00 am Blood Pressure Screening
4:00 pm Covenant Discipleship Group 1
10:15 am Edgewater Emmanuel Foundation 5:30 pm High School and Middle School
Youth Groups
11:00 am Living Waters Worship Service
6:00 pm Children's F.R.O.G. Hop (K-5)
12:00 pm LW Small Group
6:00 pm Taize Mid-Week Worship Service
12:30 pm Vietnamese Lunar New Year
6:00 pm Toni Schutta Parenting Class
Monday, March 02, 2015
6:30 pm Chancel Bell Choir
9:30 am TOPS (Each Monday)
6:30 pm Lenten Adult Study on Prayer
10:00 am Tai Chi
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
1:30 pm Women Who Read
Thursday, March 12, 2015
6:00 pm Alzheimer's Caregiver Group
12:00 pm Lunch and Learn
6:30 pm Parish Minister Team Meeting
7:00 pm Youth Council
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
9:30 am Women's Bible Study
9:30 am UMW Board Meeting
6:00 pm SPRC Meeting
11:00 am Faith Circle
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
9:00 am Men's Bible Study
Sunday, March 15, 2015
4:00 pm Covenant Discipleship Group 1
9:00 am Sanctuary Worship Service
5:30 pm High School and Middle School
9:15 am Children's Sunday School
Youth Groups
10:00 am Senior High Coffee Hour
6:00 pm Children's F.R.O.G. Hop (K - 5)
10:00 am Adult Forum: Planned Giving
6:00 pm Taize Mid-Week Worship Service 11:00 am Living Waters Worship Service
6:30 pm Chancel Bell Choir
12:00 pm LW Small Group
6:30 pm Lenten Adult Study on Prayer
Monday, March 16, 2015
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
10:00 am Tai Chi
Thursday, March 05, 2015
6:00 pm Alzheimer's Group
9:00 am Common Threads Group
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
6:30 pm Trustees
9:30 am Women's Bible Study
Friday, March 06, 2015
11:45 am Men's Lunch Bunch
10:00 am Women and the Sacred Group
6:30 pm Administrative Board
Saturday, March 07, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Sunday, March 08, 2015
9:00 am Men's Bible Study
9:00 am Sanctuary Worship Service
10:00 am Heritage Society Work Day
9:15 am Children's Sunday School (PreK
4:00 pm Covenant Discipleship Group 1
through 8th Grade)
5:30 pm High School and Middle School
10:00 am Senior High Coffee Hour
Youth Groups
10:00 am Heritage Society Meeting
6:00 pm Children's F.R.O.G. Hop (K - 5)
11:00 am Living Waters Worship Service
6:00 pm Taize Mid-Week Worship Service
6:30 pm Chancel Bell Choir
6:30 pm Lenten Adult Study on Prayer
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
Thursday, March 19, 2015
8:30 am Heartline Stuffers
9:00 am Common Threads Group
6:30 pm Families with Children Council
6:30 pm Finance Committee
Friday, March 20, 2015
10:00 am Women and the Sacred Group
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
9:00 am Sanctuary Worship Service
9:15 am Children's Sunday School
10:00 am Senior High Coffee Hour
10:00 am Adult Forum: Planned Giving
11:00 am Living Waters Worship Service
12:00 pm LW Small Group
Monday, March 23, 2015
10:00 am Tai Chi
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
9:30 am Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
9:00 am Men's Bible Study
4:00 pm Covenant Discipleship Group 1
5:30 pm High School and Middle School
Youth Groups
6:00 pm Children's F.R.O.G. Hop (K - 5)
6:00 pm Taize Mid-Week Worship Service
6:00 pm Changing Selves Parent Info
6:30 pm Chancel Bell Choir
6:30 pm Lenten Adult Study on Prayer
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
11:00 am Faith Circle
Saturday, March 28, 2015
10:00 am Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 29, 2015
9:00 am Sanctuary Worship Service
9:15 am Children's Sunday School
10:00 am Senior High Coffee Hour
10:00 am Adult Forum: Planned Giving
11:00 am Living Waters Worship Service
12:00 pm LW Small Group
Monday, March 30, 2015
10:00 am Tai Chi
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
9:30 am Women's Bible Study
Richfield United Methodist Church
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PERMIT NO. 91532
5835 Lyndale Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN 55419
612-861-6086 office
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It is time to sign up for the women’s retreat! This is our first retreat with Pastor Pam and what a wonderful way to get to
know her better and for her to get to know us better.
When: 7:00 pm Friday, April 24th through Saturday, April 25th, 2015 until 9:00 pm
Where: Mount Olivet Retreat Center
There are two options this year.
1. There is room for 30 to attend from Friday night to Sat night.
2. There is also an opportunity for 10 people to come out for the day on Saturday.
The Costs are: Double Room is $125.00,
Dorm Style Room is $100.00 (Scholarships are available to cover half the cost of a dorm room space.)
Saturday day only, including 3 meals is $75.00.
Sign up in the notebook in the commons area. We need a non refundable deposit of half of the amount when you sign
up and the final amount is due on Sunday April 12th.
Contact Kate Currie at with any questions.