Merchants Bank Announces Expansion of Residential and Retail


Merchants Bank Announces Expansion of Residential and Retail
February 18, 2015
Tina S. de la Torre, VP - Marketing Director
Merchants Bank, 275 Kennedy Drive, S. Burlington, VT 05403
Merchants Bank Announces Expansion of Residential and Retail Lending Team
and Dody Fraher-Ruland to lead the Division
SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT— Bruce Bernier, Senior Lender and Senior Vice President
of Merchants Bank announces the expansion of Merchants Bank’s home lending division
and three additions to the staff.
Dody Fraher-Ruland, Residential and Retail Loan Manager, will lead
the division and expand the range of Merchants Bank’s home lending
offerings. Fraher-Ruland has over 30 years experience in the financial
services industry, most recently as the statewide manager of Wells
Fargo Home Mortgage in Vermont. She is a graduate of Castleton State
College, serves as Chairperson for the Community Service Committee of
the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors, and is a Board member for
the Directors for Rebuilding Together Greater Burlington.
Dick Ploof, Lending Associate. Ploof joins Merchants Bank from Wells
Fargo Home Mortgage, and has more than 24 years experience
originating mortgages, prior to that he was a Real Estate Broker. Ploof is
a member of the Board of Trustees for the St. John’s Club.
Deb Terrill, Lending Associate. Terrill also joins Merchants Bank from
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage as a mortgage originator. She has over 30
years in the banking industry with over 15 years experience originating
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Established in 1849, Merchants Bank is Vermont’s largest and sole remaining statewide
independent bank. Consumer, business, municipal and investment customers enjoy
personalized relationships, sophisticated online and mobile banking options, and 32
branches statewide. Merchants Bank (Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender, NASDAQ
“MBVT”) and Merchants Trust Company employ approximately 300 full-time employees
and 40 part-time employees statewide, and have earned several “Best Places to Work in
Vermont” awards. American Banker ranks Merchants Bank a “Top 200” in America
among 851 peers.
Photo credit: Jeff Clarke
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