Senior Newsletter - Town of South Windsor


Senior Newsletter - Town of South Windsor
A Monthly Publication of programs, events, trips and news
for South Windsor residents 55+
150 Nevers Road
MARCH 2015
AARP “Road to Livability”
Wednesday, March 11 at 11:00 AM
Like us on Facebook:
St Patrick’s Day Party
Tuesday, March 17 at 11:30 AM
Put your GREEN on and join us for Irish
entertainment and a delicious corned beef and cabbage
lunch with a special dessert! To start, we’ll enjoy a
performance by Irish Step Dancers from the Golden
Harp Dance School at 11:30 AM prior to lunch at
Noon.. Call to reserve your CRT lunch 860-648-6361
ext. 328 (suggested donation $2.50).
transportation is available by calling ext. 335.
AARP has traveled on the “Road to Livability” for
many years providing families with resources and
tools to create a place where you can live in
comfort and safety no matter what stage of
life. AARP is helping families go deeper by
looking at choices for changing needs. AARP is
introducing a new resource that takes a look at
“what you have” vs. “what you will need” when
Advanced Directives
it comes to your HOME, CAR or COMMUNITY.
Attorney Marilyn Denny from Greater Hartford Legal
Please call to register for this FREE program 860Aid will be at the Center on Monday, March 23 at
648-6361 ext. 335.
11:00 AM for a talk on Advance Directives. Attorney
“25 Ways to Train Your Brain” ~ Denny will review and explain Powers of Attorney and
Health Care Directives. Individuals 60 and over are
Brain Awareness Week March 16 - 20
There is a lot of emphasis these days on staying given an opportunity to indicate if they would like to
physically healthy, but we should be just as have one or both of these documents prepared for
concerned for our mental well-being and them. If so, they receive a packet that facilitates the
memory. In order to stay sharp, it is vitally process of gathering the information that is required.
important to exercise our brain. This workshop Once this packet is returned to Legal Aid, the forms are
will teach participants 25 ways to develop a prepared and Attorney Denny returns to the center to
training regimen for your brain! Have you ever execute the documents. To register for this free
wondered why when we get older our memory program, please call 860-648-6361 ext. 335.
may start to fade? It takes longer to memorize
“Consumer Scam
things, we have to think a bit longer trying to
recall names of friends, and it becomes more
difficult to concentrate and remember details
The North Central Area Agency on Aging
from a book we just read. To prevent that from
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program in
happening we need to TRAIN OUR BRAIN, partnership with Connecticut Legal Service, Inc. will
which will improve blood flow and intake of the present a free informational session on “Identifying and
brain and stimulating the many regions of the Preventing Consumer Scams” on Wednesday,
Wednesday March
brain. JoAnne Harrison-Becker is our speaker on 25 at 1:00 PM at the Community Center. Attorney
Friday, March 20 at 10 AM. Please call to register Cheryl Feuerman will talk about common scams and
860-648-6361 ext. 335.
give tips on what consumers should watch for to avoid
becoming victims. She will provide resources dedicated
MONTE CARLO WHIST Party to consumer protection and reporting suspected fraud.
call to register for this free program 860-648Friday, March 27 at 1:00 PM Please
6361 ext. 335.
See Inside for More Details!
NonNon-Driver Photo ID’s: The Department of
Motor Vehicles issues a non-driver photo ID card
to any applicant who does not possess a valid
driver’s license. The cost is $22.50 and can be
obtained at a full service DMV office (such as
Enfield or Wethersfield). You must be a CT
resident. Check out for more
Do Not Call List: To get your phone number
removed from telemarketers lists, call 1-888–3821222. You must be calling from the number you
want to register. OR, you can register up to
THREE numbers, including your cell phone, online at
Free Cellphones: If you are part of a
government program such as energy assistance,
SNAP, Medicaid, etc. you may qualify for a free
cell phone through Assurance Wireless or Safelink.
To see if you qualify for a free cell phone through
Assurance Wireless call 1-800-395-2171. You can
get more information on Safelink by visiting their
website at
Adult and Senior Services
Contact Information:
Main Number: 860860-648648-6361
Transportation: Linda Worthington ext. 335
Cindy Malone ext. 310
Lunch Reservations: Sharon Bosco, ext. 328
Program Coordinator: Tracy Conery ext. 340
CARES Coordinator: Amy Patterson ext. 311
Assistant Director of Adult and Senior Services:
Lindsey Ravalese, ext. 319
Director of Adult and Senior Services:
Andrea Cofrancesco ext. 316
American Legion Post 133 Post Service Officers
will be at the Community Center on Thursday,
March 5 to assist Veterans and dependents in
obtaining the benefits to which they are entitled.
Stop in anytime from 8:00--9:30 AM. Know a
homebound veteran who can use a visit? Contact
Ken Lewis: 860860-416416-5276 or
Energy Audits Available
Reduce your utility bills by as much as 20%
A program offered by CL & P that checks homes
for energy efficiency is available to residents.
Technicians will provide a 3-4 hour audit, where
they will check windows and doors for drafts,
review your heating system, and do minor work
such as sealing. This service is free to those who
qualify, but for those who do not qualify, the
service is $75-99 depending on the type of heat
source you have. The value is $600-700. Income
limits are based on family size. For more information or to get an application sent to you, call
Audient is a nationwide program that helps those
in need obtain hearing aids at a reduced cost.
Candidates are qualified based on their annual
household income. For info on income guidelines, call Audient at 1-866-956-5400 or visit
Birthday Lunch:
Thursday, March 26 at 12 noon
Senior Advisory Council:
Tuesday, March 10 at 10:00 AM
Community Service Group:
Wednesday, March 18 at 12:30 PM
Super Sixty’s:
Thursday, March 12 and 26 at 1 PM
Sign Up Day: Thursday, March 5
at 7:30 AM
SW residents register for newly
advertised trips on the 1st Thursday of
each month beginning at 7:30 AM and
can register one other SW resident. Non-residents
may register the next day beginning at 8:00 AM
as space allows. Be aware most of our trips that
utilize our senior bus holds 20 people and fills up
on sign up day.
South Windsor Senior Center
March 2015
Elderly and disabled homeowners who qualify can
apply for reduced property taxes on their homes
until May 15, 2015. If you were on the program
previously, call the office 860-648-6361 to see if
you need to re-apply this year. This year’s income
limits are $34,600 maximum for an individual and
$42,200*for a couple. After your taxes are done,
you can make a quick calculation by adding your
adjusted gross income and your social security to
see if you might be eligible. Documents you will
need: Signed 1040 Federal Tax form (if you file);
Social Security Statement (SSA-1099); Pension
Statement; Bank Interest Statement; Any other
Income. Please call for more info or to schedule an
appointment 860-648-6361 *Local option allows
up to $4,000 higher income than regular program.
A registered nurse from Care For Me At Home will be
here on Friday, March 13 at 10:30 AM to show you
how to provide both passive and active range of
motion to your loved one, in order to decrease
stiffness in joints, maintain muscle tone and prevent
contractures. Call by 12 noon on 3/11 to register if you
wish to stay for lunch. To be added to the mailing
list, call Andrea.
Deadline for Oil is March 15!
Applications for the 2014-15 energy assistance
program are underway for all heat sources. Single
individuals can gross up to $32,515 and couples up
to $42,519. Assets cannot exceed $7,000 as a renter
and $10,000 as a homeowner. If your assets exceed
the limit and your income is low then you may still
qualify. Documentation needed: last four weeks of
income, bank statements and utility bills. For an
appointment or for more info, call 860-648-6361.
On Wednesday, April 8 at 1:00 PM, representatives
from Samsel & Carmon Funeral Home will be at the
center for a free, pre-planning seminar. Learn about
the benefits of making funeral plans in advance and
hear the benefits of planning your funeral or
cremation in advance. Veteran's Benefits will also
be discussed. An increasing number of Americans
are planning their own final arrangements in order
to spare their families much of the emotional and
financial burden. This seminar will provide the
opportunity for you to get the answers you need to
help you and/or family members make these
important decisions. Please call to register.
On Thursdays, March 12 and 26 from 12:30 to
1:00 PM at Wapping Community Church, 1790
Ellington Road. Get fresh fruits and vegetables (bring bags).
Transportation is available: 860-648-6361 ext. 335.
Room in the C.A.R.E.S. Program
The CARES group provides Center Activity,
Recreation, Exercise and Socialization for residents 60
and over who can benefit from socialization due to
cognitive or physical limitations. The group meets
Tuesday thru Friday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM at
the Community Center. Enjoy a variety of activities
including music, crafts, games, reminiscence, current
events, exercise, stretching and holiday events. Lunch
is served at 12 noon. Transportation is available. The
cost is $3/day and a $2.50 donation for lunch. If you
have limitations or disabilities but do not need
medical or self-care assistance while in the group, you
may benefit from this program. Call Andrea for more
CT Department of Social Services is partnering with
the CT Dept. of Agriculture to offer a spay and neuter
program for dogs and cats owned by low-income
families. The program offers vouchers for vaccination
and sterilization of dogs and cats that families who
participate in DSS eligibility programs can utilize to
cover the basic costs of these procedures. Approved
households may receive up to 2 vouchers, which
provide a benefit of $50 for a male cat, $70 for a
female cat, $100 for a male dog, or $120 for a female
dog. Please call 860-648-6361 for an application.
South Windsor Senior Center
March 2015
Exercise Programs
The Senior Center has many exercise classes to help you get
into shape or stay in shape! All new enrollees are welcome
to try the first class for free, and if you choose to join, you
pay for the session. You can join any class in the middle of a
session with the class fee being propro-rated. In order for
classes to run, there is a minimum number of participants
required. Classes may be cancelled if we do not get enough
enrolled. Sign up for all exercise classes any time Monday
through Friday from 8-4:30, no need to wait for Sign-Up
day. Call 860-648-6361 ext. 335 for more information.
Exercise Programs
Session Dates
n/c=No Class
Fridays 3 PM
Room 207
Feb 20—Apr 17
No class: 4/3
8 weeks
Chair Yoga
Wednesdays 11 AM
Room 207
March 4—April 29
No Class 3/25
8 weeks
Mondays 3:00 PM
Banquet Hall
Jan 5—April 13
No class: 3/2
8 weeks
at Ellsworth
School Gym
9:00 AM:
Times are subject to
Advanced: Tues/Thurs/ change—see website
Beginners: Mon/Wed.
Tai Chi
Thursdays 4 PM
Banquet Hall
Feb 5—March 12
No class 2/12
April 2—May 21
Feb 19—Apr 9
Mardi Gras is French for “Fat
Tuesday” & reflects the practice
of the last night of eating richer,
fatty foods before the fasting of Lent.
Gather your masks, beads and brightly
colored clothing and join us on our “Fat
Tuesday” March 10. Enjoy some Jazz music
by the SWHS Jazz band at 11:30 AM and
munch on special Mardi Gras treats! Lunch
is at 12:00 noon. Register for lunch by
calling 648-6361 ext 328 by Noon the day
before and ext 335 for transportation.
Mat Yoga
Line Dancing Thursdays 1:30 PM
Banquet Hall
Special Programs
5 weeks $25
8 weeks $40
8 weeks
Fridays 10 AM
Banquet Hall
Feb 13—Apr 17
No class 4/3
8 weeks
Thursdays 2:30 PM
Banquet Hall
Feb 19—Apr 9
8 weeks
Move to
Tuesdays 2:15 PM
Banquet Hall
Feb 3—March 10
March 31—May 19
Mon and Wed 9 AM
Banquet Hall
On-going ~
No classes on
4/6, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22
$2 drop-in
per class
Wed 10 AM
Room 207
March 4—April 29
No Class 3/25
8 weeks
Folk Dance
Mondays 10:15 AM
Banquet Hall
6 weeks $30
8 weeks $40
$3 drop-in
per class
Join Jeff Eleveld, known as The Plant Man,
for a talk on “Plants are Humans Too” and
the similarities of the species on Monday,
March 16 at 10:00 AM. Jeff is an engaging
& humorous speaker who is humorous and
knowledgeable about plants and flowers.
Please call to register for this free program
860-648-6361 ext. 335.
Tuesday, March 24 at 11:00 AM.
Come and take a look at a variety
of beetles, bugs and butterflies all in display
cases! Brad Case will explain how they
were collected and more about his
fascinating collection! No need to register
for this informal, drop in program!
Intro to Senior Cycling
Tuesday, March 31 at 11:00 AM
Did you enjoy riding your bicycle when you
were a kid? If so, you’ll also enjoy it as an
adult! Please join Ginny Hole from South
Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways and Andy
Johnson from The Bike Shop in S. Windsor
as they discuss the opportunities to bicycle
in our area, bicycle safety, rules of the road,
places to cycle and groups that are currently
riding in the area. Different groups ride
most everyday; age varies from young
adults to 80+ year olds. No matter what
your ability level, there are groups that will
welcome you. Call to register: 648-6361
South Windsor Senior Center
March 2015
Health and Wellness
All clinics are full. If interested, please call to put
your name on the wait list. When new dates are
secured, those on the wait list are called. Dr.
Christine DiRienzo, a doctor of audiology from
Advanced Hearing Healthcare will be at the
center to do ear inspections and wax removal.
Appointments are available 9:30-11:30 AM.
Please call 860-648-6361 ext. 335.
March 5 ~ 9:309:30-10:30 AM
Ask a nurse questions about your health,
medication or nutrition. No appt. needed.
Thursdays, March 5, 12, 19, 26
9:00 to 11:00 AM
Setback ~ Mon at 1:00 & Wed at 6:00
(Transportation available-860-648-6361 x 335)
“Dealer’s Choice” Poker ~ Mondays at 1:00 Play for
Samba ~ Tuesdays at 12:30
Knitters ~ Tuesdays at 10:30
LCR Dice Game ~ Tuesdays at 11:00
Cribbage ~ Tuesdays at 6:00
Hand, Knee & Foot ~ Wednesdays at 12:30
Evening Bingo ~ March 5 and March 19 at 6:30 PM
(For Transportation to Bingo—call 648-6361 x 335)
Mexican Train Dominoes ~ Fridays at 12:45
Mahjong (American) ~ Thursdays at 10:00
Duplicate Bridge ~ Wednesdays at 1:00
Bridge ~ Mondays and Fridays at 9:00
A nurse will take your blood pressure and check
your blood sugar. No appointment needed.
Every Wednesday evening transportation is available for
our setback game, held in the banquet hall from 6-8 PM.
FOOT CARE ~$29.00
For a ride, please call the office at 860-648-6361 ext. 335.
Monday, March 2 by appointment
Call 860860-648648-6361 ext. 335
Quarterly: next date is April.
Hearing Tests and minor repairs of
hearing aids
Ceramics ~Thursdays
This is a drop-in program where you provide your own
green ware and supplies (such as paints and brushes), and
enjoy the company of others. There is no instructor. A
$2 charge/class covers the cost of the glaze and firing. No
need to register—just come on down!
Inclement Weather Policy
If South Windsor schools are closed due to inclement
weather, senior center programs, transportation and
Blood pressure and blood sugar screening
lunch is cancelled. If the weather is bad and school
10:00 to 11:00 AM ~ Free
opening is delayed, our transportation begins at 8:30
Flax Hill Community Hall: Tues. March 10
AM. However, staff still reports to work. For more info
Mews Community Hall: Tues. March 3
on weather related changes or cancellations to our
TABLE MASSAGES ~ $20 / 30 minutes or scheduled programs, listen to WTIC AM (1080), or FM
$40 / hour ~ Tues/Fri by appt. 860-794-3430 (96.5), or watch WFSB Channel 3, NBC CT or FOX CT.
See what the Center has to offer seniors! Take a tour and make new friends! On Thursday,
March 5, from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM volunteers from the Senior Advisory Council will be on
hand to greet you, show you around, and answer your questions. Goodies and coffee will be
served in the lobby. No need to sign up, just come on down! The Center is located in the
Charles N. Enes Community Center, 150 Nevers Road and is shared with the Recreation
Department, Teen Center and Youth and Family Services.
South Windsor Senior Center
March 2015
Special Activities
Extreme Shopping
Computer classes will be held at Timothy Edwards
Middle School from 3:15-5:15 PM. Beginner’s Class will
start on Tuesday, March 17 and the Intermediate Class
begins on Friday, March 20.
20 Prerequisite for the
Intermediate class is completion of the Beginners Class.
To register, call 860-648-6361 ext. 335. The instructor
will return your call and assign you to the appropriate
class. Cost for 7 weeks: $40 for residents/$50 nonresidents, payable to the Town of SW on the first day of
If you want to learn more about your smartphone
devices and/or tablets, Yanique, our student intern from
CCSU will be here to help you out Individually or as a
group. Get the latest update on how to operate your
devices on Wednesday, April 1 at 1:00 PM. Space is
limited. Call 860-648-6361 ext 335 beginning 3/5 to
register. FREE
On Wednesday, March 11 we will travel to CT
Post Mall in Milford. Our senior bus leaves the
Center at 11:00 AM and departs from the mall at
3:00 PM. Please call anytime to register 860-6486361 ext 335. Note: This is an unescorted trip.
Breakfast Bunch
This month we will enjoy breakfast at
Windsor 75 in Windsor on Thursday,
March 12. The bus will leave the Center at 8:30
Call to register 860-648-6361 x335
beginning on March 5.
St. Patrick’s Day BINGO
On Monday, March 16 at 1:00 PM come
and enjoy a special Bingo event sponsored
by October Kitchen in Manchester, the company
who prepares & delivers delicious home cooked
meals to your home! Join us for Bingo with
special prizes, door prizes and their amazing
“April in Paris” ART P*ART*Y warm apple crisp! Bingo will begin at 1:00 PM.
“I Love Paris In The Springtime” and the Call 860-648-6361 x 335 for transportation.
cherry blossoms are the crowning glory of
Dine Out
this spectacular city of Paris. If we can’t be
Join us on Friday, March 20 for lunch at
there in person, we can visit with our paintbrushes and
Willimantic Brewing Company, a living landmark
paint in this acrylic painting on canvas that will follow
and pub brewing company! Our senior bus will
the cherry blossomed tree path to the famed Eiffel
leave the Center at 11:30 AM. Call to register
Tower. Bring your adventurous spirit and creativity for
860-648-6361 x335 beginning on March 5.
this fun art activity. Did you know art is healthy for
you? Art stimulates the imagination, improves problem
Birthday Lunch
solving, reduces stress, helps you stay focused, and most
Celebrate all March birthdays on
importantly enhances cognitive and memory abilities.
Thursday, March 26 at 12 noon. Cake
No experience is necessary, instruction is provided and donated by Geissler’s. To sign up for lunch
it’s fun! Fridays, April 10 and 17 from 9:309:30-11:30 AM. ($2.50 donation), call by noon the day before
Cost is $12. Sign up begins March 5.
860-648-6361 ext 328.
New REDUCED class time! Only one 4-hour
class needed to complete! The next class,
taught by Tom Field, is scheduled for Monday, March
30 from 8 AM to 12 noon OR Friday, April 10 from
12:3012:30-4:30 at the Community Center. SW residents can
register by calling 860-648-6361 ext. 335 anytime and
let us know which session of choice. Non residents may
sign up in the office beginning 3/6. FREE for SW
residents, $15 for non residents.
Attention Scarlett O’Hatters
The first meeting for 2015 will be on
Thursday, March 26 at 2:00 PM.
PM We’ll
discuss future events and activities! The Scarlett
O’Hatters are a group of women wearing red
hats and purple outfits who get together monthly
for special outings, event and socials. For more
info on joining, contact Tracy at 860-648-6361
ext 340. All are welcome!
Volunteer Corner
Community Service Group
AARP Tax-Aide is a free program
for low and middle income
taxpayers with special focus on
taxpayers age 60 and over. Tax-Aide workers will
be available at the Community Center on
Thursdays and Fridays from 9 AM to 12 noon
and Fridays from 1-4 PM beginning Thursday,
February 5 and continuing through Friday, April
10 by appointment. Please call 860-648-6361 ext.
335 to schedule an appointment.
couples filing jointly should both be present
during the income tax preparation session. No
return will be filed until all necessary signatures
have been entered on the forms.
The next meeting of the Community Service
Group will be Wednesday, March 18 from
12:3012:30-2 PM.
PM This is a group of adults who
work on a variety of projects for South
Windsor residents and the surrounding
communities such as baking for homebound
seniors, making sandwiches for an area
shelter, collecting books for a local hospital
and more. To find out how you can make a
difference in your community, call Tracy.
Needed to
Fight Scammers!
Over 68 billion tax dollars
are lost annually due to
Medicare fraud, waste and
abuse. The Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
program is looking for volunteers to be
trained to educate seniors how to PROTECT
their personal identity, DETECT potential
errors, fraud, and abuse and how to REPORT
it! The next SMP Foundation Training will be
held on Thursday, 4/16 from 10 AM to 3 PM
at North Central Area Agency on Aging, 151
New Park Ave., Hartford (near the West
Hartford line). Participants for this training
must complete a personal interview by 4/8 in
order to attend this training. Contact Carol
Walsh, SMP Volunteer Coordinator, or phone 860-7246443 ext. 271. and
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Please be sure to bring the following forms:
Personal identification including photo IT, Social
Security card, etc.
Copy of 2013 Income Tax Return and related forms
All applicable 2014 forms which show taxes paid,
withheld or “not determined”
All W-2 forms for wages earned
All 1099 forms
INT for interest accounts
DIV for dividend accounts
R for retirement funds and IRAs
Any state refund statements for last year’s Connecticut
Social Security Annual Statements
A blank check with account and routing numbers for
direct deposit refund request
All personal documents that relate to deductible
Medical expenses, including mileage to the medical
Prescription expenses
Sales tax expense for major purchases
Mortgage interest paid
Contributions to charities, churches, etc.
Home improvements that conserved energy
Replacement windows, doors, furnace
Property tax statements from the Town for your
home and automobile(s)
Note: sewer taxes cannot be claimed
FISH is an all volunteer organization that
provides South Windsor residents rides to
medical appointments. Volunteers are needed
to assist one day a month by helping with
phone calls or driving. For more info or to
volunteer, please call Phyllis Oswald at 860- ♦
New this year: bring health insurance coverage info for
you, your spouse and all your dependents.
South Windsor Senior Center
March 2015
Note: Trips and events listed below have either been advertised previously or you simply do
not need to wait until signsign-up day! To register—
register—please just stop in and signsign-up today!!
Victorian Cape May
April 28th - May 1st, 2015
4 Days/6 Meals
We’ll travel to the southern most tip of
the New Jersey Beaches to Historic &
Victorian Cape May! We’ll have 4 days & 3 nights of
old world charm while staying in beautiful seaside
accommodations at Marquis de Lafayette Hotel!
Hotel We
will visit the Physick Estate, Cape May’s only
Victorian House Museum along with a trolley ride
through the historic district. We’ll enjoy dinner and a
show, a boat cruise about the Cape May Spirit and
other fun adventures too lengthy to describe here.
See trip flyer for more details.
* Roundtrip motorcoach transportation
* Three nights’ lodging at the Marquis de Lafayette
* 6 Meals: 3 buffet breakfasts, 3 dinners
* Trolley tour of Cape May’s historic district
* Tour of the Physick Estate
* Visit to Cape May Winery
* Cape May Point & Lighthouse tour
* Visit to Historic Smithville
* Dinners@Aleathea’s and Lobster House Restaurants
* Dinner/show at Elaine’s Famous Dinner Theatre
* Dolphin Watch Sightseeing Cruise
* Shopping at the Washington Street Mall
* Charter package at Resorts Casino
* Luggage handling (one per person)
* Full-time Landmark Tours Escort
* All taxes and gratuities (including escort, driver
& guides) and Trip and Cancellation Insurance
Cost: $675/person double; $859 Single $615 Triple.
$100 Deposit, payable to Landmark Tours & Cruise is
due with reservation. Balance due by March 15. Any
questions, call Tracy.
Note: All advertised senior trips are open to
South Windsor residents and nonnon-residents!
Join us on Friday,
Friday March 27 at the
Community Center for a Whist card
party hosted by our Community Service Group
volunteers. Please arrive at 12:45 PM. Cash prizes
will be awarded and home-baked goodies/
refreshments will be served! Cost: $4.00 (proceeds
benefit the many projects of our Community Service
Group!) Registration is requested ~ walk-ins are
allowed if space is available. Bus transportation is
available by calling 860-648-6361 ext. 335. You do
not need a partner to play Whist! Please register at
any time in the Human Services office—no need to
wait until sign-up day.
Any questions, call Tracy
860-648-6361 ext 340.
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
& Orchestra
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
This choir has not toured on the East coast since
2003 and this is one of only five East Coast
performances!! There is nothing like being there and
hearing this amazing Choir LIVE! If you’ve never
experienced their 360-voice sound accompanied by
their spectacular orchestra—well, then you won’t
want to miss this!! Prior to arriving in Saratoga, we’ll
enjoy an early dinner at The Desmond Hotel in
Albany, NY who are celebrating 40 yrs of premier
service! Meal choices are: Filet Mignon or Potato
Encrusted Salmon.
Salmon Our motorcoach will depart from
Geissler’s On Monday, June 29 at 2:00 PM and
return approx. midnight. This is a shared trip with a
group from AAA Pioneer Valley so space is limited!
Cost: $145. payable to Tours of Distinction includes
motorcoach, dinner, reserved “great” orchestra seats,
tour escort & all gratuities. Any questions, call Tracy.
Space is limited….only a few spots left! ~~
Please call for availability!!
Senior Center Phone Number: 860-648-6361 Tracy Conery: Ext 340
South Windsor Senior Center
March 2015
SIGN UP POLICY: Registration begins on Thursday,
March 5 at 7:30 AM.
(Non(Non-residents may register beginning Friday, March 6 if space is available.)
The Shoppes at Whittemore Crossing
and Middlebury Consignment
Thursday, March 19
Come and visit CT’s premier consignment destination
with furniture and decorative accessories obtained
from local estates, from families looking to downsize,
or from those just looking to reinvent their style.
Perhaps you'll find that one of a kind item you
couldn't find anywhere else. Our senior bus will
depart the Center at 9:15 AM for shopping and then
lunch at The Café. Approx. return time: 3:00 PM.
Cost: $28.00 payable to Town of SW includes bus
transportation, lunch entrée, coffee, tea or soda,
dessert and gratuity. Any questions, call Tracy.
“West Side Story” & Lunch at
Westchester Broadway Theatre
Thursday, April 30
Possibly the greatest musical ever created! This classic
modern version of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet,
set on the mean streets of New York during the
turbulent 50s depicts a rivalry between the Sharks
and the Jets happening all while Tony and Maria
attempt to create a life together! This brilliant
production combines music, lyrics and dance into a
timeless tribute to young love! Our motorcoach will
depart from Geissler’s at 8:15 AM and travel to
Elmsford, NY for a day of entertainment and fun!
Cost: $97 payable to Getaway Tours includes
transportation, lunch and theater show. Approx.
MCC Gourmet Lunch
return time is 6:30 PM. This is a shared bus with
Thursday, April 16
MCC culinary students are cooking, and the kitchen's our friends from the Glastonbury Senior Center.
open to the public! While the student "chefs-in- Space is limited! Questions, call Tracy.
training" wow you with their culinary skills, the wait
“Once” at Bushnell
staff of culinary arts and hospitality students will
Saturday, May 30 @ 2:00 PM
provide you with superior table service! Lunch menu:
Salad of Seared Sea Scallops w/Oriental Vinaigrette,
Winner of eight 2012 Tony Awards®
freshly baked bread, Blanquette of Lamb with Egg
is a
Noodles, Sautéed Asparagus and Assorted Pies for
truly original Broadway experience.
dessert. Bus departs the Center at 11:30 AM for lunch Featuring an impressive ensemble of actor/musicians
at noon. Approx. return time: 2:00 PM. Cost: $8.00 who play their own instruments onstage, ONCE tells
payable to Town of SW. Any questions, call Tracy.
the enchanting tale of a Dublin street musician who's
about to give up on his dream when a beautiful
“Camelot” at The Bushnell
young woman takes a sudden interest in his
Saturday, April 25 @ 2:00 PM
One of theatre’s most legendary musicals. Intimate haunting love songs. As the chemistry between them
and fresh, never has this story of passion, pageantry grows, his music soars to powerful new heights...
and betrayal been more captivating! Recount the but their unlikely connection turns out to be deeper
time-honored legend of King Arthur, Guinevere, and more complex than your everyday romance.
Lancelot, and the Knights of the Round Table in an It's an unforgettable story about going for your
enchanting fable of chivalry, majesty, and dreams and the power of music to connect us all.
brotherhood in this four-time Tony Award® winning Our bus departs the Center at 11:15 AM for lunch/
show! Senior bus departs the center at 11:15 AM for brunch at Market Grill in Manchester prior to the
lunch at Olive Garden Restaurant prior to the show. show. Approx. return time is 5:00 PM. Cost:
Cost: $71.00 payable to Town of SW includes theatre $80.00 payable to Town of SW includes theatre
ticket & bus transportation. Please bring money for ticket and transportation. Please bring money for
lunch. Any questions, call Tracy.
lunch. Any questions, call Tracy.
Senior Center Phone Number: 860-648-6361
Tracy Conery Ext 340
South Windsor Senior Center
March 2015
Special Event
The South Windsor FOOD Alliance*
in partnership with
South Windsor Senior Center &
Parks & Recreation Department presents:
This service is for residents age 60 years or older;
or who are under age 60 and on Social Security
Disability. Our service is curb to curb. Passengers
must be able to reach the bus independently.
Drivers are not allowed to go into homes or
Community Health & Locally Grown
Medical Transportation
Medical transportation is provided for routine
medical and dialysis appointments only.
Special procedures such as colonoscopies,
stress tests, etc. do not qualify as routine
Thursday, March 12 at 7 PM: Eating Like Your Life medical appointments. Medical transportation
Depends on It with Dr. Andrew Paterna, Professor, is available for the following:
Manchester and South Windsor:
The First Annual Farmers Market
Workshop Series 2015
Thursday, March 26 at 7 PM: Eating for a Healthy
Heart; Plant-Based/Whole Foods with Brad Biskup,
Physician Assistant. UCONN Health Center
Monday and Wednesday 9:30 to 3:00
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30 to 11
Thursday, April 9 at 7 PM: Drinking Tea for Your
Health with Whole Harmony 4U and Beginning
BEEKEEPING with Naomi Rothe, Forgotten Acres
Hartford & East Hartford: Monday 9:30 to
Vernon: Wednesday 9:30 to 3:00
Thursday, April 23 at 7 PM: Chicken & Eggs, Which
Vernon Tri-City Plaza: Tuesdays
Comes First? with Brenda Sullivan, Thompson St Farm,
Pick-ups begin at 9 AM. Return trips scheduled
Glastonbury and Invasive Plants in Your Backyard
for 12:15
with Sameena Shah, SWHS
Buckland Hills Mall: Fridays
Thursday, April 30 at 6 PM: Special Event:
Pick-ups begin at 9 AM. Return trips scheduled
Vegetarian Buffet Dinner & Song with Music by for 12:00 at Walmart; 12:15 at the mall.
Hannah H’s Field, Dinner by Chef Bliss. $20, payable to
SW Parks and Recreation Department. Register in IN TOWN GROCERY SHOPPING:
Stop and Shop Plaza and Geissler’s
Pick-ups begin at 8:30 AM. Return trip is
All programs are held at the Charles N. Enes
Community Center. Light refreshments will be served 11:30 AM.
Friday: Pick-ups begin at 10:00 AM . Return trip is
at all workshops.
12:15 PM.
Entry fee for all events except April 30: $1.00 or
To Schedule transportation or to
non-perishable food donation, payable at the door,
receive a full brochure, call Human
with advance registration in Human Services or online
Services at 860-648-6361 Ext. 335
South Windsor Senior Center Calendar - March 2015
9:00 AM Errands
Light Aerobics
9:00 AM Vernon Tri-City Plaza
9:30 AM Sit & Knit Group
International Folk Dance 10:15 AM LCR Dice Game
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Samba
1:00 PM Move to Music
"Dealer's Choice Poker"
1:00 PM Cribbage
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
2:15 PM
6:00 PM
Local Shopping
Light Aerobics
Trash Museum
Chair Yoga
Hand, Knee & Foot
Duplicate Bridge
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
2:15 PM
6:00 PM
Local Shopping
Light Aerobics
Chair Yoga
Extreme Shopping
AARP Road to Livability
Hand, Knee & Foot
Duplicate Bridge
9:00 AM Errands
Light Aerobics
9:00 AM Vernon Tri-City Plaza
9:30 AM Senior Advisory
International Folk Dance 10:15 AM Sit & Knit Group
12:00 PM LCR Dice Game
1:00 PM Mardi Gras Party
1:00 PM Lunch
"Dealer's Choice Poker"
1:00 PM Samba
3:00 PM Move to Music
Mohegan Sun
3:15 PM Cribbage
Sign-Up Day
Veteran's Program
Meet and Greet
Blood Pressure/Sugar
"Ask the Nurse"
Mah Jong
Line Dancing
Strength Training
Tai Chi
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
6:00 PM
Breakfast Bunch
Blood Pressure/Sugar
Mah Jong
Super Sixty's Meeting
Line Dancing
Strength Training
Tai Chi
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
6:00 PM
Blood Pressure/Sugar
Whittemore Crossing
Mah Jong
Strength Training
Tai Chi
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
6:30 PM
Art Class
Local Shopping
Mexican Train Dominoes
Mat Yoga
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
Art Class
Local Shopping
Caregivers Support Gr
Mexican Train Dominoes
Mat Yoga
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
6:30 PM
Brain Awareness
Local Shopping
Dine Out
Mexican Train Dominoes
Mat Yoga
Advanced Comp. Class
9:00 AM Errands
9:00 AM Errands
Light Aerobics
9:00 AM Vernon Tri-City Plaza
9:00 AM Local Shopping
9:30 AM Sit & Knit Group
10:30 AM Light Aerobics
Plant Man
10:00 AM LCR Dice Game
11:00 AM Pilates
International Folk Dance 10:15 AM Irish Step Dancers
11:30 AM Aqua Turf
12:00 PM St Patrick's Day Lunch 12:00 PM Chair Yoga
St Patrick's Day Bingo
1:00 PM Samba
12:30 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Beginner Comp. Class
3:15 PM Community Service Gr
"Dealer's Choice Poker"
1:00 PM Cribbage
6:00 PM Hand, Knee & Foot
Duplicate Bridge
3:00 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
6:00 PM
(860) 648-6361, Ext. 335
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:45 PM
3:00 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:45 PM
3:00 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:45 PM
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
First Day of Spring!
9:00 AM Errands
Light Aerobics
9:00 AM Vernon Tri-City Plaza
9:30 AM Sit & Knit Group
International Folk Dance 10:15 AM LCR Dice Game
Advanced Directives
11:00 AM Butterflies & Bugs
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Samba
1:00 PM Beginner Comp. Class
"Dealer's Choice Poker"
1:00 PM Cribbage
3:00 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
3:15 PM
6:00 PM
Local Shopping
Light Aerobics
Hand, Knee & Foot
Duplicate Bridge
Consumer Scam Pres
Pond House Garden
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Blood Pressure/Sugar
Mah Jong
Birthday Lunch
Super Sixty's Meeting
Scarlett O'Hatter's
Strength Training
Tai Chi
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
Local Shopping
Monte Carlo Whist
Mexican Train Dominoes
Mat Yoga
Advanced Comp. Class
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:45 PM
12:45 PM
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
Mature Driving
8:00 AM Errands
9:00 AM Vernon Tri-City Plaza
Light Aerobics
9:00 AM Sit & Knit Group
9:30 AM Intro to Senior Cycling
International Folk Dance 10:15 AM LCR Dice Game
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Samba
1:00 PM Move to Music
"Dealer's Choice Poker"
1:00 PM Beginner Comp. Class
3:00 PM Cribbage
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
2:15 PM
3:15 PM
6:00 PM
Sun., March 29 DancEnlight's Annual Dance Show
Thurs., April 16 MCC Gourmet Lunch
Sat., April 25 "Camelot" at The Bushnell
April 28-May 1 Victorian Cape May Trip
Thurs., April 30 "West Side Story" at Westchester Theatre
Sun., May 3 "Hello Dolly" at Warner Theatre
Thurs., May 21 "Let's Hang On!" at Foxwoods
Sat., May 30 "Once" at The Bushnell
Mon., June 29 Mormon Choir at Saratoga
C.A.R.E.S. Corner
From the Desk of Amy Patterson
The CARES group activities are designed to promote wellness for those
seniors who are in need of enhancement and maintenance of productivity
in socialization, mobility, cognition and quality of life.
CARES group is in great anticipation of Spring! We all have "had it" with the cold
and snowy Winter and we will begin to welcome Spring with many activities to pass
the days in March until then. The first week we will learn about the Jewish festival of
Purim and bake Hamantashen cookies to go along with the story of the holiday. Then
it is onto the joyous holiday of St. Patrick's Day with wisdom, wit, and humor portrayed
by games, limericks, and music of the Irish people. Following our week long
celebration of St. Patrick, the CARES group will direct their attention to all things
"greening up" for Spring. There is much to look forward to in March.
Limited Space is available. Please call Andrea Cofrancesco at 860-648-6357.
Zucchini Soup
Meatloaf w/Vegetable Gravy
Orzo Pilaf
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Rye Bread
Pineapple Tidbits
Orange-Pineapple Juice
Chicken Brunswick Stew
Parslied Boiled Potatoes
Baby Carrots
Dinner Roll
Fresh Fruit
Vegetarian Vegetable Soup
Roast Pork A La Orange
Oriental Rice
Prince William Blend Vegetables
Pumpernickel Bread
Cherry Peach Crisp
Beef Liver w/Sauteed Onions
Mashed Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables
100% Whole Wheat Bread
Sliced Pears
Mulligataway Soup
Eggplant Roll-Up w/Extra Marinara
Rotini w/Tomato & Basil Sauce
Zucchini Squash
Whole Grain White Bread
Sliced Apples
Roasted Chicken Leg w/Gravy
Garlic Smashed Potatoes
Broccoli Spears
100% Whole Wheat Bread
Fresh Fruit
Veal Parmesan
Parslied Bowties
Italian Blend Vegetables
Club Roll
Fresh Fruit
Beef Noodle Soup
Salisbury Steak
Rice Medley
Winter Squash
12-Grain Bread
Cran-Apple Juice
Roast Turkey w/Gravy
Baked Potato
Cranberry Sauce
Peas & Pearl Onions
Dinner Roll
Chocolate Pudding w/Whipped
Stuffed Salmon w/Newburg Sauce
Wild Rice
Whole Green Beans
Wheat Bread
Mandarin Chicken
Fluffy White Rice
Peas & Carrots
Rye Bread
Fresh Fruit
Baked Ham w/Pineapple
Maraschino Cherry Sauce
Cut-Up Sweet Potatoes
Wheat Dinner Roll
Minestrone Soup
Tony’s Individual Cheese Pizza
Spinach Salad w/Tomatoes &
Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing
Fresh Fruit
Hearty Vegetable Soup
Pot Roast w/Gravy
Oven Roasted Potatoes
Sliced Carrots
Dinner Roll
Fresh Fruit
Orange Juice
Stuffed Cabbage w/Extra
Tomato Sauce
Mashed Potatoeas
Prince Edward Blend
Pumpernickel Bread
Lemon Pudding Tart
w/Whipped Topping
Alaskan Pollock w/Seafood Sauce
Brown Rice Pilaf
Broccoli Cuts
100% Whole Wheat Bread
Peaches & Pears
16 White Bean & Escarole Soup
Meatballs w/Tomato Sauce
Cheese Rigatoni
Garden Salad w/Cherry Tomatoes &
Italian Dressing
Club Roll
Fruit Cocktail
23 Veal Patty w/Onion Gravy
Cut-Up Sweet Potatoes
Capri Blend Vegetables
12-Grain Bread
Fresh Fruit
30 Chicken Jubilee
Rice Pilaf
Cut Green Beans
Wheat Dinner Roll
Orange-Pineapple Juice
Corned Beef
Parslied Baby Carrots
Boiled Potatoes
Rye Bread
Special Dessert
Cran-Apple Juice
Chicken Cacciatore
Penne w/Marinara Sauce
Broccoli Florets
Italian Bread
Pineapple Tidbits & Mandarins
Corn Chowder
Crabby Cake on Multi-Grain Roll
Tater Tots
Red/Green Cabbage Coleslaw
w/Shredded Carrots
Tartar Sauce
Fresh Fruit
Meals are served at the
Charles N. Enes
Community Center
150 Nevers Road
South Windsor, CT
Reserve a meal by 12
noon the day before
ext. 328
Elderly Nutrition Program meals are served Monday thru Friday to persons 60 years of age or older and their spouses.
All meals are served with milk, bread and margarine. DONATIONS: $2.50 (or whatever you can afford)
Join the SOUTH WINDSOR SENIOR CENTER on a tour to...
April 28th - May 1st, 2015 * 4 Days/6 Meals
ravel to the southern most tip of the New Jersey Beaches to Historic and Victorian
Cape May. On the first day we will stop north of the Cape at the Towne of Historic
Smithville. Filled with Old English Charm and period buildings enjoy lunch on
your own at many dining possibilities and strolling between the different shops that
surround the Village Green. We arrive at Cape May and Check into our seaside hotel - The
Marquis de Lafayette, perfectly located for access to the sea, the village and shopping
possibilities. This evening you can have dinner at your leisure at the Aleathea’s
Restaurant - located one block from the hotel just inside the big wraparound porch of the
Inn of Cape May. On Day 2 after a leisurely breakfast we will head out to the Physick
Estate. The Estate is Cape May’s only Victorian House Museum. Experience the opulence
and experience life as it was in the 1890's. This visit is paired with a trolley ride through
the historic district. We next depart for Cape May Point State Park. Located on the historic Cape May
Peninsula at the southern tip of New Jersey, the scenery offers an ever changing shoreline of dunes, coastal
marshes and ponds, wooded islands and varied uplands. We will also visit the Cape May Point Lighthouse
and Sunset Beach. In the early afternoon return to the hotel to enjoy the many amenities, stroll the beach,
have lunch on your own at the many restaurant choices or shop in the historic Washington Street Mall. This
evening we will enjoy Dinner and a show at the unique ‘Elaine’s Dinner Theater’. On Day 3 we will depart
for the Marina and enjoy a Boat Cruise aboard the Cape May Spirit. Enjoy light snacks and beverages as we
Cruise around Cape May Point and up the Coastline viewing dolphins, birds and other wildlife. Afterwards,
we will visit the award-winning Cape May Winery for a tour and tasting. Return to the Village for some
more free time and lunch on own and this evening we will dine at the Lobster House. On our last day after a
leisurely breakfast we will check-out and head for Atlantic City. A visit to the Resorts Casino is in order with
slot bonuses and meal package for free time and lunch on your own before we return home in the early
* Roundtrip motorcoach transportation
* Three nights’ lodging at the Marquis de Lafayette
* 6 Meals: 3 buffet breakfasts, 3 dinners
* Trolley tour of Cape May’s historic district
* Tour of the Physick Estate
* Visit to Cape May Winery
* Cape May Point & Lighthouse tour
* Visit to Historic Smithville
* Dinners at Aleathea’s and Lobster House Restaurants
* Dinner/show at Elaine’s Famous Dinner Theatre
* Dolphin Watch Sightseeing Cruise
* Shopping at the Washington Street Mall
* Charter package at Resorts Casino
* Luggage handling (one per person)
* Full-time Landmark Tours Escort
* All taxes and gratuities (including escort, driver
& guides)
* Trip and Cancellation Insurance
Price: $675 per person double
$859 Single *$615 Triple
For information call:
TRACY CONERY @ (860) 648-6361 x 340
$100 Deposit with Reservation
Balance due by March 15th, 2015
Trip arranged by Landmark Tours & Cruises, Inc.
Landmark Tours & Cruises, Inc. arranges the components of the tours and does not own or operate the independent suppliers of services including motorcoaches. Trips
cancelled due to weather conditions are handled on a per trip basis. Refunds will depend on timing of the cancellation and supplier policies. Landmark Tours reserves the right
to adjust cost based on fuel or other surcharges imposed by vendors.