Bulletin - St. Margaret of Scotland Church


Bulletin - St. Margaret of Scotland Church
Making Disciples through Prayer, Faith Formation and Service
2015 A
Pastoral Staff
Pastor - Rev. James Wood
Pastoral Vicar - Rev. Paul Butler
Deacons: Ed Hayes,
Retired: William Kogler
Biagio Muratore, Phil Paolicelli
Faith Formation Office:
Director of Religious Education
Jennifer Menneci x131
Holy Angels Regional School, Patchogue
Principal - Michael Connell
St. Margaret’s Preschool
To All Parishioners,
Thanks to All who
supported our parish
effort by purchasing
tickets and working on the
party. The proceeds will
help me serve you
St Margaret
Jenny Tranfaglia, Coordinator x124
Business Manager
Lisa Boyd x113
Facilities Manager
Michael Lorio x115
Music Ministry
February 22, 2015
Dr. Daniel Crews, Dir. x117
Parish Outreach
Jackie Mirenda x119
Phone: (631) 732-3131
RCIA ~ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Rectory Office Hours
Dan & Joanne Williams
Administrative Assistant
Julie Burtoff x133
Celebration of the Eucharist
Saturday: 5:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. & 12:00 N
Weekdays: 8:00 A.M. on Tues., Thurs., Sat.
9:00 A.M. on Mon., Wed., Fri.
Saturdays: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
or by appointment
Open for Walk-In Business
Mon thru Thurs
9 -1
9 am - 1 pm
9 am - 12 pm
7 - 8pm
Fax (631) 732 - 8827
81 COLLEGE ROAD  SELDEN  NY 11784-2813
Time, Talent & Treasure
Stewardship Thought for the Week
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our
parish whose giving - whether of alms, time or service will be an expression of gratitude of what the
Father has given them..
Sacrificial Giving
Thank you to all who so generously give to the support of our parish.
You are returning to God what God has so generously given to you.
Last week’s Sunday offering
Number of Envelopes Used
Envelope $ % of collection
Mass Attendance
Last Week
Yrly Average
Readings for Next Sunday
For the week of Feb. 22nd
Second Sunday of Lent
Altar Bread & Wine
First Reading ...........Gn 22: 1-2,9a, 15-18
Second Reading ............... Rom 8: 31b-34
Gospel ................................... Mk 9: 2-10
in Memory of
Rose Mc Fadden
MARRIAGES: Couples should make arrangements in person at least one year in advance
for required interview. At least one of the parties must live within the parish boundaries, or
be a registered member of the parish. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. No dates
will be set over the telephone.
BAPTISMS: Prospective parents should telephone the rectory about three months before
the expected birth to discuss the arrangements for your child’s baptism and enroll you in the
required baptismal class. Baptism classes are held monthly on the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the
month. The baptism date will be set at the time of the class. The child’s birth certificate as
well as the godparent’s “sponsor certificate” (godparents must be practicing Catholics) must
be presented before a date is finalized.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We welcome all new parishioners! We ask them to register at
the rectory and encourage the use of weekly envelopes. If you are moving, please notify the
Women’s Group: - The newly formed Women of Faith Ministry invites all women of the
parish to join us at our upcoming gatherings. Watch the bulletin for further details.
Women’s Bible Sharing: The women of the parish gather for Bible sharing on Monday
mornings, 9:30 through 11:30 in the rectory.
FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: Monday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.;
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.; Closed on Fridays.
PARISH OUTREACH MINISTRY: Monday 10am -1 pm. and 2 - 4 pm.; Wednesday 3-5
p.m. Call for appointment.
Masses for the Week
Family members and/or those who requested
the Mass are always welcome to present the
gifts of bread & wine at the offertory procession. On weekends, please introduce yourselves to our ushers or call the office during
the previous week.
Monday - February 23th
9:00 A.M.
Josephine Oberstein
Tuesday February 24th
8:00 A.M.
Roseanne Lambert
February 25th
9:00 A.M
Michael Palmero
Thursday - February 26th
8:00 A.M.
Rose Mc Fadden
Friday - February 27th
9:00 A.M
Stanley Gousse
Saturday - February 28th
8:00 A.M.
Luigi Cinicola
5:00 P.M.
Louis & Mary Russo
Sunday –March 1st
8:00 A.M.
Harry Aretakis
Lillian Reilly
10:00 A.M.
George Boyd
Marquez Family
12:00 P.M.
For All Parishioners
For all our parishioners
suffering from chronic illness,
as well as Dcn. Phil Paolicelli,
Alyssa Baisch, Frank Fasano, William
Cummings, Jimmie D’Angelo, Robert
Mahon, Dorothy Oakley, Norma Frasca,
Maryann Portesy Sr., Thomas Jankay,
Marilyn & Steven Vacchio, Artie Riley,
Wendiann Alfieri, Nicholas Alfieri, Ann
Miceli, Christopher McGuinness, Sarah
Behie, Andrew Rosa, Bob Carlsen,
Carmella & Carmine Guadagni, Patricia
Herman, Michael C. Liotta, Sharon Klyn,
Anne Logan, Robert Rankin, Nicole
Marano, Fran Colon, Terry Roucoulet,
Steve Margrane, Mark Paone, Melanie
Seibel, Anthony Alessi, Suzanne Peterson,
Maureen Cardone, Steve Timlin &
Intentions of Theresa Mc Guire .
Family members, please resubmit names for
those who are ill. We will list them for 3 weeks,
and then remove them unless told otherwise.
Please note-due to privacy issues, we can include names given by the individual or a health
care proxy only. Thank you.
Dear Parishioners and Guests,
Being able to think about the future can be a good thing. We can plan for something we enjoy, or look forward to being with
someone we love. But at the same time, being able to think about the future can cause problems. Our imaginations can focus
on something we are afraid of; our thoughts can keep circling around and around expected problems. For example, the length
of Lent – forty days – can stir up negative feelings that such an amount of time is impossibly long and such a commitment
can be difficult. But it does not have to be that way.
Programs trying to help people look at life differently emphasize “One Day at A Time.” For Lent, that means doing whatever
practice we have decided on TODAY ONLY. Don’t let other thoughts about the future determine what we can do today.
Living in the Present, not worrying about the Past or Future does not come easily to most of us. (Pet owners witness “living
in the present moment” all the time. Our pets play, they are tired; they are hungry, they are full; they do not hold grudges.
Whatever is happening is the reality.) So, no matter what we choose for our Lenten activity, the grace we should pray for is
“Living in the Present,” with all its possibilities and opportunities. Jesus’s time in the desert taught him that. Lent can be that
time for us.
Over the years, I have noticed problems caused by the narrow space between the bottom step of the sanctuary and the front
kneelers at the center aisle. Having a wider space there would offer more room to turn caskets at funerals, would allow people
going to and returning from the Communion Cups to move freely and would create more flexibility for special liturgies. So,
the two center front rows will shortly be removed and find a new home in Holy Redeemer Church in Freeport where they will
be welcomed as part of a new prayer space being made. ~ Fr. Jim
Monday February 23
9:30 am Women’s Bible Sharing / Rectory
4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes
7:30 pm Setup Walking in Footsteps / Aud
Tuesday February 24
4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes
7 pm Walking in Footsteps / Aud
Wednesday February 25
4:30-8:15 pm Religious Education Classes
Thursday February 26
4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes
7 pm Walking in Footsteps / Aud
7 pm 12 Step Bible Study / Rm 153
Friday February 27
No Activities Scheduled
Saturday February 28
8:45 am Lenten Retreat / Rec Rm 207
9:30 am Children’s Choir / Rec
Sunday March 1
9 am Level 7 / RCIA Rm / Aud
10 am Mass - Children’s Liturgy of the Word
11 am Spec Sacrament / RCIA Rm / Aud
Guidelines for Fasting & Abstinence
In keeping with the spirit of penance, Catholics are asked to
observe the following practices:
Good Friday is a day of fast* and abstinence**.
All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence**.
*Fasting: All between the ages of 18 and 59 may eat only one
full meal and two small meals on these days (no snacks).
**Abstinence: All from the age of seven onwards abstain from
meat on these days. Illness always exempts people from these
Lent is Here.
On Line Retreat
...and You Visited Me
Deacon Bill is available to visit parishioners at our local
hospitals. Call the rectory at 732-3131 ext. 0, please provide
the patient’s name, hospital and room number, and he’ll do
his best to make a visit & pray with the individual.
Sacraments are Celebrations!
Onika Bailee Guagliano
Faith Formation
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Dismissal for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word
for Lent will be held on March 1, 8, & 22 ~
10 AM Mass. Family Mass will be on March 15th
In today’s Gospel we hear the story of Jesus in the desert. St. Mark’s short descrip on about that tells us something very important. Right a er Jesus was bap zed by John in the River Jordan, the Holy Spirit prompted (led, drove) Him to go into the desert for forty days. Jesus did not pick this number, it was part of God’s plan. In the Bible, the number 40 is connected with many special events. It rained in Noah’s me for 40 days; Moses was with God for 40 days; Elijah the prophet had to walk for 40 days to meet God; through Jonah, God gave sinners 40 days to repent (which they did). Mostly, those mes were for ‘prepara on’ or ‘tes ng.’ Jesus needed to prepare himself for the job of being our Savior. And so, the Spirit used the same me period to let Jesus see that His ministry would complete the work of the great people in the Old Testament. Jesus gave us plenty to talk about
so let’s talk!
join us for a short series of gospel reflections
March 3rd or March 5th
March 17th or March 19th
March 24th or March 26th
Jesus the True Vine
Jesus the True Vine –
part 2
The Found Sheep & The
Found Coin
Ques ons – Each week we will focus on a different
Scripture Passage
Feel free to drop in once or once each week
Lent is OUR 40 days to prepare for what God wants us to be. What special way will we choose to remember that Jesus is with us every day? Peek through the glass doors of the church
You’ll see us huddled together
Talking, praying and waiting for you!
Jesus needed help in the desert and the angels came. How can we help the other people in our family to remember that Jesus is with us? ‘just drop in on the Gospel’
Parish Social Ministry
Canned Fruit
Soup & Crackers
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Canned vegetables
Canned Tuna & Chicken
Pasta & Sauce
Instant Potatoes
Mac & cheese
Cereal—hot and cold
Store gift cards
March 14/15 before all the Masses
Helpful Phone Numbers
Domestic Violence 1-800-799-SAFE
Baby Safe Haven Hot Line 1-877-796-HOPE
Post Abortion Counseling - days 722-4355
Depression after Delivery 1-800-944-4PPD
Project Rachel - evenings 242-0907
The Life Center 243-2373
Crisis Pregnancy/Counseling 243-2373
Drug Hotline 1-800-522-5353
24 hr State Child Abuse 1-800-342-3720
Suicide Prevention 1-800-639-5433
(An invitation from Fr. Jim)
Several days have passed since Ash Wednesday. Some people have decided what they are doing to
make Lent a time for prayer. Others are still trying to settle on what to do. I would like to suggest
an internet resource: An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. A link for that site is on our parish website
(www.saintmargaret.com). The Jesuits hosting the site make many options available. My invitation is for the option in the middle column: a series that can help us to grow spiritually this Lent and
I am inviting you to join in two ways:
1) Personal Time. The site has set this up. In the middle column, you see various links, starting with “Before You
Begin” and continuing for 8 weeks. YOUY choose the number of days, the amount of time and the place you will use. YOU
review the parts of the offerings each week and decide what you can commit yourself to. This is not a course where you have
to get all the work done, and each person can approach it in his/her own way. What is important is choosing what you will
do and staying with that routine during the full time as best as possible. This is something that anyone can do alone. But
there is something else I want to offer.
2) Group Time. This opportunity is not on the site. It is a chance for anyone using this experience to come together to
talk about our prayer times. Again, this is not “classwork” or “reports,” but a chance to encourage one another and hear the
variety of the Lord’s work in our lives. You do not have to commit to every week. Come when you are able. The time is on
Saturday mornings. We will meet in the Rectory at 9:00AM. (Coffee/tea will be available from 8:45AM.)
Please remember that you can benefit from using this retreat (the “Personal Time”) on your own. There is no requirement to
come to the “Group Time.” This is something I added and I am excited about it. So …GO to our website; CLICK on the link;
REVIEW what is there; DECIDE what you can do; BEGIN. And, in addition, I look forward to being with you on the Saturday part of this Prayer Adventure!
O Come Let Us Adore Him!
Wednesday, February 25
7:30 P.M. ~ Church
Adoration is the highest act of worship.
By sitting quietly before His presence in the Blessed
Sacrament, we offer to God what is most personal and
pleasing – our time and our hearts. This allows our gracious God to draw us lovingly to Himself. And by joining
our adoration to prayer and praise, we celebrate that we
are the Body of Christ. Come experience the beauty of
this holy exchange heart to heart.
Hospitality Sunday
In conjunction with the Family Mass,
all are invited to come downstairs to
the auditorium after the 10:00 AM
Mass. We look forward to having this
time of fellowship, coffee and snack.
March 15th ~ Auditorium
Thank You ~ Blood Drive Success!
Our parish blood drive was again a great success: 79 pints of
blood were collected! You have kindly donated your Blood so
that someone else might be given a chance at life. Thank you
all for your unselfish gesture! To all the volunteers
who helped us to make this day a success, thank your
for your time & smiles!
Your Blood Drive Chairman
— Joseph G. Callari
Preparing for Marriage?
Engaged Encounter is an effective PreCana program designed to provide you with the tools for a
successful marriage. Couples are given the opportunity to explore many aspects of their relationship
through a series of presentations, writings & dialog. There
are no group discussions. Our next weekend will be held at
the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception Feb.27 to
March 1. For info/registration please call 631-563-1032 or
visit www.engagedencounterli.org
An Evening of Celtic Music
Have fun at a benefit fundraiser for St. Anthony’s High
School Celtic Friars Pipe Band. There will be numerous
Irish bands along with an Irish Sing Along. Saturday, February 28th at 7 PM at St. Anthony’s High School, Wolf Hill
Rd. in Huntington. $20 in advance, $25 at the
door. For info or reservations call 271-2020–
Denise Creighton, Alumni Office.
Creative Ministries Presents
The Journey,
Cross & Crucifixion
A live dramatic presentation of the
Stations of The Cross. Join us as we experience the trial
of Jesus, His journey through the streets of Jerusalem,
& His final moments on the cross.
Thursday, March 12th
A freewill offering will be taken.
Learn About Your Faith at Home
Finding time to learn about our faith can be difficult.
St. Margaret’s is happy to offer a new way for education and
evangelization. Through CDs or MP3, you now have an effective program to assist Catholics to better understand and share
their faith. In our lobby there is a display offering CDs. We
ask for $3 donations per CD so we may continue with the program. They feature today’s inspiring Catholic teachers and
evangelists offering explanations of our Catholic faith. Each
month will offer different topics. For info call Henryk
Chelminski at 693-9310 / henrykc@optonline.net.
Commodities Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides
a free monthly food package (worth up to $65) to low-income,
eligible seniors (60 years and older). U.S. citizenship is not required to participate in CSFP. Office locations are in Freeport &
Wyandanch; there are also 97 mobile locations in Nassau &
Suffolk counties. Call 516-623-4568 or 631-491-4166 for info.
Catholic Counseling Center
Professional therapy, provided by NY State licensed therapists,
is available to 148 parishes. This program, under the direction
of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the Diocese for
the past 40 years. Services are provided by the Catholic
Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation,
which is independent of & not controlled or supervised by the
parish or Diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare,
are honored. Confidential info & appointments are available by
calling 243-2503 or http:/thecatholiccounselingcenter.com.
Project Rachel
Are you or someone you know suffering from abortion loss?
PROJECT RACHEL is the official outreach of the Catholic
Church for post abortion healing. It is a network of special
trained caregivers & clergy who are prepared to assist. A confidential call to 1800-456-HOPE (4673) can begin healing.
Heart of the Island Council—K of C
The Knights of Columbus is a membership organization
founded by Fr. McGivney in 1882 on the principles of
Charity, Unity & Fraternity. The members of our local council
serve in many ministries of the Church. Prospective members
can call Committee Chairman Joseph Callari at 736-3825 .
Spa Mornings at the Cenacle
Come treat yourself to a morning of rest & relaxation and
nourish your mind, body & spirit. The facilitators are
Kara McKenney, r.c. & Valerie Dunne , Cenacle Staff Assoc.
Our Friday mornings include prayer, presentations, reflection,
a health conscious lunch & optional body work (additional
fee). Donation $40 ~ reservation needed. The Cenacle is located at 310 Cenacle Rd. in Ronkonkoma. For more info or reservation go to cenaclesisters.org/Ronkonkoma or call 588-8366.
Please Patronize Our Advertisers
& Let Them Know You Appreciate
Their Support of the Parish Bulletin
That’s the Best Way to Thank Them!
St. Margaret of Scotland Preschool
Friday, March 6th ~ 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Bring your child, come visit our classrooms & meet our teachers.
2 year Old Separation Class
Weds. & Friday 12:30-2:30 pm ~ $1550 a year,
$155 each payment for 10 payments
2½ to 3½Year olds
$1,650 a year; $165 each payment for 10 payments.
Classes: Wednesday & Friday
9:00 to 11:30 A.M. or 12:15 to 2:45 P.M.
3½ to 4½ Year olds
$1,650 a year; $165 per payment for 10 payments.
Classes: Wednesday & Friday
9:00 to 11:30 A.M. or 12:15 to 2:45 P.M.
One month’s tuition with completed forms guarantees your child a place in our Program.
Any questions call Jenny Tranfaglia, Coordinator, 732-3131 x124.
Tax Statements
Call the rectory if you would like your taxstatement at 732-3131 x133. Please leave a clear
message with your name, address and if you know
your envelope number. Statements will be mailed near
the end of the month. Thank you.
Hints for the Flu Season
During the flu season, we are offering two practical directives
to assist the congregation during Mass.
The “Sign of Peace” does not have to be a handshake.
Turning to those near you and offering a slight bow with a
verbal wish without touching is proper.
Be mindful of the symptoms of colds and the flu. If
you have any symptoms, please refrain from receiving the
Precious Blood from the Communion Cup.
Also, getting a flu shot is a way of helping yourself & others.
Lent Weekend Retreat
The Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore is holding a
weekend retreat ~ “Called to be Holy—Journey of Faith and
Conversion”. The retreat will be held on March 6-8 at 26
S. Saxon Avenue. Offering $175. For info call 631-666-7500.
Cleaning Out?
St. Gerard Majella’s Thrift Barn is celebrating their
6th Anniversary. They are always looking for donations of larger items such as furniture and household
items to assist the needy of the community. They are located
at 316 Terryville Rd., Pt. Jefferson Station. Their hours are
Monday ~ Friday 10-4 & Saturday from 10-2. If you are a
parishioner in need of furniture, call our Outreach office to
assist you. Anyone can shop for furniture also - please visit the prices are reasonable! For info or for local furniture pick
up, call Faye or Bill at 473-2900 or 403-4038.
Thank you for your support!
Elder Law - Estate Planning
A complimentary two hour seminar about the Medicaid system
will be presented at the Law Office of Craig Andreoli, PC on
Thursday, March 12 from 10—11:30 AM or 6– 7:30 PM, at
373 Rte 111, Suite 1, Smithtown. Admission free, limited seating, light refreshments. For information call: 686-6500.
P/T Position ~ St. Frances Cabrini
Part time position is available at St. Frances Cabrini Parish in
Coram. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ~ salary by experience. Computer knowledge a must. Call Alice Fazio at
Becoming a Catholic Christian
Do you know a neighbor or family member who has expressed a desire to learn more about the Catholic faith, and,
perhaps, to enter our Catholic community? Perhaps your spouse has been thinking about becoming a Catholic and does
not know how to proceed. Have you been explaining your faith to someone, and now that individual wants to know more about the
Catholic religion? If the answer to any of the above questions is “Yes,” then you should know about the RCIA, which stands for
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The Church uses this process to help adults move toward an adult commitment to the Lord,
and full participation in the Catholic community. It is meant specifically for adults who are seeking Baptism, or those who have not
received Confirmation or Eucharist. Those interested are invited to contact the rectory 732-3131 x 110.