Joining Instruction
Joining Instruction
Attach recent passport size photograph with name written at back HURUMA HEALTH TRAINING INSTITUTE P.O.BOX 394, MKUU ROMBO TEL (027) 275748; EMAIL: ADMISSION FORM FOR NURSING COURSE AT HURUMA SCHOOL OF NURSING Mr./Mrs./Miss..................................................................................................... The management and Staff of Huruma Health Training Institute are Glad to offer you a chance to pursue the Nursing Course at their Institution as per your request. The course shall start effectively as from 18, April, 2015. PERSONAL PARTICULARS 1. Tick the name of the course which you are applied for: a. Certificate b. Diploma 2. Surname. ------------------------------------------3. First name ------------------------------------------Middle name ----------------------------------4. Date of Birth ---------------------------------------Place of Birth ----------------------------------5. District --------------------------------------------Region----------------------------------------- 6. Marital status (tick Widow the appropriate box ) Single Married Divorced 7. Sex (Tick the most appropriate box) Male Female 8. Citizenship -------------------------------------------------------------------9. Country of residence -------------------------------------------------------10. Any disability None Physical visual Hearing Speech Please specify -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Please indicate the sources of financial support; Parents Self (tick the appropriate box ) Sponsor Others specify ------------------ 1. Address of a person who will pay the school fees and other costs a. Posta address ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Email address----------------------------------------------------------------1 c. Phone number -----------------------------------------------------------------Fees are payable in full at the beginning of each academic year or in two equal installments; at the beginning of each semester. Fees payable are detailed below 2. SCHOOL FEE STRUCTURE S.N ITEMS First year Second year Certificate Third year Diploma 1 Meals 600,000/= 600,000/= 600,000/= 600,000/= 2 Accommodation 480,000/= 480,000/= 480,000/= 480,000/= 3 Tuition fee 800,000/= 800,000/= 800,000/= 800,000/= 4 NACTE 15,000/= 15,000/= 15,000/= 15,000/= 6 Identity card 5,000/= 7 Caution money 30,000/= 8 Stationeries 40,000/= 40,000/= 40,000/= 40,000/= 11 Library and Internet services 50,000/= 50,000/= 50,000/= 50,000/= 12 Graduation ceremony 10,000 60,000/= 10,000 60,000/= Total 2,030,000/= 2,045,000/= 1,955,000/= 2,045,000/= The school fees shall be paid in NMB Bank. The school account number is 40403500007, The name of the account is Our Lady of Kilimanjaro Sisters. The student should come with bank slip showing the amount of money paid and student name. NB: No student will be allowed to sit for the end of semester examination unless He/she has paid the required fees. Failure to do examination according to Curriculum shall lead to discontinuation or repetition of the semester STUDENTS SHOULD REPORT ON MENTIONED DATE WITH THE FOLLOWING: PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING WITH YOU Original Birth Certificates and Secondary academic certificate, not a leaving certificate 2 Student belongs and Properties Students should come with the following: • Two bed sheets, pillow and pillow case of pink in color • A blanket, bed net and electricity iron for ironing the clothes • Two pairs of black shoes flat or low heel and one pair of white shoes • 2 green buckets (1 mid size and 1 large size for bathing and washing your clothes) • Laptop/Tablets, exercise books for short notes, pen, pencils and one rim of A 4 size paper for assignments, English / medical dictionary, religious books according to one’s faith and two passport size pictures. • 1 Bp machine and Stethoscope, 1 Clinical thermometer, 1 pair of small scissors, Second watch and Torch • Eating utensils (thermos, a plate, a spoon hot pot medium size and a cup. • Hoe • Boys: come with two black trousers and one white shirt. • Girls: come with ONLY two casual (normal) clothes. • Please come with your Secondary school uniform, you shall use it while tailor is preparing your clothes. • Huruma is located under the slope of Mount Kilimnjaro, where experienced long period of rains and cold weather especially between April and August therefore you are advised to bring with you warm clothes and umbrella for the rainy season 3 Other costs other than school fees shall be as follows: a. Money for uniform and casual clothes which is 150,000 Tshs. That is 2 uniforms include (2 pairs of trouser, 2 shirts, 2 sweater and carwash for boys and 2 gowns, 2 sweaters and carwash for girls). Casual clothes include 3 T-shirts for all, and 3 skirts Money for uniform should be Paid to: NMB ACCOUNT NUMBER 40410000613, NAME OF ACCOUNT IS OUR LADY OF KILIMANJARO SISTERS – MCHANGO HURUMA SCHOOL OF NURSING b. During second year the student should conduct community health assessment so the student must come with 250,000/= Tshs for community field work c. During 3rd year student should conduct a min research so should also come with 100,000/= Tshs d. Also in third year student shall go for mental health practice at Mawenzi hospital so should come with 200,000/=Tshs. e. Pocket money f. Examination fees which is paid directly to the Ministry of Health Account which is 150,000/=Tshs. every academic year g. All students should pay to TNMC for practice license fee (diploma 80,000 and Certificate 60,000 Tshs) during the Final National examinations. h. Medical treatment (Not refundable money) 60,000/= Attached with this form is Medical Examination form which must be filled by qualified medical doctor On reporting, the student shall submit the following; page number one of admission form, medical examination form, 2 passport size photos and bank slip used to pay the fees. ................................................... SR. Clara T. Mushi THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION 4 HURUMA HEALTH TRAINING INSTITUTE MEDICAL CERTIFICATE First name…………………… second name………………Surname …………………….. Age……………………. Sex…………………. Marital status……………………………Citizenship ………………………………………… PERSONAL HISTORY Is the examinee suffering from any of the following? Indicate Yes or No. Tuberculosis……… Pneumonia………… Rheumatic Fever……… Allergy…….. Gastric or duodenal…………… Jaundice………………… Recurrent indigestion……. Dysentery……… Varicose Veins…………Kidney or urinary disease……. Diabetes…………Epilepsy……… Deformity……… Psychotic………Eye disorder…………………… Ear , Nose or Throat disorder………… Skin disease…………Anemia………… Gynecological disorder……………………………………………. Malaria or other tropical disease………. ……………………………….. Major or minor operations…………………………. Serious accidents…………………………… Any other serious disorder…………………………………………………. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Skin disease…………… Eye Conjunctivae Pupils…………… Vision: Right…………………….Left………………………. Please state condition of Ears (if any discharge)………………………………………… Mouth and throat …………………Nose………………Any Abnormality………………… Cardiovascular System Heart Disease……………………………………………………….. Blood Pressure: Systolic…………………….Diastolic…………………… Heart: Any Murmur? …………………Arteries and Veins……………………….. Abdomen: Hernia………………Masses…………………Liver……………………… Hydrocele………………Kidneys disease……………………Rectal disease…………………… Any Clinical evidence of hyperacidity or gastric duodenal ulcer?…………………… LABORATORY Urine Albinum………………Sugar………………Bilharzia………………………… Stool: Special emphasis on Hookworm or Bilharzia. Blood examination : Hb Level…………………… (a)Neuotrophils…………………… (b) Eusinophils…………………….. (d) Lymphocytes…………………… (e) Monocytes………………………… (f) ESR………………………………. X-ray examination –Chest………………………………………………………………… Serology: VDRL………………………………………. Pregnancy Test …………………………….. CONCLUSION I have examined Mr/Mrs/Miss/Sr/Br/………………………………………………………….and considered that she/he is/is not physically and mentally fit to be admitted to higher studies. ……………….. …………………. ………………………………………. 5 Name………………… ………………… Signature …………… Date Title Qualifications……………………………………………………. Address ……………………………………………………… 6