SRIKISHAN SARDA COLLEGE (Affiliated to Assam University & A Grade Re-accredited by NAAC) ESTD. 1950 P.O. HAILAKANDI, Dist. HAILAKANDI, PIN – 788151(ASSAM) URL:, E.mail: PHONE/FAX No. (03844)222409 Date: 19.02.2015 SS/Star college/tender/2015/25 NOTICE INVITATING TENDER Sealed quotations are invited by the undersigned from the reputed firm/agency for the supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment’s, Chemicals, Glassware’s, (As per list below) for the DBT sponsored Star College Scheme to be received up to 2pm on 25-02-2015 with following terms and conditions. The details and rate must be shown as per format shown in Annexure-I: Terms and conditions: 1. The tenders complete in all respects should be addressed to Dr. Rupam Sen, Coordinator, DBT, Star College Project, S. S. College, Hailakandi. Assam 788151 2. Tenders must be submitted in sealed envelope only clearly indicating “TENDER for DBT, Star College Project 3. In case of any modification in specifications / terms and conditions / any clarification to the bid document, it will be hosted in the college website only and the bidders are requested to log to our website from time to time and no separate corrigendum will be issued in this regard. 4. The rate should be exclusive of taxes and applicable tax should be clearly indicated. 5. The rates should be quoted along with supporting documents of specifications, technical features, and authorized dealership documents (if applicable) 6. Details of availability of after sales support will have to be furnished. 7. Proprietary items should be quoted with sole Manufacturer / Dealership certificate. Without dealership or manufacturer’s certificate no bids will be accepted.(Where applicable) 8. No advance payment will be made 9. If any item / equipment delivered in damaged condition, the equipment should be replaced with new one immediately. 10. The College reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason whatsoever. Sd/(Dr. A. K. Das) Principal Srikishan Sarda College, Hailakandi Annexure I TENDER FOR SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS, CHEMICALS GLASS WARES, FOR THE DBT SPONSORED STAR COLLEGE SCHEME , SRIKISHAN SARDA COLLEGE : :HAILAKANDI To, The Principal S. S. College Hailakandi Assam: 788151 India Sir, With reference to your tender notice (No………… .Dated…….) published in the Newspapers and posted at College Website, for supply of laboratory equipment’s chemicals glass wares, statistical & mathematical software for the DBT sponsored star college project, I / We hereby submit the bid. I / We confirm that I / We are the owners/authorized person to offer you the item as per the desired specifications: Serial No. Date: Item Company Quantity Specification Rate Price (Signature of the Offerer) SEAL Address: Email: Ph: Mobile FAX PAN No/TAN No. (Use extra sheet for additional information, if necessary) STAR COLLEGE PROJECT DEPARTMENT WISE LIST OF CHEMICALS DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SI. No. Name Quantity 1 Aluminium Nitrate 500g x 2 2 Magnesium Nitrate 500g x 4 3 Zinc Nitrate 500g x 2 4 Nessler's reagent 125ml x 4 5 6 Ammonium Oxalate Chloroform 500g x 2 500ml x 2 7 Phenolphthalein 250g 8 Acetone 500ml x 4 9 Ferrous Sulphate 500g x 2 10 Ferrous Sulphide Sticks 1kg 11 Zinc Sulphate 500g x 3 12 Potassium Ferocyanide 500g x 2 13 Potassium Dichromate 500g x 2 14 Ammonium Chloride 500g x 6 15 Barium Chloride 500g x 2 16 Copper turnings 500g 17 Potassium Permanganate 500g x 4 18 Sodium Flydroxide 500g x 4 19 Silver Nitrate 25g x 2 20 Stannous Chloride 250g x 4 21 Mercuric Chloride 250g x 2 22 Potassium Iodide 250g x2 23 Acetic acid 2.5L x 2 24 Sulphuric acid 2.5L x 2 25 Flydrochloric acid 2.5L x 2 26 27 Liquid Ammonia Ethanol 2.5L x 4 10 bottles 28 Methanol 500ml x 10 29 Ammonium Molybdate 500g 30 Perchloric acid 500g 31 Hydrogen Peroxide 500ml x 4 32 Boric acid 500g x 2 33 Carbon tetrachloride 1000ml 34 Sodium thiosulphate 500g x 3 35 Phthalic acid 500g x 2 36 2,4 dinitro phenyl hydrazine 500g x 2 37 Fehling's A 500ml x 2 38 Fehling's B 500ml x 2 39 Ninhydrine lOg x 2 * 40 ct-nitroso-P napthol 250g x 2 41 42 N,N- dimethylaniline a-napthol | 500ml x 2 250g x 2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Β- naptol Starch Oxalic acid pH buffer (pH-4,7,9) Nickel Sulphate Copper Sulphate Sodium Iodide Tollen's Reagent Magnesium Sulphate Silica gel Sodium Metal Capillary tube (large size) Alcohol Thermometer Cuvette of spectrometer D-Glucose Iodine Ethyl acetate Zinc Sulphate Ferrous ammonium sulphate Tin granules Copper phosphate Zinc Phosphate Magnesium Phosphate Aluminium Sulphate Sodium Carbonate Barium Sulpate Potassium Chloride S.B.P Solvent Sodium bi carbonate urea Ortho Phosphoric acid Nitric acid Copper Chloride Methyl Orange Methyl Red Aluminium Chloride Copper Nitrate Barium Nitrate Ignition Tube Ammonium sulphate Test tube Brush Benzoic acid Benzophenone Zinc granules 250g x 2 500g 500g 2 pkts. Each 500g x 2 500g x 8 200g 5 bottles 500g x 2 500g x 2 2 tin 4 4 1 set 500g x 2 lOOg x 2 500ml x 2 500g x 2 500g x 2 100g 500g 500g 500g SOOg x 2 SOOg x 2 500g x 2 500g 500ml x 6 500g x 2 SOOg X 2 500ml x 2 2.5 Lx 2 500gx 2 125ml x 2 125ml x 2 500g x 4 SOOg 500g 4 packets 500g x 2 10 pices 500g 500g 100g DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY FOSSIL SLIDES (BIOTECH/BIOCRAFT) a) b) c) d) CORDIATES STEM(T.S. Complete) PSYLOPHYTON (T.S) SPHENOPHYLLUM -LEAF (T.S) LEPIDODENDRON SELAGINOIDES (T.S) CHEMICALS a) FERRIC CHLORIDE b) ACETONE c) PETROLEUM ETHER d) ALCOHOL (S.B.P) 500 gm*2 500 ml *4 SDFCL 500 ml *2 BENGAL CHEMICALS e) GLYCERINE GLAXO f) CLOVE OIL g) SAFRANINE h) FAST GREEN QUALIGENS NICE 450 ml*6 500 ml * 2 GLAXO FISHER SCIENTIFIC STANBIO i) LECTOPHENOL i) COTTON BLUE CDH 125 ml*3 100 ml * 3 500 ml * 1 NOICA/FISHER SCIENTIFIC k) DISODIUM HYDROGEN ORTHOPHOSPHATE CDH 125 ml*2 500 gm *2 1) SODIUM HYDROGEN ORTHOPHOSPHATE OSTER 500 gm *2 m) SODIUM BICARBONATE n) ACETIC ACID NICE NICE 500 gm * 1 500 ml *2 o) AGAR AGAR POWDER NICE 500 gm * 1 p) PEPTONE NICE 500 gm * 1 q) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE NICE 500 gm * 1 r) ROSE BENGAL NICE s) XYLOL NICE 500 ml* 1 t) YEAST EXTRACT u) STREPTOMYCIN NICE NICE 500 gm* 1 25 gm*2 KIT: Isolation and Purification of Nucleic Acids HiPurATM Plant DNA isolation Kit ( CTAB Method) MB502-50PR 50pt* 25 gm*2 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 1. R.B.C. Diluting fluid (500ml) Company Nos of Unit Name and required Cat Number 1 2. W.B.C. Diluting fluid (500ml) 1 3. Hydrazine (250gm) 1 4. Merck 1 5. Sodium hydroxide pellet (500g) Sodium Iodide (100gm) Merck 1 6. Potassium hydroxide(500g) Merck 1 7. Potassium iodide(100gm) Merck 1 8. Iodine Crystal (50gm) Merck 1 9. Picric acid Crystal (500gm) Merck 1 10 Formaldehyde (5 liter) Merck 2 11 Ethyle alcohol (500ml) Chinese 40 Sl Name of the Item No STAR COLLEGE PROJECT RECURRING ITEMS DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS SI. Item Quantity No 1. 2. 30 Nos Scientific Calculator Model: Casio FX-991ES Plus Books As per the list of Books enclosed 3. Practical Sheets 20 Packs 4. Cartage 2 Nos Model: 818(Combo Pack) 5. Printing Paper A 4: 4 Carton 6. Printing Paper Legal 1 Carton DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS SI. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name of the items Pointer Galvanometer: Sensitivity 2pA/div. D.C. Ammeter: Range: 0-1A D.C. Milliammeter: Range: 0-50mA D.C. Milliammeter: Range: O-lOOmA D.C. Milliammeter: Range: 0-500mA D.C. Milliammeter: Range: O-lOOpA D.C. Voltmeter: Range: 0-5V D.C. Voltmeter: Range: 0-1V D.C. Millivoltmeter: Range: 0-100mV D.C. Millivoltmeter: Range: 0-500mV Copper Voltameter: Complete with plastic jar Quantity 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Convex Lens: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 10cm Convex Lens: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 15cm Convex Lens: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 20cm Concave Lens: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 15cm Concave Lens: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 20cm Concave Lens: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 25cm Convex Mirror: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 12cm Convex Mirror: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 15cm Convex Mirror: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 25cm Concave Mirror: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 12cm Concave Mirror: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 15cm Concave Mirror: 50mm dia: Focal Length: 25cm Plane Mirror Refracting Prism: Extra white Glass: 38mm Dispersive Prism: Borosilicate crown glass. R.I. 1.51: 32mmx32mm Bar Magnet: In Pairs: Superior Quality: (4inch) Glass Slab: 75 x 50 x 18mm Connecting Wire(Copper, double cotton covered) S.W.G. 22 (in kg) Ammonium Chloride (in Kg) Copper Sulphate (in Kg) Lycopodium Powder (in Kg) Discharge Tube: Hydrogen Discharge Tube: Helium Discharge Tube: Neon Discharge Tube: Mercury HP A 12 TONER 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 24 15 15 20 5 5 3 1 5 5 5 5 2 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the item Printer Cartridge Xerox Cartridge Windows 7/8 Internet Security Magnetic White Board No. of units required 1 Magnetic White Board 7. 8. Duster Printing Papers Books H.P Laser Printer 1 1 1 System Sharp Microsoft Kaspersky 400 Reynolds Marker 6. Specification/ Model 10 3 Cartoons Reynolds Image List enclosed STAR COLLEGE PROJECT LIST OF GLASSWARES DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SI. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Quantity Test tube Pipette (20ml) Pipette (25ml) Burette (50ml) Conical flask (100ml) Volumetric flask (250ml) 200 no. 10 no. 10 no. 20 no. 12 no. 12 no. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 1. 2. Centrifuge tube Centrifuge tube GRADUATED BOROSIL 5ml X 10 10 ml X 10 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Sl Name of the Item 1. Calibrated Dropper (2ml) Company Nos of Unit Name and required Cat Number JSGW 20 2. Calibrated Dropper (4ml) JSGW 20 3. Wolf Bottle (250ml) JSGW 10 4. U Tube JSGW 5 5. Electric Bunsen Burner 6. Test tube JSGW 200 7. Beaker (50ml) Borosil 30 8. Beaker (100ml) Borosil 30 9. Beaker (250ml) Borosil 30 10. Beaker (500ml) Borosil 10 11. Measuring cylinder (100ml) Borosil 5 12. Measuring cylinder (10ml) Borosil 5 No 5 13. Coupling jar JSGW 20 14. Microscopic slide (Blue Star) Bluestar 50 packets 15. Petridis JSGW 50 16. Watch Glass JSGW 100 17. Coverslip Bluestar 50 packets 18. Burette JSGW 20 19. Burette Stand JSGW 5 20. Conical Flask (250ml) Borosil 30 21. BOD Bottle (125ml) JSGW 10 22 BOD Bottle (300 ml) JSGW 10 23. Brinkmann style Pipette 2 style Pipette 3 pump (25ml) 24 Brinkmann pump (50ml) 25. Pipette (25ml) JSGW 20 26. Sedgewick Rafter Cole parmer 1 STAR COLLEGE PROJECT NAME OF THE BOOKS DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SI. No. 1 2 Name of the books 5 6 7 8 No. Of Pieces 3 M.Kjain ,S.C. Sharma F. A Cotton Vishal Publication Willey’s 3 Mukarjee, Singh, Newage International (P) 3 Puri, Sharma, Kalia Organic Chemistry Chemical application of group theory Organic reaction mechanism Practical Book Principle Of Physical chemistry Organic chemistry vol-1 Organic chemistry vol-2 9 Organic chemistry vol-3 10 Elements of Physicalchemistry Spectroscopy 11 Publication Inorganic Chemistry 3 4 Authors SudarshanBaruah Puri Sharma pathania Mukarjee. Singh. Kapoor Mukarjee. Singh. Kapoor Mukarjee. Singh, Kapoor Bahl&Bahl. Tuli Lampman. Pavia. Kriz. Vwvan Y .R. Sharma Bahl&bahl P.S.Kalsi Vishal publication Newage International (P) Newage International (P) Newage International (P) S. chand Cengage learning 12 13 14 Elementary Organic Spectroscopy Advanced Organic Chemistry Organic Reaction Mechanism 15 Stereochemistry, Conformation and Mechanism Organic Spectroscopy 1 P.S.Kalsi 17 Advanced In- Organic Chemistry vol-1 Satvaprakash, basutuli. madhan 18 Advanced In- Organic Chemistry vol-2 19 Success Guide Of Physical Chemistry Tuli, Madhan S. chand 20 Success Guide Of OrganicChemistry Tuli, Madhan S. chand 16 P.S.Kalsi Satyaprakash, basutuli, S. chand S. chand Newage International (P) Newage International (P) Newage International (P) S. chand S. chand 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 madhan 3 3 21 Success Guide Of In-Org. chemistry Tuli, Madhan S.chand 22 In-Organic Chemistry R.D Madhan S.chand 23 Selected Topics on in- organic Chemistry R.D Madhan S.chand 24 Introductory Quantum Chemistry A.K Chanda S.chand 25 Quantum Chemistry and spectroscopy B.K. sen 26 Practical Physical Chemistry Jadav 27 Pysical Chemistry Gurdeep Raj 28 Pharmacitical Chemistry Javasree Gosh 29 Bio In organic Chemistry Bertini, Gray, Lippard, Valentine Kalayani 3 3 3 3 3 3 Goel 3 3 Viva Books pvt.lmt. 3 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS SI No. Name of the books Author Publisher Quantity 1 Mechanics P. K. Srivastava New Age 2 2 Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism R. B. Singh New Age 2 3 An Introduction to Mechanics R. B. Singh New Age 2 4 Quantum Mechanics: Through Problems V. K. Thankappan New Age 2 5 Electronics Theory and Applications S. L. Kakani New Age 2 6 Introduction to Optics Anchal Srivastava New age 2 H Mechanics T. K. Chadha New age 2 8! Atom, Molecule and Spectrum S. K. Dogra New Age 1 9 Astrophysics: A Modern Perspective K. S. Krishnaswamy New Age 1 10 Thermal and Statistical Physics R. B. Singh New Age 2 11 Solid state physics S. O. Pillai New Age 2 12 Nano Materials A. K. Bandyopadhyay New Age 1 13 Foundations of electronics D. Chattopadhyay New Age 2 14 Electricity and Magnetism B. S. Agarwal KedarNath Ram Nath 1 15 College Physics Vol. I A. B. Gupta Books & Allied 9 16 College Physics Vol. II A. B. Gupta Books & Allied 2 17 Calculus of finite differences and numerical analysis P. P. Gupta and G. S. Malik Krishna Prakashan 2 18 Unified Physics Vol. I Dr. S.L. Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta Jay Prakash nath Pub 1 19 Unified Physics Vol. II Dr. S.L. Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta Jay Prakash nath Pub 1 20 Unified Physics Vol. Ill Dr. S.L. Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta Jay Prakash nath Pub 2 21 Unified Physics Vol. IV Dr. S.L. Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta Jay Prakash nath Pub 2 22 Fundamentals of Optics Singh PHI 2 23 Classical Mechanics K. Sankara Rao PHI 2 24 An Introduction to Astrophysics BaidyanathBasu PHI 2 25 Classical Mechanics: A Textbook Suresh Chandra Narosa Book 2 26 Classical Mechanics Sharma , Kumar, Gupta PragatiPrakashan 2• SI. Name of the books Author Publisher Quantity No. 27 Mathematical Physics B. S. Rajput PragatiPrakashan 1 28 Mathematical Physics with Classical Mechanics Satya Prakash Sultan Chand & Sons 2 29 A Textbook of Optics (English) 4th Edition Brijlal S. Chand 2 30 A Text Book Oscillations, Waves & Acoustics M. M. Ghosh , D. Bhattacharya S. Chand 2 31 Quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and solid state physics D. Chattopadhyay and P. C. Rakshit S. Chand 2 32 Mathematical Physics H. K. Dass& R. Verma S. Chand 1 33 Electricity and magnetism K. K. Tewari S. Chand 1 34 Heat Thermodynamics And Statistical Physics Brijlal S. Chand 1 35 Principle of electronics V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta S. Chand 1 36 Elements of Properties of Matter D. S. Mathur S. Chand 1 37 Modern Physics R. Murugeshan S. Chand 1 38 Mathematical Physics B. D. Gupta Vikash 1 39 Astrophysics: Stars and Galaxies K. D. Abhyankar Universities Press 1 40 Elements of plasma physics S. N. Goswami New Central Book Agency 2 41 Textbook of Plasma Physics S. Chandra CBS Publishers Pvt Ltd. 1 42 Practical Physics K. G, Mazumder& B. Ghosh Sreedhar Publishers 2 43 Modern Physics S. L. Kakani Viva Books, New Delhi 1 DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS SL. Title Authors Publisher Quantoty Asian Books o J 3 No. A Treatise on 1 2 Statistical Inference and Distributions and Dass An Introduction to Bhattacharjee Asian Books Pvt. Probability Theory and Dass Ltd., New Delhi V K Gupta and Sultan Chand and Kapoor Sons Fundamentals of 3 Bhattacharjee Mathematical Statistics 4 Fundamentals of V K Gupta and Sultan Chand and Kapoor Sons 5 Applied Statistics Probability and Statistics Baisnab Madnani Tata Oxford and 1BH Introduction to 6 7 8 9 Econometrics Mukhopadhya Books and y Allied(P) Ltd Applied Statistics Mukhopadhyay Statistics for 4 2 2 (Principles and Applications) Mathematical Statistics 4 Flooda Books and Allied(P) Ltd Mac Milan 2 2 2 Business and Economics 10 Programmed Agarwal, B.L. New Age Statistics International (Question- Publishers 4 Answers) 11 12 Sharma Real Analysis Sharma Linear Algebra 13 15 Econometrics Basic Econometrics 16 Matrices 17 A Flandbook of Statistical 18 &Vasistha Sharma Modern Algebra 14 &Vasistha Graphics Bayesian Estimation &Vasistha Singh, Parasar& Singh Krishna Prakashan Krishna Prakashan 5 Krishna Prakashan 5 S. Chand Gujarati New York &Sangeetha Me.Grow Hill Sharma Krishna Prakashan &Vasistha 3 5 5 5 4 Bhattacharjee New Age and Das S K Sinha International New Age International Publishers 2 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 1. U.N.Dhur& Sons Private Limited 2A Bhawani Dutta Lane (College Street) Kolkata - 700073 Phone : 2241 1734 / 2241 9573 Mobile : (+91) 9830169816, 9433017104, 9830514284 Email : Undhur@Vsnl.Net Sl No 1 Name Of Books Authors ISBN 3 HIGHER ALGEBRA - CLASSICAL & MODERN ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND VECTOR ANALYSIS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 4 ADVANCED HIGHER ALGEBRA 5 ADVANCED ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY 6 7 VECTOR ANALYSIS: VECTOR ALGEBRA & VECTOR CALCULUS MATHEMATICAL PROBABILITY 8 METRIC SPACES J.G. Chakravorty And P.R. Ghosh J.G. Chakravorty And P.R. Ghosh J.G. Chakravorty And P.R. Ghosh J.G. Chakravorty And P.R. Ghosh J.G. Chakravorty And P.R. Ghosh J.G. Chakravorty And P.R. Ghosh A. Banerjee, S.K. De And S. Sen JoydeepSengupta 9 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS B.K. Pal And K. Das 978-9380673-38-7 978-9380673-47-9 978-9380673-61-5 978-9380673-67-7 978-9380673-48-6 978-9380673-70-7 978-9380673-26-4 978-9380673-19-6 978-9380673-74-5 2 2.Narosa Publishing House, 22 Medical Association Road, Daryaganj New Delhi-110002, Mail-Info@Narosa.Com /Sales@Narosa.Com Sl No 1 Name Of Books Authors ISBN Gareth Williams 2 Linear Algebra: With Applications , Sixth Edition Modern Algebra And Applications 3 Contemporary Abstract Algebra J. A. Gallian 4 Analysis And Its Applications 5 Functions Of One Complex Variable Rais Ahmad, QamrulHasan Ansari, Mohammad Imdad J. B. Conway 6 Topology Of Metric Spaces S. Kumaresan 7 Vector Analysis With Applications 8 C Programming: Including Numerical And Statistical Methods Introduction To Matrix Theory Absos Ali Shaikh, Sanjib Kumar Jana Madhumangal Pal 978-817319-981-3 978-818487-328-3 978-817319-269-2 978-818487-215-6 978-8185015-37-8 978-818487-058-9 978-817319-990-5 978-818487-209-5 978-818487-375-7 9 V. K. Bhat Vinit K. Sinha 10 Laplace Transformations Ganesh C. Gorain 11 Mathematical Sciences And Their Applications 12 Numerical Methods And Computer Programming Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets And Soft Computing Karabi Dutta Choudhury, Devajyoti Biswas, SumitSaha AnjuKhandelwal 14 S. Bhattacharya Halder 978-818487-386-3 978-818487-191-3 978-818487-378-8 978-818487-403-7 3. New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers 7/30 A, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002, INDIA Telephone : 91-11-23253771, 23253472, 23276802, 23258865 Fax: 91-11-23267437 Ordering:E-Mail Us At Orders@Newagepublishers.Com To Place Orders. Sl No 1 Name Of Books Authors ISBN Krishnamurthy, V. 2 Challenge And Thrill Of Pre-College Mathematics Mathematical Analysis 3 Theory And Problems Of Combinatorics Vasudev, C. 4 Infinity And The Mind Rudy Rucker 81-2240980-2 81-2242772-1 81-2241705-0 81-2242110-1 Malik, S.C. 4. KRISHNA Prakashan Media Pvt. Ltd. Address: KRISHNA House, 11, Shivaji Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250001 Phone:0121 264 2946 Sl No 1 Name Of Books Authors MATRICES A R Vasishtha 2 MODERN ALGEBRA (ABSTRACT ALGEBRA) A R Vasishtha 3 VECTOR ALGEBRA A R Vasishtha 4 TOPOLOGY J.N. Sharma 5 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS M.K. Gupta 6 LINEAR PROGRAMMING R.K. Gupta 7 OPERATION RESEARCH R.K. Gupta 8 FLUID DYNAMICS Shanti Swarup 9 REAL ANALYSIS (GENERAL) Sharma &Vasishtha ISBN DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Sl Name of the Book Authors Name Publisher No 1. Required 2. A textbook introductory biophysics. Immunology 3. Environmental Studies SVS Rana 4. SVS Rana 8. Bio techniques Theory and Practice Elements of Biostatistics Modern Text Book of Zoology (Invertebrates) Modern Text Book of Zoology (Vertebrates) Fish and Fisheries 9. Economic Zoology 10. Evolution Behavior 11. 16. Developmental Biology Parasitology (Medical Zoology) Animal Behavior A text book of Immunology A Handbook on Economic Zoology Animal Physiology 17. Chordate Embryology 18. Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Ecology Chordate Zoology P S Verma& E S Chand L Jordan Invertebrate Zoology P S Verma& E S Chand 5. 6. 7. 12. 13. 14. 15. 19. 20 Unit of M.R. Rajeshwari Rastogi Publication 1 Rastogi Publication Rastogi Publication Rastogi Publication Rastogi Publication Rastogi Publication 1 Rastogi Publication K. Pandey & J. Rastogi P. Sukla Publication G.S. Shukla Rastogi V.B. Upadhyay Publication ReenaMathur Rastogi S. P. Singh Publication B.S. Tomar K.V. Sastry Rastogi Vinita Khukal Publication H.S. Singh Rastogi P. Rastogi Publication V.K. Agarwal S Chand P S Chand MadhaveeLatha S. P. Sinha & S Chand J. Ahsan P S VermaV.K. S Chand Agarwal & B S Tyagi V K Agarwal & S Chand P S Verma P S Verma S Chand V.K. Agarwal 5 S. S. Lal and Satguru Prasad R. L. Kotpal R. L. Kotpal 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 L Jordan C B Power 21 Cell Biology 22. A Text Book of animal A. K. Berry Histology Fundamentals of R. K. Saxena comparative anatomy S Saxena 23. Himalayan Publisher Emkay Publication Viva 2 2 1