Traditional Service Bulletin - Wayside Presbyterian Church


Traditional Service Bulletin - Wayside Presbyterian Church
Who We Are
Ministers: The Congregation
Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz
Admin Secretary/Bookkeeper: Gretchen Lichty
Dir. of Christian Formation: Jill L. Reichert
Accompanist: Becky Caplan
Choir Director: Dr. Cathleen Ardrey
Band Director: vacant
Nursery Supervisor: Sonja Eckert
Parish Associate: Rev. Dr. Howard W. Fritz
Parish Associate: Rev. Harry Robinson
Parish Associate: Rev. Larry Moir
Pastoral Assistant: Doug Paglia
Sexton: Tim Kauffman
Webmaster: Brian Kocsi
Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor
Class of 2015
George Armold (Christian Formation)
Fred Carbaugh (Worship & Music)
Daniel Nimmon (Christian Formation)
Frank Richards (Technology)
Class of 2016
Beth Beals (Mission)
Brian Kocsi (Finance)
Thomas Martin (Human Resources)
Michael Weed (Membership)
Class of 2017
Travis Dailey (Building & Grounds)
Debra Kereczman (Outreach)
Robert McCreary (Nominating)
Judith Yarwood (Clerk of Session)
Communion Sundays 2015:
February 15
April 2 (Maundy Thursday)
April 12
May 24 (Pentecost)
July 5
Cell: 682-7413
Class of 2015
Cindy Dussinger
Sarah Johnson
Louise Plakans
Bailee Armold (Youth Rep)
Class of 2016
Marilyn Aurand
Narayan Dhimal
Lori Beth Nimmon (moderator)
Class of 2017
Linda Anspach
Bill Frick (treasurer)
Nina Good
August 16
October 4 (World Communion)
November 15
December 27
Series Theme for Lent
Physical Address:
600 Stony Battery Road
Landisville PA 17538
Web Site:
Office E-Mail:
Telephone: (717) 898-1551
FAX: (717) 898-9701
February 22, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Nursery Care / Walker / Wheelchair / Large Print Bibles & Bulletins /
Hearing Assist System Available
*Hymn 734 Glory Be to the Father / Gloria Patri
Celebration of the Lord’s Day
First Sunday in Lent
Welcome to Wayside! We are blessed to have guests among us today as
we begin the Season of Lent. If you are without a church home we invite to
return often to see if this congregation might be a good fit for your spiritual
gifts and needs. Thank you for signing our Fellowship Pad with any
contact information or notes to the church office, feeling free to complete
any blue Prayer Requests for use later in the service.
Becky Caplan
Welcome / Life & Witness of the Church / Passing the Peace
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Nick Doerfler
Theme Text
Matthew 1:1-17
*Hymn 716 God Be with You
Benediction (seated)
Parting Music
Please remain seated for Becky’s parting musical gift
Rosa Robinson
Kidz Message
afterward, elementary school age children may depart for an ageappropriate worship lesson with today’s shepherd
*Hymn 84 (vv. 1, 2 & 3) O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Call to Confession Reading of Mark 1:9-15
Chimes Choir Music Box Carol
Louise Duncan, Director
*Hymn 34 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow / Doxology
Prayers of the People / Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer (“debts”)
*Please stand in body, mind or spirit
Gathering Music
Choir Anthem Sometimes I Fell Like a Motherless Child / Howard Helvey
Morning Meditation “The Family Tree”
Pastor Steve
Rosa Robinson, Liturgist
Unison Prayer of Confession
Rosa Robinson
Lord, we often consider ourselves “good” people. We are here in church
by choice instead of in prison by conviction. We give to worthy projects
and lend a hand to our neighbors. We are upstanding citizens, and we
truly desire a world at peace. But upon closer scrutiny we can see many
instances and attitudes that betray your grace and break your holy law.
Temptations may not be the same for each of us, but all of us have fallen
to sin under one or more of your commandments. Search our hearts
today, show us our faults that offend, and renew us with a right spirit we
pray…in Jesus’ name.
Assurance of Pardon Reading of 1 Peter 3:18-22
Rosa Robinson
L: Friends, hear and believe the good news of the gospel.
P: In Jesus Christ we are, I am, forgiven.
Please join us in thanking accompanist Becky Caplan in the narthex
immediately following today’s worship experience for almost five years of
service to this church. The Fellowship hour on this, her last day with us, is
in her honor. Then please consider participating in the adult Bible Study
class in the Conference Room at 11:00 a.m., or even staying for the
contemporary service at that same time.