02D-BULLETIN February 22 2015NF
02D-BULLETIN February 22 2015NF
“Actively live the Gospel through discovering the Spirit alive within our parishioners”. ST. THERESA’S ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH 7508 – 29 Avenue, Edmonton, AB Phone: 780.463.8646 info@strcp.com T6K 3Y8 Fax: 780.450.2431 www.strcp.com & THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF CORPUS CHRISTI info@corpuschristi-edm.ca www.corpuschristi-edm.ca “Our Devotion to the Understanding, Teaching, Promotion and Love of the Eucharist”. PARISH BULLETIN February 22nd, 2015 – 1st Sunday of Lent SACRAMENTS PARISH TEAM ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED? Fr. Jim Corrigan (2227) Pastor Fr. Matthew Hysell Associate Pastor mhysell@op.dspt.edu Fr. Luan Vu (2223) Associate Pastor Sr. Cornelia Ramirez, RVM Sacramental Preparation Deacon Tony Obleada Permanent Deacon Deacon Gem Mella Permanent Deacon Fr. Matthew Hysell mhysell@op.dspt.edu or Fr. Luan Vu - 780.463.8646 ext. 2223 frluanvu@strcp.com RCIA ADAPTED FOR CHILDREN Pamela Petruchik Rectory Housekeeper OFFICE HOURS 9:00 am - 8:30 pm Noon - 1:00 pm 9:30 am - 5:00 pm WEEKDAY MASS TIMES Monday Tuesday – Saturday Tuesday & Wednesday Fr. Jim Corrigan 780.463.8646 ext. 2227 frjim@strcp.com or (2224) Angela McCormick (2226) Youth Ministry Marie Woolgar (2233) Ministry/Business/Web Coordinator Nina Obleada (2225) Parish Bookkeeper Dany Lee (2221) Reception/Secretary Sherry Robak (2222) Records Coordinator Chuck Long Maintenance Fernando Hermoso Custodians Piotr (Peter) Kus Monday to Friday Closed for lunch Open Saturday Please make an appointment 6 months to 1 year prior to your wedding date. 8:00 am 9:00 am 6:25 pm SUNDAY MASS TIMES Saturday Sunday 5:30 pm 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm Life Teen Mass 6:00 pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Weekdays 1 hour prior to the following Masses: Tuesdays 6:25 pm Mass Wednesdays 9:00 am Mass Fridays 9:00 am Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 30 minutes prior to all weekday Masses except Monday. Saturdays from 9:45 - 11:00 am FIRST FRIDAY, MARCH 6 9:00 am Mass & Exposition 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Adoration 6:00 pm Benediction & Mass Classes for 2014-2015 started in Sept. for children (7-14 years old, unbaptized or baptized validly in a non-Catholic Church). Before First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Holy Communion), children who have reached the age of reason (7 years old) are required to go through the process called RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for children. Documents required: Birth certificate for the unbaptized Birth and Baptism certificate for those who were validly baptized in a non-Catholic Church Baptism certificate of the Catholic parent Wednesday, EVENING CLASSES 7:00 - 8:00 pm, MacDonald room Sr. Cornelia Ramirez, RVM 780.463.8646 ext. 2224 RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for anyone over 14 years of age wishing to receive a Sacrament of Initiation. Meetings are Thursdays, 7:30 - 9:30 pm, MacDonald room Call Genevieve - 780.437.8011 Sharon - 780.462.2867 Corpus Christi Father Michael Troy School 3630 - 23 Street Email: info@corpuschristi-edm.ca Website: www.corpuschristi-edm.ca SUNDAY LITURGY CORPUS CHRISTI 9:30 am and 11:30 am at Father Michael Troy School, 3630 - 23 Street HOSPITALITY SUNDAY will be on the 2nd Sunday, March 8 after both Masses. There will be goodies, coffee & juice. Donations of treats are always welcome! The K of C, Fr. Michael Troy Council, hosts alternate Masses on the 3rd Sunday of the month. The next K of C sponsored Mass will be on March 15 at the 9:30 am Mass. Have you ever tasted the crêpes breakfast? Don’t wait too long! CORPUS CHRISTI ADORATION EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Join our faith community in Eucharistic Adoration off the land blessed for our church the last Friday of the month. For the months of February & March, the adoration will be held at St. Theresa’s Parish. Our next Holy Hour will be on: Friday, February 27, 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Join us for an hour with the Lord! CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Corpus Christi CWL information and Charter night will be held on February 23, 2015 at 7:00 pm For more information: Kara - 780.450.0632 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A STRAIGHTFORWARD WAY TO GIVE ALMS? Please consider donating your empty beverage containers (cans, bottles, cartons, etc.) to St Mark's Community of the Deaf. Proceeds will go towards defraying the tuition for our pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi in October 2015. Following the Archbishop Sheen Principle, 10% of the proceeds will go to St Vincent de Paul Society. Beverage containers can be dropped off on Saturdays, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, at the East Basement Doors of St. Theresa's Parish. Your charity will be met with Masses for your intentions at the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome. Thank you! pledge total as of February 18/15 is $5,941,424.00 Please pick up a Corpus Christi Pledge Package from the display tables. Start building your tax credits for 2015. You can earn up to 50% of your donation back! Pledge $20/week starting now! Thank you, one and all! DAY OF CONFESSIONS All parishes within the Archdiocese. All Day on Tuesday, February 24. It doesn't matter if you've been away for a while, it doesn't matter what you have to confess. Drop by the closest Catholic church and experience the grace of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Priests across the Archdiocese have set aside this special day in Lent to welcome you. "I invite you to receive the gift of God’s healing, to experience personally, deep down, how much you are loved by God," says Archbishop Smith. NOTE: St. Theresa’s Parish: Tuesday, February 24, 8:30 am - 9:00 pm LILIES Place your order for lilies now! If you wish to help decorate the church for Easter, please buy your lily at the reception desk and dedicate it to a deceased loved one. Only $15.00 each. WEEK AT A GLANCE SUNDAY February 22nd 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass TUESDAY February 24th 8:30 am - 9:00 pm Reconciliation all day THURSDAY February 26th 8:00 am Rosary (Main body) 9:00 am Mass 8:30 am Reconciliation 12:30 pm Mass 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 9:00 am Mass 2:30 pm Baptism Celebration Legion of Mary - Knitting group Canadian North Church 10:00 am - 12:00 pm True Devotion (MacDonald room) 6:00 pm Life Teen 5:30 pm Adoration 6:25 pm Mass 7:15 - 9:30 pm EXALT (XLT) 7:00 - 9:00 pm Stewardship Meeting (Main body) (OLGC/FMMG rooms) (Main body-MacDonald room) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Grief Share Program FRIDAY February 27th 7:00 - 9:30 pm Ephphatha Prayer Group (Malayalam) (OLGC/FMMG rooms) 7:00 - 10:30 pm Couples for Christ (MacDonald room) SATURDAY February 28th 8:00 am Rosary (OLGC/FMMG rooms) (Main body) 6:30 - 8:00 pm Irish Dance 8:30 am - 5:30 pm CFC Youth Meeting (MacNeil hall) (OLGC/FMMG rooms) 8:00 am Adoration 7:15 - 8:45 pm Legion of Mary 8:40 am Little office of Mary (Main body) 8:30 am Reconciliation (Ozanam room) (Main body) 6:00 - 8:00 pm True Devotion 9:00 am Mass 7:30 - 9:30 pm RCIA 9:00 am Mass MONDAY February 23rd 8:00 am Mass 8:45 am Rosary WEDNESDAY February 25th 9:30 -10:30 am Hospitality (Main body-OLGC/FMMG rooms) 6:30 - 8:30 pm EDGE (MacNeil hall) (MacDonald room) FRIDAY February 27th 5:55 pm Reconciliation 8:00 am Adoration 6:25 pm Mass 8:30 am Reconciliation 7:00 - 8:00 pm RCIA Child 9:00 am Mass 7:00 - 9:00 pm CC Building Committee (Ozanam room) 7:00 - 9:00 pm CWL General Meeting (MacDonald-Ozanam rooms) 7:15 - 9:30 pm Light of Christ (MacDonald room) TUESDAY February 24th 8:00 am Rosary (Main body) (MacDonald room) (MacNeil hall) 7:15 - 10:00 pm Secular Franciscan Formation (MacNeil hall) 11:30 am - 3:00 pm TGIF Pot Luck (MacNeil hall) 6:00 - 7:00 pm Corpus Christi Adoration (Main body) 9:45 – 11:00 am Reconciliation 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Youth Adult Server Training (Main body) 10:00 am - 2:30 pm CWL Annual Gen. Meeting (MacNeil hall) 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Junior Legion of Mary (Ozanam room) 5:30 pm Mass 7:00 - 8:00 pm Stations of the Cross (Main body) THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS AT ST. THERESA’S Every Friday at 7:00 pm led by specific Ministries: *February 27 - Knights of Columbus *March 6 - Respect for Life *March 13 - Couples for Christ *March 20 - Legion of Mary *March 27 - Malankara Community YOUR JOURNEY FROM MOURNING TO JOY GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be with people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. We are commencing a GriefShare program at St. Theresa’s Parish after Mass on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in the OLGC/FMMG rooms. If you cannot make the first session of the 13 week program you may join when you feel ready. To register: Deacon Randall or Roseanne Abele 780.435.5070 or 780.493.1972 or rabele@telus.net or St. Theresa’s Parish office - 780.463.8646 ext. 2221 TOGETHER WE SERVE This Lent, let us look with compassion on those around us who suffer both material and spiritual destitution. Together We Serve enables us to do so together, as members of one archdiocesan and Catholic family. Our one gift to this appeal will bring blessings to many. Through our contributions, the outreach of Together We Serve supports: Our needy brothers and sisters both at home and in the developing world; The missionary work of the Church in Canada, the Holy Land and around the globe; The education and formation of our future priests, lay ministers, and teachers; And the care of our retired priests. www.caedm.ca/WeServe Together We Serve next collection will be Feb. 28 & Mar. 1, 2015 during all Masses. Thank you. SPIRITUAL SHARING CIRCLE Tuesday, March 3 at 1:00 pm - St. Thomas More Parish, 210 Haddow Close. We will talk about Pope Francis with Fr. Andrew Bogdanowicz. Everyone is welcome. Maureen Gouveia - 780.438.7060 From the desk of Reverend Matthew Hysell, MA MTh How can I pray the Lord’s Prayer better? (Part VI) The Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer is GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. It may seem straightforward, but in reality it is a loaded phrase. In point of fact, our English translation, “give us this day our daily bread” comes from a Latin translation that is older than the Vulgate. (The Vulgate was the Latin Bible edited by St Jerome; prior to that was the Old Latin or Vetus Latina, also known as the Italic.). The Old Latin or Vetus or Italic Bible had «panem quotidianum da nobis hodie»,” give us this day our daily bread.” St Jerome, on the other hand, translated it differently: «panem supersubstantialem da nobis hodie», “give us this day our supersubstantial bread.” As you can see, the current English usage is derived from the older, somewhat less precise translation of the Lord’s Prayer from Greek—from the Italic Bible. Why? Well, because the word that we use for “daily”— cotidianum from the Italic Bible or supersubstantialem from the Vulgate Bible—is an hapaxlegomen, which is to say, an extremely rare word. In all of ancient literature, it appears only in the context of the Lord’s Prayer— nowhere else! (See Mt 6:11, Lk 11:3, and the Didache 8:2, an ancient manual of Church discipline.) As such, we are not absolutely certain what this word—epiousios in Greek—means. The prefix epi- means “super”; ousios comes from ousia meaning “substance” or “essence,” so St Jerome’s translation appears to be correct over the older, more traditional quotidianum. So what does it mean? More advanced Biblical scholars are convinced that the word epiousios was invented to articulate the newfound reality of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is truly ‘supersubstantial’ because it fills us with grace. So which is the correct answer? Most likely, both are correct, but “supersubstantial bread” is more accurate than “daily bread.” We retain the latter simply because it was retained in the ancient liturgies, and liturgical tradition cannot be easily discarded because it is where the Holy Spirit preserves and maintains Christian doctrine. The translation of “daily bread” makes sense because ‘supersubstantial’ implies some kind of bread in abundance. So we speak of bread in terms of quantity— “daily bread”—and in terms of quality—“supersubstantial bread.” The Holy Spirit guides the Church in her reception of the divine Scriptures, and in no small way when they are translated from one language to another. The bread we eat everyday also becomes the Bread of Life (see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ¶2837). Therefore, when we pray the Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, we ask for two things: That God may sustain us with the daily food we need, and that God may also supply us with the gift of the Eucharist. To be continued. OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP January 2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In Lent of 2015 we enter the second year of our annual appeal called Together We Serve. This new way of offering collective support to charitable institutions was launched last year, and I am delighted with the success achieved. All eight charities supported by Together We Serve received 100% of the funds promised to them for the accomplishment of their missions. Thank you for your generosity! This year we welcome Catholic Social Services to the campaign. This organization’s commitment to serve the poor and needy in the name of Christ is well known and respected by the people of this Archdiocese and beyond. This Lent, let us look with compassion on those around us who suffer both material and spiritual destitution. Together We Serve enables us to do so together, as members of one archdiocesan and Catholic family. Our one gift to this appeal will bring blessings to many. Through our contributions, the outreach of Together We Serve supports: Our needy brothers and sisters both at home and in the developing world; The missionary work of the Church in Canada, the Holy Land and around the globe; The education and formation of our future priests, lay ministers, and teachers; And the care of our retired priests. “What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?” (Psalm 116: 12). These ancient words from the Book of Psalms are uttered by one overwhelmed by the goodness of God and filled with a desire to give back in return. All that we can give to God, of course, is our thanks. Yet that gratitude can find concrete expression in our generous giving to others. This is the heart of stewardship. In our care for others, we give a generous return to God in thanksgiving for His abundant goodness toward us. Once again, I invite you to listen prayerfully and carefully to how God is calling you to the ministry of charity and the service of justice. In gratitude for God’s abundance in our own lives, let us together share generously and thus bring the unconditional love and hope of Christ to our world. Yours sincerely in Christ, Richard W. Smith ✠ Archbishop of Edmonton 2014 - NOT A GOOD YEAR FOR REFUGEE STATS! More people forced from their homes, jobs, schools, country, and families than in any year since the Second World War. Our parish has been asked by Archbishop Smith to make the life-giving difference of sponsorship to one or two families presently living in fear and lacking what we think of as the normal basics of life. The parish refugee committee will be keeping you informed of developments in this parish effort by means of the Sunday bulletin. SOW MUCH LOVE CAMPAIGN SOWING SEEDS OF LOVE THROUGH 15,200 PROJECTS AND PARTNERSHIPS We have to state, without mincing words, that there is an inseparable bond between our faith and the poor. May we never abandon them. Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 48. For nearly 50 years, DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE has been committed to nurturing the bond between the faith of Canadian Catholics and the poorest of our brothers and sisters in the human family. Since our founding in 1967, Canadian Catholics have supported 15,200 local initiatives around the world through your generous donations to the TOGETHER WE SERVE Collection. These initiatives, in areas such as agriculture, education, community action, peace building and citizen participation, continue to help the poor today. The next TOGETHER WE SERVE collection is on Sat. February 28 & Sunday, March 1. Maria - 780.940.9010 or go to www.devp.org SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL ST. THERESA’S CONFERENCE WHEN WAS THE SOCIETY INTRODUCED TO JAMAICA? The first Jamaican conference was formed at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kingston in 1904, through the instrumentality of Fr. John Harpes, S.J., who organized a group of laymen to begin this work in Jamaica. Bishop Charles Gordon, the first Roman Catholic Bishop of Jamaica, generously started the funding of the conference with a contribution of fifty pounds sterling. JOB OPENING St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Parish in Mill Woods has an opening on the Parish Team for the following: COORDINATOR, FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Our Parish is looking for an individual who is enthusiastic, has excellent interpersonal skills, a practicing Catholic, with proven business financial administrative knowledge and experience. Reporting to the Pastor and in collaboration with the Parish Finance Committee, is responsible for a number of financial functions including: payroll, accounts payable, maintaining the General Ledger, preparation of monthly and year end financial reports, budgetary statements, recommending and implementing Archdiocesan financial policies and procedures. The individual should have completed relevant courses and have in-depth knowledge of the principles and practices related to general office, bookkeeping, and accounting procedures. Must have a working knowledge of the Provincial and Federal statutory legislation related to payroll and financial administrative matters. The skill and knowledge of a variety of accounting software, and other computer applications such as Word and Excel is required. A high degree of accuracy, judgment, ethics, and the ability to work in a collaborative and team environment is essential. This is a permanent part-time (25 hours per week) position. The salary range and employee benefits for this position are as per the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton policies, and is based upon the qualifications and experience of the selected candidate. Proof of a recent (within the past year) Police Information Check (PIC) will also be required. If you are interested in this employment opportunity, please send your resume along with two (2) recent work references by March 2, 2015 to: Fr. Jim Corrigan, Pastor by email: frjim@strcp.com or by mail/drop off at the church, St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Parish 7508 - 29 Avenue Edm., Alberta T6K 3Y8 ST. THERESA’S CWL - LADIES NIGHT OUT March 7, 2015 Wine bar at 6:30 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm Live entertainment, with special guest Princess Florence Tickets: $15.00. Purchase from Kara, Carmen and Fern. Kara - 780.450.0632 HOW IS THE SOCIETY STRUCTURED IN JAMAICA? The Society has a National Council which oversees 5 Particular Councils designated at Kingston, St Andrew, Northern, Southern and Western, under which are grouped some 50 conferences. The Conferences are the backbone of the Society, and are to be found in nearly all Catholic church parishes in the island. Maria - 780.940.9010 or www.ssvpedmonton.ca or www.ssvpwrc.ca or www.ssvp.ca ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD BANK CORNER Our Needs List includes: Canned mixed vegetables, canned fruit, canned pasta, coffee, Hamburger Helper, soup crackers, jam, canned ham, canned chicken, jello, Kraft dinner, canned salmon, 1Lt. orange juice, 1Lt. apple juice, Rice Side Kicks, men’s deodorant, shampoo. Thank you so much for all your donations. Maria - 780.940.9010 SACRAMENTS 2015 BAPTISM PREPARATION Monday, 7:00 pm - MacDonald room No Seminar during Lent April 13 May 04 & 11 2015 BAPTISM CELEBRATION Sunday at 2:30 pm (No Baptism during Lent) April 19 & 26 May 17 & 24 MINISTRIES KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. Peter Council #7070 Meetings are at the K of C Hall on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Grand Knight Ardie - 780.463.3803 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm Our Lady of Good Counsel room Call Maria L. – 780.940.9010 SECULAR FRANCISCANS Meets at 7:15 pm every: 3 Wednesday - General Meeting 4th Wednesday - Formation Session rd OLGC & FMMG rooms Adora D. - 780.468.3353 EXALT (XLT) on Sunday, February 22, 2015 from 7:30 - 9:00 pm, Main body Come for praise and worship, reflections, Eucharistic Adoration, and snacks and fellowship! All families, youth and young adults invited. Angela - 780.463.8646, ext. 2226 angela@strcp.com FMT SPORTS DROP IN Check receptionist for room WANT TO JOIN THE CWL? Kara - 780.450.0632 Feb. 7– 8 19,524.79 Average weekly expenses (this includes the Emergency Reserve) 20,213.49 on Sunday, March 8, 2015 from 7:30 - 9:00 pm, MacNeil hall Socialize, eat some delicious soup, and reflect on scripture. Angela - 780.463.8646, ext. 2226 angela@strcp.com TRUE DEVOTION TO JESUS THROUGH MARY YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Prayerful study for spiritual growth through St Louis de Montfort's book Group 1: Thursdays - 10:00 am, MacDonald room. Group 2: Mondays - 6:00 pm, (ask receptionist for room) Next meeting: Sun., March 1 Come meet other young adults and grow in faith together! Regularly scheduled events: 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month (except holidays) 7:15 pm, after 6:00 pm Mass. Our Lady of Good Counsel room (Ages 18-35) Enter church through doors northwest side of building. Colleen - 780.463.2227 or c1mcfar2@gmail.com RESPECT FOR LIFE LIGHT of CHRIST CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meets on Wednesdays for regular weekly meetings. 7:15 - 9:30 pm, MacNeil hall ST. THERESA’S CATHOLIC GIRLS LEAGUE Open to all girls ages 10 - 16. Next meeting: Mon, March 2, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Fern Hardie - 780.462.9167 ST. THERESA'S & CORPUS CHRISTI PARISHES WEEKLY COLLECTION – 2015 Ordinary Receipts SOUP & SCRIPTURES (Gr. 8 - 12) Sunday, March 1 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm FMT school gym - 3630 23 St NW Play sports you enjoy, have fun & meet new friends. Contact Floyd at fmd_85@hotmail.com for info. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Meets on scheduled days. Next Gen. Meeting Mon., February 23, 2015 - 7:00 pm LIFE TEEN (Gr. 9 - 12) Concupiscence, Lust, Spiritual Hunger on Sunday, March 1, 2015 7:30 - 9:00 pm, MacNeil hall Continuing our Theology of the Body series, we address desire & what’s healthy and unhealthy. Angela - 780.463.8646, ext. 2226 angela@strcp.com Building Fund 4,442.92 Join us on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:30 pm (2nd Monday if statutory holiday) Check receptionist for room Nicole – comet471@yahoo.ca LEGION of MARY Join us in the Ozanam room! Seniors - ages 18+: Every Thursday 7:15 - 8:45 pm Juniors - Ages 8 - 17: Every Saturday 10:30 - noon See brochure at church entrance for details. E-NOTES FROM RESPECT FOR LIFE Victory is assured if , like Jesus, we commit ourselves to fasting, waiting upon the Lord with patience, and having no desire for things beyond our need. 2014 TAX RECEIPTS They will be mailed out by the end of February. Thank you for your patience.