The Cricket Nº4 - Nido de Aguilas International School of Chile


The Cricket Nº4 - Nido de Aguilas International School of Chile
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
In this
Learn how to
make your own
Page 2
Fashion Alert,
Page 2 Halloween costumes.
Page 2
Antonia Moczarski
Page 3
The legend of
Article on
Katty Perry
Page 4
Ms. Cartwright’s
Page 2
Page 5
In this issue…
Stories to chill your
Read our Editorial!
Page 1
“This was home, a home that
challenged and expanded my
perspective as I progressed
through the intricately complex
process of balancing adaptation
while preserving what I had
discovered to be my essential
Third Culture Kids
Page 7
- Wining horror
- El Caleuche
Page 8
A Day in the Life
Maia Wodka
Page 9
with The
Cricket, GET
p. 8
sweets, read
if you dare,
and celebrate
with us!
Spooky Stories
Read if you dare
By Ms. Cartwright
Third Culture Kids
Page 10 NidoSaurio
(The interview)
By Benjamin Albagli
Takemi Chang
STUCO news
Get ready for Halloween!
In this issue you can
find an interview to
runner here at school.
interesting life she
has outside of school.
Maia Wodka
The month of October is
already fading away, but it leaves
with us traces of fun here in Middle
School. Halloween is around the
corner, and is slowly creeping
towards us in the shadows.
To celebrate the departure of
the month, The Cricket team has put
together a creepy Halloween issue!
Expect to find spooky riddles, a
Halloween word search, a Halloweenthemed comic, and the winners of the
spooky short-story and drawing
The STUCO page!
Rec Night, a True
there is Emily
an amazing
contest! Also,
and terrifying original illustration
by Hidemi Mitani.
So, open this issue if you
Gabriela Nari González
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
The Cricket
October's spookiest
halloween costume
By Antonia
Moczarski (6th)
Make this Halloween memorable by
wearing the best costume. Say goodbye to last
year’s witches and say hello to today´s
Embrace your
character with
eyes and a
scary pride!
Think about your costume for the
Dull / groovy outfits for this year, according
to our expert… do you agree? Can you be a
groovy witch? Let´s see!
Dull Costumes
Groovy Costumes
Banana Peel
The fashion industry has grown and has different
expectations and understandings. If you can't
find a trendy outfit like the ones listed on the
right, then make one your own.
And remember, beauty hurts, so don't
be surprised if a needle picks you.
The Marble:
The Lottery Ticket:
A man was working is his toolshed when his son burst in crying.
“What’s wrong?” asked the father.
“Daddy, I was playing marbles with the other boys at
school,” whimpered the boy. “One of the boys stuffed a marble in
“Don’t worry, son,” reassured the father. “I’m sure I have
something in here that will get it out.” The father looked around his
shed and found a super-strong electro-magnet.
“This is a magnet,” he told his son. “The marble in you ear
contains metal, so when I press this button, the machine will yank
the marble out.”
The man placed the magnet against his son’s ear. He pressed to
button and there was a loud clanging sound. His son crumpled to
the floor, killed instantly.
How did the son die?
My family used to be very poor. My sister and I had only
one set of clothes to wear and the kids at school used to
make fun of us. Last year, I woke up and my mother told
me that my sister was gone. My sister must have run away
from home. She had never warned me she was going to
Not long after she left, my parents won the lottery. My
mom told me that she found the winning ticket in a
dumpster. When we received all the money, I thought that
all of our problems would be over. My parents
immediately went on a spending spree. My dad bought a
fancy car and a big TV. My mom bought some pretty
dresses and jewelry for herself.
“What happens when all the money runs out?” I
asked them one day.
“Don’t worry,” replied my mom. “We’ll still have
I guess that means that no matter what, they really love
me. Doesn’t it?
Answer: The parents sold their daughter for money to buy
a lottery ticket. By “We’ll still have you,” the mother is
implying that she will do the same to the child.
Answer: The marble was in the other ear, so when the father turned
the magnet on, the marble ripped through the son’s head.
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
The Cricket
The legend of
Felipe De Mori (8th)
Slender Man, Him, Der
Ritter, The Pale One, and
White King are all names
that could be given to a tall
paranormal creature that
has between 7-15 feet tall,
long arms, no hair, wears a
business suite, and -scariest
of all- has no face.
The reason that his main
targets are human beings is unknown,
but he is known to stalk his victims for
years. He is also known to appear in
pictures the same day that many
children go missing. He has been
taught to kidnap people and take them
to the forest.
A common trait that adult
victims of the Slender Man share is
that they have all gone through a
terrible tragedy in their lives.
The legend of Slender Man has
become famous lately due to the new
video game: Slender. Here, the the
player is stalked in a dark forest by Slender
Man himself.
You can find videos with more
information about the legend of Slender Man in
YouTube. Search it if you would like to know more
about it, but beware! The commentaries are scary,
and might make it hard to sleep at night. So watch
at your own risk.
Inspiring Celebrities: Katy Perry
By Montserrat Fuentes
Katy Perry was born in the beautiful California, living with her mother,
father, and sister. As her parents were pastors, she was never allowed to
listen to any rock or popular music. Katy was only allowed to listen to Sister
act 1 and 2 songs. Though, that would never stop her from reaching music.
She started to take guitar lessons at the age of 13, and showed a very big
interest in music. Katy made several trips to Nashville to record a gospel
album, however, the record company then became bankrupt.
Being in high school, she strived to be herself. Some days she would be
with the “want to be rapper” groups, and another day the funny people.
Then she decided it was time to get a move on in her career.
Katy Perry left her home to go to L.A, and it was a big move. Her mother
recalls “She had never been somewhere so big.” Even though being in the
city of partying, Katy went to record companies to see if they would sign a
contract. Sadly, Katy was denied various times by many producers.
Happily, after seeing the Columbia record company, she went to sign with
a newly created Capitol music group. With this, she recorded her top hit
song “I Kissed a Girl”. With her song, she got the attraction of Madonna,
who mentioned her on KISS FM and KRQ’s KohnJay & Rich morning show in
Arizona. With many reviews, her fame got bigger. She later launched her
big heading ‘Hello Katy Tour’ in 2009. The same year her song “I Kissed a
Girl” got a nomination for ‘Best Female Pop Vocal Performance’. Katy had
one of her dreams start to come true. To sing in front of a crowd and make
people smile.
Probably you and your friends have heard of
her, and maybe even listened to her music,
but did you know that she never really ‘just’
popped into the market? Behind this big time
celebrity there is a person just like you.
Katy Perry has had a humongous journey
throughout time. In this article, you will read
about an inspiring journey to become who
she wanted to be.
In 2010, Katy released her Album called ‘Teenage Dream”. With surprise,
its sales were 192,000 copies in its first week. That same year in October,
Katy got married to Russell Brand, however, 14 months later, Russell
demanded a divorce due to having ‘different ways’ to do things. Also in
October she released her single, ‘The One that Got Away’. After her high
and lows in her career, she made a movie called ‘Katy Perry: Part of Me’
which explains her career and failures and how she has made it to where
she is.
Katy Perry is inspirational to many people because she found the way to be
herself, instead of molding her character according to what producers or
other might have wanted her to be.
The Cricket
reminds me
children, my
brother and I
A teacher’s
felt most at
on the move,
By Ms. Cartwright sleeping in
forts erected
layovers in the corners of airports and train
Third Culture Kids
To be in route from one
place to another was
The wanderer in me was encoded
into my genes. My parents are born of
travelers and are travelers themselves. Not
sightseers who merely take photos of
foreigners in foreign lands, my parents
lived and taught overseas when I was
growing up. As a child, I knew I wasn’t
native to the country in which we lived, but I
always felt at home. Home meant my family
was eating, playing, and sleeping side by
side, be it in our house in Jamaica, in my
grandparent’s cabin in upstate New York, in
our apartment in Saudi Arabia, in our
duplex on Maui, or in a hotel, hostel, tent, or
airport floor.
I was born in Mandeville, Jamaica,
where we lived until I was four. In Jamaica,
Rose, an elderly woman from the
countryside, carried me around all day
filling my greedy mouth with tiny twisted
pieces of boiled dough that she called
“dumplings,” a term that eventually became
my nickname. My “soodah” (pacifier) was
the skinned end of a pumpkin stem, which,
according to my parents, I found more
comforting than a manufactured rubber
paci. My soother is still Jamaican; reggae
music will always be my first choice.
In kindergarten, we moved to Saudi
Arabia, where my parents worked at a
school affiliated with an airline. For our
family, any place on the Saudia Airlines
flight route was accessible, and so we
traveled a lot and alwayson stand-by. Flying
stand-by means that you arrive at the airport
without a reservation and wait for seats to
become available, so needless to say, my
brother Jason and I spent a lot of hours
between destinations with heads propped
against backpacks playing cards, reading
books, eating snacks, and waiting and
waiting. The destinations were worth the
wait. Looking back, I realize how privileged
we were to play chase-tag around the
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
pyramids in Cairo, Egypt, to go roller-skating in
Castel del Piano, Italy, to go on a treasure hunt for
pottery shards in Jerash, Jordan, and to eat dinner at
the home of a local family in Jibla, Yemen. Jason
and I experienced typical kid activities, but the
setting was always new, always changing.
From Saudi Arabia, my family moved to
Maui, Hawaii, where I started over again as the
“haoli,” the foreigner.
At my request, I was
enrolled in hula lessons after school, which I loved
despite complaining that my white belly didn’t look
right compared to the beautiful brown bellies of the
rest of the girls in my troop. Maui was not only our
new home but also reminiscent of our previous
home in Jamaica; when my mom roasted breadfruit
on a campfire on Maui, I was transported to my
highchair in Rose’s kitchen in Jamaica.
As a young adult, I
continued to find comfort in
transience. In college, I studied abroad
twice, and a few years after getting married, my
husband Brad and I spent a year in Southeast Asia.
Our travels were guided by my husband’s interest
in history and my interest in authentic cultural
studies; we shied away from the tourist path and its
cheap thrills. This experience, coupled with a
moving testimonial from a volunteer who had
recently returned from Cameroon, convinced us to
join the Peace Corps. As Peace Corps volunteers,
we were sent to a rural community in the central
mountains of the Dominican Republic. We lived in a
small palm board shack with neither electricity nor
running water for two years.
This was home, a home that
challenged and expanded my
perspective as I progressed
through the intricately complex
process of balancing adaptation
while preserving what I had
discovered to be my essential
As an adult, choosing to work abroad was
not blazing a path divergent from the one laid out
before. For forty years, my father taught high school
English, and he was renown for bringing fiction to
life as he regaled students with his stories of moving
from place to place as a the son of an Air Force
colonel. My mother, the granddaughter of Italian
immigrants, was a Latin teacher who, at times,
taught French and Arabic as well. She ended her
career teaching English as a Second Language at an
international language institute—I suppose she
believed the next best thing to overseas living was
to interact with students from all over the world.
Needless to say, my family was not
surprised in 2008 when Brad and our two children
left the States and moved to Managua to work at the
School. We lived there
for four years and grew to
love the complex and
beautiful country and its
generous people.
Nevertheless, last year at
about this time, we found
about exploring a new
country and dedicating
our energies to a new
school, and thus we
began down the path that
led us here, to home in
So, we packed up
erected a makeshift fort in
an airport and told our
children to crawl on in
and take a nap. If they
continue to follow the path
they too will feel
comfort in the
transition as they
and again into
the unknown.
I am on,
Are you a Third Culture
Kid too? Want to share
your experience? Let’s
start a dialogue that
could benefit many
students here at Nido.
Write to us at
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
The Cricket
Scary Stories!
past month,
Middle School students and selected the
three best ones. Now, we present to you the
winners, and invite you to enjoy the ride of
suspense. If you dare…
1st place:
that, the fingers squeezed tighter and I felt their icy pulse pounding
over my hand. Her sharp, cold nails dug into my flesh. Clutching my
doll, I pushed out of the closet, shrieking, and ran until I reached
The nails left deep gouges on my hand. I noticed some
blood on Mitzi’s right hand and dress, and figured that I must’ve
soiled her while running.
A few days after, I was in the garden, brushing Mitzi´s hair
and telling her about the scary girl in the closet. I then heard a cruel,
wicked laughter and, as I looked in horror, Mitzi slowly turned her
head and faced me with her icy blue eyes. Screaming, I ran into the
“Mother!” I shrieked. “Mitzi! Sh-she-sh-she’s. She’s alive!”
My mother’s face stiffened, her frightened eyes locking onto mine.
Strangely enough, she instinctively understood the situation.
She stood up and stumbled out the door. She grabbed a
shovel from the toolshed and approached Mitzi, who was cackling
with hollow laughter.
As she raised the shovel, Mitzi slowly pointed a china finger
at me and hissed, “No matter where you go, wherever you hide,
somehow I will be by your side.” Before she could utter another
word, the shovel came down.
Badly shaken, we never spoke of this incident again.
Eventually, I forgot it even happened, until years later, when I
brought my daughter a beautiful doll with piercing blue eyes...
By Gabriela Nari González
The doll was a present from my mother.
Returning from long trip to Europe, she had handed me a
wrapped box. “She will keep you company whenever I’m
not there, Emily,” she cooed as I eagerly unwrapped the
present and pulled out a doll in a lace dress. She had a
smooth, pale china face and body, and golden curls
framed her pretty face. She had delicate lips painted red,
and a perfect little nose. Her piercing blue eyes seemed
to look at me, as cold and beautiful as a blizzard.
“Oh, Mother,” I choked. “She’s beautiful. I’ll
name her... Mitzi.”
Mother smiled. “Just make sure you take good
care of her,” she said. “She likes attention, you know.”
From that day, strange things began to happen.
At a sleepover at a neighbor´s house, I was playing hide
and seek and hid in a closet, hugging Mitzi.
“Hello,” said the voice of a little girl.
“Hello,” I replied. This must’ve been one of my
friend’s buddies, and she had hid here too.
“Hey,” she whispered from the dark, “could you
hold my hand? I’m scared.”
“Sure,” I said and held out my hand. “Can you
reach it?”
I felt small, cold fingers, stiffly gripping my
hand. "Poor thing", I thought. "She must be terrified."
"What is your name?” I asked.
“Mitzi? Cool. I
have a doll named Mitzi.
Funny coincidence, huh?”
I asked.
breathed the girl. “The
funny thing is that I have a
doll named Emily.” With
There was a tie for 2nd place. Here, the two
winning stories:
2nd place:
What you are about to read is based on a true story about an
individual in the family of Rhiana Wilson. Dramatized by Sarah
It was late at night when I went upstairs to check on my 5-year old
girl, Illiana. There she was, lying in her bed, when I bent down to
kiss her forehead. My eyes were closed, the night seemed so
tranquil. That was, it seemed tranquil, until-“Mummy!”
I jumped as she screamed in my ear. I opened my eyes, just to see
her lying there, frozen, clutching the sides of her bed.
“Mummy!” she yelled, this time louder. “Who’s that man
standing behind you?” Goosebumps started to form on the back of
my neck, and now I too was paralyzed.
“What, honey?” I asked, trying to keep my voice from
“The tall man, Mummy. The one behind you in the hallway!”
This time, I knew I hadn’t misheard her. I quickly turned around, but
all that I saw was the usual cream colored wall that faced our
corridor. I started to wonder if it could be my husband, but I knew he
was out of the house. And if he was my husband, wouldn’t he have
come in, and told Illiana not to worry?
Illiana was shaking, shrieking, louder and louder. I didn’t want to
leave her alone, but I had to check if anyone had entered the house.
“Mummy, he’s right behind you, he’s scaring me!”
I flew downstairs to the study, checking the alarm. How strange, I
thought. It didn’t appear to be broken. And there was certainly no
one on any of the security cameras, placed on every corner of the
Continues on next page…
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
The Cricket
“Mummy! Mummy! He’s coming into my room!”
I armed myself with a letter opener. I slowly walked out
of the study, and I heard a strange sound. A wail was
coming from upstairs, getting louder, louder, louder,
until it was loud enough to shatter glass. I wanted to run
up and help her, but the sound was so unbearable that I
was brought down to the floor, curled up in a ball with my
hands covering my ears.
Suddenly, it stopped. I raced up the stairs,
fearing the worst. I exploded into the room, wielding the
letter opener like a lightsaber, trying to look brave. The
sight that met my eyes greatly confused me. Illiana was
tucked in her bed, fast asleep.
To this day, I have never understood what went
on that night... nor do I want to.
2nd place:
Isabela Ibarcena
Alone. Anne was alone in this world with no
one to go to when in need. She was “abandoned,” or so
she says, by her parents. Although they did not leave her
intentionally, they still did. Anne’s parents were gone
now, and Anne was left in an orphanage. Anne was
curious though, more than any other girl.
Anne was the new girl, so she decided to
explore the small town that she would one day call home.
She strolled along, peering at all the alleys and the
corners, until something caught her eye. Anne saw in an
alley farther ahead, there was a shadow moving abruptly
throughout the space. Anne turned around ignoring the
strange figure until her curiosity could not contain itself.
She spun around rapidly, almost falling, but sprinting
towards the moving shape. Before she reached the alley,
a message appeared on a wall nearby. It said, “Do not
proceed. Curiosity itself will never be satisfied without
superior knowledge, but there will be no turning
back.” Anne was speechless. It was bad enough having
to move to an unknown town, but hearing voices was too
much. She was stunned. Before thinking, Anne ran
towards the alley thinking safety would be provided
there. As soon as her left foot reached the pavement,
everything disappeared. It all went white for a moment,
Anne stepped back wanting to go back to the orphanage,
but it was too late. She had appeared in a graveyard.
It was dark and gloomy. There was no sight of
the sun, or any living things. The only thing Anne could
see were tombstones. Everywhere, on every space, was
a grey rock with names and dates carved on them. All
Anne could think of was, ”Who else was here?” She took
a step forward, only to see the same shadow dance
around an area on a tombstone.
Anne yelled out, ”Who are you? Why am I
here?” There was no answer. Now, she saw the figure
move upward along a small path. Anne followed it until
she saw an empty hole in the ground where it stood. The
figure stretched out his hand to Anne. Anne was very
curious so again without thinking she grabbed the hand
and was pulled in the hole.
The rest is now history. The graveyard is now empty,
except for one tombstone far out in the space. The
tombstone read, ”Do not trust the unknown.”
3rd place:
By Benjamin Kimball Lambert
There was once a thief named Cody. He robbed graves of their
greatest treasures. The prize of his collection was the world’s biggest
diamond, right out of the grave of Bill Gates. Anyway, he was
planning on robbing another grave tonight. He wanted to rob the
grave of Steve Jobs. He headed to the tombstone.
He took a shovel and started to dig up the grave, wondering
what cool treasures he’d find in this famous person’s grave. As soon
as he made a hole an inch deep, a deformed, skeletal hand shot out
of the grave. Cody yelped and backed away. A second skeletal hand
shot out of the ground. A few seconds later, the entire skeleton had
made it out of the ground. He walked surprisingly fast toward Cody,
his hands extended like he was going to choke Cody to death. Cody
screamed and checked his watch. It said 12:00 A.M., or midnight.
Cody froze in shock as he saw the skeleton start to glow. It glowed
and glowed, and Cody had to close his eyes to avoid being blinded.
When the glow died, he opened his eyes, and thought he was seeing
things. There were two skeletons now. But he punched each one
lightly, and both were solid. He screamed for the last time that night
and ran for his life.
The only things Cody packed for his flight the next morning
were his diamond and some books, along with a few other
possessions he had taken from graves. He got into the air just after
lunch, and breathed a sigh of relief. Now those skeletons had no
chance of getting him. 2 hours later, his flight landed in Illinois.
1 day later, however, he got drunk from beer, and the now 3
skeletons snuck into the room that he collapsed and picked him up.
They teleported him back to the grave he tried to dig up. They
dropped him on the ground, and he woke up, screaming in terror at
the skeletons. The skeleton’s two clones picked up Cody like he was
a rag doll, straightened him, and, with superhuman (or is it
superskeleton?) strength, they stuffed him into the grave. After that,
the two clones of Steve Job’s skeleton disappeared. The real skeleton
climbed back into the grave, gave an evil smile, closed the coffin,
and made a tombstone. It said: Here lies Cody, who stuck his nose into
a skeleton’s business.
Rumor has it that today, if you approach the grave, then
Cody’s skeleton will drag you into the coffin and steal your soul.
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
The Cricket
Scary Illustrations!
Alongside with The
Short Story Contest,
though we only had one participant, we are
very happy since the drawing is truly horrific!
Congratulations to HIDEMI MITANI!
El Caleuche is a ghost ship, which roams the island of
Chiloé, right across from the city of Puerto Montt. It is said
that the ship makes a lovely music to attract navigators
from all sorts: from fishing to commercial boats.
What the Caleuche is looking for is to take the men into
their crew… but in order to that, the new sailor must be
According to the legend, the Caleuche’s sailors all are
physically handicapped. Many possess just one leg, and
their memories have been taken away… the Caleuche
does this so that they are unable to ever reveal what
happens aboard.
WARNING: you should NEVER look directly at the
Caleuche because it will curse you.
Now, the
boat can also navigate under the
water. When somebody joins the crew, they are taken
to see the treasure underwater. This is why their
memories have to be completely erased. Also, this is why
in Chiloé it is believe that when a merchant gets rich too
fast it is because he has done secret business with the
ghost ship.
This mysterious machine also takes in the people who
have died by drowning.
A lot of people have actually seen this ship down at
Chiloé. “Nico” is the name of a man whose story is shared
in the island. He worked with the fishermen, delivering
merchandise to boats. One night, he was sent to deliver a
packed to a boat. Everything was normal until a ship with
all its lights on suddenly shot them off. There was an old
man who told him to row back to shore immediately,
because this wasn’t the correct boat. The man said it was
the ghost boat. Before Nico could do something, a huge
wave came inside their boat. It was too late. The Caleuche
disappeared with both of them.
El Caleuche is called the ghost boat because it appears
A Chilean legend
By Montserrat Ruiz
de Gamboa
El Calueche is a typical Chilean legend, told
primarily in southern seaports, although
even travelers are warned about its dangers.
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
The Cricket
Column by Maia Wodka (6th grade)
Hello, my name is Maia Wodka and this is my column: A day in the life. Today
we are going to focus on a true Chilean celebrity. And… she works right here
in our school! You see her around campus, running back and forth, taking
papers from one office to the other. She is the “runner” of Nido. But I’m sure
you don’t imagine what her afterschool hobby is. Her name is María Ester
Maldonado, and here is an interview I conducted so you can all know what
her valuable contributions to Chile’s cultural scene are. Enjoy!
María Ester and I
at school during
the interview.
- How much time per day do you rehearse? Where?
We get together at María Ester’s house and
rehearse on weekends, twice a month.
- Have you done a CD?
Yes, in1996. It’s calle Nuestro canto campesino.
Then, in 2010, we recorden Yo vivo pisando en
tierra. They have been quoted in a recently
published book called Nuestras voces, Nuestro
- Where are you from?
Lo Barnechea, Chile
- How long have you been working at Nido?
3 years
- What is your job as a “runner” here at school?
Take and bring the correspondence from all the
- Which is your favorite popular song?
I like the Cuecas, the waltz Olvídame. That song got
me started, it inspired me.
-Have you ever been on a music tour? When? Where?
With who?
Yes, inside Chile. We go to the payadores festivals,
and we play in between acts. It is very fun.
This picture was taken from an article that appeared in El Mercurio:
- Tell us about your hobby.
I sing traditional music, Chilean
Folklore, and I also play the guitar.
- How long have you been doing it for?
18 years and she started when she
was just 22 years old.
- What kind of music do you sing?
I sing with a friend, and both of us
play the guitar I’m the second voice
and she is the first voice, we are
- Do you have a band? What is its
Yes, with my fiend we are a duet, we
call are group El dúo Las Marías,
I’m María Ester and my friend is
María Eugenia.
The Cricket
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
in action!
By Mika
Our first STUCO bake sale was a success! We sold
out, and we got a bunch of money to start planning the
Here are some things customers said about it:
- “The brownies are delicious!”
- “I love the cupcakes and the cookies!”
- “Amazing brownies!”
- “I think having a bake sale with choripan was a great
“The brownies are the best
brownies I have ever tasted!”
- “Very good choripan.”
- “Choripan was very good. I
liked the bun as well.”
- “Love the sale but the lines
were a bit confusing.”
- “Can’t wait to see what other things you guys have
This is that the STUCO sellers said:
- “The blueberry muffins are selling fast!”
- “Everyone is buying the brownies.”
- “Out of all the things, the choripan and the brownies
sell the best.”
- “Everyone looks
quite happy with
our sale.”
All I have to say is
great job STUCO
that was a great
way to start the
All your
hard work payed
off. Hope you will
entertained. Keep
up the fabulous
Right: Dani Giadach
for a high five during
the bake sale.
On Thursday, October 11th, STUCO opened the
doors of Stevenson Hall during lunch time, to offer
a spectacular and different way to spend your
Students from all three grades were able to enjoy
of a selection of 5 short films, encountering
laughter, suspense, intrigue,
Besides that, there was a
selection of music videos for
the waiting time.
STUCO also offered popcorn
and candies, so you could
transported to
With curtains
closed and a
had not much
to envy from
a Hoyts or
Review by Ms.
Right: “Alma”, one
of the short films
shown at the event.
Issue 4 / Halloween! Oct. 2012
The Cricket
Continued …
Benjamín Albagli
Takemi Chang
In our last issue, Benjamín and Takemi visited Mr. Rodolfo Franco (High School
Spanish) to interview him about his career here at Nido. Mr. Franco has worked as a
Spanish Teacher since he was about 19 years old. We say “about” because nobody
seems to know. And Franco doesn’t reveal it either.
Now, we present to you the answers to those questions. Read about this legend.
1) ¿Cuántos años lleva enseñando en el Nido de Águilas?
He estado en Nido muchos años, desde que era un jovenzuelo... ya hace 49 años; cómo vuela el
2) ¿Qué lo sedujo para comenzar a enseñar en el colegio, y aún seguir aquí después de tantos años?
Cuando entré a Nido era un lugar... casi virgen, todo parecía inmóvil. El colegio ha ido
cambiando a través de los años nadie se imaginó lo que cambiaría.
4) ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de su profesión?
Lo que más me gusta de mi profesión son los estudiantes, el diario diálogo con ellos, sus
inquietudes, sus problemas... los libros, a veces... como solución.
5) ¿Cuéntenos alguna anécdota interesante del colegio?
Han pasado muchas cosas tristes y divertidas y entretenidas e increíbles. No podría en este
momento seleccionar dos o tres pues todas o ninguna merecen ser mencionadas.
6) Hemos escuchado historias de que le ha enseñado a famosos, ¿a qué alumnos célebres le ha hecho
Han pasado muchos alumnos los cuales después han logrado fama, publicidad, dinero, pero no
les puedo contar por su privacidad.
7) ¿Es verdad que alguna vez existió un taller de mecánica en el Nido? ¡Cuéntenos!
Me preguntas sobre un taller de mecánica... sí con autos y buses para
reparar. también hubo un taller de cocina y de costura, con cocinas para
cocinar y máquinas para coser.
8) Hace un par de años, cuando se hizo el Nido Time Capsule, ¿usted dejó algo en esa caja que será
abierta en 20 años más? ¿Qué dejó?
Sí, dejé un legado en la cápsula del Tiempo, pero si te digo lo que hay allí sería... como contar
el final de una película que hay que ver. Espera unos años y lo sabrás. Ojalá estemos ahí juntos
para saberlo. Total, 20
ido yendo a escondidas.
años se van volando... y para mí 48... 49 en Nido se han
Algunas fechas inolvidables para mí en el colegio:
1934 Ver la fundación del colegio en Peñalolén.
1944-54 Algo que no puedo revelar me narró uno de los fundadores.
1964 El Nido se cambió a su localidad actual, en las montañas.
1974 Oscuros meses tras el Golpe de Estado.
1984 Aniversario 50 años, escribí a la Historia del Nido.
1994 Aniversario 60 años, se añade computación y el programa IB.
2004 Aniversario 70 años.
2014 Espero celebrar otro cumpleaños del Nido.
Muchas gracias por su tiempo:
Benjamín Albagli y Takemi Chang
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