Members of the 2015 Advisory Board: EuroPCom
Members of the 2015 Advisory Board: EuroPCom
EuroPCom Advisory Board The EuroPCom 2015 Conference is an initiative of the EU Committee of the Regions, coorganised with the European Parliament, the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee. The conference is prepared by an Advisory Board, with representatives of the European institutions, regional authorities and professional communication associations. Members of the 2015 Advisory Board: Laurent Thieule, Wolfgang Petzold, Boris Essender, Katie Owens and Tom De Smedt, Committee of the Regions Aleyda Hernandez, European Parliament Paul Reiderman and Vincenzo Le Voci, Council of the EU Sixtine Bouygues, Ana-Paula Laissy, Antonis Papacostas, Béla Dajka, Peter Fischer and Sandra Schoenwolf, European Commission Peter Lindvald-Nielsen and Anna Comi, European Economic and Social Committee Niels Thøgersen and Philippe Caroyez, Club of Venice Dominic Lyle, European Association of Communication Agencies (EACA) Florence Ranson, European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Luciano Morganti, European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Karl Musschoot, Flemish Government, Jacques Moisse, Walloon Government, and Dominique Megard, Cap-Com, on behalf of the Europcom Association Monika Kapturska, Wielkopolska Region EuroPCom conference team: CoR Events Unit, Belliardstraat 101, 1040 Brussels, +32 2 282 20 10,