48 48 Annual Conference of IATE
48 48 Annual Conference of IATE
Accommodations: Accommodation in guest house/Dormitory will be provided without any extra charges. The capacity of the 2 Dormitories is 75 and priority will be given for early registrations. But, stay arrangements in hotels will be made on payment basis only. Request for accommodation in hotel will be processed on advance payment only. The request for accommodation must be made latest by February 28th, 2015. 3 Hotel Name Sanman Gardenia Kamat Hotel Sanman Lodge Single Room A/C Single Room Non-A/C Double room A/C 2500/- ---- 3000/- Double room NonA/C ----- ----- ------ 1700/- 1200/- ---- 800/- 1200/- ------ Book Post (Printed Matter Only) To 48th Annual Conference of IATE ………………………………………………… On ………………………………………………… Professionalisation of Teacher Education: Current Reforms ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… Weather: The climate at Bangalore during the month of March happens to be moderate. The temperature ranges usually between 18ºC to 30ºC. Contact Persons: March 22-24, 2015 ………………………………………………… Dr. Krishnaiah, Mob.: 09449623463, Dr. P.B. Kavya Kishore, Mob.:09448775077, Sri. Srinivasa K.S., Mob.No.: 09845564101. Email: krrvtc2001@yahoo.co.in, drkk.iase@gmail.com, srinivasaksjrf@gmail.com. Organizing Committee: Dr. M.K. Panduranga Setty Sri A.V.S. Murthy Dr. Krishnaiah Dr. S. Kartiyayeni All faculty members of R.V. Teacher College Prof. Anita Rastogi Secretary, IATE : Chief Patron : Patron : Organising Secretary : Joint Secretary : Members Prof. P.K. Sahoo President, IATE From Dr. Krishnaiah, Principal, IASE, R.V.Teachers College Jayanagar 2nd Block, Bengaluru-560011 60th Anniversary Celebration of R.V. Teachers College Organized by IASE, R.V.Teachers College Jayanagar 2nd Block, Bengaluru-560011 About the Theme: The conference will explore the recent challenges in the field of teacher education with reference to the recent initiatives on formulation of regulation of Teacher Education Programmes and curriculum reforms by NCTE. There have been efforts to streamline in quality control and quality assurance exercises of Teacher Education institutions by regulatory bodies. The major issue is how such initiatives can play significant role in Professional Development of Teachers and Teacher Educators of different levels of Teacher Educations Programmes. The conference is designed to cover the issues of Professionalisation of Teacher education and the initiatives made by apex bodies as well as the Universities in bringing reforms in structure and processes of teacher education, management of teacher education, human resource development in teacher education. Curricular issues, and Innovative practices, Blended learning in teacher education and quality of teacher education. Objective of the Conference: 1. To facilitate platform for knowledge exchange about experiences on reforms in teacher education. 2. To explore the alternatives majors of quality assurance in teacher Education Programmes. 3. To provide opportunities to teacher education community to discuss about innovative practices for professionalization of teacher education. Registration Detail: Delegate Type Amount to be paid Registration 800/1000/600/- Member IATE Non-member IATE Research Scholars* *Research scholars are expected to submit necessary document. ** 100/- Rupees extra for on the spot Registration. Demand Draft for the registration fee should be sent through Nationalized Bank draft drawn in favour of ‘Principal R.V. Teachers College Bengaluru560011, Payable at Bengaluru. Registration fee includes: Conference participation certificate, Conference kit, Conference Souvenir, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for three days. Conference Theme: Professionalisation Teacher Education: Current Reforms of Sub Themes: 1. Vision of teacher education, nature of teacher education and quality reform perspectives for Professionalisation of teacher education. 2. Issues and Challenges on implementation of revised Norms and regulations for teacher education programmes. 3. Role of statutory bodies in Curricular reforms in different levels of teacher education as per NCTE regulation-2014. 4. Research Issues in education and methodological perspective of research on teacher education. 5. Innovations in Teaching Learning System visa via Teacher Education Planning and Quality management of Teacher Education at Institution level, State level and National level. Role of emerging technologies in Teacher Education Practices in in-service and pre-service programme. 6. Teacher management: Issues and perspectives at preschool level, elementary level, Secondary and Higher level and Professional development of Teachers. About the Institution: The Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust is a pioneer organization in the state to start the first private Teachers College in the erstwhile Mysore State. It was the vision of our founder Secretary of R.S.S.T. Late M.C. Shivananda Sharma a great patriot and freedom fighter. He felt the need for starting a College of Education to nurture the spirit of nationalism among the teachers. His sincere efforts took the shape of R.V. Teachers College in 1954. R.V. Teachers College is the first Grant in Aid College in the State of Karnataka founded in the year 1954. It is affiliated to Bangalore University and is recognized by National Council of Teacher Education. Guidelines for submission of Papers: 1. The contributors are requested to send the abstract of the research paper. 2. For English: MS-WORD, Time New Roman-12 points font. 3. For Hindi: Shreelipi 16 points and paper size A4. 4. Paper title, name(s) of the author(s) and address for correspondence should be placed in centre alignment. 5. The first page of the manuscript should include the title only. An abstract of 150 words should accompany each manuscript. 6. New paragraphs should be indicated by clear indentation. 7. Alignment: - Justified, Paper Margin-Top 1”, Left1.5”, Right 1”, and Bottom 1”, Line spacing 1.5. 8. Hard copy and CD of the paper should be submitted to the Conference organizer, after acceptance of the abstract. Conference Proceedings: Conference papers will be published in the special issue IATE Journal with ISSN. No. Selected research papers shall be published in the refereed journal of Teacher Education. Abstracts of the papers will be published in the souvenir of R.V. Teachers College. Important Dates: 1. Conference date: 22-24 March., 2015 2. Last date for submission of abstracts: 28 Feb.,2015 3. Last date for submission of full paper: 15th March, 2015 4. Last date of registration: 20th March., 2015 E-mail: krrvtc2001@yahoo.co.in, : drkk.iase@gmail.com, : srinivasaksjrf@gmail.com. Registration Form Name: Designation: Institution: Address for Correspondence: Contacts: Mobile No. Phone No. E-mail Accommodation Required? [Yes/No] If yes then what would you prefer? Please tick: Guest House/ Dormitory (Free of Charge) Hotel (On Payment Basis) Please select the Tariff Group: Rs. Rs.1000 Title of your paper: Name of Coauthor(s) if any *Preferably send your registration form through email Rs. 2500