Homework 3


Homework 3
Database Management Systems (COP 5725)
(Spring 2015)
Instructor: Dr. Markus Schneider
TAs: Siliang Xia
Homework 3
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Pledge (Must be signed according to UF Honor Code)
On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this
For scoring use only:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 1 (SQL Queries) [45 points]
Let us assume we are given a database about countries, continents, rivers, etc. The
following information is available:
ER diagram for the database schema in JPG format and PDF format.
PDF file that describes the database schema.
Text file that contains create table commands to create the database schema.
Text file that contains insert commands for over 22,000 tuples to fill the tables.
Please write SQL queries for the colloquial queries below and show the result tables. Note
that the CISE Oracle DBMS has to be used in order to learn about the system environment
for your project. This means that MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other database systems are not
allowed. Each query is worth 3 points.
1. Find the province(s) that has the largest number of islands in the world. Output the
country, the province, and the number of islands.
2. Find the provinces that surround every lake that its country has ["surround" means
that a lake is located fully inside the province]. Output the country and the
3. Find the deserts that are next to more than 3 countries. Output the desert and the
number of countries.
4. List the top five countries that will have the largest population after five years.
[Assume that the population in five years = population this year * (1 + growth
rate)^5]. Output country, population, and rank.
5. List the names and GDPs of those countries which are members of the NATO and
more than 5 percent of their population are Muslims.
6. Find the languages with more than 50 million speakers, and then list the names of
countries in which each of those languages is the most popular language, along
with the percentage of each country’s population speaking that language. Output
country name, language, percentage.
7. Find all names of rivers which cross at least 10 provinces in the same country.
8. Display each island in Africa and its area if the area is larger than 1000 square
kilometers. The output should be in descending order of the size of the areas.
9. List the 10 country names with the highest population density as well as the
percentage of world population each one contains.
10. Find the countries that do not have access to any sea but at least 5 provinces with
11. Display the names of all countries which have people from 6 or more religions,
together with their corresponding count of the number of religions.
12. List the names, GDPs, and inflation rates of all countries which were dependent
sometime in the past, have gained independence, and are ruled by any type of
13. Find the highest mountain for each continent.
14. Find the countries that have more than three rivers, and have lakes next to more
than three provinces.
15. Find the counties whose depth of the deepest sea is less than the elevation of the
highest mountain. Display the country name and depth of its deepest sea.
Exercise 2 (SQL and Relational Algebra) [30 points]
Consider following schema for employee skill management:
manager(mid, mname, salary, hiretime)
employee(eid, ename, salary, hiretime, managerid)
skill(sid, sname, category)
manager_skill(mid, sid, level)
employee_skill(eid, sid, level)
Here are some assumptions:
Employee table and manager table have no overlap
An employee can be associated with only one manager
Please write SQL queries for following questions:
1. Find the names of the managers who manage at least one "super capable" employee
who masters all skills listed in the skill table. [5 points]
2. Find the name(s) of the manager(s) whose salary is higher than all of his employees
and whose ‘hiretime’ is earlier than all of his employees by using the predicate ‘all’). [5
3. Write an SQL Expression for question 2 by using the predicate ‘exists’. [5 points]
4. Write a corresponding Relational Algebra expression for question 2. [5 points]
5. a) Explain what the following Relational Algebra expression means. [5 points]
(sid, eid(σcategory=’TECH’(employee_skill ⋈ skill)) / eid(employee)) –
b) Write an SQL query for the given Relational Algebra expression. [5 points]
Exercise 3 (Query by Example) [25 pts]
Suppose we have following schema:
Drivers (did, dname, gender, age)
Reserve (did, cid, day, cost)
Cars (cid, cname, model, color, rid)
RentalCompany (rid, rname, revenue, rating)
IsMember(did, rid, join_time, member_type)
Answer following questions using QBE(draw your tables):
1. Find names of drivers who has reserved a car from rental company ‘AVIS’ for date
‘03/01/2015’ and whose age is between 21 and 30 (not equal to 21 or 30).
[5 points]
2 . Find the youngest driver who is a member of both company ‘Avis’ and company
‘Hertz’. [7 points]
3. Update ‘member_type’ = ‘VIP’ for those drivers who were members of company.
[8 points]
4. Find the rental company which has largest summation number of cars of model
‘Ford’ and ‘GE’. [5 points]