February 2015 - Dorchester Yacht Club
February 2015 - Dorchester Yacht Club
LIGHTHOUSE DORCHESTER YACHT CLUB Latitude: 042.18.20 N Longitude: 071.02.46 W FOUNDED 1870 100 PLAYSTEAD ROAD DORCHESTER, MA 02125 617-436-1002 www.dorchesteryachtclub.com Commodore Paul Polito 617-265-4868 Vice Commodore Greg Bedrosian 508-245-4652 Rear Commodore Brian Taylor 617-593-1684 Treasurer Marty Cahill 781-933-2520 Secretary Steve Cavanaugh 774-240-0065 steve@appleblossom.net Directors Robert Mirabito P.C. Ray Tomasini Jack Donegan Patrick McDonough Committee Chairmen House David Greenwood 617-594-2962 Inboard Float Al Chouinard 508-826-2055 Outboard Float Bob Bailey 781-344-9155 Regatta Greg Bedrosian 508-245-4652 Steward Kenny Grealish Fleet Captain Chris Loeffler Measurer Jack Lewis Safety Officer Walter Belushko Fleet Chaplain Reverend Paul Peterson February 2015 Words from the Commodore Winter is still here and with some wishful thinking it will only be four to six weeks before we can start to prepare the floats for the summer occupation. I just have some reminders for the membership about their obligations as members. You have to do your assigned night watch or you will be fined one hundred dollars. People seem to forget this duty and the fine will have to be paid before they can bring their boat into the club this spring. It’s important we know if there is anything wrong at the club like the heat is off or there is water spraying over anything. I also need to remind the membership that if they value their seniority they will show up at the March meeting on the 12th to vote down the rule change for mutual swaps. This practice was eliminated once and then brought back with some limitations attached over my best judgment. The float giveaway is coming up fast and we have a few floats up for grabs on both the inboard and outboard sides. If you are looking for a float don’t forget your checkbook because you need to pay for it when you take it, along with any fines you may have accrued. Even people with permanent slips need to be paid in full in order to transfer or bring their boat into the club this spring. Well not much more to say, seeing it’s still winter; but I am looking forward to seeing people come to the club soon and start the activity this spring. So as always please show up to vote in March and be careful coming and going from the club. page 2 Watch hours are from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. SUNDAY 1 MONDAY Kenneth Portanova Kenneth Portanova Jr Luis Perez Phuc Vinh Robert Sweeney Edward Winkows Matthew Troy Paul Troy Robert Abraham Lahcen Abaichi John Borkowski Greg Bedrosia Livio Cence Nicholas Cence 8 15 22 29 Richard White Gerry White Kenneth Bruneau William Burns 2 9 16 23 30 Stephen Cavanaugh Kurt Brown March 2015 TUESDAY Michael Robitaille Philip Trotter Kathleen Tyrell William Rizzi Mark Worster Kathleen Zammito Matthew Brennan John Button 3 10 17 24 31 WEDNESDAY Cesar Romero James Souza 4 11 Ronald Weiss John Vespaziani Steven Ahern John Barnett Nicholas Bell Richard Galvin 18 25 THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY Board of Directors Meeting Jeffrey Sardelli Jessica Sardelli General Body Meeting Rui Vieira Shaun Teed 12 Donald Amico Adam Apak Jim A Bove Jim J Bove 19 26 Joseph Baker Kenneth Grealish John Camargo Joe Bruno 6 13 20 27 SATURDAY Edward White David Ottaviani Steve Williams Richard Vogt 7 14 21 Paul Benvissuto Phillip Benvissuto Marta Carney Mark Smith 28 Christopher Connolly Jose Cruz PROPOSED RULE CHANGE PERMANENT FLOAT SWAPS Proposed change to rule of inboard and outboard float rule would eliminate wording that restricts permanent swaps based on years of seniority, and would open it to all members who have a permenent float. The new rule would read. A member who has been assigned a float and wishes to mutually exchange floats with another member who has been assigned a permanent float, must make a request in writing to the Float Committee, signed by both members, with a copy sent to the Secretary for filing in the members’ records. The Float Committee Chairman will decide if such request can be granted or denied after all facts are taken into consideration, and shall notify the Secretary of his decision and, if applicable, the reason for NOT granting such request. page 3 Watch hours are from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. SUNDAY 5 Happy Easter Float Give-Away John Concetti Thomas Campbell MONDAY 12 19 6 Stephan Colbert Vincent DiSalvo Bradley Comb Colin Fitzpatrick 13 20 April 2015 TUESDAY James Curran James Curran Jr Charlie Dang Eric King 14 21 Gregory Clark David Dickson Daniel Campbell Christina O'Keefe William Desmond Clifford Edwards 8 15 22 2 FRIDAY Board of Directors Meeting Thomas Cosgrove Michael Gingras General Body Meeting Van Christie Joe Christiano Martin Devlin Martin Devlin Jr 16 23 John Donegan William Dolan 17 24 Deborah Connolly Brian Foster Michael Dunk Robert Downs March 27, 2015 Winthrop Yacht Club Membership DYC Members are eligible for a discounted membership in Boat Owners Of The US (BoatUS). Membership brings discounts at West Marine, boat and trailier towing and more.The yacht club’s discount code is: GA80017Y. You can sign up online at: http://tinyurl.com/p9qqxaa 30 Gene Jurczuk Jeff Maranhas 11 18 25 Joseph Daniel David Gates Goguen Greenwood Jenny Salvatore Richard David Jelliffe Lando Grabowski Greenwood Jr Upcoming MBYCA meetings The second annuall Jimmy Finn Memorial Golf February 27th, 2015 Tournament will be held Friday May 22nd at the Braintree Yacht Club Brookmeadow Country Club in Canton. More de9 Gordon Road, Braintree, MA tails will be available soon. Refreshments: 7:30 pm Meeting: 8:00 pm 29 Stephen Gallagher Richard Galvin 10 Emilio Cappuccio Joe Crane 4 Kris Foster Thomas Ferrari 28 Bruce Kennedy James Georgilas 9 3 SATURDAY John Ellis John Mancini 27 Michael Francione Bob Holmes 1 THURSDAY Christopher Drew Tim Davidson 26 Bernard Feeney Eileen Feeney 7 WEDNESDAY LIGHTHOUSE DORCHESTER YACHT CLUB FOUNDED 1870 100 PLAYSTEAD ROAD DORCHESTER, MA 02125 617-436-1002 BOD Meeting: Monthly Members Meeting: Annual Float Give-Away DYC SPONSORS Thursday, March 5, 2015 Thursday, March 12, 2015 Sunday, April 12, 2015 Please patronize our sponsors. If you’d like to be listed as a sponsor of the DYC Lighthouse, please contact secretary Steve Cavanaugh. Moving LARKIN Boat Storage We Will Move For You! 40 Sprague Street, Hyde Park, MA 02136 617-522-3300 Packing larkinmove@aol.com Storage 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 12:00 noon MEETING MEALS If you would like to earn 8 hours of your work time, consider preparing a meal to serve after the monthly member meeting. You may spend up to $175.00 (which will be re-imbursed, so save your receipts), and you can prepare anything you like. If interested please contact Greg Bedrosian via email at greg_bedrosian@comcast.net or by phone at 508-245-4652. We need members to sign up for May through December in 2015.