The Memo – 1 March 2015 - Mill Park Baptist Church


The Memo – 1 March 2015 - Mill Park Baptist Church
1 st March 2015
We exist as Jesus’ followers to know, love and serve God in our world.
Mill Park Baptist Church this morning for our family time together – of worship,
celebration, teaching, and friendship. We hope you really enjoy this time, and we’re trusting and praying
it’s deeply meaningful for you.
If you are visiting or new with us here this morning, you’re extra welcome!
You don’t need to do, say, or be anything to fit in! You’re welcome, just as you are!
We'd love our visitors to drop by the Welcome Lounge, located in the foyer just outside the main auditorium
door. Look out for our Information Desk where you'll find a welcome pack just for you, and someone to answer
your questions. If you'd like to let us know you've visited, please fill out a visitors card (inside our welcome pack)
and let us know if you'd like to attend an upcoming Newcomers Lunch. Thanks for spending time with us today !
From the Pastor
A long time ago, during a particularly hard time in my life when my dad was
dying, a friend of mine put me in touch with a monastery – the Holy Transfiguration Monastery (also known
as the Community of the Transfiguration) in Geelong. When I contacted them, these people invited me to
come and stay for a few days, which I did.
I’ve become and stayed close friends with the people in this community since then. I’d trust these people for
counsel, wisdom, and insight in my life more than I would most others. They have taught me volumes – in
what they’ve said, but even more so through my observance of how they live and what they’ve done.
More recently, I was introduced to Tarrawarra Abbey, a community of Cistercian monks in between Yarra
Glen and Healesville. I’ve since made a practice of staying twice a year in the abbey guest house for a few
days. While I’m there, by the kind invitation of the monks, I join in the daily rhythm of prayer that they follow,
a daily rhythm in the Rule of St Benedict. It starts with the ‘Office of Vigils’ in the chapel at 4am, and finishes
with the ‘Office of Compline’ at 8pm.
It’s been fascinating, over these ten-or-more years, for me to learn about monasticism, and especially about
the virtues of solitude, silence, contemplation, and kindness and hospitality.
All along, though, I knew that I didn’t live in a monastic community, and I was pretty sure I never would.
I wasn’t so sure it was possible to integrate into my life, say, the rule of St Benedict – even though I saw untold
benefit and beauty in it.
Bit by bit, though, I’ve come to see that the lessons I can learn from my involvement in these monastic
communities are very relevant and practical. Gradually, with God’s help, I’ve built new nuances, disciplines,
habits, and rhythms into my life – my life as a husband, dad, pastor, chaplain, and regular citizen. I see the
pure benefit of these growths in my life, and I wouldn’t go back on them now for anyone or anything.
Jake (my son) gave me a great little book for my birthday last year – it’s called Always we Begin Again: The
Benedictine Way of Living, by John McQuiston II. It’s a short, contemporary translation of the Rule of
St Benedict and a way of practising it today written by a successful and busy American lawyer. It’s easy to
read: I’ve read it several times and now read just a few pages every day.
I’m looking forward to our Benedict for Today series – for the five Sundays in March we’ll take an intensely
pragmatic look into the rule of this sixth century saint and be amazed at how liveable it is today. And not just
how liveable it is, but how beneficial it is to us.
Ps. Geoff Shepherd
Diary Dates
(Secondary students)
“Lord of the Rings”
7.00 - 10.00
DIAMONDS (55+ years)
Visit to CERES Brunswick
Meet @ church 10.00am
Third Place Café
286 Epping Road Wollert
@ church 9.30am to carpool
Or @ cafe at 10.00am
We’ve been praying for the Wake family, away in Africa. They were due in late last night so
we’ll see them soon! Christina Matthews was with them for the first week of the trip with
CBM too! Thanks be to God for their special encounters and times of prayer with women
suffering from fistula. Pray for them now as they transition back.
Remember Andries & Athelia Du Preez in your prayers! Andries is in serious and debilitating
pain after a workplace injury and this has been ongoing for four years now; Athelia’s father
passed away recently in South Africa.
Carlton Coble is recovering from a foot injury at the moment. Pray for Carlton as he heals,
and also for safety for Emmy Coble who is travelling with family members.
Thanks for your prayers for Bryan Keef and Jandrei Nava last week. Both Bryan and Jandrei
are home from hospital and recovering well from their respective surgery and procedure.
Please be praying for Geoffrey Burn who has a few upcoming hospital appointments this
In church the last two Sundays and at our Annual General Meeting last week we
mentioned the need we have in several areas of service – in particular in Kids’ Church and in
RIOT Youth. Many people at the AGM raised their hands in a commitment to pray daily over
these needs. We’d love all our church family praying with us on this!
Church Camp is coming......
When - 24-26 April 2015
(Anzac Day weekend – Friday evening to after Sunday lunch)
(Primary Students)
Where - Upper Plenty Conference Centre (40 mins drive from MPBC)
“Messy Games”
From 7.00 - 8.30pm
Here at MPBC from
9.00am - 3.00pm
$85 per adult (Year 7 +)
$75 per primary child
$ 0 per pre-schoolers (free).
NOTE: Family Cap of $320 applies - this would cover Mum & Dad plus any kids still
at primary or secondary school. Any young adults at work or uni living at home would pay an
additional $85.
watch out for the forms and more information coming soon!
will be held here on
Wednesday 25th March
Would you like to find out more
about being a mentor?
Speak to David Dyer,
Jo Bishop, Pauline Longley,
Margaret Brown,
Sheryl Parker or Lauren Grimes.
To include something in the Memo for next week, please email or
phone/SMS Lisa Walton on 0432 726 816 before Wednesday evening.
News & Updates
Thanks to all those who helped make our Quarterly Members’
and Annual General Meetings go quickly, smoothly, and
happily last Sunday! We had lots of celebration together,
thanking people and teams. We learned that we didn’t quite
meet our budget for weekly offerings last year, and all felt the
challenge to achieve it this year. We also approved Jono Prout
as a new Board member and, specifically, as our Treasurer, and
approved Andrew Sexton, Ina Leung, Steve Matthews & Bryson
Shearwood to continue serving on our Board.
Our next Quarterly Members’ Meeting is set for Sunday 19th
April – please keep the date free in your diary!
We’re “maxxed out” @ MPBC now, with all our extra people
from the last couple of years! Our Leadership Group, in the
midst of trying to discern the best way ahead, is mixing around
our Cultiv8 Groups now – we’d love to have all our church
family praying with us. We don’t want to assume that the only
thing we can do is to “build on” – we’re asking God to show us
what he wants us to do! We’re inviting our whole church
family (from the youngest to the oldest and everywhere in
between) to get together on Sunday 22nd March,
from 6.00-7.30pm, here at the church, so we can worship,
pray, and seek God’s face together about this question!
We’re collecting our FPO’s today! Read the insert in The Memo
or check with a member of the Pastoral Team or Missions
Support Group for more details. If you haven’t come prepared
today, you’re welcome to step into the program in the coming
weeks! We’re shooting for more people participating and more
$ to be given than ever before this year!
We welcome Esther Cathie as a new Elder on our team!
Thanks to all those who helped us – our Elders considered the
feedback we received and unanimously approved Esther’s
appointment. Please pray for our Elders – Esther, and
Pauline Longley, Murray Parker, Stewart Henderson, Bryan Keef
& Ps. Geoff Shepherd as they meet this Wednesday evening
(4th March). Our Elders are the leadership body of all other
leadership bodies within the church, responsible for the
spiritual well-being and oversight of the church, the
accountability and welfare of the Pastoral Team, and the
well-being of the church family. This leads to the church
operating in a healthy spiritual environment, its Pastors
being well cared for as they work for the church,
and its people being well cared for.
Thanks to all those who helped us yesterday at our Property
Day! We’re entirely dependent on our church family to
maintain, clean, and upkeep our great facilities.
We’ll be together again on Saturday 16th May to do the same –
keep the date free!
DIAMONDS! Don’t forget Wednesday
MARCH 11 is our SOW Whittlesea Council
Sustainability Visit to CERES the
environment park in Brunswick.
Please meet at the church at 10.00 for
10.15 departure in the council bus.
We will have time to look at the nursery
and shop, bring or buy lunch and have a
tour before leaving at 2.00.
All folk 55 + or thereabouts are welcome.
For more details
contact Pauline 0405 605 011
Colin Buchanan
LIVE In Concert
hosted by
Christian College
Support band
4pm to 7pm
This Friday March 6th
$5 per child, $10 adults or $20 family
A family fun event, including face painting,
balloon sculpturing and a jumping castle.
A variety of hot and cold foods and drinks are
available for purchase
Northside Christian College
31 McLeans Road
Bundoora, VIC 3083
Contact Details:
College Reception: 03 9467 2499
Purchase tickets online at
About 12 people enjoyed coffee and chat at
Cube the café in Plenty.
On March 20 we plan to visit
Third Place Café @ 286 Epping Rd Wollert.
We will have coffee there at
10.00am but if you would like
to car pool we can meet
at the church at 9.30.
Please let Pauline know
if you want to travel together.
Pauline 0405 605 011
MPBC...“to be a radically prayerful church, overflowing with the Holy Spirit.”
Mill Park Baptist Church
meets on Sunday at
10am for worship
David Dyer
Linda Dyer
Kath Huppert
Kathryn Jensen
Rachael Mott
Brent Mudie
Debbie Mudie
Sonja Schryvers
and for prayer
9.45am (front of auditorium)
on Wednesday mornings
10am - 12pm for prayer
(come when you can,
go as needed)
11 Morang Drive, Mill Park, 3082
Ph: 9436 8797
“Like” us on Facebook :
9717 2990
0409 240 639
Office days – Mon, Wed, Thurs.
Off-site preparation day – Tuesdays
Day off – Fridays
Available otherwise on Sat & Sun
Ps. Matt Withers
8/3/2015: Nelson
15/3/2015: Romano
22/3/2015: Longley
Today: M & M Tsekoutanis, V Mason
8/3/2015: Y Ouchie, M Pozzebon, G Prout
15/3/2015: D & L Dyer, S Loveday
22/3/2015: K Batten-Ernest, C Grimes, C Parker
0410 308 799
Office days – Wed, Thurs, Fri.
Days off – Sat, Mon, Tues.
Available otherwise – Sun
Ps. Kathryn Jensen
0438 370 363
Office days – Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri.
Days off – Tue, Sat.
Available otherwise – Sun.
Ps. Kathy Adams
Esther Cathie
9717 8574
Stewart Henderson
9434 7901
Bryan Keef
9712 2759
Pauline Longley 9437 6515
Murray Parker
9404 4589
Chris Grimes
9401 4223
Leanne Kelso
9431 0569
Today: Parker
Ps. Geoff Shepherd
Mar 1
Mar 4
Mar 6
Mar 7
Fungai Katiyo
Carolyn Vincent
Noel Floresca
Olivia Katiyo
Sushila Lal
Bronwyn Sexton
Ina Leung
9497 1878
Steve Matthews 9408 8029
Taryn Nelson
9009 0463
Jono Prout
0425 754 035
Andrew Sexton 9717 2290
Bryson Shearwood
0419 880 737
3 Up
Jo Bishop
Caring Hands (Craft)
Helen Skerry
Creative Ministries
Shaun Creek
Cultiv8 Groups
Ps Kathryn Jensen
Diamonds (55+)
Pauline Longley
Vicki Mason
Kids’ Church
Tim & Kathryn Stokes
Kids Hope
David Dyer
Little Cherubs
Cheryl-Lee Longley
Mission Support Group
Sheryl Parker
Active Care Team
David Dyer
Kathryn Stokes (enrolments)
Riot Youth
Ps Matt Withers
0437 426 611
Welcome Team
Ps Kathryn Jensen
Office days – Wed & Thurs.
Available otherwise – Sun
Women's Embrace
Linda Romano
Leanne Kelso
9436 8797
0431 475 548
Office days - Mon to Thurs.
9 am - 4pm
Young Adults
Ps Matt Withers
Steve Nelson
(Professional Counselling)
0405 197 192