Bigger Than Baseball Charity Tournament Flyer
Bigger Than Baseball Charity Tournament Flyer
Live so that when your children think of Compassion, they think of you 10U Select Baseball Fundraising Tournament Hosted by Clutch Athletics 31330 Ranch Road 12 Suite A Dripping Springs, Texas 78620 (512) 808-3810 This is our first Annual Bigger than Baseball tournament to help raise awareness and funds for a local Mom who has recently been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. After enduring many treatments Kelsey is left with the option to attempt an unchartered experimental drug. We intend to give this family our best. Will you join the cause with us? See the reverse side of this flyer for Sponsorship Opportunities ___Single $100 sponsor gets your logo on the flyer. ___ Double $200 sponsor gets your logo on the flyer and website ___ Triple $300 sponsor gets your logo on the flyer, website and logo on the T-shirt ___ Home Run $500 sponsor gets your logo on the flyers, website, 4 meal tickets, logo on our event banners, logo on the T-shirts ___ Grand Slam $1000 sponsor gets your logo on the flyers, website, 4 meal tickets, logo on our event banners, logo will be included in all event advertising as our primary sponsors, logo on the T-shirts and we will personally hand out business cards or company promo flyers when receiving entry fees. ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Company Name or Donor Name ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address City State Zip ________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________________ Please check level of support and include this form with your donation or sponsorship. Payments can be made online or call for more information. Please email your logo ASAP. Email Joseph Cabela at 512-694-7401
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