Notice Sheet - Brindle St. James
Notice Sheet - Brindle St. James
St James Notice Sheet Sunday 1st March 2015 The Second Sunday of Lent If you are visiting us for the first time, or returning after some time away, you are most welcome. This notice sheet contains useful dates and information. Please take it home, so you have a record of what is going on at St James. Our Rector is the Rev. David Ward. WORSHIP Education Sunday is a national day of prayer and celebration for everyone involved in the world of education. For more than 100 years there has been an annual recognition of Education Sunday in England and Wales. On the 1 March we will celebrate Education Sunday during our normal 10.30am Eucharistic Service and we will welcome Jen Farrington (Retired Senior Advisor with Lancashire Education Authority) and the staff and children of St James’ Primary School to speak and to celebrate with us. We are delighted they are able to come amongst us on this special day. We welcome all who wish to receive the bread and the wine to come forward to the communion rail. If you wish to receive God’s blessing, please come to the communion rail bringing your red service book to indicate this. If you would prefer to remain in your pew that is just fine. ROTA 2nd Sunday of Lent Richard Evans Gospel Andy Lewis Sidespersons Chalice Intercessions Crucifer Brenda & Michael Lee Sue Boult & Joe Clitheroe Kathy Whyte Hannah • SERVICE BOOKS Large print and braille format are available on request. If you would like to include a notice in the weekly pew sheet please let me have BRIEF details in writing by Education Sunday TODAY 1st March 1/3/15 1st Reading SERVICES NEXT WEEK Sunday 8th March 2015 (second Sunday of March) 09.30am Uniformed Organisations 10.30am Family Communion Service Genesis Ch 17 v 17 & 15-16 Mark Ch 8 v 31end Liturgical Colour Purple Purple can symbolize pain, suffering, and therefore sorrow, penitence and preparation. It is the liturgical color for the Season of Lent. Collect Almighty God, you show to those who are in error the light of your truth, that they may return to the way of righteousness: grant to all those who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ's religion, that they may reject those things that are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Post-Communion Almighty God, you see that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves: keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our souls; that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Wednesday of that week. My email address is Offertory If you are a visitor to this church you may place your gift in the collection plate in the usual way. If you would like our Treasurer to reclaim any tax through Gift Aid, please use the envelopes provided on your pew. Place your gift in the envelope, complete the form and then give it in during the collection. Church Flowers In March Donations To The Flower Fund Have Been Made In Memory Of Ronald Clough And Colin Weston. The Mothering Sunday Flowers Are Provided By The Mothers Union. st 1 8th 15th 22nd 29th LENT LENT MOTHERING SUNDAY LENT LENT Would You Like To Sponsor Flowers For A Special Anniversary Or Memorial? All The Names Are Mentioned In Brindle Voice Each Month. For Details, Contact Joan Hopcraft 01254 854465 Special Services Education Sunday TODAY 1 March 10.30am Mothering Sunday 15 March 10.30am Palm Sunday 29 March 10.30am Maundy Thursday 2 April 7.30pm Good Friday 3 April 10.00am Easter Sunday 5 April 10.30am Lily Service 5 April 6.30pm WOMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March at 7.30pm At St Patrick’s Church, Preston Rd, Higher Walton This year St Patrick’s ladies are inviting ladies from the local churches to join in the service. For more details contact Joan Croasdale tel 322184 CHURCH MATTERS CHURCHYARD : ATTENTION Following an inspection of the Chuchyard on Saturday 6th December by members of the Buildings Committee 12/18 headstones were found to be in a dangerous condition and in need of attention as soon as possible. Some have been taped off . Others will shortly be marked as dangerous , whilst we try and trace the families. In the meantime please be vigilant when in the Chuchyard ,and warn others that you see of the danger . The Chuchwardens. DogDog-Fouling There have been some problems recently with respect to dog-fouling in and immediately around the church grounds. The churchyard is sacred ground; dog-owners are politely asked not to walk their dogs there. If your dog fouls the ground or the paths around the church please pick it up and remove it. Thank you. Parents/carers Behind one of the pews at the back of church there are several bags containing age appropriate toys, books, paper,etc for younger children. If your children would like something to occupy them during the service please help yourself. To the front and left of the pews there is also a crèche area where you may supervise your children at any time during the service. Situation vacant! If anyone would be willing to check on and replenish the children’s bags would you please have a word with Betty Parker who will explain what is needed. tel 01257 264176 Mothers' Union We have a thriving Mothers' Union Branch here at St James. We meet every third Wednesday of the month at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Hall and everyone is welcome, you don't have to be a mother or even a woman to join in. In case you don't know about the Mothers' Union, but are a little curious over the next few weeks we are going to highlight some of the work that the MU does. On Sunday 22nd February we are launching Count Your Blessings alongside Christian Aid and then on 8th March we are preparing for Make a Mothers' Day, this is a campaign to raise funds to support mothers and their families here in England and across the world, ahead of Mothering Sunday. 15th March is Mothering Sunday when we aim to mark the importance of mums with a bunch of daffodils. On 22nd March we will end with a focus on the work of the MU here in Brindle and worldwide and how this supports the MU aims and objectives. CHARITY GIVING The Hunger Lunch last week raised £408 which will be split between the Salvation Army and Christian Aid. Thank you to everyone for your support and generosity. Meaningful Chocolate Easter Eggs The order for these has now been placed with 3 spare for anyone who did not put their name on the order list – first come first served. Alzheimer suffers can benefit from activity aprons or knee blankets to distract their fidgety fingers. If you have any of the following please leave them on the back pew for Betty: wooden/plastic beads, key rings, zips, textured fabric, pieces of felt, tassles, laces, silky ribbon, etc. If you would like to help make them have a word with Betty. SOCIAL FUNDRAISING SPRING FAIR Saturday 21 March 11.30 – 2.30pm Brindle Community Hall st Please put this date in your diary. There will be a decorated boiled egg competition and an Easter hat competition. More details to follow. Lancashire Hawks and Owls will be attending the event at a charge of £80. We wondered if 8 people might be willing to donate £10 to sponsor their appearance. If so please speak to one of the wardens or Dave Packer. Tables will be available @ £15 for anyone wanting to have a craft stall. If you are interested please speak to Lynn or phone 01772 323267. We will also have books of raffle tickets at £1 per ticket. As soon as they are available we will be asking you to take some away with you to sell. It would be wonderful if we could raise as much money as we did at Christmas. SPRING FAIR – HELP NEEDED • Organise a stall • Make cakes • Donate to a chocolate tombola • Give an item for the hamper • Sell raffle tickets • Enter a competition (50p) Please speak to Lynn or Dave packer or one of the wardens if you can help or sign up on one of the lists on the notice board in the Cavendish chapel. Thank you. Raffle tickets for the Spring Fair are now available in books of 5 @£1 per ticket. As you leave after the service please take as many as you think you can buy for yourself or sell to family, friends, etc. Can you help us fill this hamper? st It will be 1 prize in our raffle at the Spring st Fair, Saturday 21 March. Please sign up to the list on the noticeboard in the Cavendish chapel saying what your donation will be, or speak to Lynn or Dave Packer. Thank you. BRINDLE ST JAMES MUSIC FESTIVAL Sat 25 April ‘PEMBERTON OLD’ BRASS St George’s Day Celebration Concert Singing led by Soprano,Helen Latham Sat 2 May UCLAN MUSIC THEATRE STUDENTS An evening of musical theatre Sat 9 May CHESTER ST CECILIA SINGERS Programme of sacred & secular music Sat 16 May CHRISTIAN HORROCKS Guitarist & Friends Some Flamenco. His skills belie his age! Sat 23 May UCLAN CHAMBER CHOIR Choir of staff & students Adults £8 (under 16s free) Includes refreshments TICKETS RICHARD EVANS TEL: 01254 852894 - MOB: 07831 738399 :rj.evans25@btinternet.comMore info: