latest weekly notice sheet - Ashbourne Methodist Church
latest weekly notice sheet - Ashbourne Methodist Church
Welcome! Are you new to our church or just visiting? Please make yourself known to a Steward. After Morning Worship please stay for refreshments in Century Hall, through the door behind the pulpit. We do not take collections during services. If you wish to make a gift, please use the collecting boxes which are at various points around the church. Large print Hymnbooks & Notices are available; there is also a hearing loop. Prayer after Worship If you would like someone to pray with you or for you after the service there are church members wearing a yellow badge who are willing and able to do so. Please do ask them. Sunday 1 March 2015 Second in Lent Worship for Everyone in Century Hall 10.30am Worship Led by Robert Sales Theme: "Becoming who we are called to be" Genesis 17: 1-7 & 15+16, & Mark 8: 27-38 Powersource Young People’s Groups & Crèche meet as usual 6.30pm Worship Led by Rev Tim Morris 6.30pm Mustard Youth Fellowship in Cornerstone The week ahead… Sunday 8 March 2015 Monday 2 March 10.00am Housegroup ~ 10 Milldale Ct 2pm - 4pm Craft & Chat in The Cornerstone 7.30pm Housegroup at Old Corley Tuesday 3 March 9 – 11am kids@cornerstone in The Cornerstone 2.15pm Tuesday Fellowship in Century Hall 6.15pm Minister's Vestry Hour in the Vestry - 7.15pm [please access via the ramp door] Wednesday 4 March 9.30am Walk & Talk ~ meet 34 St Oswald's Cres 12.30pm Lent Lunch at Elim Pentacostal Church Thursday 5 March 10-3pm The Cornerstone Coffee Shop 7.30pm Lent Course in The Cornerstone ~ see over 7.30pm House Group ~ 29 Peak View Drive Friday 6 March 10-3pm The Cornerstone Coffee Shop 7:30pm Women's World Day of Prayer service ~ see over Saturday 7 March 10-4pm The Cornerstone Coffee Shop Third in Lent Minister: Revd Tim Morris Tel. 01335 342408 10.30am Communion Led by Rev Tim Morris Powersource Young People’s Groups & Crèche meet as usual 6.30pm Worship Led by Miss Diana Whitmill 6.30pm Mustard Youth Fellowship in Cornerstone Prayer Topic for the week We pray and give thanks for our minister, local preachers and worship leaders. May their words challenge us, move our comfort zone and call us into service. Find us on Facebook: Ashbourne Methodist Church News… Thanks: Marianne and I wish to express our grateful thanks for all the help - and offers of help - that we received following my recent surgery. The T.L.C. was really appreciated and it is good for us once again to be sharing in fellowship with our Church family. Eric Matthews Congratulations! On the birth of a granddaughter for Margaret & David Heaton The Gateway Centre ~ our guests this weekend are the Emerge Youth Group from Hucknall Methodist Church The ACT – Patna Partnership are holding a Bookswap at the Brailsford Coffee Shop ( held in the Methodist Church there) on Tuesday 10th March from 9.30 – 11.30 am Bring a book and swap it for 50p or buy a book for £1 and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a cake or even a bacon butty. Lent Lent 2015 in Ashbourne On Wednesdays at 12.30pm a frugal lunch followed at 1.45pm by a series of reflections entitled “Pilgrim: A Course for the Christian Journey” 4 March Elim Pentecostal Church 11 March St Oswald’s Church Hall 18 March Ashbourne Methodist Church Century Hall 25 March St Oswald’s Church Hall The reflections are also held on Thursdays following the above dates, in the mornings at 10am at 1 Hambleton Close, DE6 1NG, & in the evenings at 7.30pm in The Cornerstone Café [except 12 March in Century Hall] See poster for full details Alpha Course Unfortunately we did not have sufficient numbers to run our planned Spring course. We are looking for a fresh approach involving the whole church. For more information, please speak to Jacqui Marsh Women’s omen’s World Day of Prayer – 6 March Afternoon at Mayfield Parish Church at 2 p.m. Evening at Ashbourne Methodist Church at 7.30 pm. Both services are open to all to attend and are be led by Rev Carolin MacDonald JMA Event 1212-2pm in the Cornerstone Sunday 8 March JMA members & school age friends very welcome. Bring & share lunch. Further details from Ruth Mallard 348342 or LANBLUBBERS HOLIDAY CLUB – 8-10 April @ 9 – 12:30. Help urgently needed so we can have 2 age groups. Planning meeting on Mon 9 March @ 7:30. Please contact Stuart or Becky. Connections The March edition of ‘Connections’ is now available in the porch. Please take your copy. Pastoral Visitors, Homegroups & those with absent neighbours should pick up any copies which they can distribute. MWiB Supper Evening – Brailsford Please note that this evening will be on Monday 23 March not Wednesday 25 March as stated in Connections. We hope you will come! Please see me for a ticket (price £5.00). Alma Swan Please Note: Annual Church Meeting has been rescheduled The date has changed from 18 May to Monday 11 May. This is to allow for the attendance of Derek Kemp, our architect, who will share with us the results of his research Pennies for Lent I & my neighbours collect coppers & 5 pence pieces during Lent, & then after Easter we buy 'alternative gifts' from World Vision or Oxfam (mosquito nets, school uniform, goats etc). If anyone would like to join me I will be pleased to hear from them. Thank you. Pat Fielding 345695 Methodist Homes. Please let me have your boxes & / or donations for MHA, by the weekend of 21/22 March so I can get donations to MHA by the end of March, thank you. If you have trouble getting it to me please give me a call & I will collect it from you. Tom Parkinson 324918 Phakamisa Project Thokozani Poswa, the new Director of, Pinetown, South Africa will be in Ashbourne as part of a UK visit. There will be a lunch-time gathering in the Century Hall on Thursday, 23 April to meet her & hear up to date news of the work of Phakamisa. Please put this in your diary & join us for a light lunch. Further details nearer the time. Anne Wills Recycle of used printer cartridges Regrettably we are no longer able to recycle for Christian Aid. If anyone knows of another suitable charity who will accept, please let me know. David Heaton Blue Bins – The church has 2 blue bins. From now on, there will be no separate tray in the top. Instead, one bin will be entirely for paper and cardboard, the other entirely for glass, tins, cans, foil, plastic bottles and trays (but NO plastic bags – these have to go to Sainsbury's for recycling). Please check the plastic for the recycling symbol. Thankyou. Pat Fielding Roger & Helen Davies Leaving Ashbourne Roger & Helen Davies are leaving Ashbourne at the end of February & will be moving to rented accommodation in Bristol initially, to test the water. Roger is beginning a new career of self-employed consultancy & has a couple of assignments in the M4 corridor to get started. They still own their house in Windmill Lane & have rented it out pro tem, intending to return to Ashbourne, but when is tricky to estimate. So we don’t think it’s goodbye, but rather au revoir & both send very best wishes to all friends Weekly Weekly notices: Please ee-mail items to me at,, delivered to 12 12 Spencer Close, Close, Ashbourne or phone 343418 343418 by noon on Thursdays. Thursdays. Thank you. you.