Mar. 2015 - First Presbyterian Church
Mar. 2015 - First Presbyterian Church
March 2015 Observances: Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month – American Red Cross Month – Brain Injury Awareness Month – Expanding Girls’ Horizons in Science & Engineering Month – International Ideas Month – International Women’s Month – Irish-American Heritage Month – Mad for Plaid Month – Music in Our Schools Month – National Kite Month – National Nutrition Month – National Umbrella Month – National Women’s History Month – Sing with Your Child Month The Vine March 2015 First Presbyterian Church of Penn Yan Rev. Paul E. Malles, Pastor 211 Main Street, P.O. Box 639, Penn Yan 14527 Telephone 315-536-8235 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – Noon Coming Events March 3 7:00 PM Trustees meeting March 4 7:00 PM Choir rehearsal March 5 12:00 PM Lenten Lunch at First Baptist Church March 7 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast at the Wagner March 8 Daylight Savings 11:45 AM Deacon’s meeting March 12 12:00 PM Lenten Lunch at First Baptist Church March 18 7:00 PM Session Meeting March 19 12:00 PM Lenten Lunch at First Baptist Church 6:00 PM Supper Club 12:00 PM Lenten Lunch at First Baptist Church March 26 March 29 March 31 Soup and Bread Sunday 7:00 PM Worship & Music meeting Pastor’s Ponderings ________________________________________________ The Importance of Lent Throughout March we will be in the season of Lent. The word Lent comes from the Middle English word for “spring.” Lent is six weeks prior to Easter Sunday. It is the period of 40 days before Easter excluding Sundays which comes to 46 days in all. This season of preparation began on Ash Wednesday with the imposition of ashes. Ashes on a person’s forehead mark a person’s commitment to Jesus Christ. Ashes are particularly used to symbolize mourning and repentance. They are visible reminders of the words in Genesis that tell us “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” In Middle Eastern cultures, symbols of commitment, like marriage, are marked by a round colored circle on a person’s forehead. This is especially true in India. More and more Protestant churches are beginning Lent with an Ash Wednesday service. Near the end of Lent there are two special days, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. We have a service for each of these days. On Maundy Thursday, April 2, at 6:00 p.m. we will have a Seder Meal Communion Service. This meal helps us better understand what it was like for Jesus and the disciples when they were together for the Last Supper. Our Good Friday service, April 3, at 7:00 p.m. is called a Tenebrae Service. We hear the account of Jesus’ journey to the cross as described in the Gospels. A candle is extinguished as the story progresses. By the end of the Tenebrae Service the sanctuary is lit very softly and we leave in silence. Lent is when we prepare ourselves for Easter by strengthening our faith. Most often people decide to give something up for Lent. People will refrain from eating food that is not essential, like candy, cake, or other sweets. The self-discipline encouraged during Lent can lead to new ways of healthy living for the rest of our lives. If something is a struggle to give up, then it might indicate that we are too closely attached to it. Making a sacrifice for Lent is a sincere way of saying, “God, you are more important to me than this thing I am giving up.” Our sacrifice reminds us of the costly sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. See you in church, Pastor Paul Article of the Month Living Well By Jeanine Santelli, PhD, APRN, AGPCNP-BC, FAAN Not Alone March is Brain Injury Awareness Month and this year the theme is “Not Alone in Brain Injury.” 2.4 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Injury Prevention, the leading causes of TBI are: Falls (35.2%) Motor vehicle-traffic crashes (17.3%) Struck by/against events (16.5%) Assaults (10%) Brain injury is unpredictable in its consequences. Brain injury affects who we are, the way we think, act, and feel. It can change everything about us in a matter of seconds. The most important things to remember: A person with a brain injury is a person first. No two brain injuries are exactly the same. The effects of a brain injury are complex and vary greatly from person to person. The effects of a brain injury depend on such factors as cause, location, and severity. For more information go to Sunday Scriptures for March March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Genesis 17:1-7, 15 Exodus 20:1-17 Numbers 21:4-9 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalms 118: 1-2, 19-29 Mark 8:31-38 John 2:13-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 12:20-33 Mark 11:1-11 Ushers and Greeters for March March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Ushers Steve Matteson and Stuart Porter Jennifer and Tim Craver Robyn Ballard and Teresa Ballard Connie McNamara and Bill Turner Lyn and Taylor Fitch Greeters Sandy Carlson and Daisy Heller Donna and Ray Marshall Mary-Howell and Klaas Martens Judy and Jack Wilbert Nancy Burt and Sandy Learn The Deacons thank everyone for serving as ushers and greeters. If you cannot serve on the date assigned, please let the office know so the correct names appear in the bulletin. Since there are only two ushers named for each Sunday, the greeters need to help with passing the offering plates. We appreciate your willingness to participate in the service. Bibles Studies During March, the Wednesday Morning Bible Study Class will read passages from in the New Testament: March 4 Jesus Promises an Advocate, John 1:29-34 March11 The Spirit of Truth John 16:4-15 March 18 Receive the Holy Spirit, John 20:19-23 March 25 The One Who Comes Mark 11:1-11 Prayer Line Charlotte Gillespie 536-7185 Judy Wilbert 607-292-6958 Carol Clarke 536-0657 Nancy Burt Carol Crain 536-8286 536-9652 Please keep the following in your prayers: Jean Constantine, Elizabeth Craver, Maryanne Fabich, Nelson Hansen, Bruce LeClaire, Sonny Ogden, and Gene Spanneut. Food For The Needy Non-perishable goods such as pasta, pasta sauces, peanut butter, cereals, canned vegetables, and fruits are always needed. Thank you to everyone for contribution to this program to help feed the hungry in our area and other areas. Helpers are always welcomed. Please have your contributions here at the church, in the box in the entry hall, by Tuesday, March 17th for distribution on Friday, March 20th. Thank you! Let’s Celebrate The following have birthdays in March. Feel free to cut this portion out and pray for those whose birthdays and anniversaries are listed below: Janice Liebe Duane Ballard Lyman Beecher II Jordan Hopkins Jean LeClaire March 1 March 4 March 8 March 9 March 10 Linda Jackson Gene Spanneut Art Alderman Lyman Beecher III Charlotte Gillespie March 14 March 18 March 28 March 29 March 30 Congratulations To All! Have we missed your birthday or anniversary? If so, we are very sorry – please let us know by filling out the form below and bringing it to the Church Office! Name ____________________________________________________________________ Church /Local News News from Trustees Sound system training: Wouldn’t you like to learn about the church sound system??!!! Jon Burt will be doing training on the system so we can have others available when help is needed. Please see Jon if you are interested. News from the Presbyterian Women The Presbyterian Women are having a brief meeting following service and fellowship on Sunday, February 1st to discuss our commitment to the Yates Christmas Program (formerly Christmas for the Needy). Miracle Cloths: The Presbyterian Women are selling streak-free microfiber Miracle Cloths as a fundraiser – a package of 2 is $5.00. The cloth fiber is a special yarn that is strong and is virtually lint-free - it does not damage any surface. The fibers grab and hold dirt, dust and grime - tough on dirt and gentle on surface - these cloths are GREAT for cleaning windows and almost anything else. Please see Sandy Carlson. News from the Worship and Music Committee Layreaders: We are in need of layreaders for our Sunday morning services – please sign-up on the sheet on the church bulletin board. Please note that the readings for each Sunday of the month are noted under ‘Sunday Scriptures’. Maundy Thursday Seder Service Help Needed: Our Maundy Thursday service will be held at 6 PM on Thursday, April 2nd. The Seder service we had for last year seemed to be a success, so we thought we’d try it again, now that we know what is involved. However, it is too much for one committee to put on alone, since a lot of the set-up happens immediately before the dinner. We invite the congregation to help provide the necessary elements and set-up. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary for the following: Readers – hostess and youngest child Food (must be at church available to be set out on the table by 4 PM on Thursday, April 2nd) - 2 bottles of grape juice - 2 boxes of matzo - Lamb bone - 1 jar of horseradish - 50 sprigs of parsley - 1 dozen eggs, hard boiled (to be quartered - Charoset ingredients (see recipe): must be made on Thursday Daytime setup (do morning or afternoon, but must be done by 4 PM on Thursday, April 2nd) - Arrange tables in U-shape, with 50 chairs - Set tables with placemats, silverware, luncheon plates and napkins Evening setup (arrive at 4 PM on Thursday, April 2nd) - Make salt water - Make charoset - Set plates according to diagram Please note that the charoset should be made that day; you may sign up to bring the ingredients, make it, or both. If there is not enough interest in having a Seder again, we will celebrate Maundy Thursday with a simple worship service. Please contact any Music and Worship Committee member with questions. Charoset: Original recipe makes 3 cups 6 apples - peeled, cored and chopped 1 cup finely chopped walnuts 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon white sugar 3 1/2 teaspoons honey 1/3 cup sweet red wine Good Friday Observance: The First Presbyterian Church of Penn Yan is again holding our own Good Friday Observance at our church. The observance is April 3rd at 7:00 PM. and is a Tenebrae Service to include Scripture readings. All are invited to attend this special Holy Week observance. News from Outreach Letter from First Baptist Church: Outreach received a letter from the First Baptist Church regarding the subs sold for ‘Super Sub Sunday’: “The Board of Mission of the First Baptist Church of Penn Yan wishes to thank you for participating in our “Super Sub Sunday” fundraiser for Yates County Habitat for Humanity. We are delighted to report that we sold 144 Super Subs and raised $784.00 for Habitat for Humanity. This is $58 more than you helped us raise last year. This could not have been possible without your help and support”. ‘With great appreciation and thanks’. From Lorene Martin: I am delighted to be writing to you under these circumstances. As you may know, I have for a long time felt a call to travel overseas and provide medical care to those less fortunate. I finally have such an opportunity taking place in June of this year. I will be traveling with an organization called Youth with a Mission (YWAM). This is an organization that was established in 1960. YWAM has many bases all over the world and I will be traveling to Australia to take part in a Medical Discipleship training program. This means that I will spend three months in Perth, Australia learning to better disciple and share the gospel with individuals. I will also be learning useful medical skills like how to set up emergent clinics in rural areas as well as learning treatment for many prevalent diseases of many third world countries. I have specifically chosen this base because they provide a medical component to the training. After the training I will go on a three month mission trip to another country to apply the skills that I have learned. This destination is unknown at this point, this decision will be made based upon the YWAM contacts that are available and in need. The total cost that I need to raise is between $10,000 and $12,000. This would include the cost of the training portion, outreach portion, plane ticket and other living expenses. The reason that there is not one total cost is because the outreach at this point is undecided and depending on where that is, it will cost different amounts. Throughout this time, I will be continuing to work as a Registered Nurse. During this time, I will be saving and contributing financially to this trip as well. As well as working as an RN, I will also be taking online courses to attain my Baccalaureate in Nursing. I will be unable to finish this program prior to my departure but due to the nature of the program, I can finish when I return. My time with YWAM will also be a stepping stone in preparing me for my future and the plans that I believe God is calling me to. I have for many years felt the calling and desire to participate in long term mission’s opportunities. I think that six months will give me a good amount of experience and insight into what this may look like. I also hope to one day become a Nurse Practitioner and attain a Master in Public Health. Both of these courses of study would allow me to provide care overseas to those less fortunate. I am looking for people who are willing to pray with me during the next several months prior and during my trip. This would include prayers for safe travel, meeting financial deadlines, and the ability to minister to people wherever I am. I am asking you to prayerfully consider supporting me financially. If you are able to help, please contact Joy. Thank you for your support. May God continue to bless you! With love, Lorene Martin Lenten Lunches The theme for the 2015 Lenten Luncheons is Pondering the Parables: A Journey to the Cross. The lunches begin at noon at the First Baptist Church on Main Street, Penn Yan. The cost is $6.00 per person. Meals are being provided through the Wagner Restaurant again this year with area churches serving and providing the desserts. The following is a schedule of the lunches March 5: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:1-32) by Pastor Rich Norman Meatloaf St. Mark’s and St. Luke’s Episcopal Churches serving March 12: The Wise and Foolish Maidens (Matthew 25:1-13) by Pastor Elizabeth Boesen Beef Stew St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and Bluff Point UMC serving March 19: Three Servants with Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) by Pastor Jeff Childs Ziti St. Michael’s Catholic Church serving March 26: The Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) by Pastor Judy White Scalloped Potatoes with Ham Penn Yan UMC and Benton UMC serving Soup and Bread Luncheon On Sunday, February 22nd, after the service, we were again treated to a delicious soup and bread luncheon - YUM, YUM, YUM!!! The youth are continuing with the soup and bread luncheon on the last Sunday of March (March 29th) to support their summer mission trip. Please come and join us for a wonderful selection of soup and bread, and delightful fellowship. Supper Club Our February 17th supper club was great fun - Idelle led us in a fun sing-a-long. We sang the traditional Blue Moon at the end of which, several singers spontaneously broke out into the version made popular by The Marcels!!! Just a note that ‘Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head’ is a song that was written for the 1969 film ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid’ – it won an Academy Award for Best Original Song!! On March 19th, Helen Stewart will share her traveling experiences with us – isn’t it exciting to travel to far places while still in Penn Yan!!!! Bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Penn Yan First Presbyterian Church Talent Showcase There is so much talent in our church! Let’s share it with the community! WHEN: this summer – a Friday night, a Saturday or Sunday afternoon or evening WHERE: First Presbyterian Church Sanctuary and Crosier Hall COST: $10/ticket (proceeds to benefit the Presbyterian women’s local missions Our many talented people are needed to pull this off. It would entail preparing for a performance on the stage in the sanctuary or a booth in Crosier Hall. We could serve refreshments made by our talented bakers. We could have baskets to raffle. Everyone can do something. Don’t hide your light under a basket. Contact Robyn Ballard at 607-243-5619 or or complete the form below and return it in the collection plate or mail to 4763 Bath Road, Dundee, NY 14837 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name- __________________________________ Phone _______________________ email ____________________________________ Talent ________________________________________________________________________ Brief description ________________________________________________________________ Date(s) to avoid, if possible _______________________________________________________ More ideas, thoughts and concerns: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nursery Help The church needs volunteers to help in the nursery during our Sunday service. Please see the Nursery Rotation Schedule on the bulletin board to sign-up. We greatly appreciate your help!!!! Do you know??? In a closet in the church office, there are wonderfully old, old Bibles and related books. Do you have any background information about them??? If you do, we would be so excited to learn about them!!! Wouldn’t you LOVE to ‘Ring’? Do you think you might be interested in joining the church Bell Choir?? We have so much fun at our weekly rehearsals and then bring so much musical joy when playing during service. If you are interested, please contact Robyn Ballard and/or Joy Pallischeck. Walking Can Be Fun!!! On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9 AM – 10 AM, we have an exercise group in Crosier Hall. It started with a group that used to go to Curves, then they were at the Owl’s Nest, but the flooding stopped them. The group requested use of Crosier Hall until they can find another home. All are welcome – the group walks in place to a video which can be from 2-3 miles but is very low impact. This good exercise program is free but the walkers give a donation into a bucket – about once a month, they put names of local charitable organizations in a hat and choose one to give the donated money. Please come and join the fun!!!! Per Capita The Presbytery of Geneva has worked hard to keep the Per Capita apportionment at the same amount as last year's raise of $1.00 to the current $44.00 amount. This year they are continuing this effort to keep the amount at $44.00. Have you considered electronic giving? Several of our members have chosen this newer way of giving – how about you? If you wish to make church contributions automatically via electronic transfer, please request an authorization form from Linda Bracht (315-279-1545 or Presbytery of Geneva If you are interested in learning about what is happening at the Presbytery of Geneva, you are welcome to go on their website at Click on ‘Meeting Info’ then enter the username ‘directory’ and the password ‘fingerlakes’. For news of the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Geneva, go to the presbytery website, then ‘Presbyterian Women’, and ‘The Link’ at the bottom of the page: Also, take a look at the Quarterly News – download the resource at; select ‘about PW’, then select ‘Quarterly Newsletter’. PCUSA – General Assembly news If you are interested in learning about what is happening at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), you are welcome to go on their website at Click on ‘News & Announcements’ then ‘General Assembly News’ to read about the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian church (U.S.A.) that was held from June 14th-21st in Detroit, Michigan. Old Photos Klaas and Mary-Howell Martens Honored We congratulate Klaas and Mary-Howell on being honored as Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York ‘Farmers of the Year’. The full article ‘Grains are center stage at organic farming forum’ can be found on the church bulletin board or the February 15, 2015 issue of the Democrat & Chronicle. KIds Corner The Donkey Ride: Jesus and the disciples were about to go to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, a special feast that remembered the time when God set the Israelites free from slavery in Egypt. “Go into the village, and you will find a young donkey,” Jesus told the disciples. When they returned with the donkey, Jesus rode it into Jerusalem. Because Jesus was so popular, people began to wave branches and shout, “Jesus is our king! Hosanna! Hosanna!” Everyone was happy. Begin from the “Start” arrow, and see if you can find your way through the palm branches to Jesus. Answer: March 2015 Sun Mon 1 Namesake Day Dr. Seuss Day Tues 2 10:30 Worship; Communion; Sunday School Daylight Savings Wed 3 National Pancake Day National Grammar Day 4 7 PM Trustees meeting 8 Napping Day 9 10 Dream 2015 Day 11 15 16 Oreo Cookie Day 6 Iditarod begins 7 23 24 19 29 25 Spinach Day 10:30 Worship; Sunday school Soup/Bread lunch 10 Bible Study 12 PM Lenten Luncheon Pencil Day 30 31 7 PM Worship & Music mtg 13 Potato Chip Day 14 Spring 20 (Vernal Equinox) Corn Dog Day 21 12 PM Lenten Luncheon 6 PM Supper Club The Annunciation 10:30 Worship; Sunday school Earmuffs Day 12 PM Lenten Luncheon 10 Bible Study 7 PM Session 22 8AM Men’s B’fast Wagner Rest. 12 18 17 10:30 Worship; Sunday school Palm Sunday 5 Sat 12 PM Lenten Luncheon 7 PM Choir Rehearsal 10 Bible Study St. Patrick’s Day Tuskegee Airman Day World Book Day Fri 10 Bible Study 10:30 Worship; 2¢ meal; birthdays Sunday School Deacon’s mtg Ides of March Thu 26 27 28 First Presbyterian Church 211 Main Street, PO Box 639 Penn Yan, NY 14527 March 2015