Agapegram - Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church


Agapegram - Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church
March 2015
220 Carson Road
Seneca, South Carolina 29678
Office: 864-882-3209 or 864-882-5512
Little Lambs Preschool: 864-882-3202
Discipline is for Disciples
“Hardships often prepare ordinary people
for an extraordinary destiny…” – C.S. Lewis
As the disciples of Jesus we are learners, students, and apprentices of
Christ. We are also called to discipline ourselves for the task. Lent,
above all other seasons of the church year helps us to grow toward that
end. God uses our experiences, especially those that are challenging, to grow us into the
kind of faithful servants He desires. Disciplining ourselves is a small way we can have the
same result, as we lean on God for strength.
Lent brings many opportunities for self-discipline, the most obvious of which are
the additional worship services of the season. Midweek services give us more frequent opportunities to discipline ourselves to hear God’s Word, to gather together as His people, to
confess our failures and our needs, and to seek first His kingdom as we keep our eyes on
While all of Eternal Shepherd may not be officially joining in some form of fasting
together as we did some years ago, I do strongly encourage you to discipline yourself in
some way to focus in on self-control, dying to self, and repenting before God. Drawing on
the ancient traditions of prayer, fasting, and alms giving, or as we might say today, charitable giving, is a good place to start as well. You may even consider using the Lenten Prayer
tags that went out in the last congregational email that are designed for using with young
families. We all could benefit from such daily disciplines and the resultant strengthening
of the faith that is worked in our lives by the Holy Spirit.
Coming to worship, being in the Word more often, fasting, prayer, etc. are all
useful to this end. As we continue through this season and journey this road of repentance
together, let us remember to trust Christ, remember our baptisms, and follow him.
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding
promise for both the present life and the life to come” 1 Tim. 4:8
Pastor David
Easter Prayer Vigil
The Easter Prayer Vigil is a time for personal reflection on the
events of Good Friday, Holy Saturday and the Feast of the Resurrection of
our Lord and Savior on Easter Sunday.
The vigil will commence immediately at the conclusion of the
Tenebrae service on Good Friday, approximately 8:00 PM. It will
continue without interruption until the beginning of the 8:30 AM
service on Easter Sunday.
You have an opportunity to confidentially offer prayers of
intercession, supplication and thanksgiving which will be included in a
booklet for use during the vigil by all who participate. Forms for prayer
requests will be available in the narthex. Prayer requests may be submitted
until the close of the Maundy Thursday service.
The sign-up board to participate in this spiritual event will be
located in the narthex near the coat rack on the first Sunday in March. It is
divided into one hour increments. You may sign up as individuals,
couples, families or your personal group. The choice times are filled
quickly, so reserve your preferred time slot soon.
The prayer vigil is a wonderful opportunity to enrich your
worship experience during this Holy Season of Lent and Easter.
Deaconess Intern Musings
Forgoing the Alleluias
Alleluia cannot always
Be our song while here below;
Alleluia, our transgressions
Make us for a while forgo;
For the solemn time is coming
When our tears for sin must flow.
~ Alleluia, Song of Gladness, LSB 417 verse 3
The Church enters the season of Lent with turning heavy, repentant eyes towards our
sinful “Old Adam.” We take time to stop, draw back, and recognize the part we played in
condemning Christ to the cross. For Christ “has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet
we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted” and this great and immense act of
salvation calls us to reflect and repent in preparation. (Isaiah 53:4)
Our church also bears the change of seasons, with deep violet paraments and vestments, more somber and introspective hymnody, and the omission of the Alleluias from the
liturgy. Why omit the Alleluias? It is, at its core, a word of praise spoken, chanted, and sung
by the people of God in response to our Lord and Savior. However, as mentioned above, the
introspective nature of Lent calls us to forgo the joys of the Alleluias for a time. We purposefully refrain as the Church contemplates the gravity of Christ’s suffering and death to atone
for our, your, my very sin and to remove the endless chasm separating us from the love of
our Creator.
While somber and pensive, Lent never loses sight of the hope that is found only in
our Lord, Jesus Christ. In its own restrained manner, Lent prepares us not only for the events
of Holy Week and our Lord’s Passion, but for the immensely joyful morning of Eastertide
when the Alleluias return in grand victory and triumph. But for now, as we make this journey
through the Lenten season, we solemnly contemplate, await and anticipate our Savior’s allavailing sacrifice and the joy that is to come.
Blessed Lent to all.
~ Dcs. Intern Holly
ESLC Rummage Sale
Sat., March 14th
8:30-11:30 AM
This is a major fundraiser for
ESLC where all proceeds will
be used to support church
and co mmunit y projects,
purchase equipment and
address other needs of our
As you clean out your offices, closets and cabinets, remember to save those useful,
gently used items for the Rummage Sale. Remember clothing and reusable, working items that others will find valuable are tax deductible. Include owner’s manuals
if possible for small appliances and electronics. No computers, accessories or
printers, cell phones, old TV’s or large appliances, please. You may bring
items for the Rummage Sale and put them in room #210.
~Questions should be directed to Chris Worthy or Linda Nichelson
Helping on the recent church yard Workday to remove plants for later planting after
construction is complete were: Cindy Gibson; Jason Fireovid; Kayla Fireovid; Pastor
David Hammer; Joshua Hammer; Mike Hauser; Rich Hesemann; Dennis Hippchen;
Harry Hornburg; Barry Voeltz, and Kate Wells. A big thank you to all who helped in this
important project. We could not have done it with out you. There will be another workday
as construction nears. More information will follow.
Our littlest Lutherans will celebrate our Lord's resurrection with our
annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 4th from 9-11am at Eternal Shepherd. We will be needing volunteers and individually wrapped candy
donations. Please watch for more details and information. Any questions or to help please contact Elaine Randles. ~Thank you
Can you believe it, we are already into the third month of the New Year? I know they
say as you get older, time goes by faster, but this is ridicules! The season of Lent is here and
we know that soon the Easter season will be upon us as we celebrate God’s plan for our salvation.
Growing up, my family concentrated more on the secular Easter season rather than the
spiritual one. The focus was on buying and decorating the Easter baskets just right, coloring
Easter eggs and hiding them. During the Easter season, my mother would always bake the traditional Easter Pie (or what she called in Italian, Pastiera di Grano, or wheat pie). She would go
to the butcher shop in town and buy 4 pounds of whole-kernel wheat, and soak it in water for
three days (I like the symbolism) to get it to soften. We may or may not go to church on Easter
depending on whose house all the relatives were going to that year. And my cousins and I
would always search the house to find all the hidden Easter eggs (the ones we colored the day
before) and my mother would always count them before any were eaten to make sure we found
them all for obvious reasons.
Over the years not only has my Christian denomination changed from Roman Catholic
to Lutheran, but my emphasis during the Easter Session has as well. Kyra and I go to as many
Wednesday Lenten Services that we can and fellowship before service with other believers at
the Soup/Supper meal. We also read a devotion before our evening meal from a Lenten Devotion book we receive each year from Lutheran Indian Ministries and give up something we enjoy to remember our Lord’s suffering as He headed to Calvary. But the highlight of our Easter
journey each year since joining ESLC is taking part in the Easter vigil which runs from after
Good Friday service until Easter Sunday morning. We always try to get a night time slot when
the church is very quiet. Sitting in the sanctuary at the foot of the altar in front of the cross with
the lights dim and candles burning, is almost overpowering. Reflecting and praying for the
congregation’s prayer requests, reading selected Bible verses and sharing all this with Kyra is
joy behind description, thanks be to God.
I would strongly encourage you to take part in all or as many opportunities that you can
this Lenten and Easter Session to reflect on all Christ has done and is doing in your life. We
are called ‘Easter People’ for a reason. Come join us as we worship our Lord this Easter Session and always.
In His keeping,
Rudy Carbone
Council President
“Bible Study, Why?”
As Christians we know what our response to this question should be. When we
consider all that God has done for us, why wouldn’t we want to spend time getting to know
Him better by reading and studying the Bible? Why wouldn’t we want to develop a more
powerful, intimate relationship with Him?
Just as prayer is our way of speaking to God, the Bible is God’s way of speaking to
us. Through His word we can equip ourselves to deal with all of life’s challenges. If we
read, study, and store Scripture in our hearts, it will be there to sustain us when we need it
most. The only way to be able to quote Scripture is to know it … and to know it … we have
to study it.
What a wonderful relationship we can maintain with our Lord and Savior if we faithfully spend time in His word!
We are at the beginning of 2015! The Board of Christian Education would like to
encourage each of you to reflect on how much time and attention you give to studying
God’s Word.
We have many opportunities for study each week. We have groups that meet during the day and at night. We have men’s groups, women’s groups, and groups of both.
We have several that meet “off-site” and many that meet “at church.” We can help you with
web sites that offer daily readings of the Bible on-line. If none of these meet your needs,
please let us know.
We are committed to providing an enriching place for every member of this congregation to grow in their study of God’s Word.
In addition to possibly “giving up” something during this Lenten season, why not
“add to” your spiritual life by becoming part of one of our Bible Study groups in 2015.
We encourage you to grow in your faith by diligently studying God’s Word.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the
Lord. Colossians 3:16
To God be the glory,
Board of Christian Education
Janet Walker
Elisabeth Baker
Judy Hammer
Nicole Beattie
Pastor Hammer
Debbie Bell
Colleen Hesemann
Kyra Carbone
Micky Louderback
Ann Cochell
Holly Lustila
Joyce Dittmer
Carole McIntyre
Sara Gugel
Kate Wells
Meet Our Newest Members
Meet Donna Lang
Donna has known Alice Ramsburg since 1967! Working with
Ray in the 70's Donna played matchmaker and introduced Ray to her
dear friend Alice – such foresight! Donna has been married to husband Jim for 31 years. Together they started a manufacturing business which they sold after 13 years. Jim now partners in a manufacturing business in Charlotte NC. They moved to SC from PA, previously living in FL & NC. Between them they claim 4 daughters, 11 grandchildren and 2
greats. Golf, reading and walking dog Harley are her interests. Donna moved to Keowee
Key and first visited ES with Ramsburgs. “It was the first time I truly felt at home at any
church” Donna has since joined the Choir, is on Hospitality and Altar Care committees.
Welcome home, Donna (c:
Meet Steven and Chris Christensen
Coming from Cattaraugus NY (south of Buffalo) this couple
is escaping the northern winters as have many other of our ES members. Steven was a Pediatric Radiologist at Buffalo Children's Hospital and Chris has been a Banker, Teacher and Homemaker. Along
with their 3 sons and 2 daughters, they count 5 grandchildren.
Steve enjoys computers, boating, motorcycles and playing chess;
Chris likes cooking, reading and travel. They both like to learn through adult education,
and to enjoy the lake with their family and friends.
After settling in awhile to Eternal Shepherd life and activities, they will decide
where they'd best like to serve, thinking possibly Bible Study, Hospitality, Tabulating or
Pre-School. Welcome aboard, Christensen's !
Join us for Lenten Supper on Wednesday evenings
at 6:00 pm during the Lenten season.
March 4th- Hosted by Alaska Mission Team
March 11th – No supper due to Rummage Sale
March 18th – Hosted by Honduras Mission Team
in Christ
(Women of Eternal Shepherd)
would like to invite
all the women of the church
to join them for a
“Sisters in Christ” Spring Luncheon
on Wednesday, March 25, 2015
at 11:00am
in the Fellowship Hall
Learn what it means to be a “Sister in Christ” and hear our
own Holly Lustila introduce us to her new Roots Women’s
Mentoring Program.
If you plan to attend, please sign up on the sheet provided on
the bulletin board in the narthex.
EASTER LILIES - I am sure our congregation will all be glad to
again have beautiful flowers in our Sanctuary once Lent is over. So I
know it's a bit early, but Altar Care does want to remind you that lilies
will be available for purchase for Easter. We estimate them to be
about $15.00 again this year and there will be a sign up chart in the
Narthex a couple of weeks before Easter. Please keep an eye out for
it and sign up so we can look forward to joyously beautiful and
wonderful smelling Easter celebrations along with uplifting services
here at Eternal Shepherd!
9:00 AM- 11:30 AM
Ages 3-13
Discover His plan! Discover His purpose! In Camp Discovery VBS, your children learn
that Jesus works in and through us! They’ll look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and
explore five tree-mendous accounts where God works in His people to save them and
through His people to serve! Jesus saves us, gives us faith, courage, and wisdom to serve
Him and share His Good News with our neighbor! God does have a plan and a purpose
for each of His beloved children! Come along with us as we sing fun songs, do crazy
crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more!
INVITE! Children, grandchildren, friends, and neighbors are welcome to join in this
wonderful VBS experience!
VOLUNTEER! There are many opportunities to become part of Camp Discovery! Simply sign up on the bulletin board or contact Amy Rebholz at 412-327-7621 or email her at Your time, talents, and enthusiasm are what we need to make
this a fun, positive experience for all!
PRAY! We appreciate your prayers for Camp Discovery. Ask God to bring children to our program so they can
know and grow in Jesus, our Savior! Ask God to provide
leaders and helpers for this important mission.
STAY TUNED! Online registrations and registration
forms will be available sometime in March. Be sure to
watch for updates and announcements in the bulletins and
future Agapegrams!
Little Lambs Spaghetti Supper and Silent Auction
Save the date Saturday, April 18th at 5:00 pm for this popular event.
If you would like to donate to this auction (either a
complete basket, or items for...) or have any questions, see a
Preschool Board member. There will be an ongoing list of
donations posted in the hallway. Tickets will go on sale late
Please plan to join us for an entertaining evening and a chance to meet many of the children and families
that participate in the Little Lambs Program. We thank you
for your continuing support.
Preschool Board Members: Nicole Beattie, Mickey and Joe
Louderback, Chris Worthy, Roberta Port, Harriet Murphy, Linda
Nichelson and Glen Croteau
Proceeds from the auction will be used for Scholarships and
additional resources/equipment for the classrooms.
HELPING ONE ANOTHER: There is an amazing group of women at the Residence Inn I
have met through the visitation team. These women make beautiful quilts, etc… with much
love. The ladies could use more yarn for these projects, it can be just leftover snippets, etc…
If you would like to donate some yarn, etc… to there projects or would like more information please contact LuWanna Johnson. ~Thank you
OUTREACH MINISTRY: Saturday, March 14th ESLC is
planning a visit to the Men’s and the Women’s sides of the Detention Center in Walhalla.
A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board for either the Men’s or Women’s sides of
the Center, as well as cookie bakers (30 baggies with regular cookies and 30 baggies of
diabetic cookies – 4 cookies to a bag). These cookies are a small way of sharing God’s
love and are much appreciated by those who receive the goodies. We will meet at ESLC
Sat., March 14th at 10:00 AM for logistics & prayer and then on to the Center to make
our 11:00 AM appointment. Thank you for your support of this ministry. Questions,
contact Pastor Phil McLain or John Beattie and cookie angels please contact Elaine
Honduras Mission Update: By the time you read this, our mission team will be
in Honduras beginning our week of ministry to the Honduran people. We ask you to
continue to pray for us this week and that God will use us as He sees fit. Some of the
team members are going for the first time and some have gone before, but we all need
your prayers so we can do the work God has sent us to do!
By now, we may have handed out many salvation bracelets to the children at the
brigade sites. We are grateful that so many of you helped us assemble 500 bracelets!
(see picture attached). We couldn’t have done it without your help. Please join with us
in prayer that each child that receives one of these bracelets and hears the salvation story
will know of Jesus’ love and then in turn tell others about Him by means of the bracelet!
By now, many Hondurans will have received the vitamins, aspirins and other medicines
that you have so generously donated. They may not know you personally but they will
know the love of Jesus through your generosity. Those of us that have handed out these
medications before can attest to the gratefulness of the Honduran people for the medicine they receive from the team.
By now, a concrete floor might be completed, thanks to your generous donations. It is hard to imagine a family living in a house with a dirt floor. When a concrete
floor is poured, the appreciation shown to the team by that family is amazing to witness.
The things we take for granted in this country are numerous.
By now, many Hondurans will have received dental care, eye glasses, medical
care, and many of the children had their hair washed. But most important they heard the
Good News about Jesus through the efforts of the team and the work of the Holy Spirit!
We are so grateful for the support you have shown to the team by providing funds, encouraging us, praying for us - all of which makes this ministry possible. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you when we return. Hopefully you will find that
we will have changed a little (or a lot), grown closer to our Lord and come back renewed followers of Christ! Even though you may not physically go to Honduras, you
are with us in spirit by your prayers, support and love for us. And for all of this we say
Thank You!
Pastor Ray Ramsburg and Kyra Carbone, Team Leaders
Spreading the Sonshine!
Making Salvation Bracelets for the Honduras Mission Trip
An update from our missionaries – the Shirk Family in Kenya.
As we look back over our blog posts since the New
Year, our thoughts have mostly been focused on
thankfulness. Work at the hospital has been busy and
long - but full of wonderful and impossible moments
that bring endless thanks that we can be part of it all.
Our work permits have finally been processed, and we
are beginning the process of transitioning to an organization that will let us be here long term, past our 2
years with the Samaritan's Purse. We are so happy
that things are working out so we can be in Kijabe for more than just a season - so that
we can dig into relationships and put down roots in this beautiful place.
Our Missionaries website and their mailing address is:
Shirk Family
AIC Kijabe Hospital
Po Box 20
Kijabe 00220
Mission News continued on next page...
May 4th – 8th are the dates for the next Tuscaloosa Mission Trip. This is in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity – a Mercy Trip focused on building homes destroyed by the tornadoes. Contact Milo Bell for more information and sign up early so
Milo can get the team registered.
Our Alaska Mission Team is forming and they have an organization meeting in early
March. Be thinking about helping with food supplies (shipped separately), VBS crafts,
volunteering to be a prayer partner, transportation….lots more to follow. Those signed
up are Matt Dunlap, Team Leader, Shannon Cox, Frank Kieninger, Katie Baumann,
Madison and Megan Ranalli, Mac McCrary, Chad and Emily Chisholm.
From our synods president, Matt Harrison (February 17, 2015):
I’m delighted to announce that we are closing in on doubling the number of career
missionaries internationally, which is a goal set by the Synod in convention
in 2013. We are working to find a measured pace that will ensure that a sound system of
missionary care remains in place but, by God’s grace, will also enable us to continue to
add men and women, lay and clergy, to our worldwide mission team. The international
moment unfolding worldwide before us as the LCMS is truly astounding!
Are you interested in how to get more involved in missions? Contact Pastor David,
Pastor Ray, Lars Helland, Richard Grotheer, Deek Decker, or Milo Bell.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,…” (Mt. 28:19)
WES – LWML Food Bank News:
Please help us in collecting preferred needed canned
grocery items each month. These canned items will help restock the
Golden Corner Food Pantry’s shelves. Each month we will have a
different preferred product featured. March’s preferred product is
“Canned Tuna” Let’s overload the collection box (the big blue
trash can marked Food Bank near the stairwell in the Narthex). We
thank you for your generosity and support. ~Wes Ladies
We are so excited this year! The Crossing Youth will be adopting a new service project for
2015. Instead of just collecting boxes for Operation Christmas Child, this year we will be
collecting different items every month, in order to offer the FIRST EVER Eternal Shepherd PACKING PARTY in November.
All of you can help us by donating items found on the list below each month, and we will
organize them and store them. Feel free to buy any of the items listed whenever you see
them on sale! Then, in November, we will host a wonderfully fun packing party, where the
entire Congregation and all of our Preschool families, will be invited to come and pack
your boxes for Operation Christmas Child right here at the church! No more going around
town to shop. You’ll find all you need right here, and you’ll get to enjoy some terrific fellowship while making a child’s life better. Also, you’ll be able to send your boxes for free
as well, because we’ll be covering your shipping costs as well.
Below is the list of requested donations for each month this year. We’ll be reminding you
each month what items we’d like to receive. Then simply drop your donations in the Red
Wrapped Box labeled OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD in the Narthex, and we’ll
handle the rest.
Duct Tape in all colors and patterns (available at Wal-Mart, Home Depot and
For reinforcing the shoeboxes
Ziploc Sandwich and Snack sized plastic bags
Monetary donations to cover shipping costs and any needed purchases
Only IVORY Soap and washcloths
Toys for Boys
Hygiene Items
Clothing for boys and girls
School supplies (They’re already on sale this month)
Toys for Girls
For a list of acceptable donations, and further instructions, please check your mailbox, or
pick up a list from the table in the Narthex.
We’re looking forward to a wonderful year that will benefit so many more children with
the Gospel! Thank you so much for your support! ~ The Crossing Youth and Youth Board
The Crossing
Always feel free to invite a friend
Please join us for Sunday School in room 213 at 9:45 am
Upcoming Events for March 2015
Friends are always welcome!
We are continuing our study of significant relationships. Please join us in
room 213 during the Sunday School hour.
March 1- Our dear friend Mrs. Kay will prepare a yummy lunch. (Thank you
Mrs. Kay)
March 15 - We hope to have an outside speaker share his wisdom with The
Crossing during the Sunday School Hour. This promises to be most interesting.
You won't want to miss it.
March 22 - FUN DAY movie on campus. Parents may pick up by 3:00 P.M.
Junior Youth are invited for this activity. You may always invite a friend.
We'll serve popcorn & snacks
March 29 - Stuff Easter Eggs with Candy donated by the congregation to
prepare for the Easter Egg Hung April 4. 2015.
Our Operation Christmas Child item to be collected this month is MONEY. It
will cover shipping costs & purchase additional items needed for packing the
boxes. Checks may be made out to: ESLC-Operation Chirstmas Child.
Cash is always accepted. Please put it in a marked envelope and place it in
the Youth Council Members Mailbox (marked Elaine R.) in the church
office area.
In January the following gifts were given:
In loving memory of Phyllis Thraves
the General Fund received a gift of $25.00
and the Hospitality Fund received a gift of $25.00
In loving memory of Bob Willbrant
the Outreach Fund received a gift of $25.00
Other Gifts:
The Alaska Mission Fund received a gift of $500.00
The Capital Campaign Fund received gifts of $11,921.94
The Debt Reduction Fund received a gift of $50.00
The Elders Fund received a gift of $45.00
The Food Bank Fund received a gift of $20.00
The Honduras Mission Team 2015 received gifts of $5,657.00
The New Building Expansion Fund received a gift
of $724.00 from Thrivent Choice Dollars
The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund received a gift of $500.00
The Youth Fund received a gift of $20.00
“The sense of God’s presence steadies us, gives us an anchor in the storm, and provides a
reservoir of personal power. If you live with God as a friend, He will become so real that He will
be your sturdy companion day and night. Then, even when the going is difficult, your heart can
be happy within, for you have Him with you.” Norman Vincent Peale
The feeling that Jesus is our friend and we should emulate his behavior towards our own
friends at school is something that we are constantly stressing with the preschool children. Sometimes, if a child is not being very kind, it takes a quiet question to correct the behavior – “Is that
how Jesus would behave with his friends?” we might ask. Although we work on colors, shapes,
numbers, and letters at the preschool, behaving in a Christian manner is one of our most important lessons. Remembering that God is our friend and always with us, is another.
Mark your calendars for Saturday evening, April 18. That’s the date this year for our
scrumptious Spaghetti Supper and exciting Silent Auction! Please plan on purchasing tickets in
advance (they will be on sale for several weeks in advance from preschool board members or
from me). Proceeds from this fundraiser are used to replenish our scholarship fund, purchase preschool art and educational supplies, pay for playground toys and upkeep, and finance the myriad
of other things needed to keep the preschool running.
We would appreciate the donation of business gift certificates from businesses you frequent or themed gift baskets that you might be willing to donate. Please give your donations to
Nicole Beattie (our silent auction coordinator) or drop by my office downstairs. If names and
addresses are included with donations, we will be glad to send a receipt for tax purposes. There is
always a little friendly competition to see whose basket earns the highest bids! We are so thankful of your support.
February blew by at the preschool. Despite the cold at the beginning of the month, we
have noticed the bulbs planted by preschoolers during Farm Day peeking through the mulch in
our garden.
Registration for next year is well underway. Spread the word to friends and neighbors
with young children! We’d love to hear from them.
We are so grateful to those of you who have connected your Ingles Tools for Schools
cards to the preschool. We are able to get free preschool art supplies through this program. If you
have not yet connected your Ingles Advantage card, there is a sign-up form on the table in the
Narthex. Otherwise, you can go to the Ingles web site, choose Little Lambs Preschool (# 11415)
and enter your card number. We have actually been running short on craft supplies because we
have a record number of children this year. If you have any felt, pompoms, buttons, ribbon, cotton balls, or any other random craft goodies sitting around the house, we would love to have
them! We can also use construction paper and drawing paper. Of course, we always welcome
used toys and books that are in good condition. If you need a tax receipt, just jot down your name
and items donated when you drop things off at my office door.
~Blessings, Leslie
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
(Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays)
Pastor: David Hammer
Deaconess Intern: Holly Lustila
Secretary: Celeste Entrekin
Preschool Director: Leslie Schalkoff
Choir Director: Rick Schmidt
Choir Accompanist: Michelle Rowland
Organist: David Phillips
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
& Adult Bible Study
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
(Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays)
Nate Esala, Lutheran Bible Translators
S.E.D. Missionaries to Peru
David & Dr. Arianna Shirk, Kenya
Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church
220 Carson Rd.
Seneca, SC 29678