Health Communication
Health Communication
Career Day 2015- Resource Center Guide POE: Health Communication Ambit Energy Altoona, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Drzal, Senior Consultant; Chuck Richardson, Senior Consultant MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Teamwork (works well with others), Interpersonal (relates well to others), Leadership/Management AND Brethren Volunteer Service BOOTH #: 112 Elgin, IL EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Laura Whitman '14, Current BVS volunteer; Hannah Shultz '14, Current BVS volunteer MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Teamwork (works well with others), Interpersonal (relates well to others), Multicultural Sensitivity/Awareness DaVita Healthcare Partners BOOTH #: 95 Denver, CO EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Dr. Scott Snyder '85 MAJORS SOUGHT: Accounting & Finance, Business & Economics, Communication, Computer Science/ IT, Health Communication, Management, Marketing SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Teamwork (works well with others), Leadership/Management, Problem Solving/Creativity Delaware State Police BOOTH #: 2 Dover, DE EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Cpl/3 Kristin Willard, Cpl/2 Stanley Jiminez MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Computer, Leadership/Management Express Employment Professionals BOOTH #: 25 State College, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Shawn Ingold, Staffing Consultant / Owner MAJORS SOUGHT: Accounting & Finance, Business & Economics, Communication, Computer Science/ IT, Digital Media, Environmental Science/Studies, Health Communication, Health Professions, Management, Marketing, Physics & Engineering SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities BOOTH #: 85 Career Day 2015- Resource Center Guide POE: Health Communication Glade Run Lutheran Services Zelienople, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Ashley Tipple MAJORS SOUGHT: Communication, Computer Science/ IT, Education, English, Health Communication, Health Professions, Marketing, Psychology, Sociology & Social Work SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities Hollidaysburg Area YMCA BOOTH #: 94 Hollidaysburg, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Laurie Smith, Human Resource Director; Sandy McGough, ChildCare and Education Director MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities BOOTH #: 82 JFC Staffing Companies Lancaster, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Molly Sollenberger '10, Jessica Matlack '14, Angela Myers '14 MAJORS SOUGHT: Accounting & Finance, Business & Economics, Communication, English, Health Communication, Management, Marketing, Sociology & Social Work SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Interpersonal (relates well to others), Managing Multiple Priorities BOOTH #: 56 Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Altoona, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Michelle Lee, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor; Melissa Martin, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities One on One Fitness Consultants BOOTH #: 48 State College, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: John Valentik, Personal Trainer and Senior Staff Member MAJORS SOUGHT: Health Communication, Health Professions SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Teamwork (works well with others), Interpersonal (relates well to others), Leadership/Management, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities BOOTH #: 8 Career Day 2015- Resource Center Guide POE: Health Communication PA Dept. of Human Services Harrisburg, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: David W. Mackereth, Human Services Program Trainee Coordinator MAJORS SOUGHT: Health Communication, Management, Politics, Sociology & Social Work SKILL SETS: Interpersonal (relates well to others), Leadership/Management, Problem Solving/Creativity PA Lions Beacon Lodge Camp BOOTH #: 30 Mount Union, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Corbin, Camp Coordinator MAJORS SOUGHT: Communication, Education, Health Communication, Health Professions, Philosophy, Psychology, Theater Arts, Wildlife Conservation, any major is welcome SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities PA State Civil Service Commission BOOTH #: 88 Harrisburg, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Heather Jannetta, Pedro Gratacos MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Teamwork (works well with others), Leadership/Management PA State Police BOOTH #: 11 Hollidaysburg, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Corporal Brian Carpenter, Trooper Jeff T. Petucci '92 MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Teamwork (works well with others), Leadership/Management PA State Police / Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement BOOTH #: 54 Duncansville, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Officer Jeffrey Butler MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities BOOTH #: 47 Career Day 2015- Resource Center Guide POE: Health Communication Peace Corps Pittsburgh/Western, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Ewaskio, PSU Peace Corps Representative; Dr. Kathy Jones; Carol Peters P'13 MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities Rite Aid Corporation BOOTH #: 46 Camp Hill, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Casey Long, Human Resources District Manager MAJORS SOUGHT: Accounting & Finance, Art History/Fine Arts, Business & Economics, Communication, Computer Science/ IT, Digital Media, English, Environmental Science/Studies, Health Communication, Health Professions, History, Management, Marketing, Psychology, Sociology & Social Work SKILL SETS: Teamwork (works well with others), Leadership/Management, Managing Multiple Priorities Stream BOOTH #: 63 Alexandria, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Christopher Cook, Director; Kurt Granlund, Senior Director MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Interpersonal (relates well to others), Leadership/Management Target BOOTH #: 98 Brooklyn Park, MN EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Daniel Baumann, Store Team Leader; Renee Gardner, Recruiter MAJORS SOUGHT: All Majors SKILL SETS: Teamwork (works well with others), Leadership/Management, Problem Solving/Creativity The Ronika Frank/Neighborhood Academy BOOTH #: 7 Pittsburgh, PA REPRESENTATIVE: Savanna Arbuckle, Teaching Associate; Cas Carbaugh, Teaching Assosciate MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Teamwork (works well with others), Interpersonal (relates well to others), Planning/Organizing BOOTH #: 65 Career Day 2015- Resource Center Guide POE: Health Communication UPMC Pittsburgh, PA; REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Strauss '13, FMR; Stephen Estright '13, Recruitment Researcher MAJORS SOUGHT: Accounting & Finance, Business & Economics, Communication, Computer Science/ IT, Health Communication, Health Professions, Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Physics & Engineering SKILL SETS: Communication (verbal and written), Teamwork (works well with others), Managing Multiple Priorities US Army BOOTH #: 18 Selinsgrove, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Sergeant First Class Forrest Westall (Center Leader); Staff Sergeant Andrew Cross (Assistant Center Leader); Sergeant First Class Allan Bean (Recruiter); Staff Sergeant Joshua Rightenour (Recruiter) MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities US Marine Corps BOOTH #: 115 State College, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Captain John F. Forshtay MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Communication, Teamwork (works well with others), Analytical/Research, Interpersonal (relates well to others), Computer, Leadership/Management, Planning/Organizing, Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities US NAVY Officer Programs BOOTH #: 34 State College, PA EMAIL: REPRESENTATIVE: Senior Chief, John Welliver MAJORS SOUGHT: All majors SKILL SETS: Teamwork (works well with others), Problem Solving/Creativity, Managing Multiple Priorities BOOTH #: 89