The Shepherd`s Voice
The Shepherd`s Voice
The Shepherd’s Voice March 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS From Pastor Mike During worship on February 22, I remarked that Lent is a time to renew our commitment to the Church. That commitment is known Biblically as “discipleship”, a word whose origins are shared with “discipline”. What I was trying to say was that while all baptized Christians are members of “the Church” (with a capital ‘C’), congregational members are disciplined followers of Jesus! The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd are disciples. (Yes, that is correct grammar.) Belonging to a community of believers is one way to put your gift of faith, which was given to you at baptism, into action. As Lutherans, we believe that God has called each of us to a particular task, and has equipped us for that task. What task has God called you to do? To help you answer this question, we invite you to attend “discipleship gatherings” to be offered on Wednesday nights during March 2015, right after Holden Evening Prayer at about 6:45. 3.1 Purchase Scrip! 3.3 2 p.m. Worship at Apartments 3.5 2 p.m. Ruby’s Pantry truck arrives 3.6 2 p.m. First Friday Fun Night 3.8 Silent Messengers here for worship These gatherings will ask and answer three basic questions. The first is, “Who is Jesus?” We will undertake a Bible overview that will be useful for anyone, from the newly-baptized to the life-long congregational member. This overview will help us to answer the question, “Who is Jesus?” 3.8 11:45 a.m. Get Glammed potluck and program The second question is, “How do we know?” It will provide an overview of the Church and review the two sacraments in the Lutheran Tradition, baptism and communion. We will explore how Jesus found you, and whom Jesus used to find you, teach you, and keep you! 3.15 11:45 a.m. Children, Youth and Family team 3.14 11 a.m. Pinewood Derby 3.22 11:45 a.m. Pizza lunch/Craft day (Mission trip fundraiser) 3.29 Palm Sunday Mission Trip Bible study 6 p.m. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 . . . ARTICLE CONTINUED. . . The third question is, “So what?” What is God calling you to do? We will participate in simple Spiritual Gift assessment to learn how God might have equipped you. Then we will explore our various ministries here at LCGS and how we serve others in the community. Together we will look at the basic teachings from our founder, Martin Luther, who taught that every occupation is a calling from God, a “vocation.” These gatherings will be offered right after worship on Wednesday nights in March (about 6:40). We will have soup suppers at 5 p.m., Holden Evening Prayer at 6 p.m., and learning for ALL AGES at 6:40. The choir rehearses at 7:30, and new singers are always welcome! Everyone is welcome to attend these gatherings; long-term members will have a lot of good stories to share those who newly interested in this congregation! Those who are considering membership with the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd will be oriented to life with the Good Shepherd. Students will be led to connect their studies to the calling God is leading them to. As always, you are welcome to call or email any and all questions: 715-834-2959, or email: Psalms 31 In You, O LORD, I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed; Deliver me in Your righteousness. Turn your clocks ahead on Saturday night, March 7, before heading to bed. You won’t want to miss the special event at worship on Sunday! First Sunday, Scrip Sunday Remember to purchase your scrip on the first Sunday of every month and pick up your cards on the second Sunday or at the church office during the week. PLEASE NOTE: Because Easter is the first Sunday of April, scrip will be sold on the second Sunday in April. Scrip dollars add up quickly — the Capital Campaign has already earned over $700! Thank you! As mentioned at the Annual Meeting, the Audit Committee has audited the books of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd for the period of Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 31, 2014, as detailed in the annual financial reports of the church. To the best of our knowledge and belief, we have found them to be accurate and correct. You can always check our online calendar to see what is going on at Good Shepherd. March 1 Assisting Minister: Reader: Communion Assists: Organ: Greeters: Ushers March 8 Organ: Greeters: Ushers March 15 Assisting Minister: Reader: Communion Assists: Organ: Greeters: Ushers March 22 Assisting Minister: Reader: Communion Assists: Organ: Greeters: Ushers March 29 Assisting Minister: Reader: Communion Assists: Organ: Greeters: Ushers: Prudy Shay Tim Wilson Tim Wilson, Vicki Golden Lynn McFadyen Clarice Gardow Sandi Johnson, Deb Lee Bob Wittwer, Larry Small Ken and Krista Landis Joe Luginbill Cindy Hoenisch Cindy Hoenisch, Jill Hanson Sue Kramer Cindy Hoenisch Jerry and Lynn Salter Peggy Hughes, Jill Hanson Jerry Shay, Larry Small Sue Kramer Marlin and Lois Mueller Kathy Smith, Theola Sands Dean and Denise Tabor Dan and Sharon Dittner Sue Kramer Brent and Kaye Rhody Val Ahneman, Jill Hanson Mark and Pam Kjelstad Larry Gunderson, Renee Eder Chuck Cramer Lou Kassera Barb Miller, Prudy Shay Lynn McFadyen Barb Cramer Bruce and Barb Miller Tim and Brett Buckley Arvid and Dianne Faldet Brent Rhody Joe Luginbill Joe Luginbill, Holly Mathews Lynn McFadyen Ada Yarrington, Larry Gunderson Jerry Shay Mark and Sue Schellfeffer Verne and Kathy Schellfeffer Marc Small Tom Davey Tom and Nancy Davey Sue Kramer Gena Coach Carol Stevens, Ev Krigsvold Jason, Laura and Nick Nelson Brick and Cheryl Hopkins Lacy Sahr Sue Johnson Sue Johnson, Kathy Dean Sue Kramer Ray and Carol Mullen Matt and Laura Johnson Jerry and Lynn Salter Greg Kittleson, Jill Hanson Vicki Golden Lois Stolts Lois Stolts, Jim Holte Sue Kramer Dean and Denise Tabor Lois Stolts, Dianne Fossum Roger and Mary Lee Szymoniak Mike Huggins, Marlin Mueller Joe Luginbill Lacy Sahr Lacy Sahr, Jill Hanson Sue Kramer Verne and Kathy Schellfeffer Mark and Sue Schellfeffer Thomas Sahr, Tyler L’Heureux Dick and Kathy Dean A note from Women of Good Shepherd Board Do you ever say that you have a “full plate?” That there are so many things going on in your life that you are “overflowing?” Why is it, as women we find ourselves taking on more and more when, as mothers we teach the very opposite? As mothers, we say, “don't take more than you can eat…” to our children, but do we say that to ourselves? Think about this challenge when looking at all of the “things” on your plate. What is my protein? What fills my spirit in the best way, and has a lasting effect on my life? What is my vegetable? What has benefits for me and my family even though it might not be my favorite activity? What is my starch? What is a quick lift-up to my spirit, but has an equally quick turn around time, requiring more and more of my energy? And what is my dessert? What things are fun and generally harmless as long as I keep them in perspective? The Women's Board has some new ideas to share and some questions we think all women should be asking themselves. Join us to share your ideas and questions. Easter Breakfast Buffet Sponsored by the Mission Trip Team. All donations will help the Congregational-wide mission trip. When: April 5; 9:15-10:15 a.m. in Hegge Hall Easter Breakfast buffet includes: Homemade French toast, sausage, fruit, coffee, milk, and juice. Can’t stay for the wonderful breakfast buffet, but would like to make a monetary donation for the mission trip, please drop donations at the Mission Trip table located near the Sanctuary where a happy Mission Trip team member will greet you, and give you breakfast to go. If you would like to make any food donations, please contact Jenny Hatleli at 715-834-2959. Craft or Pinterest Project We will have three different sessions/classes for adults and three for children. You can sign up for as many as you would like. Each session will be approximately one hour . Prices and projects will be announced. Proceeds will go toward the mission trip. Check out our website for more info at or call 715-834-2959. Load-a-Lunch Update The Outreach Team would like to thank everyone who contributed to the load-a-lunch fundraising efforts for the 2014-2015 school year. We would also like to thank the volunteers who have helped with packing at Feed My People. A special thanks to Ruby’s Pantry and WELCA for their generation donations. The children’s Christmas program raised $188.57. The wishing well donations totaled $664.45 and our envelope drive raised $1,044.90!! We have been providing weekend meals to approximately 36 students at Roosevelt Elementary. Thank you for supporting this important ministry. Your generosity has been overwhelming and sincerely appreciated! Cindy Hoenisch, Lauri Rometti, Jo Anderson, Teresa Luginbill, Joe Luginbill, Jinette and Scott Lau, Lynn Salter Second Sunday GET is a series of women’s events at Good Shepherd that really capture the spirit of a generation of women who are not afraid to try anything! The series is about getting empowered to try something new and share a talent you already have. Do you have something you have always wanted to learn how to do? A craft or a skill you would like to try, but don’t really know how to get started? Or do you have a hobby you love and would be willing to help others learn about? We need your ideas! Check out the bulletin board suggestion sheet to let us know how you would like to get empowered! Upcoming topics already include: GET Glammed, March 8, Come for a day of quick pampering after second service. Every woman wants to feel and look her best. Come and meet with some women who can help you do just that. We will start with a potluck and facials, mini mani-pedis and quick tips to change your look so you are always feeling GLAM! This day will cover all of the ages of women in our congregation! Every women wants to look her best, and we are here to help! Look for a sign-up sheet coming soon! GET Snacked, April 12, Remember the 3:00 snack commercial? Or the Snickers commercial about not being yourself if you’re hungry? But we all know that extra snacks can mean extra calories, or added sugars. Lets bring our recipes for healthy snacks, assemble and swap! Join us for a potluck, but save room for healthy snacks after! GET Power, June 14, Ever wish you could run a power saw? Or an air nailer? Or maybe you just wish you could use a power screwdriver to hang a picture? No problem! We have the tools to help you get started! We will start you on a DIY project building pallet planters, a great way to up-cycle and have fresh herbs in tight spaces! Missions The mission envelope monies for January through March will go towards The Community Table. Each time that we serve, we are asked to bring 8 gallons of milk and a $100 donation which goes toward the monthly rent. According to recent reports, 1 out of 8 residents of Eau Claire and 1 out of 5 children live in households that struggle to put food on their tables. Forty-two percent of the children enrolled in Eau Claire public schools qualify for free or reduced lunches. The Community Table now serves an average of 143 meals daily. We want to continue to be a part of this ministry and will serve at least four times throughout 2015. Please watch for the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Social Concerns Committee Wednesday Soup Suppers Come eat delicious homemade soup and salad bar during Lent! When: Every Wednesday from Feb. 18-March 25 Lenten schedule: 5-6 p.m. Dinner 6-6:40 p.m. Worship 6:45-7:20 p.m. Connect classes for all Freewill offering will go towards the mission trip If you would like to make food donations, see signup board outside the Sanctuary. Sunday Kids Connect March 1 — Laborers in the vineyard – Matthew 20:1-16 March 8 — Wedding Banquet – Matthew 22:1-14 March 15 — Parable of the bridesmaids/parable of the talents – Matthew 25:1-13 March 22 — Last Judgment – Matthew 25:31-46 March 29 — Triumphal Entry – Matthew 21:1-13 Wednesday Kids Connect Throughout the month of March the theme of the Triumphal Entry will be focused on — Matthew 21:1-13. A Lenten focus on a journey will take place as children explore the different avenues of faith life such as worship, prayer, reading the Bible, who is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity). March 4 — Reading the Bible and who is this Triune God we worship will be explored through some digital learning components. March 11 — Worship and prayer will be explored through art and music. March 18 — We respond to who the Messiah is through service. March 25 — No Wednesday Kids Connect – ECASD Spring Break. Middle School The Middle School Connect will attend the Discipleship Gatherings with their adult leaders in March. March 4 — Who is Jesus? (The story in the Bible) March 11 — How do you Know? (along with Prayer Partners!!) March 18 — So What? (Spiritual Gifts!) March 25 — (ECASD Spring Break; optional ... Spiritual Gifts cont'd) Senior High Throughout Lent, the senior high youth will be taking a journey on digging deeper into who God is through the Basic series by Francis Chan. Sr. High also invited to discipleship gatherings on Wednesdays in March. March 3 — Follow Jesus March 10 — Holy Spirit March 17 — Fellowship March 24 — No Senior High - ECASD Spring Break Mission Trip The mission trip is busy planning opportunities for the congregation as well as the Eau Claire community to support the mission trip through fundraisers and stewardship. The month of March will have two big opportunities. Lenten soup suppers will continue to be provided and all proceeds of this will go toward the mission trip. The second is the craft/pin-it day, this will be an event where pre-planned crafts as well as Pinterest projects will be provided at a suggested donation amount. The cost will go toward supplies as well as the mission trip. Pizza and pop will be sold, so come for lunch and stay for some great projects!! Nursery news I hope everyone is staying warm! I am still looking for some special people who can lend their talents and gifts to be a volunteer for the nursery. Remember, even if it is just once a month that helps tremendously! If you feel like this is something that you want to do, then contact Laura Hatleli via email at or check out the Children, Youth, and Family communication boards throughout the building and see what is open and fill out a slip to sign up! We will continue to do the craft of the month with the kids and we are doing other activities that help connect to the lessons that the other ministries of the church are doing. If you feel like volunteering in the nursery is not a gift for you, maybe you can consider donating something that the nursery needs you can talk to Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 1120 Cedar St. Eau Claire, WI 54703 715-834-2959 Staff: Pastor Mike Wollman 715-404-0046 Office Manager DeAnne Swenson, Custodian Mike Walter, Director of Emerging Discipleship Jenny Hatleli, Music Ministry Sue Kramer Lynn McFadyen Nursery Laura Hatleli Church Council 2015 President-Thomas Sahr Vice pres.-Brent Rhody Secretary-Sandy Henke Treasurer-Joe Luginbill Heather Garber Mark Golden Cindy Hoenisch Matt Johnson Mark Kramer Cindy Matton Lynn Salter Judy Tilleson 715-830-0301 715-831-9233 715-832-3322 715-579-6418 715-834-6266 715-833-2013 414-217-3959 715-579-9492 715-835-1446 715-833-9649 715-834-9879 715-836-7559 Office hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Friday 8:30-11:30 a.m. Phone: 715-834-2959 Fax: 715-834-2022 E-mail: Website: Calendar of events can be found online at calendar.aspx?ci=73820156
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