Current Highlands Highlights (PDF format)
Current Highlands Highlights (PDF format)
Highlands Community of Christ Mary Huffman, Pastor 7615 N. Platte Purchase Dr. Kansas City, Missouri 64118 March 1, 2015 Highlands Highlights We will be a Light in our Community by sharing the love of Christ Jesus! Theme: Be a Covenant People Speakers for March 1, 2015 8:30 Classic Communion Worship With Terry Carver 11:00 Contemporary Communion Worship with Dorothy Carver Lent: A Guide Before Easter This is the second week to continue our preparation for Easter. The Spiritual practice is “The Examen”. This spiritual practice seeks God’s direction by noticing where God shows up throughout our day and reflecting upon those times. Week #2 The prayers of Examen (examination of consciousness) Practice could include a regular time of prayer and reflection asking these questions What moment today am I most grateful?/ What moment today am I least grateful? When did I receive the most love today?/ When did I give or receive the least love today? What was the most life-giving part of my day?/What was the most lifethwarting part of my day? Where do I need God in my day tomorrow? The examen is a practice for discerning the voice and activity of God within the flow of the day. It is a vehicle that creates deeper awareness of God in our daily life. This practice can open us to both the difficult and beautiful parts in our daily life, relationships, and at work. A theme for our thoughts and prayers this week—“Search my heart and make it one with yours”. Spiritual Disciplines Handbook By Adele A. Calhoun; “Herald” Vol 162, February 2015 Lent: A Guide Before Easter The third week of Lent will focus on Contemplation. Our society is one of hurry and speed. We crowd our schedules and try to get our “money’s worth” in everything we do and say during our 24hrs. This week let us try to open our eyes to see with faith, hope, and love. Week #3 Contemplation Practice could include some of these ideas Practice being in the presence of God Taking time to truly see and view life (others, art, music, nature) Refuse the compulsion to go everywhere, see everything or do all Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor and hands in lap. Breathe deeply and relax. Place yourself in the presence of Jesus. Relish your humanness and beauty of those around you Recognize that God can be found in the marvelous and mysterious world around us From 2Corinthians 4:18 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” May you in your contemplation this week set aside a time to really look into the eyes of those you love. Listen with your heart and see them through the eyes of God. Spiritual Disciplines Handbook By Adele A. Calhoun; “Herald” Vol 162, February 2015 Sun—Mar 1 - Sharon Pierce breakfast team Greeters: Vera Beamer, Sharon & Nick, Jenson Family, Lehi & Chris German, Larry Ragan Mon—Mar 2 - Praise team practice 6:30pm Tues—Mar 3 - Prayer Warriors 9:30am Sonshine Circle 10:30am Tai Chi 5pm Thurs—Mar 5 - Sr potluck 12noon, ALL ARE WELCOME Tai Chi 5pm Sat—Mar 7 - Building Bridges Event 5pm Potluck Sun—Mar 8 - Daylight Savings Time Begins Carol Gist Ordination Pagat family breakfast team Priesthood Visiting Class 1:30-7pm Greeters: June Tygart, Vera Beamer, Sari & Dean Travis, Sue Williams, Linda Kaercher, Mary Sue & Roger Rowlett Mon—Mar 9 - Praise team practice 6:30pm Tues—Mar 10 - Prayer Warriors 9:30am Sonshine Circle 10:30am Tai Chi 5pm Thurs—Mar 12 - Prayer Shawls 6:30pm contact Jennifer Jenson Tai Chi 5pm Sat—Mar 14 - Highlands Revival 4pm Sun—Mar 15 - Gist family breakfast team Highlands Revival 11am Mon—Mar 16 - Pie Baking 8a-1pm Fine Arts committee 1pm Kathy de Zwart home Praise Team practice 6:30pm Tues—Mar 17- Sr Adult breakfast 8:30am Englewood Hyvee Prayer Warriors 9:30am Sonshine Circle10:30am Tai Chi 5pm Thurs—Mar 19 - Nut Bread Baking 8am-2pm Tai Chi 5pm Sat—Mar 21 - Highlands Revival Sun—Mar 22 - Delores Gunderson breakfast team Mon—Mar 23 - Praise team practice 6:30pm Tues—Mar 24 - Prayer Warriors 9:30am Sonshine Circle10:30am Tai Chi 5pm Thurs—Mar 26 - Bake Sale Baking 7am-10pm Tai Chi 5pm Fri—Mar 27 - Bake Sale and Baking 7am-10pm Sat—Mar 28 - Bake Sale 7am-6pm Sun—Mar 29 - Palm Sunday Wednesday, March 4, 2015 5:30-6:15pm - Dinner - Fellowship Hall Cooking Team: Kerry Lukenbill Sloan Thomas will be cleaning. 6:30pm -7:15pm Prayer & Testimony - Sanctuary Theme: Revive My soul—3rd Sunday in Lent Presider: Jack Cavitt 6:15-7:30pm 1-3 year olds Room 108 PLEASE pick up your child by 7:30pm 6:15-7:30pm Carpenter’s Kids Rooms 111 & 112 (kindergarten - 5th grade) 6:15 -7:30pm Junior High Teen Center/Room 136 Senior High Teen Center/Room 137 (6th - 12th grade) 6:30pm Classic Choir Preparation Rooms 118 & 119 7:30pm Classic Choir Practice (no practice in January) 7:30pm Contemporary Worship Planning Room 124 Ordination Carol Gist To the Office of Priest Sunday, March 8, 2015 At the 8:30 Worship EASTER There will be only one service on Easter, April 5, and it will run from 10:30am-12:00pm. Please watch for updates to the Easter week schedule. Love is in the Giving…. Joy is in the Receiving March 8, 2015 Submitting Meal Receipts PLEASE put your expense receipts in the donation box for meals. Put your name on the receipt to be reimbursed. Put your name on the receipt and write “donation” if you would like to donate this expense. Thank You 8:30am—Classic Worship 9:30am—Breakfast 10:00am—Sunday School 11:00am—Contemporary Worship Status as of February 22, 2015 8:30 Classic Worship Speaker: Tom Gist Theme Revive My Soul Sunday's Local contributions: $ 3,513.89 Goal for February $18,316.67 Received in February (4 weeks) $16,127.61 YTD status thru February (below goal) $4,191.21) *The monthly goal is calculated as follows: $18,316.67 budget of $219,800.00/12 Four Corners 27 Envelopes Sunday containing $ 1,306.67 Total for February $ 1,489.67 Preparation Scriptures Psalm 19; Exodus 20:1–17; 1 Corinthians 1:18–25; John 2:13–22; 2 Nephi 3:35–40, 46–50; Doctrine and Covenants 154:7, 162:1 YTD Expenses exceeding YTD Income: (8,826.82) Sunday Breakfast (02/22/15) Receipts 111.00 Expenses 12.68 YTD Deficit (27.10) 85 Meals Served 11:00 Contemporary Worship Speaker: Carol Caplinger Theme: Heal My Spirit and Revive My Soul Highlands Attendance February 22, 2015 8:30 Classic Worship— 46 11:00 Contemporary Worship—74 Building Bridges Event March 7, 2015 at 5pm Potluck, Fellowship, Prayer, Entertainment If you have a talent and would like to perform at this fellowship gathering, please call or email the church office. This is a great opportunity if you have a recital or reading, etc coming up in the near future or just practicing. We would love to hear from you! or 816-468-7878. God is leading these congregations (LaBota and the Micronesians) to the Highlands. Let’s get to know each other and fellowship! Please plan to attend! Visiting Class Sunday, March 8 from 1:30-7pm Our visiting class will replace our March Priesthood meeting. Carol Caplinger will be presenting. It will be an interactive class including information, role playing and visiting to approved homes. Please eat before coming to class. A small meal will be shared when we return from home visiting. Please see JeriLynn to sign up or contact her at 816-572-3666. This class is for ALL Aaronic and Melchisedec Priesthood. Please plan to attend. Highlands Revival Saturday, March 14 at 4pm Theme: Breathe in God’s Grace, Breathe out God’s Praise Sunday, March 15 at 11am Theme: Grace Abounds!! Be a Disciple and Share with Others Please plan to attend!! Thank You’s shared from a couple of other congregations: Wichita—Hi Dawn Please relay the message to your group how much we appreciated your ministry. There were lots of positive comments at church tonight. Many blessings as you continue this avenue of service. Best to you all Kathy and Rick Jeff City Congregation—Kimberly, Just saying thank you is not fitting for all the wonderful ministry your Praise Team brought to our congregation this last weekend. I know it takes a lot of time and effort to make what we witnessed to be successful. All I heard was praises for each and everyone of your teammates. You guys not only bring great talent for all to hear, but the spirit of Christ is so powerful that it touched all our hearts. I saw so many individuals wiping their eyes from the words you spoke as well to the music being sung with the lyrics reaching deep into the hearts of all that were there. You are an awesome person who has surrounded herself with people of the same great talent. All of you know what it takes to bring the "Word of God" unto all. Keep going forward...there are so many people that need your music of ministry. It was an awesome event ! A memory we will remember for a long time!! Love you, Sharon Orey Youth Family Camping Trip All youth and their families are invited to a camping trip at Watkins Mill the weekend of May 15-17. Cost is $25 per camping unit plus approximately $15 per person for food. Join us for fun and fellowship as we enjoy God’s creation under the stars. Please RSVP by the end of February to Allen and Tammy Keehler or 816-810-5690 or Amber Irwin 816605-1551 . “In Tai Chi Chuan movement and calmness coexists. Whenever we move, we start with the mind and the mind intention first. It is the mind that leads the movement. ”(Yang Zhenduo in Tai Chi Magazine) Join the group on Tuesday and Thursday at 5PM as the calming techniques are practiced. We will have sessions this Tuesday and Thursday and the group will continue to meet in the weeks ahead. The Holy Spirit is… My Comforter who has never given me false hope; My Spirit of Truth who always draws my heart toward Jesus; My Helper whose strong hand is always extended; My Dove who stills me when I am troubled; My Joy who turns my soul toward God’s delightfulness; My Peace who calms every troubled sea and quiets every storm; My Seal who marks me as Heaven’s possession; My Gift who continues to impart Christ’s riches; My Healing Oil that keeps my inward gears from grinding; My Liberty that takes me to greater heights and deeper joys; My Revelation who causes me to see things from Heaven’s view point. 2015 CONGREGATIONAL LEADERSHIP 10:00am Preschool: Sari & Dean Travis Age 3-5 Early Primary: Angie Hattey Barbara Freund Grades K-2 Upper Primary: Jeri Lynn Dobson Grades 3-4 Middle School: Brian Bellof Carol Black Grades 5-6 Junior High: Wendy Gunn Kathy Masters Grades 7-8 Senior High: Amber Irwin Grades 9-12 Adult: Rooms 118 & 119 Andrew Bolton’s: Sermon on the Mount: Foundations for an International Peace church. Submissions, questions or to contact Congregational Leadership, contact the church office: or phone 816-468-7878, 8am-4pm, Mon - Thurs Pastor - Mary Huffman Assistant Pastor Jack Cavitt Counselors Terry & Dorothy Carver, Maridan Christensen, Dennis Payea Women’s Ministries Wendy Gunn Men’s Ministries Larry Paradine Sunday Worship Services 8:30 Classic Multi-Cultural Liaisons Rob & Kathy de Zwart Bob Gauper, Dennis Payea 11:00 Contemporary Melissa Shields, Dawn PaRecorder gat, Bryan Parrott, David & Mary Sue Rowlett Vickie Thatcher Wedding Coordinators Wednesday Prayer Service Cindy Ford, Sheila Wertz Nancy Short Historian Virginia Ragan Priesthood Leadership Jeri Lynn Dobson, Terry Allen, Sandy Allen, Mary Sue Sonshine Circle Rowlett Elaine Bradford, Ruth Waugh, Louise Bagley, Pat & Jack Cavitt, Vera Beamer, Pastoral Care Elaine Bradford Mary & Gary Libeer, Norma Horner Youth Leadership Team Dean Travis, Amber Irwin, Phone Bank Chairman Sloan Thomas Diana Lehman Prayer Circle Publicity/Nursery CoordiCharlene McCloud nator Beverly Gauper—Assistant Chris German Sloan Thomas-Assistant Hospitality/Outreach Sue Williams Fine Arts Coordinator Sharon Bongiovanni Fellowship Coordinators Mary Libeer, Tammy Keehler Prayer Trails Developer Tom Gist Sunday School Sari Maple-Travis Highlands Board Members Bob Mallett, Russell Gunn, Sari Maple-Travis, David Stewardship Gary Libeer-CFO Hattey, Harriett Ramey, Marty Jenson-Assistant Sloan Thomas Allen Keehler-Financial Planning Officer Facility Manager Roger Robinson Congregational Admin. Jeanne Payea HIGHLANDS CLASSIFIEDS . . . cont’d on page 2 PAGE 1 If you have a business or work for a company and would like to have it listed in the Highlights please forward your information to the church office for inclusion on this page. Your business card can be copied in for inclusion. Requests for an ad received by Wednesday will be put in the current Highlights and any received after Wednesday will be put in the next week’s edition. Business listings will remain as long as they are current. Kubi for Hope Founders: Denis and Jane Kweri “A simple act, big impact” if you donate any amount HIGHLANDS CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 2 Healing wounds and saving lives Kimberly Bellof 2790 Clay Edwards Drive, 11th floor North Kansas City, MO 64116-3220 816-691-5055 Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Center