MN114O0302 -
MN114O0302 -
THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED ( A GOVT COMPANY ) AREA PURCHASE CELL, MANUGURU E-Mail: Telephone: 08746- 220080 Fax:08746 222206 PIN CODE: 507 117 DISTRICT: KHAMMAM, A.P. TIN: 28150117915 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sub : RECONDITIONING / REPAIR OF DUMP BODIES OF KOMATSU AND BEML 100T DUMPERS - REG. *** Sealed quotations are invited from registered Venders for repair of Dumper bodies. We shall be obliged if you will kindly quote your lowest price and time of delivery for supply of the material as per list attached herewith. Enquiry Number MN114O302 Last date for receipt of tender Opening date of tender Validity of offer: Dt. 09.02.215 Dt. 11.03.2015, 12.00 noon Dt. 11.03.2015, 3.00 pm. 180 days from the date of opening of tender. Tenders should be posted in sealed envelope clearly super scribed with the subject, enquiry number, due date of opening tender, without which the covers will not be taken for delivery and would be returned to the sender. Tender to be submitted to: The General Manager, The Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Area GM Office, MANUGURU P.O. MANUGURU, Dist. KHAMMAM Pin: 507 117 Andhra Pradesh For and on behalf of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited, for GENERAL MANAGER, MANUGURU AREA Encl: Item list. General Terms & Conditions. P.2 Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 1). Requisition work: Item S.No. Material Description 1 2 Qty Unit RECONDITIONING / REPAIR OF DUMP BODIES OF KOMATSU HD785-7 100T DUMPERS 9 NOS RECONDITIONING / REPAIR OF DUMP BODIES OF BEML 100T DUMPERS 20 Store/Plant PKOC NOS Note: Drawings are attached separately for each type of dumper. 2) Eligibility : i). Offers of OEM / OES / Dump body Manufacturers of 85T Dumpers and above capacity only / Wear Plate manufacturers/ Electrode manufacturers (Esab / L&T / D&H / Advani oerlicon only) or their authorized dealers will be accepted. Proof of the dealer ship / Valid Authorization Certificate shall be enclosed along with the offer, otherwise the offer cannot be considered. ii). Offers of “Firms having experience in dump body repairs of 85T Dumper and above capacity in SCCL/CIL/ Any Govt. / Public Sector Units only will be considered. Contd..P.2 P.3 Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 3. I. The firms have to quote the prices for the repair of each dump body in the following format only for 100T Komatsu Dumpers. S.No. a. b c d e Description Material cost such as new wear plates required as per the drawing, weld material like electrodes, gas, safety gadgets etc., and single coat painting of completed bucket for each dump body 100 T Komatsu make dumpers. Service charges to carry out the job mentioned at (a) Cost of rebuild of dump body at patches where the parent material has worn out – to be quoted as per square meter including material cost and service charges per/Sq.m. Basic Price Tax % Tax Amount Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___ % Rs.______ Rs._____ Cost of repairing the dump Rs._____ body cracks – to be quoted per meter length of crack including material cost and service charges to be quoted in Rs./running meter Other components not covered in a to d, if any Rs.__ ___ TOTAL 4. a) Evaluation Criteria : Commercial status of the L-1 firm will arrived as (a+b+c+d+e) P-4 Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 3. II. The firms have to quote the prices for the repair of each dump body in the following format only for 100T BEML Dumpers. S.No. a Description Material cost such as new wear plates required as per the drawing, weld material like electrodes, gas safety gadgets etc., and single coat painting of completed bucket for each dump body 100 T BEML make dumper. b Service charges to carry out the job mentioned at (a) c Cost of rebuild of dump body at patches where the parent material has worn out – to be quoted as per square meter including material cost and service charges per/Sq.m. d Basic Price Tax % Tax Amount Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___ % Rs.______ Rs._____ Cost of repairing the dump Rs._____ body cracks – to be quoted per meter length of crack including material cost and service charges to be quoted in Rs./running meter e Other components not covered in a to d, if any Rs.__ ___ TOTAL 4. b) Evaluation Criteria : Commercial status of the L-1 firm will arrived as (a+b+c+d+e) : P-5 Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SCOPE OF WORK : All the worn out unserviceable wear plates welded on the dump body (bucket) are to be gouged away completely. Rebuild the bucket at patches where the parent material has worn out and any cracks and openings on the buckets are to be repaired properly. Type of wear plate material (description shall be clearly mentioned in the offer) and it shall give minimum 10,000 hours of life. To weld new wear plates completely on the bucket as per the drawing enclosed for Komatsu & BEML make 100T dumpers. Wear plates of 19 mm/20 mm thick are to be welded at the bottom of the bucket and wear plates 12 mm thick are to be welded at the side of the buckets, if required at corners also. The joining of the wear plates shall be carried out with suitable dissimilar joining electrodes and upon which hard facing shall be carried out to match with the life of hard plate for Komatsu make 100T dumpers only. Bucket cracks are to be exposed from both sides by gouging and groove formation, to be filled up with suitable high strength alloy electrodes. The specifications of electrodes shall be submitted. (Electrode make shall be L&T-Eutectic, Esab, D&H, Advani Oerlicon only). The crack repaired portion should be re-in forced with stiffeners. Stiffeners are to be supplied by the firm only. Bucket is to be painted along with equipment serial number (Both OEM and Project). Color shall match to the original dump body colour Bucket resting channels on the chassis are to be repaired and replaced if required on BEML make 100T dumpers only The bucket repair works are to be carried out at BWS, PKOC, Manuguru. The firm should inspect the dumpers at site before submitting their offers. The firm should quote repair estimate for each dump body of Komatsu make & BEML make 100T dumpers separately in two different offers. Total cost of bucket reconditioning would be cost of re-build, cost of painting, cost of crack repairs based on per meter cost and cost of 19 mm/20 mm wear plate in square meter cost of 12 mm wear plate in square meter. GUARANTEE: The reconditioned bucket shall give wear protection of Buckets for 10,000 hrs. If the wear plate is found missing before the plate wears out, the firm has to replace the wear plate and weld it at their own cost during the guarantee period. The proposal is on two source basis. Maximum two dump bodies will be given for repairs per month. Firm shall execute the works as per the delivery schedule given by project authorities The firm shall complete the job within 20 days of handing over each dump body of dumper. Required man power, materials, wear plates, tools, consumables like cutting gas, electrodes, cables etc., and machines like welding generator/rectifier, grinding machines shall be to the firm’s account. SCCL will provide electric power, material handling equipment and water on free of cost. The firm should comply with all other terms and conditions as stipulated in the Mines ACT. Any accident of men and machinery involved in their work is completely to the firm’s account. The Contractor should issue authorization slips/identity cards to their work persons working in SCCL Site. All the workmen deployed by the firm should be trained at MVTC of SCCL before commencement of the Contract. Contractor should not engage of workmen below 18 years of age. P-6 Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. 32. During the course of execution of work, if any un-towards incidents occur, the contractor is only held responsible and SCCL is no way responsible. All statutory taxes applicable for this contract will be deducted at source as per Income Tax Act/Govt. Rules and Regulations. No, claim shall lie against SCCL for contractor faults or his representative or his representative or his employees or any third party in the execution of the Contract. If the SCCL is made liable for such claims by any Court of Law or authority, the same should be reimbursed to SCCL by the Contractor, as if SCCL has paid on behalf of the contractor. In case the contractor fails to carry out the work as per the contractual conditions, the contract will be terminated. All contractual persons must wear personal protective equipment with Shoes, Helmet, safety belt etc.,. All the safety gadgets required for the workmen employed is to be arranged by Contractor only. Contractor/firm is responsible for the safety of workmen and equipment. SCCL will not pay for any compensation for un-towards incidents. The contractor/firm shall fulfill all statutory requirements like Mines act/Labour act/Insurance, Workmen Compensation act etc., The tenderers shall have previous experience in carrying out similar works with SCCL or other PSUs. The contractor, who is experienced in similar works only shall quote and proof of experience is to be enclosed along with their offer, otherwise the offer cannot be considered. The firm shall commence the job immediately within one week after receiving the order / delivery schedule from the project authorities 10% of repair cost of each dump body is to be submitted as performance guarantee by way of bank guarantee and it shall be valid for a period of 24 months from the date of completion of repair work of each dump body. In case the performance of repaired bucket is less than 10,000 hrs, the firm shall carryout the work immediately on free of cost, failing which cost of the repair charges/PBG for the particular dump body whichever is higher will be recovered from the firm. If the amount is not sufficient it will be recovered from the pending bills in the company/ bank guarantee available. EMD: Rs. 3 lakhs shall be enclosed along with the offer in the form of D.D. payable at State Bank of Hyderabad/Andhra Bank, in favour of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited., payable at Manuguru only. DD payable on out station banks will not be accepted. The EMD of successful vendors will be released only after 3 months of commencement of work. The EMD of unsuccessful vendors will be released immediately after finalizing the tender. No interest will be paid on EMD for this period. Firms registered as SSI units can produce the certificate (part-II only) certified by Dept of Industries claiming exemption from paying EMD. Payment will be made for each dump body within 30 days after submission of invoice duly certified by PE, PKOC. Penalty Clause: If the firm fails to complete the job within 20 days a penalty of 1% of the order value per dumper body per week up to a maximum of 10% shall be imposed as penalty. P.7 Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 33. No extra payment will be paid after releasing of the order. The above Tender is on THREE PART BASIS. Tenderers are requested to submit their bids in original in three covers as mentioned below: PART A – Technical offer ( A in One Cover): Technical parameters of the Service as per the scope of work. i) ii) Technical Competence of the Tenderer. Order copies for Service made to reputed concerns or Govt. undertakings, if iii) any. iv) Performance reports if any NSIC or SSI, ISO certificates along with other documents drawings & v) specifications. vi) Specimen copy of Part C without prices. PART B – COMMERCIAL TERMS (B in one cover): Format Enclosed. i) Offer Validity, Delivery period, applicability of taxes and duties, LD Penalty, Warranty/ Guarantee. PART C – PRICE BID (C in one cover) i) Basic price quoted PVC formula if any, duty taxes and other commercial terms viz. credit Rebate etc., ii) Firms are requested to quote amount in the enclosed format. i) ii) iii) To avoid inadvertent opening of the cover, all the 3 covers should be distinctly marked with the following on its left hand top corner. Enquiry Number & Date and Name & Address of the Bidder. Cover No. ie., Part-A/ Part-B/Part-C as the case may be and name & address of the bidder. Closing & Opening date of the tender and name & address of the bidder. All the 3 covers are to be individually sealed and super scribed as Mentioned above and shall be kept in another sealed cover superscribing enquiry no., due date of the submission of the tenderer and due date of opening of the tender and name and address of the bidder. Note : Sometimes issue of corrigendum may be necessary to clarify the doubts raised by the bidders or to carryout corrections if any. All such corrigendum shall be displayed in company’s web site only (route : Tenders > Area Purchase tenders. The Tenderers are therefore advised to visit the said web site from time to time to keep them up dated. For and on behalf of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Encl: General Terms & Conditions. for GENERAL MANAGER, MANUGURU AREA Part-B Commercial Bid. Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 TERMS & CONDITIONS (CHECK LIST) S.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Description VENDOR CODE FOR DISCOUNT / REBATE INSURANCE PRICE VARIATION ACCEPTANCE OF RISK PURCHASE ACCEPTANCE OF PRICE FALL CLAUSE PENALTY CLAUSE PAYMENT TERMS DELIVERY SCHEDULE (INDICATE LEAD TIME FOR REPAIR OF DUMP BODIES) OFFER VALIDITY SERVICE TAX IF ANY a. Service Tax % : b. ST Regn. No. c. If not applicable reasons may be furnished d. Tax invoice to be provided by firm to avail CENVAT PAN NUMBER TIN NUMBER Information AT SITE FIRM PRICE AS PER NIT AS PER NIT I/We hereby agree to abide by all the terms and conditions mentioned in the NIT. Authorized Signatory, Name of the firm. Stamp. Postal address of contractor : Name(full)___________________H.No.___________Street_____________Town:______ District:__________Land Phone .__________Mobile :__________Mail ID :__________ PAN : ______________________. Part – C Price Bid Dt. General Manager, Manuguru. RATES SCHEDULE Sub : Repair of dump bodies – Reg. Ref : MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 ---100T KOMATSU DUMPERS: S.No. a. b c d e Description Material cost such as new wear plates required as per the drawing, weld material like electrodes, gas, safety gadgets etc., and single coat painting of completed bucket for each dump body 100 T Komatsu make dumpers. Service charges to carry out the job mentioned at (a) Cost of rebuild of dump body at patches where the parent material has worn out – to be quoted as per square meter including material cost and service charges per/Sq.m. Basic Price Tax % Tax Amount Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___ % Rs.______ Rs._____ Cost of repairing the dump Rs._____ body cracks – to be quoted per meter length of crack including material cost and service charges to be quoted in Rs./running meter Other components not covered in a to d, if any Rs.__ ___ TOTAL PART - C PRICE BID General Manager, Manuguru. Sub : Repair of dump bodies – Reg. Ref: MN114O0302 dt.09.02.2015 100T BEML Dumpers. S.No. a b c d e Description Material cost such as new wear plates required as per the drawing, weld material like electrodes, gas safety gadgets etc., and single coat painting of completed bucket for each dump body 100 T BEML make dumper. Service charges to carry out the job mentioned at (a) Cost of rebuild of dump body at patches where the parent material has worn out – to be quoted as per square meter including material cost and service charges per/Sq.m. Basic Price Tax % Tax Amount Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ Rs._____ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___% Rs._____ Rs.______ ___ % Rs.______ Rs._____ Cost of repairing the dump Rs._____ body cracks – to be quoted per meter length of crack including material cost and service charges to be quoted in Rs./running meter Other components not covered in a to d, if any Rs.__ ___ TOTAL Note: I/We hereby agree to abide by all the terms and conditions mentioned in the NIT. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER (With Office Seal/Stamp) Postal address of contractor : Name(full)___________________H.No.___________Street_____________Town:____ District:_________Land Phone .__________Mobile :___________Mail ID :__________ PAN : ______________________. SIGNATURE&STAMP.