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features | Page 17
New University | Monday, October 26, 2009
f eatures
More Than A Black Pointy Hat Page
The Grimm Side of Fairytales Page 21
“Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other
girls can say anything about it.” — Lindsay Lohan as Cady in “Mean Girls”
By Sandy Rose
Staff Writer
It’s not really that weird to fall in love with
a serial killer…right?
I mean, I watch “Dexter” like it’s my job
and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen just about every
single “Law and Order, SVU” ever made at
least twice. I’ve seen “American Psycho”
upwards of 10 times and every time I finish, I fall deeper and deeper in love with
Christian Bale.
There’s definitely a certain fascination
with serial killers in our culture, especially
when those minds are put into the bodies
of some of Hollywood’s “Hottest.” But
when this attraction is brought into the lives
of real women, it starts to get a little bit
Take Ted Bundy. Even though he was
convicted of killing over 30 women all
across the United States, a woman still
moved across the country just for the
chance to be near him. Eventually, they
married and had a child together.
Richard Ramirez, dubbed “The Night
Stalker” for his predilection for attacking
victims in their beds, was convicted of 13
murders, in addition to 30 other felonies
including rape and sodomy. He’s known
for being a Satanist and screaming, “Hail
Satan” during his trial. In jail, he receives
bags upon bags of mail and gets numerous marriage proposals. In 1988, he took
it upon himself to propose to a freelance
editor who had caught his fancy when he
was arrested.
Even Scott Peterson, the man who
killed both his wife and child-to-be, found
love in prison. It was reported that even
just a few hours after he was put on death
row, he began receiving phone calls and
marriage proposals from women who
wanted to carry on the Peterson name.
The fact is that while it just might be
someone’s true-to-life fantasy, an attraction to serial killers often springs from
some serious mental issues or comes
from the result of a painful past. There
are an endless number of theories on
why these women are attracted to serial
A term often used to describe these
people is “Serial Killer Groupies,” shortened for quick reference to SKG. It
One Anteater’s Paranormal Experience
Page 22
usually refers to people who have developed
an attachment to a serial killer who has been
caught and is in prison.
Some of these women find the combination of violence and control alluring. The
man is a killer and is therefore powerful, but
he’s locked in a jail cell so the woman feels a
sense of control over him. The desire to seek
out this combination can come from a number of past experiences including the absence
of a male figure in the woman’s life.
Women who have survived through a past
of abuse or neglect often seek out men who
parallel that figure in their lives. The serial
killer embodies violence, but the woman is
protected from that violence by the bars of
the jail cell.
While this is one of the primary theories
surrounding the cause of these actions, other
theories have emerged – one which asserts
the desire for control as its central purpose.
An abusive and chaotic past might cause a
woman to seek out the ability to control her
life, and life doesn’t get much more controlled than a maximum-security prison.
These women are able to know where
their partner is and what he’s doing at
all times. There is no threat of him being
involved with another woman, or him leaving her for any other reason. She can see
that keeping a relationship with him would
keep her safe from the pain of a normal
relationship – until he’s convicted or put
on death row.
Others are simply fascinated by violent
people. One type of potentially lethal
Paraphilia, or unnatural sexual arousal, is
called Hybristophilia. It’s a condition where
the sufferer becomes sexually aroused by
people who have committed a gruesome
crime. Some are even thrilled by the ability
to live vicariously sadistic lives.
Attracted to his extremely violent past,
some of these women believe they are able
to see through the “mask” of violence.
They seek out the opportunity to change a
violent man for the better, being a nurturing
figure to hold and acting as a rescuer.
An offshoot of that fantasy, again, returns
to the idea of control, where the woman
shows her strength by defending the killer.
These women delude themselves into genuinely believing in the killer’s innocence.
See psycho, page 23
Graphic illustration by Elaine Wong | New University
Page 18 | features
Monday, October 26, 2009 | New university
Wicca-Wicca Witchcraft
Jose Ruiz | Staff Photographer
Wiccan traditions call for the lighting of bonfires in order to ward off
evil spirits. The word “bonfire” comes from “bone fire,” as Lee states.
By Traci Garling Lee
Staff Writer
On Halloween, kids get the
opportunity to dress up and assume
another identity. For me, it wasn’t
enough to just dress up as a witch; I
wanted to be one.
When I was little, my sister and I
would pretend we had magical powers like Sabrina, the teenage witch.
We wrote a book of rhyming magical spells and rode around on our
mom’s vacuum cleaner, like Sabrina
did on TV. We dreamed of having
magical powers and of discovering
an Other Realm through the linen
Then the “Harry Potter” series
became popular and a new world of
witchcraft and wizardry was opened
to me. I began to look for more
books and more TV shows and
films that had elements of magic
to them.
Though I knew that wiggling my
nose like Samantha on “Bewitched”
wouldn’t actually cast a spell, I
was still fascinated by the possibility that the supernatural existed. I
began reading a book series called
“Sweep” and was suddenly presented with a glimpse into the real
world of magic: Wicca.
I’d always been interested in different religions and worldviews, but
Paganism was something I didn’t
know much about. It became an
opportunity to dive into something
new and interesting, even if it drew
me strange looks from my conservative friends at my Catholic school.
To many, the word “Wicca” con-
jures images of Satan worshiping
and other demonic rituals but, in
reality, Wicca is not about devil
worship. While Wiccans recognize
other gods and goddesses, at the
core of the religion is the worship
of both a God and Goddess -- or, in
some traditions of Wicca, only the
Wicca considers itself to be a
neopagan religion that is a modern
reconstruction of Paganism. The
word “wicca” is the feminine form
of an Old English word that refers
to a magician or sorcerer. The term
was first used in 1939 by Gerald
Gardner, a retired English civil servant, who claimed to have been initiated into a coven, a group of practicing Wiccans. In 1949, Gardner
convinced his coven to allow him
to publish information about Wicca
in the form of a novel. Gardner then
wrote several follow-up publications about Wicca and its rituals.
Although Gardner was the first to
publish materials in the mainstream
about Wicca, the religion itself is
the product of several different philosophers and authors who helped
develop Wicca into the modern
magical religion it is today.
The traditional image of witches in pointy black hats and flowing robes that we often see on
Halloween are a negative stereotype
to Wiccans, but it doesn’t make the
holiday any less important for them.
Wiccans celebrate eight festivals, or
Sabbats, during the year, the most
important being Samhain.
Like Halloween, Samhain begins
the evening of October 31. Similar
to the Mexican holiday El Día de los
Muertos, it is a time to celebrate the
lives of the dead. Samhain is also
traditionally recognized as the first
day of winter in Ireland and as the
Celtic New Year.
Wiccans believe that on the eve
of Samhain, the veil between the
living and the spiritual realm is thin,
making it easier to communicate
with the departed. To honor the
dead, it is common for Wiccans
to leave food on their doorsteps
or on altars in their homes for the
“wandering dead,” as well as leaving lit candles by windowsills to
help guide the spirits of the dead
home. During dinner, extra seats are
left empty for “unseen guests” and
some even bury apples along roads
for departed souls who are lost or
have no home to return to.
Bonfires, which we college students have come to grow fond of,
also originated with Samhain. Part
of the old tradition of Samhain
involved burning animal bones to
ward off evil spirits. In fact, the
word “bonfire” is a contraction for
“bone fire.”
When I compare what I know
now about Wicca and Samhain to
my childhood filled with Sabrina
and Halloween, I see a major difference, but I’m not at all disappointed. I still enjoy the Hollywood
form of magic and its depiction of
those nose-wiggling, wand-waving,
finger-snapping witches, though I
know they aren’t real.
Learning about the Celtic tradition behind Halloween has made the
day more interesting for me and is
part of my ongoing fascination with
Wicca, which I continue to enjoy
learning about…even if it means
having to go to the store to buy
candy instead of pointing my finger
and having it magically appear.
Cooking With the
Creeps: Undead
Recipes From the
Eerie Zombie Chef
Teach a Corpse
to Cook
By Aaron Elias
I was out re-animating zombies last night at the Santa Ana
Cemetery and up through the soil
popped a zombie chef! In thanks,
the undeparted fellow shared a
slew of delicious Hallow’s Eve
treat recipes with me. Now I, your
humble cemetery cuisinier, will
teach you how to prepare some
delightful delicacies of the dead.
The best part? No expiration dates.
Engorged Eyeballs
For those who don’t enjoy the
taste of real eyes, this recipe will
yield around nine dozen eyeballs.
Zombie Chef prefers them raw for
the extra protein to build his zombie
3 ounces lemon gelatin (small
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup mini marshmallows
1 cup pineapple juice
8 ounces cream cheese
Food coloring (for decoration)
Dissolve the lemon gelatin in
one cup of water in a double boiler, a specific type of pot with an
upper and larger lower saucepan
(fill the larger saucepan with plenty
of water).
Once dissolved, add in the marshSee zombie, page 23
New University | Monday, October 26, 2009
features | Page 19
Halloween: It’s A
Small World After All
By Ashley Brennan
Halloween not only bewitches
the United States with trick-or-treating and jack-o-lanterns, this frightful yet delightful holiday has cast
a spell on many countries, making
All Hallows’ Eve a worldwide celebration. Some of these worldwide
traditions have even crept their way
into U.S. culture.
The historical birthplace of
Halloween is in Ireland. The Celts
celebrated Halloween as a harvest
festival under the name of Samhain
(translated as “End of Summer”
from old Gaelic). Samhaim was also
known as a bucolic, agricultural
celebration where ghostly spirits
were welcomed as they revisit the
world. They ignited blazing bonfires to scare off demons and other
evil spirits. Also, Celtic tribes wore
frightening costumes to scare away
the nefarious spirits.
In addition, the Irish held treasure
hunts and games for children. One
game in particular is called “SnapApple.” This game requires an apple
to be tied on a string and attached on
a doorframe. The objective of the
game is to bite the apple, despite
its difficulty. Irish children are also
bedazzled by Halloween pranks,
including a prank called “Knocka-Dolly.” This prank requires boys
and girls to knock on neighbors’
doors and leave. This is the Irish
version of “Ding Dong Ditch,” a
popular prank of Halloween tricksters across the globe.
Scotland also shares the Celtic
traditions of Samhain. However, the
Scots acquired traditions of their
own. Numerous Scottish families
would hang glowing, candle-lit lanterns in their homes. These lanterns
provided protection from spirits.
Sound familiar? This Scottish practice bears a striking similarity to
the jack-o-lantern. Scottish children
delighted in bobbling for apples or
earning candy.
The colorful holiday of El Dia
de Los Muertos (translated as “The
Day of the Dead” from Spanish) is
a common celebration in Mexico,
Spain and other South American
countries. El Dia de Los Muertos
is a three-day celebration, starting on October 31 and ending on
November 2. This spiritual holiday
commemorates family members,
friends and other people who have
passed on. Many families honor
the dead by creating an altar for the
dead. Once the altar has been constructed, the family will decorate
the altar with flavorful candy, fresh
flowers, religious icons, skulls, food,
water and photographs of deceased
family members.
Families also visit the gravesites
of their loved ones during El Dia
de Los Muertos. Relatives clean
and repair the gravesites of their
See World, page 23
scott roeder | Staff Photographer
Pumpkins! Cut Up Their Insides!
These hopeful jack-o-lanterns wait for you to pick them up. The one to the left hopes to become a wolf, the one
in the middle hopes to be a Mickey Mouse and the one to the right just wants to be loved. Endless possibilities.
Page 20 | features
Monday, October 26, 2009 | New university
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features | Page 21
New University | Monday, October 26, 2009
Happily Ever After?
By Carly Lanning
Take a moment to think of a
fairy tale. You may be conjuring
images of prince charming, frog
kisses, a castle, a villain or a strong
man saving the princess. And they
all lived happily ever after.
Russian fairy tales, on the other
hand, do not include a princess
charming or a beautiful maiden;
they include evil old witches who
eat children. Many of our childhood are, in fact, veiling a truly
dark and sinister story, such as
Little Red Riding Hood and the
Russian tales of Baba Yaga.
And now we open our books
to these dark fairy tales to learn
that kindness and good intentions
always win out in the end.
Baba Yaga is no ordinary witch;
she does not fly around on a
broomstick or wear a black hat.
Though many versions of her legends differ, it is said by all that she
is the ugliest creature to behold,
skinny as a rail with a nose so long
it reaches the roof as she sleeps.
She lives in a small wooden hut
surrounded by a fence made of
human bones. She flies on a large
mortar and uses a silver broom to
sweep away all traces that she was
ever there.
Baba Yaga’s claim to fame is
eating children. She is said to kidnap them from their homes and
devour them in the darkness of
the surrounding woods. Within the
tale, a small boy and girl are sent
into the woods by their evil stepmother who hopes that Baba Yaga
will eat or work them to death.
Instead, the children first stop at
their loving grandmother’s house
who gives them the advice to be
kind to everyone who asks for help
and supplies them with the materials needed for their treacherous
As our little heroes arrive on the
scene of Baba Yaga’s house, the
witch demands that they satisfy her
wishes or she will eat them. The
children are forced to weave thread
and fill a bottomless bathtub, and
in the process they befriend woodland creatures. Upon showing the
animals kindness the animals assist
the children in escaping Baba Yaga
and returning home. The children
explain the story to their father,
and he kicks the stepmother out of
the house and attentively cares for
his children for the rest of time.
Though the story is wrapped up
so neatly, we have to remember
that this story was told to children
to enforce the morals of sharing,
kindness and obedience. With one
threat of my parents sending me
into the woods to meet Baba Yaga,
I know I would have been quickly motivated to finish all of my
household chores.
During this time of fable and
fantasy, Baba Yaga wasn’t the only
character threatening the lives
of small children. This was also
achieved by the clever and dark
imaginations of Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm. These men are responsible
for the preservation of folktales
common in Germany during the
17th century.
We all know the basic story of
Little Red Riding Hood. She goes
to see her grandmother who ends
up being switched out by a wolf.
She discovers the wolf’s disguise,
offers him some delicious cake,
frees her grandmother and all live
a long and full life together.
That was the Disney version.
For the Brothers Grimm the tale is
much different.
Though the beginning is the
same, the wolf in the original version devours the grandmother and
later eats little Red. Both women
are only saved with the Huntsman
comes into Grandmother’s house,
cuts open the wolf’s stomach and
later, after saving Red and her
grandmother, takes the wolf’s skin
home as a souvenir. As the granddaughter and grandmother sit down
to enjoy the meal Red’s mother
has prepared for them, they notice
another wolf waiting on the roof,
hoping to take a little nibble off of
our heroine as she walks home.
The grandmother proceeds to
trick the wolf and in the end he
drowns in her trough outside the
window. There was a little more
dying and devouring of people
than I remember from my childhood version.
Now this Halloween, my note of
caution – besides playing it smart
and being safe – is to stay away
from dark isolated forests and
avoid houses with human bones
in the front yard. Whether you’re
a six-year-old or nineteen-year-old
sitting in your apartment reading
the original Grimm’s books, it is
a comfort to know that no matter
what your age, the enjoyment of
the myths and fairytales of the past
still live on and will continue to be
shared with future generations.
A Bit of Ghost Hunting,
A Bit of Myth Busting
By Adrian Wong
I did some ghost-hunting recently
to dig into Orange County’s urban
legends and to check out some of the
area’s most haunted places. There
are the usual campus legends and
lore, and even some creepier places
beyond our campus that are worth
a visit.
Legend has it that there is a female
ghost on Campus Drive who visits
lonely drivers at night. According
to the story, a jogger was fatally
struck by a car one night, and her
spirit now haunts the dark road. No
reports of any sightings have been
verified, and personally, I find the
drive past the wildlife reserve quite
relaxing. No ghosts here.
If you’ve walked through Mesa
Court, you probably heard about
the Prado ghost. Legend has it that
a ballerina hung herself in her room
in the 1970s. Natalie Johnson, a
second-year resident Community
Programmer, lives in this haunted
ballerina’s room.
“I don’t really mind living with
the ghost. She never comes out so
it’s cool,” Johnson said.
I currently live in a single room
in Prado and have yet to witness
any paranormal activity. Mixed feelings of disappointment and relief
seem to be shared amongst us firstyears. The hall will, however, be
turned into an open haunted house
on Wednesday, October 29 at 7pm
for Mesa Court’s “Haunt the Halls”
event, and you can come see the
“Prado Ghost” for yourself.
With the campus turning out to be
disappointing, I took a drive through
Laguna Canyon Road, which is
rumored to host a number of secret
cults and malicious ghosts. Although
driving through a dark canyon while
listening to ghost stories on AM
radio did get pretty creepy, I saw
no signs of spirits or hooded figures
making satanic sacrifices.
The following night, my ghosthunting journey led me to Top of the
World Elementary School in Laguna
Beach. This suburban neighborhood
is called “Top of the World” because
it sits on top of an immense hill that
oversees the city. Locals believe
that a little girl who once ran away
from home to the school and died of
hypothermia overnight now haunts
the playground of the elementary
Accompanied by a few friends,
I ventured through the foggy hills
and into the small school. Yes, it
was creepy as hell, but there was
no ghost by the tetherball pole and
the only eerie laughter we heard
was coming from other trespassing
delinquents who also had nothing
better to do than spend the night
waiting for ghosts to come around.
At least the view was beautiful.
Those who are willing to travel
a little further for some chilling
adventures may come across Black
Star Canyon, a remote mountain
canyon in the Santa Ana Mountains.
Stories of satanic cults and a resident demon called “Black Star”
See busted, page 23
Page 22 | features
Monday, October 26, 2009 | New university
By Natalie Quach
When I was little, I believed that
ghosts were friendly creatures with
good senses of humor and a keen
sense of fun. Oh, how deceiving
those “Casper the Friendly Ghost”
morning reruns were.
Today, I honestly don’t know what
to believe.
I’d like to say that I’m a skeptic,
but, in reality, I’m too superstitious
for my own good. Every time I watch
a scary movie, I turn on all the lights
at home, afraid of every dark crevice.
I’m embarrassed to admit that my
electricity bill skyrocketed in the
days after I watched “The Grudge.”
The real reason I am unable to rule
out the existence of ghosts is because
of an experience with the paranormal
that, unfortunately, cannot be definitively disproven. Like all ghost stories, mine is fraught with ambiguous
details that leave one’s interpretation
of reality open to the listener.
Fact or fiction? You decide.
Picture a two-story house, tall and
spacious. A beautiful wood staircase
sweeps dramatically from the top of
the house to the bottom; beige stone
tiles line the floor of the kitchen; the
rooms on the building’s top level
possess million-dollar views of the
surrounding neighborhood – rows of
neatly maintained yards and streets
visible with mere glimpses through
any of the windows.
This was my new home at nine
years old. After having grown up
in a cramped, one-story house, I’d
been ecstatic to move into what I’d
perceived as a veritable castle.
Enter the first night in my new
home. Tired but restless, I wandered
the halls of the house, unable to fall
asleep, hoping that a drink of water
from the kitchen would help calm
my nerves.
I maneuvered tepidly around
boxes of still-unpacked items casting
eerie shadows onto the floor, peering
imperceptibly into my surroundings,
chills sprinting a marathon up and
down my spine. When you are nine
years old, the dark is a formidable
enemy. When you are nine and you
By Monica Luhar
Staff Writer
Besides ghosts, goblins and evil
witches, Halloween is the time for
kids to rot their teeth out and satisfy their ultimate sugar rush. When
I was a child, my parents would
always triple-check the candy that
I had collected in my trick-or-treat
bag to make sure that some creepy
person didn’t poison me. At that
time, I was angry at my parents for
discriminating against Pop Rocks
and Butterfinger. Likewise, I was
disappointed that Homer Simpson
was able to pig out in front of the
TV screen while gorging down some
delicious Butterfingers. I wasn’t even
allowed to touch, smell or eat anything that was slightly unwrapped or
in a bright fluorescent package. My
parents only let me consume healthy
“parent-approved” raisin snacks and
about five out the 200+ approved
These confounding variables led
to the realization that perhaps giving
disobedient children instant attention
(in the form of candy) actually leads
to less of a control factor in their
adult lives and an increase in aggressive behavior.
We’ve all seen that all-too-familiar ice cream truck circling our old
elementary schools, targeting the
next batch of impatient children with
loads of cash from granny and grand-
see a silhouette shaped like a person
waiting for you in the distance, your
natural reaction is to turn and run the
other way.
And then the lights switched on,
except I hadn’t been anywhere near
a light switch.
Trembling uncontrollably, I willed
myself to turn around and look.
My mother. She’d heard me shuffling around the house and wanted
to check on me. I attributed the
vague uneasiness in my stomach to
my unfamiliarity with the house. I
assumed that it would soon dissipate.
The next nights came and went
days soon turning into weeks, weeks
later melting away into months. And
still, the feeling remained. For the
rest of the year and halfway into the
next, sleep came reluctantly and an
unspoken cloud of tension seemed to
hover over the household.
It was only when my dad was fit
to move the family out the following
August that my tenuous relationship
with this house became but a distant
memory relegated to the annals of
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the past. Several years passed without a second thought about my prior
Until one fateful night. I had been
watching ghost documentaries on TV
with my sister. I playfully asked, “Do
you believe in ghosts?”
She answered without hesitation,
I implored her to elaborate, startled because she isn’t the superstitious type. This certainly wasn’t the
answer I had expected.
“Well, you remember our old
house, don’t you? And how you were
never able to fall asleep – same as
me – and how there was always this
strange vibe in there?”
A pang of familiarity struck me,
and I only nodded, encouraging her
to continue.
“I’m not sure what to believe, but
the thing is that weird, unexplainable
things kept happening in that house.
There was a bar of soap that nobody
touched ... and it kept shrinking over
time, like somebody was using it
to shower with. And when we first
moved in, we had stacks of boxes
pa and a sweet tooth to boot.
What we probably didn’t know
at the time was that Wonka’s Laffy
Taffy contained high fructose corn
syrup, loads of food coloring and
plenty of spoonfuls of sugar that
would eventually make us feel lethargic and moody. Excessive sugar
intake is linked to increased weight
gain and a temporary feeling of satisfaction. Additionally, there is little
to no healthy nutrition facts listed
on candy bars. They are filled with
sugar and added calories.
Children want instant gratification and they certainly want things
at the spur of the moment. I’m sure
that sometime during your early
years, you plotted to whine, kick and
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everywhere, some of them that kept
getting moved around ... except that
we weren’t doing the moving.”
At this I shuddered involuntarily,
remembering the first night that I had
walked around these same boxes en
route to the kitchen.
“And, well ... objects randomly
shifting here and there, that strange
feeling we always got in there– “
A pause.
“Our family thinks that house is
I was thunderstruck, but more
importantly, frightened because my
sister’s words were making a lot
of sense, because they explained so
much about why I could never relax
in our former house, why I could
never sleep comfortably.
Being the stickler for reason that
I am, I refuse to adamantly declare
my belief in ghosts. But due to my
experience, reason also dictates that I
can’t rule out the possibility of their
existence – friendly ghosts with their
own TV shows or otherwise. As it
turns out, Casper may be more sinister than I’d originally believed.
scream at your parents while they
were busy paying the bills or making
an important phone call. Like any
parent, they probably acquiesced and
decided to let you have that pack of
gummy bears on the kitchen counter
thinking it would be harmless.
On the positive side, some healthy
ways to reduce confection consumption for children (and for yourself)
would be to create a healthy parfait
with a dash of Belgian chocolate
from Trader Joe’s. Pack on some
delicious fruits and you have yourself your own healthy treat. Even a
little speck of cinnamon or pumpkin
spice does the trick.
There’s always a lovely trip to
Yogurtland; you can never frown
upon yogurt. A serving of “Fresh
Strawberry” yogurt has about 232
calories less than a Snickers bar.
It’s probably a healthier alternative
besides pigging out and eating a
whole Ben and Jerry’s ice cream
bowl with Snickers candy chunks
sprinkled over it. A co-worker of
mine actually had to test-taste an
entire line of Ben and Jerry ice
cream, and after a while it gets to
the point where it tastes like you’re
eating cow dung.
So the next time you hand out sugary treats to kids during Halloween,
think again and come up with a few
healthy alternatives just in case.
Editor’s Note: Read the full version online at
features | Page 23
New University | Monday, October 26, 2009
In some cases, such as that of Ted
Bundy’s bride, the woman is finally
convinced of his guilt and quickly
zombie | from page 18
mallows and stir to melt. Remove
the bowl from heat then add the
pineapple juice and cream cheese
Beat the mixture thoroughly until
it’s well-blended, and let it cool.
Dump the whole thing into a deep
ceramic dish and let it chill in the
fridge until it’s thick enough to scoop
into eyeballs.
Scoop out balls of the thickened mixture, set them aside,
World | from page 19
family members. Flowers, wreaths
and paper streamers decorate the
gravestones. Festive picnics around
the family member’s tombstone are
not uncommon on this holiday.
Many Asian countries celebrate
death and the ghostly spirits through
busted | from page 21
scare visitors off, perhaps for their
own good.
Its shady history of settlements
in the 1800s and mining operations
have been speculated. Indian spirits
and a banshee called “La Llorana”
(The Wailer) are said to guard
the canyon. First-year Drama and
Literary Journalism major, Natalya
leaves the situation.
Still others are attracted to the
notoriety brought on by a high profile serial killer. They thrive on the
drama of the trial and the constant
media attention. The more involved
they become, the more fame they
gain and, in going as far as to date
and marry the man, their names are
forever in the history books along-
side the infamous murderer.
It’s certainly fascinating that a
normal woman can fall into the
category of SKG and it’s even more
frightening that anyone could ever
consider marrying a convicted murderer in jail. As for me, I’ll stick to
DVDs and silver screens for now
– I think I just might be getting
somewhere with Christian Bale.
and decorate to make the creepiest undead eye imaginable.
Looks like my zombie compatriot
cooked somewhere in Hogsmeade in
his former life.
This recipe makes 2 quarts.
1 cup butterscotch schnapps
7 cups cream soda (nearly one 2
liter bottle)
Mix it just before serving to
your guests, otherwise the fizz will
dissipate too soon. If you want
to keep your butterbeer ready to
pour, take your 2-liter bottle of
cream soda and pour out 1 cup.
Quickly pour 1 cup butterscotch
schnapps into the 2-liter bottle.
Brittle Bones
This delicacy carries a sweetness
akin to that of meringue. Zombie
Chef even was thrifty enough to use
his own bones in showing me how to
prepare this one.
Makes 4 to 5 dozen small fingersized bones
3 large egg whites
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/8 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat your oven to 200F. Line
a cookie sheet with a brown paper
bag or similar parchment. Throw the
egg whites, cream of tartar, and salt
into a mixing bowl and beat at a high
speed until the mix becomes fluffy.
Gradually beat in the sugar and then
add the vanilla.
When finished, place it all in a
pastry bag fitted with a mediumsized plain piping tip to squeeze it
out of. If you don’t have a pastry
bag, use a plastic bag and just cut off
the corner to achieve the same effect.
Pipe 3-inch bone shapes onto your
parchment or paper bag. Bake for an
hour, then turn off your oven and let
the bones dry in it for another hour.
Make sure you store them in airtight
containers or they’ll turn soggy.
Happy Haunting!
festivals held during the summer.
For instance, the Japanese hold
an annual summer festival called
Obon, where they honor those who
have passed on. During Obon, the
Japanese hold a special carnival
with games, food and other entertainment. They also set lanterns
afloat on a body of water in order to
guide the spirits back to earth.
Similarly, the Chinese hold a ceremony called the Ghost Festival.
Known as the Chinese Halloween,
the Ghost Festival is a celebration
of the dead as well. Much like the
Japanese Obon, this holiday usually takes place during the summer months. Family members place
food and water next to photographs
of deceased loved ones. Buddhists
often burn papier-mâché figures of
material items. Like the Obon ceremony, the Ghost Festival participants set lanterns on water in order
to direct the spirits to the mortal
The remembrance of the dead and
the world beyond our own are universally fascinating. These holidays
go beyond candy corn and haunted
Halloween and similar celebrations worldwide commemorate the
cycles of life and death and remind
us that the dead live on, even if it is
merely in our hearts and minds
Rahmann, recalls her trip to Black
Star Canyon.
“That place is so scary. My friends
and I went there once in the middle
of the night and we heard all sorts of
strange sounds,” said Rahmann.
The list of supposedly haunted
locations throughout Orange County
goes on and on. Whether or not it is
worth it to pursue these cheap thrills
is your decision. Happy hunting!
psycho | from page 17
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