March 1 weekly announcements - St. Margaret`s Episcopal Church


March 1 weekly announcements - St. Margaret`s Episcopal Church
S t. M a rg a re t’ s E p is c o p a l C h u rc h
Mark Your Calendars
Souper Lent Wednesdays
March 4, 11, 18 & 25
Ministry Fair - March 8
St. M’s Cleanup Day - March 21
St. Margaret's
Clean up day
March 21
is approaching soon so
we will need all of you to bring your rakes, shovels,
pruners, and garden tools to the church with your energy and talent! We would like 15-20 people who can
Volunteer to do this important work, 30-50 will make
the work go faster!
A sign up list will be posted in the fellowship
hall. Please let us know the times which work best for
you 8:30 -12:00 or 12:30-3:30, Saturday March 21.
Thanks and Blessings
Bob Fowler
Inclement Weather Policy
It's the time of year when we must be prepared for inclement weather. We wanted
to take an opportunity to share the most
effective way to learn whether the church
services have been canceled. We of course trust each of you
will make the best decisions in regards to your safety, especially those living further from the church. Peace and blessings!
¨ Visit our website for an alert on the homepage
¨ Check the St Margaret's Facebook page.
¨ Check the St. Margaret's Twitter feed
All 6th and 7th graders We have kids from St. Margaret’s attending, a fun-filled weekend at Shrine Mont
from Friday evening, April 17th to Sunday morning,
April 19th, you and your child are invited to enjoy this
fun time. Please contact Donna Bennard; All youth do need a chaperone to accompany them for the weekend.
Service to
the Lord
Altar Guild
March 1, 2015
Raúl Camacho, Alex Esguerra
Suzanne Lawton, Sharon Richardson
David Guin
Coffee Hour
Lucy & George Boyd,
Marty Fowler, Philip Lawton
Tara Hoban, José Rodríguez
Denise Malone, Diane Harlan
Prayers of the
Sunday School
George Boyd
Winnie Gilmore, William Malone
Jeanette Tucker, Janice Flynn,
Marcela Rodríguez
Jon Radulovic, José Rodríguez
Ronda Tyers, Renae Evans,
Wally & Ranelle Nadeau
Fran Harrod
Fill a Bag for Bill
Dark Wash Clothes
Announcements - March 1, 2015
Souper Lent Wednesday Nights, We will
be exploring the theme of “Practicing Resilience with All Our Heart, Soul,
Strength, and Mind.” This study provides
daily readings and suggestions for reflection and action, inviting you to engage
fully in your Lenten journey—with heart,
soul, strength, and mind. We will gather
for soup and salad at 6:30 for dinner and 7:00 to feed
our souls. Sign up will be at our website and
in the parish hall at the information table
where you can pick up your "Living Well
through Lent 2015" and the Episcopal Relief
and Development Lenten meditations booklets, they're great resources for our holy journey. Class dates are March 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Ministry Fair. We are getting ready for the Annual St.
Margaret's Main Street Ministry Fair. We will map out
the entire Fellowship Hall with old Fashioned Lamp
Posts and Ministry Street Signs, listing all of the many
fabulous Ministries for Sunday, March 8th following
Church service. Feeling creative and want to assist in
making the whole Main Street Square come to life, contact Marty Fowler; or phone
703 407-1318.
Prayer Vigil, St Margaret’s youth will be holding an
overnight prayer vigil on Maundy Thursday, April 2;
following the worship service through pick up at 8am
Friday morning. Youth must be in the 6th grade or
above, and are invited to bring a friend. The evening will
be filled with games, prayer and movies. Contact Melissa
Morgan for more information and sign up, 703-328-2650.
Adults, we are looking for adults who would like to sign
up for a 30-60 minute time slot for silent prayer/
meditation in the sanctuary during the youth’s vigil.
Please see the sign up sheet in the fellowship hall.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Preparations for the children's
egg hunt celebration are underway and we would appreciate donations of small bags of individually wrapped
candies and small plastic eggs. Donations can be
dropped off through Sunday March 29 (A basket will be
designated in the entrance of the church.) Our teens will
be arranging the eggs during their prayer vigil on April
2. Call or e-mail: Tara Hoban 703-590-3990, With any questions
Weekly Prayers: March 1, 2015
Pray for the Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic and
United Methodist dioceses, synods and conferences in
Virginia and their bishops. Please pray for congregations and clergy of St. Philip’s, Richmond; St. Bartholomew’s, Richmond; Abingdon, White Marsh; St. Mary’s,
Pray for those who suffer in body, mind, spirit or
situation especially; Mackenzie Lemm; Bill Davis;
Dave Marr; Marylou and Nick Barr; Wally Nadeau;
Jerry Banks; Kay Valerie Pollard; Ann and Donn Holt;
Lucy Boyd; Jenny Cauley; Jodi Dalstrom;
Billie Bilodeau; Merry and Al Brinkley; Sammy Peterson; Megan and Joe; Jim Lowe; Jo Ann Rudy;
Sabrina Bucklin; Adrina and Tariq;
The Pennoh Family; Katy Cox; Jill Holley; Bert; Ann
Taylor; Jeanie Dunivin; Cathy and Joseph Cauley;
Kristi and Haiden Battson.
Prayers of Thanksgiving for the birth of Michael Jr,
“Ezra” Pennoh, born to Michael and Tetee Pennoh .
Pray for all the men an women of our armed forces
and those working abroad and their families at home,
especially Zach Nadeau, Diana Sims, Bruce Bennard,
and Chad Holloway.
Pray for the peaceful repose of Kevin Teer,
Karen O’Flaherty, Joan Joyner and Jennifer Durant.
Pray that their loved ones be comforted.