ASIA / OCEANIA REGIONAL MEETING AGENDA Friday, March 13, 2015 – Bali, Indonesia Asia / Oceania Regional Director Gina Nam Updated 29-JAN, (Subject to Change) Assistant Regional Directors Asia: Varun Nandwani, Tiddy Teerawit, Jason Yap Oceania: Matt Walker, Scott Williams 8:30 Welcome & Overview ........................................................................ Gina Nam, Asia/Oceania Regional Director 9:00 Regulations and Procedures for Indonesian Imports/Exports • Government Regulations & Quarantine .. Dr. Sri Yusnowati, Indonesian Quarantine Veterinary Association • Airlines of Indonesia 10:30 Break .............................................................................................. Sponsored by Orient International Relocation 10:50 Vet Talk: Difficult Dogs and Cats ........................................................................... Dr. Garry Pahl, PetExportVet Basic Dog/Cat behavior with specific emphasis on aggression & fear/anxiety syndrome; Reading a pet’s body language; Handling advice and tips-Minimizing the risk of staff injuries when handling difficult pets 12:00 Lunch ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1:00 Country Profiles: Changes and What We Can Expect in the Future • Asia ................................................................................................... Tiddy Teerawit, Boonma Pet Mover • Australia and New Zealand .................................... AU: Simon Jackson, Dogtainers Australia / NZ: TBD 2:00 Open Forum: Identifying the Key Issues facing Asia/OCN Shippers Today: Below are some of the issues submitted via SurveyMonkey prior to the meeting are below. The open forum will identify more issues in all areas of the animal transport industry so that all can be considered for action. How can we better organize the info on EU government Regs so we have the facts? How we can introduce IPATA to Airlines/government in Asia/OCN and encourage them to join IPATA? How can we encourage/discuss with government of country if they don’t allow pets coming in? How many airlines do we have in ASIA/OCN that carry AVI? Any problems we have due to accepted crates from another country but rejected when we export pets in the same crate? (OR wrong crate used in another country but accepted there?) Any problems we have with airlines rules which is ok by head quarter but not accepted by local station? Any cases we have pets shipped with drugs? If so, how we can protect ourselves from them? 2:45 Afternoon Break ................................................................................................ Sponsored by: The First Class Pet 3:15 Workgroups: Developing a plan to address the top issues 4:00 Workgroup Reports: Goals Identified for 2015 and the Plan for Reaching these Goals 4:30 Summary & Closing Remarks ............................................................. Gina Nam, Asia/Oceania Regional Director 5:00 Adjourn 6:00 Group Dinner ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sponsored by JakPetz Indonesia 2015 REGIONAL MEETING SPONSORS The “Pet Shipping 101 Workshop” will be held the day following the Regional meeting, on Saturday, March 14. See the separate agenda for an overview of the content for this hands-on-training workshop!
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