Tuesday`s Notices - James Hargest College
Tuesday`s Notices - James Hargest College
Rātu, 24 Hui-tanguru 2015 Tuesday, 24 February 2015 James Hargest College 2015 Daily Notices Meetings / Practices Year 11-13 LEO Induction Ceremony Where When hall Thursday 1.30pm (JE) You must be seated in the hall at the beginning of lunch time. All members should attend. New members check notice board outside the staff room for the group you are in. Year 11-13 Year 9 -13 SADD Committe Meeting Teen Ag meeting Brig Today Interval (KOT) E6 Today Interval (JHN) Year 9 -13 (DB) Teen Ag meeting E6 Interval. Tuesday 24th. Year 9 -13 Stage Challenge No Stage challenge practice after school tomorrow due to Athletics Day. Yr 9-13 Sports CRICKET p3 Today and20/20 Culture cricket. Turn up at the cricket pitch at 4pm today if you couldn't make yesterday's meeting. (LC) Yr 9-13 Sports Hockey 2015 Gym foyer Tomorrow (LTR) andWant Culture to be the next best Black Stick? Sign up for the Hockey 2015 season in the gym foyer. Sign up sheets will be there until Thursday! Yr9&10 Girls Volleyball - Team Sage Sports and Volleyball practice in Gym 2 at lunchtime today Gym 2 Today (CB) Helpers (KOT) Year 11-13 (JE) General Notices Helpers Runners class:10BHS Please report to Student Admin at the first bell. Tuesday: Natasha Thomson, Ranui Ward, Tess Webb Wednesday: Gimmani Weerasena, Jordyn Wilson, Michael Wilson Year 11-13 Interested in an Exchange Overseas Come to the Brigidier's Room at 11.00 am on Wednesday 25 to find out about "Your Exchange" Programme Year 11-13 Mentor/Buddy Reading Year 11-13 (SPS) Mentors and Reading Buddies please meet in the library at SSR time today, International Mentors and Buddies please meet in the canteen, Support Centre Buddies please meet your mentors in the library. Year 11-13 LEO Student Support Centre Helpers Year 11-13 (JE) If you would like to make a long term commitment to helping at the SSC, sign up at Student Admin. Year 11-13 Acdemic Blues Year 11-13 (JE) Make sure you have checked whether you are eligible for an Academic Blue. See Mrs Elder if there are complications. If you are not going to be at school next Wednesday let her know in advance. Year 11-13 Academic Blues Year 11-13 (JE) Go to your period two class and then to G3. Recipients get to your allocated seat quickly. Remember this is a formal occasion and there are visitors present. 24/2/2015 8:23 am Rātu, 24 Hui-tanguru 2015 Tuesday, 24 February 2015 James Hargest College 2015 Daily Notices Year 11-13 THE EDGE Radio Internships 2015 Year 11-13 (PML) The Edge is searching for 2 students to represent our school in this Southland Internship. It is unpaid and a year long commitment. This could be a great opportunity if you are considering a career in broadcasting and media If you are confident, outgoing and have the leadership skills and personality traits that inspire others then you could be the one! No shrinking violets :-) Please see Pixie for more information Year 11-13 Careers Year 11-13 (PML) Otago Polytechnic Liaison will be visiting the school on 10 March. Canterbury University Liaison will be visiting 12 March. Please register your interest at careers. Year 9 -13 Orchestra Year 9 -13 (LLE) Do you play an orchestral instrument? Sign up for orchestra. This is a fun, no stress no pressure group that laugh a lot. No audition required. Rehearsals are on a Thursday after school. Sign up sheets are in the Music department. Year 9 -13 ANCORA Year 9 -13 (LLE) The list for successful Ancora auditions is up in the Music Department. First rehearsal on Tuesday. Bring a pencil. Year 9 -13 CONCERT BAND Year 9 -13 (LLE) Year 9 -13 (KOT) Year 9 -13 (LLE) Concert Band this week is cancelled due to athletics. We will start next week. Year 9 -13 Canteen BENTO sushi fresh in daily and coconut water. Year 9 -13 Itinerant Lessons Itinerant lessons are now in full swing. If you have not yet had your lesson or you do not understand the timetable and how it works please see Mrs Little in the Music department as soon as possible. Year 9 -13 Itinernant Woodwind and Guitar Year 9 -13 (LLE) Year 9 -13 (LLE) Year 9 -13 (LLE) Year 9 -13 (NR) Lessons are on today. Check the timetables please. Year 9 -13 Itinerant Cello and Bass Guitar Lessons are on today. Please check the timetables. Year 9 -13 Year 9 -13 Itinerant Specify a Notice Subject Students are not to use the Junior Campus toilet blocks after school. A small group of Senior Campus students have been making a nuisance of themselves. Year 9 -13 Volleyball Year 9 -13 (KD) Please check gym foyer for volleyball draw. Should be up by interval. Let your managers know if you are unable to play. Year 9 -13 Menzies House! Year 9 -13 (KOT) Come to the courts at lunchtime to put your hand print on the banner!!!!! 24/2/2015 8:23 am Rātu, 24 Hui-tanguru 2015 Tuesday, 24 February 2015 James Hargest College 2015 Daily Notices Yr 11-13 Yr 11-13 Sports and Culture Senior Netball Sports and Than-you to all triallists, the call-back list is now posted in the gym foyer. The final trial is this (KMN) Thursday 3:30 - 5:30pm. Full attendance is essential, see Mrs Anderson or Mrs Peacock if there are any issues. The team lists for all players will be posted this Friday. Yr 11-13 Yr 11-13 Sports and Culture PRO DRIVE TIMES - START WEDNESDAY Sports and PLEASE CHECK AT THE MAIN OFFICE FOR YOUR PRO DRIVE TIME. (TFE) Yr 9-13 Sports Volleyball Uniforms Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (TA) andStudents Culture who haven't returned volleyball uniforms from last year, please bring to gym office ASAP Yr 9-13 Sports LEO Sausage Sizzle Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (KOT) andThere Culture will be a Leo Club sausage sizzle at athletics day on Wednesday, please bring along $2 and buy a sausage, all money proceeds to charity. Yr 9-13 Sports Hamilton House Meetings! Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture andIf Culture you are participating at sports da on Wednesday, please be at this meeting. (KOT) Juniors - in Gym 2 at Interval Seniors - in Gym 2 at Lunchtime Yr 9-13 Sports Want andFor Culture all your ICT to connect to the wi-fi Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (KAM) Yr 9-13 Sports ATHLETIC SPORTS Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture andPlease Culturelisten to the information from your form teacher about tomorrow very carefully. This (DC) information is also posted around the school for you to check. Remember you need to be in the grandstand at Surrey Park BY 8.45am please. Any urgent enquiries see the gym office at interval today. Yr9&10 Year 9 Interclass Sports and Tuesday - 24 February Benchball Yr9&10 Sports and Culture (KOT) Yr9&10 Sports and Culture (DCN) Interval - 9LDP vs 9MML - Referees 9BFD & 9RS Lunch - 9BFD vs 9RS - Referees 9LDP vs 9MML Thursday - 26 February Interval 9GOR vs 9KMN - Referees 9LTR & 9PFR Lunch - 9LTR vs 9PFR - Referees 9GOR & 9KMN Yr9&10 Year 10 Netball Trial Sports and Year 10 Netball Trial will be held 3-6pm gym 3 Friday 27th February. Yr9&10 Yr9&10 Sports and Culture (JB) Year 9 and 10 Production Sports and Congratulations to all who auditioned. The standard was the highest we have seen. The cast list is up outside the Junior Deans' offices along with an important notice. Please read carefully and come to the first rehearsal on Wednesday lunchtime in P7. If you missed out don't feel bad. Remember the Year 9 and 10 play later in the year. 24/2/2015 8:23 am Rātu, 24 Hui-tanguru 2015 Tuesday, 24 February 2015 James Hargest College 2015 Daily Notices 24/2/2015 8:23 am
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