Future of Medical Training in Chemical Pathology and Examination


Future of Medical Training in Chemical Pathology and Examination
Future of Medical Training in Chemical Pathology and
Examination Changes to FRCPath
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Radisson Blu Manchester Airport, Chicago Avenue, Manchester, M90 3RA
Aims and objectives
The aim of the event is to discuss the different aspects and expectations there are for
future trainees. The major inconsistencies are:
1. There are 2 entry points ST1 and ST3
2. Opinions from those that we are training will become predominantly clinicians who will
have little direct laboratory roles compared to those who will share laboratory
management roles with clinical scientists directing developments and ensuring quality
goals achieved/managed change at the clinical interface.
A clear idea of aims of training is necessary to enable discussions on modifications to the
The aim of the training event will be achieved through interactive presentations, discussion
and feedback. This event is aimed at SAC members, CSTC members, examiners, training
programme directors and trainee representatives (medics and scientists).
Arrival, registration and refreshments
Welcome and introductions
Chairperson – Dr Andrew Day, Director of Examinations, RCPath
Describe roles of chemical pathologist (vs clinical scientist)
Dr Peter Galloway, Chair of the College Specialty Training Committee (CSTC),
Roles are predominantly laboratory doctors with some clinical activity
Professor William Fraser, Professor of Metabolism
Roles are predominantly clinical with minimal laboratory roles
Dr Anthony Wierzbicki, Consultant in metabolic medicine/chemical pathology
Morning break (tea and coffee)
Structure of FRCPath
Dr Andrew Hutchesson, Panel Chair of Clinical Biochemistry, RCPath
Future structure of medical training/shape of training
Dr Vicky Osgood, Director of Education and Standards, GMC
Hot buffet lunch
Design of assessments and examinations appropriate for the
competencies to be assessed
Richard Wakeford, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge
Panel discussion and question time
Chaired by Dr Andrew Day, Director of Examinations
This list is non-exhaustive but will serve the purpose of initiating a discussion:
 Structure of assessments and examinations
 Should we split training e.g. some in general medicine and give some
exposure to laboratory and predominantly laboratory doctors?
 Can we agree minimum entry requirements?
- e.g. 2 years post FY2 experience
- entry to Chemical Pathology post +/- Metabolic Medicine dependent only if
have MRCP (UK)
 Suggested changes for medics
 Suggested changes for clinical scientists
Panel members
Dr Peter Galloway
Dr Andrew Hutchesson
Dr Vicky Osgood
Richard Wakeford
Review of major points arising from the day
Dr Andrew Day, Director of Examinations
General information
Fee and bookings
The fee for attendance is £75. The fee is to cover venue and catering costs. Whilst we
are based at our temporary premises at 21 Prescott Street, all our meeting and conference
opportunities are held externally and therefore venue and catering costs are applicable.
Bookings can be made online at: http://www.rcpath.org/meetings/book-now.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
You may claim a maximum of 5 CPD credits in the professional category for full
attendance at this training session. CPD certificates will be provided.
For further information, please contact:
Ms Sandra Dewar, Assessment Manager
020 7451 6765