Air-Water-Heat pump Compress 6000 AW


Air-Water-Heat pump Compress 6000 AW
Compress 6000 AW specification
Model designation
Installation type
Rated heating output (kW) -7/35
COP A7/W35
COP A2/W35
COP A-7/W35
Max. cooling capacity (kW)
Max. flow temp. (°C)
Max. flow temp. (°C) DHW
Elec. output, booster heater (kW)
Capacity of DHW cylinder (l)
190 (floor)
190 (floor)
190 (floor)
190 (floor)
190 (floor)
Weight (kg) ODU
IDU wall mounted
IDU floor standing
Sound pressure level (dB(A))*
Min. to max. outdoor air:
Heating mode (°C)
-20 to +35
Cooling mode (°C)
+15 to +45
Elec. connection (V/Hz)
930 x 1370 x 440
930 x 1370 x 440
1 200 x 1 680 x 580
1 200 x 1 680 x 580
IDU wall mounted
485 x 386 x 700
485 x 386 x 700
485 x 386 x 700
485 x 386 x 700
IDU floor standing
600 x 645 x 1 800
600 x 645 x 1 800
600 x 645 x 1 800
600 x 645 x 1 800
Dimensions W x H x D (mm)
* Sound pressure at 1 m distance at A7/W35 to EN12102
Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH
Musterstraße 100
85521 Musterstadt
Free info service (Germany)
Telephone 0800 X000XXX
Fax 0800 X000XXX
© Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, 2013
Subject to alterations
Printed in Germany | 07/13 | Printer
Contains powerful energy:
Air-Water-Heat pump
Compress 6000 AW
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Benefit from free natural energy
and high efficiency
The COP (coefficient of performance) is the
ratio of the heating output to the electricity
input. The higher the figure, the greater the
efficiency of the heat pump. However, a COP
The Compress 6000 AW makes energy saving easy by using free natural energy for heating and
only ever applies to a specific temperature.
domestic hot water. Whether for new build or modernisation projects, this innovative air to
For example, a COP of 5.0 at 2/20 °C means
water heat pump makes its case through high energy efficiency and offers an outstanding level
that this COP is attained at an outside tempe-
of convenience.
rature of 2 °C and an inside temperature of
20 °C. A precise assessment of the actual
output of the heat pump is not possible, as
seasonal temperature fluctuations are not
Major energy savings
taken into account. A far more accurate
The Compress 6000 AW is one of the most energy
Output that adjusts to suit your requirements:
assessment of heat pump efficiency is provi-
efficient appliances in its class – thanks to numerous
the inverter
ded by the SCOP (seasonal coefficient of
patented innovations. The high SCOP of XX up to
The Compress 6000 AW contains a sealed cooling
performance): This defines the performance
5 or more ensures significant energy savings for
circuit with an inverter which is one reason behind
of the heat pump over the course of the year,
your household. For example, if you use this appli-
its high levels of efficiency. The benefit to you: The
factoring in seasonal variations. An SCOP of
ance to replace a conventional oil heating system,
inverter continuously adjusts the heat pump output
3.8 for example means that, on average, the
the investment will pay for itself within an average
to match the current demand. This saves electricity
heat pump supplies 3.8 times as much energy
of 5 to 7 years.
and optimises the SCOP – especially in spring and
as the electrical energy it consumes.
autumn when full heat pump output is not required.
As a further benefit, no buffer cylinder is needed if
the heating system is fitted right, as the heat pump
always provides the exact amount of heat you need.
Benefits at a glance
▶ Decreased heating bill with energy efficient
Cost comparison between a conventional oil boiler and the Compress 6000 AW
Compress 6000 AW through a high SCOP
of XX up to 5
Existing conventional oil boiler
▶ Optimum heating convenience through inverter
80 %
technology: The heat pump adjusts automatically
to match the current heat demand, using as little
Flow temperature
55 °C
electricity as possible.
▶ Small output models for new build; bigger output
models for modernisation projects
▶ Suitable as a stand-alone solution or in combina
tion with another heating system
▶ Space saving through compact dimensions
▶ Can also be used for room cooling on hot days
▶ Also suitable for swimming pool heating with
▶ Attractive design
Purchase price
Compress 6000 AW
55 °C
Annual heating costs in €
Annual heating cost savings
Payback period to cover the purchase price of
the Compress 6000 AW
5-7 years
Average service life
20 years
Heating cost savings over the entire service life
with constant heating energy consumption
Annual CO2 emissions
Annual reduction of CO2 emissions
7.7 t
0.4 t
7.3 t
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Convenient heat generation
Through constant innovation and further development of existing technologies, Bosch makes it
easier for you to use renewables and supports you in saving energy. The Compress 6000 AW is a
good example of this. Its energy efficient technology ensures a high level of heating convenience
in your home. Such are the impressive advances made by Bosch.
Innovative down to the last detail
Attractive and functional design
Benefit from time saving installation and maintenance
The inverter is not the only reason for the high effici-
The attractive appearance of the Compress 6000 AW
With the Compress 6000 AW, you save not only
ency of the Compress 6000 AW. Other innovations
was designed for the climatic conditions of Scandi-
energy, but also labour. The appliance is delivered
and improvements also play their part and ensure
navian countries. For example, the evaporator and
in two sections to save your installer time. The
convenient, reliable operation all year round. Bosch
fan are located 40 cm above the ground – for safe
covers have already been removed. Furthermore,
has patented the following five innovations of the
operation even in snowy conditions. The casing is
the Compress 6000 AW is very lightweight. This
Compress 6000 AW:
made from extremely robust and durable materials,
speeds up installation time. The outdoor unit is
which allow the appliance to work reliably in practi-
simply installed on the floor, with no need for spe-
cally any weather.
cial accessories. As the cooling circuit is sealed,
▶Efficient operation even at temperatures below
5 °C thanks to Smart soft defrost and Fan
the installer merely needs to connect the water and
speed control: In contrast to conventional air to
Space saving and quieter than a modern dishwasher
Convenient to use – with a smartphone or tablet
power – and the job is complete! Your contractor‘s
water heat pumps, the Compress 6000 AW never It is easier to find somewhere to install the
The clear display screen allows you to operate the
bills for labour will be low even when it comes to
requires de-icing. This ensures high energy Compress 6000 AW than you think. Thanks to its
Compress 6000 AW simply and easily. In addition,
maintenance: because all of the important compon-
savings and additional user convenience.
compact dimensions, it requires very little space.
the appliance features an integral IP interface. This
ents are directly accessible from the front. This
▶ Quiet in operation due to DHW switching: There
At night, there is a „silent mode“ which reduces the
provides convenient remote control of your appli-
allows work to be completed quickly.
are no creaking noises in the pipework because
operating noise by a further 3 dB(A). This makes
ance via the internet. All you need is a smartphone
with the Compress 6000 AW, no cold water can
the Compress 6000 AW quieter than a modern
and the Bosch ProControl app.
flow into hot pipes.
▶ High operational reliability even under extreme
conditions due to Drip pan blockage alarm: Sen-
Clever cooling for your home
sors will issue an early warning if leaves or other
On hot days, you can also use this innovative heat
such material have collected in the drip pan.
pump to cool your home. To prevent excessive
The controls of the heatpump are
▶ Additional electricity savings through Prevention
energy losses when changing between the hot water
particularly easy to set for both cooling
of water hammer: When it is cold outside, the
and cooling functions, conventional heat pumps
and heating your home and can be
heat pump automatically warms up in preparation
require an intermediate cylinder. By contrast, the
remotely controlled when you are out
for start-up. A heating cable to warm the appli-
Compress 6000 AW comes with an integral cylinder,
of the house with the Bosch ProControl
ance is not required.
so you will not need an intermediate one.
app on your smartphone.
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A tailor-made solution
Don‘t adjust to suit the technology – the technology should be made to suit you!
The Compress 6000 AW is designed this way. It offers you a range of models with 5 to 17 kW
output for a variety of applications, all with the right accessories. No matter what your
individual requirements, with the Compress 6000 AW, you are choosing the ideal solution.
Accessories for a variety of applications
The extensive range of accessories for the Com-
Smart grid ready
press 6000 AW makes it easy for you to ensure
The Compress 6000 AW
tailor-made convenience. For example, a room
features the “SG Ready”
sensor enables you to control the heat pump conve-
label, which may only be
niently according to temperature. If you also wish
used on heat pumps that
to use the system to cool your home, we recom-
can be integrated into
mend the combination with a humidity sensor.
With DHW cylinder: the floor standing indoor unit
You can use the Compress 6000 AW as the only
Users who expect high levels of DHW convenience
source of central heating and hot water, or combine
will be delighted with the floor standing indoor unit.
it perfectly with an existing heating system. This
It is equipped with a 185 l DHW cylinder and a 9 kW
makes high flow temperatures of up to 62 °C possi-
or 15 kW electric booster heater, making it an opti-
ble. The appliance provides energy across a broad
mum choice for new build. The A-rated DHW cylinder
temperature range from -20 to +35 °C. With models
stands out on account of its low heat losses that
that are not combined with another heating system,
amount to less than 1.4 kW/h per day, which means
an electric booster heater ensures that the heat
it contributes to the high overall efficiency of the
pump still supplies sufficient heat, even at tempera-
tures below -20 °C.
A special solar model is available for combination
The Compress 6000 AW family
with a Bosch solar thermal system. This is designed
The Compress 6000 AW consists of an outdoor and
for solar thermal systems with up to 2 collectors.
an indoor unit. All models of the outdoor unit (ODU),
Complete electronic control, including the solar
which is installed outside, have a standardised
pump station, is already integrated. You will even
design and come in different sizes depending on the
benefit from the solar model if you are not planning
output required. The indoor unit is installed inside
to install a solar thermal system until a later date.
your home – wall mounted or floor standing.
This is because the solar thermal system is extremely quick and easy to combine retrospectively with
No DHW cylinder: the wall mounted indoor unit –
save space together with the small outdoor unit
If you wish to use the Compress 6000 AW as a
stand-alone heating system, the wall mounted
indoor unit with integral 9 kW booster heater is an
attractive proposition. For combination with an
existing heating system, such as a gas, oil or pellet
boiler, the model without an electric booster heater
is ideal. The interaction between the heat pump and
existing heating system results in a hybrid system
with high efficiency – a perfect solution for modernisation projects, for example.
the heat pump, to create one efficient system.
intelligent power grids. This
Furthermore, Bosch offers modules for simple and
powerful system control if you want to use the
means that you can benefit by combining the
Compress 6000 AW in conjunction with another
The photovoltaic system provides electricity that
heating system. Would you also like to heat your
can also be used for the heat pump. The electro-
pool with the heat pump? We even have suitable
nic controller of the Compress 6000 AW is ready
accessories for this. Just ask your contractor!
for this and will ensure optimum interaction bet-
Compress 6000 AW with a photovoltaic system.
ween the photovoltaic system and the heat pump.