Workshop on LATEX - Gujarat Technological University


Workshop on LATEX - Gujarat Technological University
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
ુ રાતટે કનોલોજીકલ યનુ નવનસિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિધિયમ ક્રમાાંકઃ ર૦તારા સ્ ાધાત ૦૦૦ર/)
Date: - 25/02/2015
Subject: Workshop on LATEX
Open source technology clubs of Gujarat Technological University & GTU PG SCHOOL
organizes workshop on LATEX. Latex is de facto standard for writing conference/journal
papers. Most of the conference/journals expected manuscripts typeset in Latex. Most of the
Universities has made thesis submission mandatory in Latex. It is therefore important to
learn Latex as soon as possible.
Master's and Doctoral students and Faculty may participate in this workshop.
Date: - 21st March-2015
Venue: 407, 4th Floor, GTU PG SCHOOL, BISAG, Gandhinagar
Session 1(Approx 2 hours): Introduction to Latex, Installation, structure of document, basic
commands, sectioning, inserting figures and tables, mathematical equations, and bibliography.
Session 2(Approx 3 hours):: Hands on Latex – Preparing a paper from scratch, preparing report in
Latex, Preparing presentation slides.
Person interested in becoming part of above workshop can register themselves at the following
link before: - 17th March-2015
I/C Registrar
For any query you may contact the following members of GTU team
1. Mr. Bhadreshsinh Gohil (Asst. Prof) (
2. Mr. Darshan Patel (Asst. Prof) (
3. Ms. Kinjal Dave (Asst. Prof) (
4. Ms. Toral Vandara (
Winners of: ICT Enabled University Award E -India - 2009 Manthan Award - 2009
Ahm edabad: 2nd Flo or, ACPC Building, L.D. Co lleg e of Engineering Cam pus, Navrangpura, Ahm edabad, (Gujarat) India - 380
015.Phon e: + 91 - 7 9 - 26 30 0499 / 59 9
Fax : + 91 - 7 9 - 26301500
E -m ail :
Chan dkhed a: Nr.Vish wakarm a Governm ent Enginee ring CollegeNr.Visat Three Roads, Visat - Gandhinagar Highway
Chan dkhed a, Ahm edabad – 3824 24 - Guj arat Phone: 079-23267500

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