Summer 2015 Newsletter - German Family Society
Summer 2015 Newsletter - German Family Society
German Family Society of Akron, Inc. Deutscher Familien Verein, Akron e.V. Facebook: Akron German Family Society Twitter: @Akrongfs • blog: 3871 Ranfield Road, Brimfield Township/Kent, Ohio 44240 • 330-678-8229 • Email: SUMMER 2015 GFS celebrates 60 years! By Rich Reikowski Marty Misbrener, whose involvement with the soccer program spans nearly 60 years. The Akron German Family Society’s 60th Anniversary celebration began with a Catholic Mass celebrated by Fr. David Misbrener. He and his family have a long connected history to the Akron German Family Society. After Mass, Erika Leipold served as the evenings Master of Ceremonies as she welcomed all members, guests, and distinguished guests in attendance. It is through their dedication to the same vision that has kept our German Family Society as strong as it is today. We extend heartfelt thanks not only to them, but also to the generations of parents and grandparents of our youth for taking the time to support and promote this heritage. The Rickert’s vision is very much alive today, evidenced by the many activities of the groups within the German Family Society”. Erika orchestrated the evening perfectly in her warm welcome to all. She shared how 60 years ago, Mr. & Mrs. Josef Rickert had a vision and founded the Deutscher Familien Verein to promote their German heritage and keep its traditions alive today. A special thanks was given to the Rickerts and everyone who followed in their footsteps. Erika went on to say, “the friendships “Kameradschaft” have continued over the years and tonight we celebrate the generations who’ve made lifelong friends throughout this club and beyond. We celebrate the hard work and dedication of our presidents and their boards, our past and present group leaders, including Guenter Moellmann, who for many years served as a youth group leader as well as director of the Harmonie Singers. Mrs. Liz Miller and her daughters who leads the Children’s group, presented most recently at the Muttertag program and the Jr. Youth Group, Youth Group and Tanzgruppe leaders who danced during the evenings 60th celebration. The soccer organization, under the direction of A moment of silence was shared to remember and honor those who are no longer among us, but whose spirit is alive in our many fond memories. Rudy Stagl read the special proclamation from Akron Mayor Donald Plusquellic’s office honoring our 60 years of service and German Heritage in honoring our club with a day of recognition. Mr. Robert Keller, accompanied by his wife Phyllis, was the evenings first guest speaker. Mr. Keller is currently serving as Brimfield Township Executive, following many years of service as Brimfield Township Fire Chief. Mr Keller gave special recognition to the evenings 60th anniversary celebration. He stated how proud the city of Brimfield is in our clubs momentous anniversary. Also, he shared how much our clubs events and members are valued and respected for continuing in such a rich German culture. Erika Leipold introduced the evenings next guest speaker, Mr. Robert Filippi, who is currently the Landespraesident (National President), Landesverband der Donauschwaben USA. Mr. Filippi is a long-time friend and supporter of the German Family Society and is fellow member and past-president of the Cleveland German Club, widely known as “Lenau Park”. Mr. Filippi has an extensive background in the national Donauschwaben organization. He was born in Friesheim, Kreisstadt Regensburg Germany, emigrating to the United States in 1959 and settling in the Cleveland area. He is married to Elisabeth Mueller, and they have three children, who are also active in the Cleveland German club. Mr. Filippi captured the audience with his message of the importance of tradition. to love our culture, as well as to revel in the moments that bring “goosebumps”. The compassion and emotion filled Mr. Filippi’s words that conveyed the true message of the “family”. He led the youth and the entire audience to moments of remembering each and every close moment in which we share together. The evenings next guest speaker was Rudy Stagl, the current president of the Akron German Family Society. Rudy follows in the footsteps of his father, Rudy Stagl Sr., who served as President of the German Family Society in 1964 and again from 1969 to 1971. Erika shared a little-known fact…Rudy has the distinction of being the first German Family Society president who was born in the United States. A little history of Rudy, for more than 20 years, Rudy served on the German Family Society board, 16 of those years as Vice President. Currently, he is serving in his second year as president. Mrs. Helga Hippich, President of our ladies club of the Frauengruppe spoke as well. Following in the footsteps of the immediate past-president of the Frauengruppe, Mrs. Anna Koenig and several others before her, Helga has served in her current position for 15 dedicated years. Previous to serving in her current position, she coordinated the Kuchen area for 6 years. In addition to the many hours she and her Frauengruppe board members spend in the kitchen preparing the wonderful menus for club and private functions. Helga emigrated with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guld, in 1951. Erica introduced Frau Anna Koenig, who was the last speaker of the evening celebration. Anna recently accepted the position of head of our culture clubs or Kulturleiterin. She is following the passing of Frau Barbara Tonhaeuser who served in the same position for many years. As culture group leader, Anna hopes to instill in our youth some German language skills which may serve them well in the future, and to share the rich history that is our club. The job of explaining why our club and the other Donauschwaben clubs exist and why we hope to continue the Rickert’s vision into the future is an important task. It is one that Anna takes to heart and works hard to promote. To the young people in our club, we hope you open your hearts and minds to the history of the many youth groups who preceded you so that this information will also be an important part of your own participation in your group today. All of us who have had the privilege of being part of any of the youth groups over the years, can tell you that we’ve made life-long friends, an experience that we will treasure the rest of our lives. You are an important part of this history. After the dances, Rudy Stagl presented a gift to Fr, David Misbrener in commemorating his 20th year in the priesthood. Also, gifts were presented to our guest speakers Mr. Keller and Mr. Filippi. Featuring Tom Watt & the Fruitcakes August 15, 2015 6:00 PM This is an outdoor event, Weather permitting. The German Family Society Reservations are required. Seating limited to the first 300 people. $25.00 per person, paid at the door. Reservations: Eva Lehner (330) 335-8985 OR Renate Moellmann (330) 633-3949 Get your reservations in early, we expect this event to be a sell-out! German Family Society Inaugural Lederhosen 5 K-eg Run, 1-Mile Fun Run & 50 yd Toddler Dash P.O. Box 67091 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 Online Registration: Questions: ______________________________________________________________________ Dear Members, Vendors, and Neighborhood Businesses, The Lederhosen 5-Keg Run, 1 Mile Fun Run and 50yd Toddler Dash are fund raising events for the German Family Society’s Youth Group. The proceeds will help our group offset costs for an upcoming trip to Europe. Our youth will perform German Folk and American Dancing in many different European cities and learn Þrsthand about their German culture and language while they stay with host families. Our race events will be on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 9AM and are in conjunction with the German Family Society’s annual Oktoberfest. An estimated 7,000 people travel thru our gates during the 3-day Oktoberfest scheduled for September 11-13, 2015 at 3871 RanÞeld Road Kent, OH 44240. We are seeking sponsors and donations for the rental of the timing equipment and services for our race, and the purchase of t-shirts, water, fruit, food and prizes for our runners. For a donation at our Platinum level of $250.00, your company’s name will be included on the back of our t-shirts, on our banners, on a sponsor list to be distributed to all runners and at our annual Oktoberfest. Your company’s name will also receive mentions and “thank you’s” throughout our annual three day Oktoberfest Festival. For a donation at our Gold level of $100.00, your company’s name will be on a sponsor list to be distributed to all runners and at our annual Oktoberfest. Your company’s name will also receive mentions and “thank you’s” throughout our annual three day Oktoberfest Festival. Memorial Donations of a minimum of $10.00 may also be made in memory of a beloved friend or family member. We will acknowledge all memorials in a special section on our sponsor lists. Please make checks payable to the “German Family Society” P.O. Box 67091 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222. Any amount of sponsorship or donation for this event will be greatly be appreciated. Kind Regards, Jill and Jim Armbrust Race Organizers German Family Society’s German Family Society’s Inaugural Inaugural Lederhosen K-egRun Run Lederhosen 55K-eg 11Mile Run&&50 50yd. yd.Toddler Toddler Dash Mile Fun Fun Run Dash In with In Conjunction Conjunction with thethe German Society’s Oktoberfest German Family Family Society’s Oktoberfest Saturday, September September 12, 2015@ 9am Saturday, 12, 2015@ 9am proceeds will to to offset costcost for for AllAllproceeds will directly directlyhelp help offset our Youth Group’s upcoming trip to Europe. our Youth Group’s upcoming trip to Europe. Registration: Registration: $25 5-K Pre-Registration (T-Shirt guaranteed if you register by Saturday, August 29, 2015) $30Pre-Registration 5-K Day-of-Race Registration 7AM-8:30AMif Saturday, September 12, 2015 (T-Shirt $25 5-K (T-Shirt guaranteed you register by Saturday, AugustNOT 29, guaranteed) 2015) $20Day-of-Race 1-Mile Fun Run Registration 7AM-8:30AM (T-Shirt guaranteed beforeSeptember 8/29/15) $2512, Day2015 of Race (T-Shirt NOTguaranteed) guaranteed) $30 5-K Registration Saturday, (T-Shirt NOT $10 50-yd.Toddler Dash (under(T-Shirt 5 - No T-Shirt Available) $20 1-Mile Fun Run Registration guaranteed before 8/29/15) $25 Day of Race (T-Shirt NOT guaranteed) Online race registration link at - ends Friday, September 11, 2015 at 12PM, Noon. $10 50-yd.Toddler Dash (under 5 - No T-Shirt Available) Questions about the race?? E-mail us at: Online race registration link at - ends Friday, September 11, 2015 at 12PM, Noon. Location: Questions about theand race?? E-mail at: The race starts finishes at the us German Family Society 3871 Ranfield Road Kent, Ohio. The race will primarily be on Location: Ranfield Road and in the neighborhood adjacent to the German Family Society. The race starts and finishes at the German Family Society 3871 Ranfield Road Kent, Ohio. The race will primarily be on Finish Line Beer Garden: In addition to a in goodie/gift bag and postadjacent race nourishment, your registration includes one free drink (Draft Beer/Soda/Water) Ranfield Road and the neighborhood to the German Family Society. ticket thatBeer can beGarden: redeemed until 12PM/noon day of run, must be 21+ with valid ID to redeem for beer. Sausage sandwiches Finish Line and hot will alsobag be available purchase. After race photos will be available forone a feefree in the Beer(Draft Garden with our In addition topretzels a goodie/gift and postfor race nourishment, your registration includes drink Beer/Soda/Water) Youth Group Dancers. We hope you will come back to our Oktoberfest festival Saturday evening and Sunday for more German ticket food, that can be redeemed until 12PM/noon day of run, must be 21+ with valid ID to redeem for beer. Sausage sandwiches music, dancing and fun. and hot pretzels also be available for purchase. After race photos will be available for a fee in the Beer Garden with our Beer Belly will Division: YouthIfGroup We hope youand willjoin come back our Belly Oktoberfest evening and Sunday for more German you’ve Dancers. got a beer belly, be proud in our elitetoBeer Division. festival We will Saturday treat you like Oktoberfest royalty, providing food, you music, dancing and fun. a head start for the race. After the race, enjoy your beer, guilt free - you just burned those calories and earned a perfect Beer reward! Belly Division: Howgot to a qualify: Men and womenand 21+join whoinare proud the midsections they have builttreat are eligible to enter this division. If you’ve beer belly, be proud our eliteofBeer Belly Division. We will you like Oktoberfest royalty, providing However, as this division is strictly intended to be “for fun”, with the head start, you will not be eligible to win the race. you a head start for the race. After the race, enjoy your beer, guilt free - you just burned those calories and earned a perfect Awards*: reward! 5 K-eg Run - Top 3 Men and Women Overall and Top Person in each division: Elementary (age 5-10), Middle School (age How to qualify: Men and women 21+ who are proud of the midsections they have built are eligible to enter this division. 11-14), High School (age15-19), 20-29, 30-39, 40-49. 50-59, 60+ However, asFun thisRun division is strictly intended “forrace. fun”,*Based with the start, you will not be eligible to win the race. 1 Mile and Toddler Dash - Top 3toinbe each onhead chip timing. Awards*: Best German-Themed Male and Female Costumes - wear your favorite German clothing, lederhosen and dirndls! 5 K-eg Run - Top 3 Men and Women Overall and Top Person in each division: Elementary (age 5-10), Middle School (age --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-14), High School (age15-19), 20-29, 30-39, 40-49. 50-59, 60+ Print/Mail Registration - Due Sept. 5, 2015 (or register online until Noon, Sept. 11, 2015) 1 MileByFun Run and Toddler Dash Top 3 in each race. *Based chipRun, timing. signing below, I hereby understand that upon my entry into the Lederhosenon 5 K-eg Walk or Dash, I waive any and release all claims for Best German-Themed andthat Female Costumes - wear your favorite German clothing, lederhosen and dirndls! damages and liabilities Male of any kind may arise out of my participation in this event against all persons, entities, and agencies involved with promoting and running this event, including but not exclusive to the German Family Society, the city of Brimfield, all sponsors and any involved --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the production of the race in regard to any and all injuries suffered by me while running, traveling to and from or participating in this event. I give my permission for the free use-ofDue my name, picture5, and/or video for telecast, print and social media account of this event. Print/Mail Registration Sept. 2015 (orbroadcast, register online until Noon, Sept. 11,Race 2015) does below, not permit pets, rollerblades, roller skateboards, and bicycles. By signing I hereby understand thatskates, upon my entry intoscooters, the Lederhosen 5 K-eg Run, Walk or Dash, I waive any and release all claims for Registrations without be void. Registration feeofismy non-refundable. - please clearlyentities, . damages and liabilities of fee anywill kind that may arise out participationOfficial in this entry eventform against all print persons, and agencies involved with promoting and running this event, including but not exclusive to the German Family Society, the city of Brimfield, all sponsors and any involved Make checks payable German Family Mail to: by P.O. Cuyahoga 44222 in the production of the race into: regard to any and allSociety. injuries suffered meBox while67091 running, travelingFalls, to andOH from or participating in this event. I I am participating circle 5 K-eg Run 1 Mile Run telecast, Toddler (No T-Shirt Available) give my permission for thein, free use one: of my name, picture and/or video for Fun broadcast, print Dash and social media account of this event. Race T-Shirt Size guaranteed if you register by August 29, 2015. Circle one: AS AM AL AXL A2X (Add $3.00) does not permit pets, rollerblades, roller skates, skateboards, scooters, and bicycles. Registrations without fee will be void. Registration fee is non-refundable. Official entry form - please print clearly. Total Amount enclosed: $_________________ Additional Donation: $___________________ Name:____________________________ Gender: or Box F circle Age (day race):_________ Make checks payable to: German Family Society. Mail to: MP.O. 67091one Cuyahoga Falls,ofOH 44222 Address:_______________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _______________ I am participating in, circle one: 5 K-eg Run 1 Mile Fun Run Toddler Dash (No T-Shirt Available) Email: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size -________________________________________________ guaranteed if you register by August 29, 2015. Circle one: AS AM AL AXL _______________ A2X (Add $3.00) Signature: _____________________________________________ (Parent or Guardian if under 18) Total Amount enclosed: $_________________ Additional Donation: $___________________ Name:____________________________ Gender: M or F circle one Age (day of race):_________ Address:_______________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _______________ Email: ________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________ Signature: _____________________________________________ (Parent or Guardian if under 18) A Message from the Ladies Frauengruppe President To our founders of past and present, thank you for your vision and persistence in providing us and the future generations, a place where our German culture and heritage can continue and grow. Helga Hippich For those who were unable to attend our 60th Anniversary celebration, the following is a message from our ladies Frauengruppe president. Guten abend Herr Prezident, Ehren Gaste, meine Kollegen, und Gaste. Good evening Mr. President, Distinguished guests, fellow Members and guests. More than 60 years ago our grandparents, parents, and relatives began on a journey they did not choose. They were forced to leave their homes, belongings, and some were separated from their families. They experienced hardships along this journey that most of us cannot even imagine. Along this journey, they emigrated to the United States of America in hopes of fulfilling their dreams of a safe place their family could live in and prosper. Pride, persistence, and hard work resulted in making those dreams come true. Friendships quickly formed amongst them and they found a need to find a gathering place to socialize, and share experiences and customs. St. Bernard Church in Akron served as the first home to this German group of immigrants. Membership grew and a new home was found on Grant Street, called the German American Club, memories of a place very near and dear to my heart. However, owning and maintaining our own club became the mission of many of the founders. A place we could truly call home and promote our German heritage, culture, and language. Thus, today we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Deutscher Familien Verein here at the Donau Park in Brimfield. As President of the Frauengruppe/Ladies Auxiliary, I would like to thank all our members for your dedication and commitment to the German Family Society. Thank you for your time in volunteering and support. To the parents of our children groups, thank you for your commitment in bringing your children to the practices. Thank you to the Jugend Gruppe/Youth Group for your dedication. You are the future of the German Family Society. Congratulations to all on this 60th Anniversary. Helga WANTED “Volunteers for Food Preparations for Festivals” Prep for Old European Days Thursday, June 25, 2015 @ 9:00 July - Schnitzel Prep Tuesday, July 14, 2015 @ 9:00 Tuesday, July 21, 2015 @ 9:00 August - Sarma Prep Tuesday, August 18, 2015 @ 9:00 Tuesday, August 25, 2015 @ 9:00 Please call Nina Frischherz if you would like to volunteer @ 330-696-8521. Thank you in advance for your time and commitment! A Message from the President sponsorships and bringing over hundreds of poor displaced families to allowing them to establish themselves within St. Bernard‘s church itself. God blessed these individuals and gave them the strength to build this club to what it is today. For those who were unable to attend our 60th Anniversary celebration, the following is a message from our ladies Frauengruppe president. Liebe Mitglieder, Vorstand, Gaste and Eheren Gaste, Herzlich Willkommen zu unserem 60 Jubiläum. Wir sind sehr stoltz auf unseren Verein und auf den heutigen anlass. I wish to welcome our Members, Board, Guests and Honorary Guests this evening. Welcome to our 60th Anniversary Celebration. We are very proud to have reached this Milestone for our organization. It is an Honor for me to be here today as President of our German Family Society. I‘m privileged that I would share this title with such leaders that had formed our club, and continued to shape it to where we are at today. Presidents like Joseph Rickert and Joseph Geiser, with over 20 years of service each, to our Society. We celebrate 60 years of selfless dedication and hard work from the many new immigrants that arrived in the early 1950‘s, to search and establish an organization that they may continue their family heritage and traditions. It is in honor of those founding members that brings us to our Landmark event this evening. From the beginning, the Catholic Church played a significant role in our founding. From We had moved to the German American Club in 1960 and we brought a new life to a club that had been seeing years of decline. Many became members of both clubs over the next 12 years and some even held leadership positions within the GA Club. We could hold dances or weddings and host as many as 500 guests. The upstairs hall kitchen was about as small as our current serving area. Most often ladies prepared meals at home or roasters lined the hallway. They worked together and served us nice meals for our events. No matter what obstacles we encountered, people came together to resolve them and moved on. As a child during the 60‘s, our club was such a huge part of my life. German School on Saturdays, yeah Dad was President, so I had to go. I spent a few years in the Kindergruppe but could not wait until I was old enough to join the Youth Group. Right from the very beginning, what set us apart from the many other ethnic clubs was the vision that our Founding Members had, staying focused on our youth for tomorrow. Many of today‘s members were the youth of yesterday. What we were taught from our parents and grandparents was hard work and working together had instilled on us enormous pride, that we continue here today. From the Grounds Crew to the long hours of dedicated time from our Frauengruppe, to the Childrens Groups and to our Board, All of us, are deeply proud on what we‘ve been able to continue, and I might add, still on a 100% volunteer basis. Even during our large Festival events, it is huge undertaking to ask and receive as many as 100 volunteers to help support our ever growing Fests. This is no easy task and it gets tougher every year but we do it because we all love our club and we all do our part to make it happen. difficult for me. We got through it and I truly want to thank everyone for all for their help. God Bless our German Family Society and God Bless America, our new home! Vielen Dank, Thank You all very much, Rudy We celebrate this evening not just with all of you but in remembrance of all our past and many founding members. These were our Parents, Oma‘s and Opa‘s, Brothers and Sisters, even our Children that had passed on, that we honor them today on this special day. Thank you for joining us tonight. We are very happy that you would share with us in our celebration this evening. I want to Thank everyone on our Anniversary Committee, those that assisted me with translations, editing and my research including St Bernards‘ and the city of Akron Archives. I especially wish to Thank my Wife Amy, for so many hours involved in the design of our Anniversary book, including ads, logo‘s, picture editing and so on. Thank You all for all of your hard work. We could not have made this happen without all of us working together. I want to Thank all the Dance groups for entertaining us for so many years and the parents for bringing them out weekly and to our events. We wanted to thank each and every member of our Kinder, Jr Youth, Youth Group and Tanzgruppe for their hard work, with our 60th Anniversary Pin to be add to their uniforms. Lastly I want to thank everyone on our Board. Without the cooperation of all of us and their support and guidance the transition that I undertook as President, and with the loss of our friend Joe, it would have been much more We extend our condolences to the families of: Fred Heiselman Henrietta Baumgartner German Family Society’s Annual German Family Society’s Annual German Family Society of Akron 3871 Ranfield Road Kent, OH 44240 es, m Ga ing, c es, n! nm a DGa ly Fgu, i cin m ! a F Dan FunGerman Family Society’s ily m GermanAnnual Family Society’s Fa Saturday,Annual June 27, 2015 Foo Dri d, Fn ok s,, od F Durn in! k Fun s, ! 3 pm - 11 pm Saturday, June 27, 2015 3 pm - 11 pm Sunday, June 28, 2015 1 pm - 7 pm Sunday, 28, Kirchweih June Mass, 11:30 am2015 s,es, FoF em odo,od m a , Fr. David Misbrener a G 1 pm 7 pm g , D , G n g i rD n c i ! i n r n c n Kirchweih Mass, 11:30 am i k na yuFnu! sn, ks F , DaDour u Fr. David Misbrener F l Visit Beer Garden and enjoy European style i Fnu y ! n food! m l i a F ! Fam Visit our Beer Garden and enjoy European style food! Music by: Saturday, June 27, 2015 Deutscher Musik Verein, Al Zimmerman Band, Fred Ziwich Band and Hank Haller Band. Saturday, June 27, 2015 by: 3 pm Music - 11 pm Deutscher Musik Verein, Al Zimmerman Band, Fred by Ziwich Band and Hank Haller Band. Dancing performed 3 pm 11 pm The GFS Tanzgruppe, GFS Youth Group, GFS Jr. Youth Group and the GFS Kindergruppe Sunday, June 28, 2015 Sunday, June 28, 2015 Dancing performed by 1 pm Kirchweih - 7 pm Program on Sunday. Traditional Donauschwaben The GFS Tanzgruppe, GFS Youth Group, GFS Jr. Youth Group and the GFS Kindergruppe Kirchweih Mass, 11:30 am Childrens games Sunday afternoon behind the main building. Fr. 1 David pm -Misbrener 7 pm Traditional Donauschwaben Kirchweih Program on Sunday. Kirchweih Mass, 11:30 am Visit our Beergames Garden and enjoy European style food! Childrens Sunday afternoon behind the main building. Fr. David Misbrener Entrance - $5 for adults ages 12 and older. Music by: VisitDeutscher our Beer Garden and enjoy European style food! Musik Verein, Al Zimmerman Band, Fred Ziwichfree. Band and Hank Haller Band. Children under 12 are Entrance - $5 for adults ages 12 and older. Free Parking Music by: Dancing performed Children under 12 by are free. Deutscher Musik Verein,GFS Al Zimmerman and Haller Band. The GFS Tanzgruppe, Youth Group, Band, GFS Jr. Fred YouthZiwich Group Band and the GFSHank Kindergruppe Free Parking
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