President Urges Int`l Action to Stop Zionists The idolaters have


President Urges Int`l Action to Stop Zionists The idolaters have
MARCH 9, 2015
Kayhan Group of Newspapers
Managing Director: Hamid Najafi
President Urges Int’l
Action to Stop Zionists
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Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran
Noon (Zohr)
In the Name of the Most High
Sunrise “Tomorrow”
Crying Wolf on Iraq’s Imminent
Victory over Terrorists
The same terrorist enablers that last year sat and watched the death cult
that wrongly styles itself as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
take over large swathes of land in Iraq and Syria are now crying wolf.
Unlike the United States and its bogus coalition of partners, the Islamic
Republic of Iran was quick to come to the rescue of the peoples of Iraq and
Syria. Any doubters should ask the Iraqi and Syrian officials.
Since last year, Iran has been helping extensively these two nations to
fight the cannibalistic terrorists on two fronts with top military advisers,
arms, security intelligence sharing and of course humanitarian aid. The
end results are all there for everyone to see:
On the Syrian front, the terrorist groups are losing ground almost on a
daily basis. In fact, the Iranian assistance has been so successful that the
United States and Russia have now agreed to work toward a diplomatic
solution to the Syrian crisis – presumably to prevent a total victory by the
legal government in Damascus.
On the Iraqi front, several towns and villages have been liberated while
the biggest yet battle against the Godless Takfiri terrorists is ongoing. Iraqi
troops and allied Sunni-Shia volunteer forces have launched a large-scale
operation in Salahuddin Province to liberate the strategic city of Tikrit.
They have already liberated al-Baghdadi, ad-Doura, al-Alam, and the surrounding areas. After the liberation of Tikrit, they will (Insha Allah) go for
the bigger fish: Mosul.
Backed by Iranian military advisers and using drones, aircraft and artillery, the Iraqi armed forces have already recaptured a number of districts
around the city, including Qadesiyah. And all this is happening without
any support from the US and its coalition. It’s a fact also acknowledged by
the Pentagon officials.
Perhaps, that explains why Iran’s direct military involvement in the ongoing invasion is getting a lot of publicity, or that US warmongers are using it as an excuse to try to get American boots on the ground to compete
for Iraq’s affections! But it’s too late now. The Americans have on several
occasions made it absolutely clear that they cannot be reliable partners
on any battlefield. Iran is now the preferable ally for both Iraq and Syria.
Still, it is true that Iran is gaining influence across Iraq. Yet this has
less to do with its relatively small military involvement than with the rising
influence of allied Shia-Sunni volunteer forces, many of which now have
close ties to the central government in Baghdad. They are also the ones
that are evicting the terrorist goons from the Iraqi territory.
In the interim, Iran is proud to be part of this new Sunni-Shia triangle
and its ongoing liberation campaign, which, without question, is set to
succeed and pave way for the next big push: The liberation of Syria.
As it stands, this is a battle between the good and the evil. This is not a
sectarian battle or proxy warfare to assert hegemony over neighbours and
ignite the sectarian powder keg – as the warmongers in Washington would
like to suggest, and who are attempting to play the sectarian cared. It’s a
battle against a foreign-backed death cult and its utter inhumanity. Else,
Iran would have never bothered to take a key role in it.
Dawn(Fajr)“ Tomorrow” 05:00
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
The idolaters have
no right to visit the
mosques of Allah while
bearing witness to unbelief against themselves,
these it is whose doings
are null, and in the fire
shall they abide.
The Holy Qur’an (9.17)
Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, left, submits a message to President Rouhani in Tehran.
TEHRAN (Dispatches) -- President Hassan Rouhani says the
Middle East will not enjoy security and stability unless the international community takes action
to stop Israeli crimes.
Security and stability in the
Middle East will only reach
“an acceptable level” when the
international community and
regional countries make a concerted effort to compel the Zionist regime to stop its acts of
aggression and crimes, Rouhani
told Jordanian Foreign Ministerasser Judeh here.
“It would be possible to establish sustainable security and stability in the region if all regional
countries play a positive role,”
he added.
Rouhani said Iran seeks regional security, stability and development, stressing that only
regional countries, through collective cooperation, can solve
the problems of the region.
“Today, terrorism is a challenge and threat to all and this is
an undeniable fact. The Islamic
Republic of Iran has warned
against the spread of terrorism
from the very beginning, stressing that the only way to stop it
is cooperation and a collective
campaign,” he said.
Pointing to regional developments including those in Syria,
Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen, the
Iranian president said regional issues can only be settled
through diplomatic solutions
without any foreign interference
in the domestic affairs of countries.
Rouhani also said Tehran is
ready to work with Amman for
the full restoration of Palestinian
rights and the liberation of the
holy city of Jerusalem Al-Quds
from the Israeli occupation.
Touching on bilateral ties,
the president said the Islamic
Republic sees no limits to the
improvement of relations with
Jordan and called for the enhancement of Tehran-Amman
The Jordanian official, for his
part, underlined the development of ties with Iran, describing the Islamic Republic as a
significant neighbor for the Arab
Judeh added that Jordan supports the Palestinian nation’s
right to establish a government
with Al-Quds as its capital.
He also voiced his country’s
support for Iran’s talks with the
P5+1 group of countries - the
U.S., the UK, Germany, France,
Top Commander:
No Troops Outside Iran’s Borders
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran will
never deploy troops outside its borders on the pretext of maintaining
or establishing peace, Chief of Staff
of the Iranian Armed Forces Major
Iran Condemns Nigeria Bombings
TEHRAN (Press TV) -- Iran on Sunday condemned deadly triple bomb blasts in Nigeria’s northeastern city of
Maiduguri in Borno State, underscoring the need for peace and security in the restive African country.
“Nigeria now needs peace, security and unity more than any time before,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Marzieh Afkham, said.
At least 58 people were killed and 139 wounded in three separate bomb attacks in Nigeria’s northeastern city
of Maiduguri on Saturday.
The first attack took place at the Baga fish market which was followed by the second and third blasts that respectively hit the Monday Market and a busy Borno Express bus station.
No one has so far claimed responsibility for the deadly explosions but they bear the hallmarks of the attacks by
Boko Haram Takfiri militant group.
The terrorists have recently increased their bombings and village attacks as Nigerian and Chadian forces have
pushed them out of a score of towns along Nigeria’s border with Cameroon.
Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is forbidden,” controls parts of northeastern Nigeria and
says its goal is to overthrow the Nigerian government.
It has claimed responsibility for a number of deadly shooting attacks and bombings in various parts of Nigeria
since the beginning of its militancy in 2009, which have left over 13,000 people dead and 1.5 million displaced.
Boko Haram has also conducted terrorist attacks in Nigeria’s neighboring countries of Cameroon, Chad, and
General Hassan Firouzabadi said
The official stressed that Iran’s assistance to neighboring Iraq is confined to advisory missions.
“Defending a country’s territory
should be done by that country’s
own troops… Thus, deploying
armed forces to other countries under the pretext of defending or providing peace is not acceptable,” the
top commander said, decrying U.S.
military presence in the region.
Iran, he said, decided to provide
Iraq with advisory assistance because the Arab country’s military
order had been disrupted by the
Commenting on the advisory
role of commander of the IRGC’s
Quds Force Major General Qassem
Suleimani in Iraq, Firouzabadi said,
“He knows his job well. He knows
how to fight, and knows well how
to organize and mobilize against
terrorist forces.”
Russia and China - to settle the
dispute over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
Muhammad Javad Zarif said
Iran is ready to cooperate with
other regional powers in the battle against extremism and terrorism, its foreign minister said
during a meeting with his visiting Jordanian counterpart.
There is a “need to pursue dialogue and cooperation with the
countries of the region to fight
extremism and terrorism” Zarif
was quoted by the official IRNA
news agency as saying in remarks that focused on the ISIL
For his part, Judeh called for
dialogue between Iran and the
22-member Arab League.
“Instability, violence and extremism have taken root in the
region in recent years, and we
consider unity and cohesion
among Islamic countries and dialogue with our Iranian brothers
on regional matters to be necessary,” he said.
Zarif pointed to the “savage terrorist acts” by ISIL in its burning alive
earlier this year of a captured Jordanian fighter pilot who had been participating in attacks on ISIL targets
by a U.S.-led coalition. Such acts, he
said, “are unacceptable and aimed at
tarnishing the image of Islam and...
creating divisions among us”.
Regime Change
VATAN EMROOZ: Iran’s negotiating team has gone against national
sovereignty. This could over time undermine our independence and pave
way for the next push: regime change. Both the Americans and the Zionists are now making it absolutely clear that their ultimate goal is regime
decapitation in Tehran. They never shy away from saying this. Sadly
enough, the government is yet to make any comment - let alone react – to
Strategic Gains
SIASAT ROOZ: The ongoing battle to liberate Tikrit and al-Anbar
province serves as further proof that the Americans and the Israelis are
quietly arming and supporting the terrorist goons. To substantiate, Iraqi
forces have captured American, Israeli and Arab military advisors on the
ground as they were closely monitoring and supporting ISIL. They were
also the ones that coordinated arms supply to help the terrorists fight
back against the Iraqi army offensive in Tikrit. In the interim, the goons
are using civilians as human shields to escape from the city. No wonder
the Americans, who were not called in for support, are now saying the
campaign to liberate Tikrit has no strategic importance!
Fresh Gains
IRAN: Notwithstanding Western media reports that the US-led air war
is having an impact on the ground, it is the Iraqi army and volunteer forces that are making fresh gains against the terrorist group of ISIL in Tikrit.
In collaboration with Iranian military advisers, Iraqi ground forces have
managed to liberate several villages near the area and are now preparing
for the final push to liberate the strategic city. One doesn’t have to look
far to see why the Iraqi army and volunteer forces decided to make the
recent strategic gains single-handedly. The Americans cannot be trusted
and their allies are not trustworthy either.
Tall Order
KHORASAN: As recent developments suggest, evil is a tall order:
Israel will stop at nothing to expand its territories. Palestinians also have
nothing to lose if they continue to resist Israel’s machinery of repression
of arrests, property destruction, and incitement to violence. International
law says they have the legal right to fight occupation and they can use
force to achieve their independence. The Zionist regime’s system is one
of repression.