Jackpot! Magazine Tunica


Jackpot! Magazine Tunica
The South’s Largest Guide to Gaming and Fun
Win Rolex and Lexus at
Southland Park ...............6
March 5 - March 18, 2015
Fitz Casino hosts St. Paddy’s Day party
TUNICA RESORTS — Fitz Casino & Hotel
Tunica is hosting its annual big St. Patrick’s
Day party Tuesday, March 17. Enjoy live
entertainment on the Stage Bar, free party
favors and free green beer.
The Irish-themed castle will be
covered in green. Enjoy free green
beer and party favors from noon to
8 p.m. Share the excitement with
live radio remotes from noon to
6 p.m. Play at Fitz on St. Patrick’s
day for your chance to win $100 every
10 minutes from noon to 8 p.m.
And there’s more. Enjoy the St. Patrick’s
Day special Irish Buffet for $17.99, noon
to 10:30 p.m. For more information, visit
fitzgeraldstunica.com or call (888) 766-5825.
Also happening at Fitz Casino:
grab as much as you can in the Money
Machine Promo Cash Giveaway, March 6-7,
13-14 and 20-21, from 6 to 10 p.m.
See Fitz, page 4
Win an Audi Q5 at Gold Strike March 14
Chris Moneymaker at
Hollywood Poker Open . 12
Entertainment ...... 20-22
Dining ................. 24-26
Poker ................. 27-28
Horoscopes .............. 29
Casino Directory ...... 30
TUNICA RESORTS — Gold Strike will give away four
trips to the Final 4 basketball tournament, an Audi Q5 and
thousands in FreePlay during the “4 The Love of the Game
Ultimate Giveaway,” which runs through March 14.
Patrons will earn one virtual drawing entry for every 50
slot-points accumulated to their M life account during the
promotional period. Players must activate their electronic
entries on the drawing day by swiping their M life card at
one of the designated kiosks on the casino floor between
See Gold Strike, page 4
Vol. 21, No. 14
The South’s Largest Guide
to Gaming and Fun
W. Michael Sunderman
David Grisham
General Manager/Executive Editor
Lori Beth Susman
Executive Editor
Rudi Schiffer
Senior Consulting Editor
Mike Haynes
Business Manager
Frank Scoblete
Henry Tamburin
P.O. Box 417
Tunica, MS 38664
(662) 363-3637
(662) 363-6607 FAX
12268 Intraplex Parkway
Gulfport, MS 39503
(228) 385-7707
(228) 385-7705 FAX
For a first-class subscription to Jackpot!,
send a check or money order for $35 for six
months (13 issues) or $55 for one year (26
issues) to the Tunica Resorts office.
Jackpot! is owned and published by
M2Media Corp., 12268 Intraplex Parkway,
Gulfport, MS 39503. The contents
of Jackpot! are copyrighted. All rights
are reserved. Reproduction in part or
whole without written permission of the
publisher is strictly prohibited.
4 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
Hoops, Leprechauns, more at Resorts
TUNICA RESORTS — Resorts Casino
Tunica is home to Shoot Hoops for 2 every
Friday and Saturday in March. From 6 p.m.
to 11 p.m., there will be 30 winners of cash
and free slot play.
We d n e s d ay s
are big at Resorts
Casino in March
with the $1,000 Slot
Tournament. Register
on Wednesdays from 1
to 6 p.m. and play from
4 to 7 p.m. There will
be 15 winners each day
in this promotion.
Be Forever Young
at Resorts on Mondays
with the Forever Young
50+ Club. Resorts Rewards Club members
50-plus will earn 10 points between 5 a.m.
and 4 p.m. each day and play in the casino’s
slot tournament from 1 to 5 p.m.
Also at Resorts:
Tuesdays in March from 5 to 9 p.m. Take a
seat for your chance to win.
from 7 to 10 p.m.
Sunday in March from
noon to 5 p.m. There
is a $10 buy-in each
round with unlimited
re-buys for $10 per
chance to win Free
Slot Play on Saturdays,
March 14 and 28, from
2 to 5 p.m.
Wednesdays in March, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. See
player’s club for more details on these and
other promotions.
Fitz, continued from front page
Friday and Saturday drawings (excludes St. Patrick’s Day).
shows, both at 9 p.m. See Easton Corbin April 4 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at the
Fitz Gift Shop or by visiting ticketmaster.com.
Gold Strike, continued from front page
the hours of 10 a.m. and 8:53 p.m. on the
drawing day.
The grand prize-drawing day is Saturday,
March 14 and drawings will be held from 4
to 9 p.m. Up to $3,000 will be awarded in
FreePlay from 4 to 8 p.m. Four trips to the
Final 4 basketball tournament, a new Audi
Q5 and up to $1,000 in FreePlay will be
awarded at the 9 p.m. drawing. Also:
Comps on Sundays and Fridays in March.
This is open to all slot machines on casino
floor excluding all video poker machines.
Windfall Wednesdays $15,000 Slot Series
from March 4 through April 15 – Tax Day!
Registration is from 3 to 7 p.m. on the
smoke-free second floor. Tournament play
begins at 4 p.m. Earn 150 Slot Points on the
day of the tournament for a free entry.
Bracket $50,0000 Blackjack Tournament
Friday and Saturday, March 13-14. Win your
share of $50,000 in TablePlay and a trip for
two to the college basketball championship!
Registration is Friday, March 13, from 7 to
11 p.m. and play begins at 8 p.m. on the
smoke-free second floor.
Late registration is Saturday, March 14,
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Play begins at 11 a.m.
Buy-in and re-buys are $100. Visit the M
life Desk for more details.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Win Rolex and Lexus in Southland giveaway
WEST MEMPHIS —Southland Park
Gaming & Racing is the site of “Rolexus” in
March and some lucky players at Southland
will win Rolex watches and one winner will
roll home in a new Lexus.
Rolexus runs March 2 through March 28.
In this promotion, guests will be allowed
to Skeeball one time for
every 250 points earned
(maximum of four
times per day). Guests
save up their Skeeball
points and trade them
in at Player Rewards for
TVs, purses and finalist
tickets for the 2015
Lexus and other prizes.
Guests will also have the opportunity
while playing to roll the ball into the “Rolex”
marked hole for a finalist ticket for “His/
Hers” Rolex watches. The final drawing
for the Rolex watches and the 2015 Lexus
will be at 10:30 p.m. on March 28. Must be
present to win.
Also at Southland:
in March, Player Rewards members 50-plus
will receive a scratch card for every 75 points
(40 max) for a chance at free play and cash.
Rewards members 65plus who earn 75 points
can play “pot of gold”
on the MGT kiosk for
free play and prizes.
Driveaway continues in
March. Win a Ford in
this giveaway. On the 15th of each month in
2015, Player Rewards members are invited
to swipe their card at a promotional kiosk
beginning at 6 p.m. for a chance to win.
On March 15 at 10 p.m., one winner will
be drawn for 2015 Ford vehicle. Earn five
times entries for April’s Ford 15th drawing
on March 16.
with a special St. Patrick’s Day promotion.
Guests who earn 50 points will receive a
T-shirt at Player Rewards, while suppliers
last. Also, enjoy $1 green beer at the Juke
Joint, Shine Blounge, and Sammy Hagar’s
Red Rocker Bar and Grill.
Sunday, March 8, the American Darters
Association will conduct the $10,000 Mid
America Regional. Competitors from the
ADA will compete in a dart tournament for
more than $10,000 in prizes. This event will
take place in Southland Park’s Starting Gate.
10 Player Reward Members who earn the
most points this year until May 31 will win
an all expenses paid trip for them and a
guest to Yosemite National Park.
The trip will take place July 6 – July 12,
2015. This contest is open to all Player
Rewards members.
6 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Vegas bound
Resorts car winner
playing in the Marquee Millionaire
%ARL*won a NEWCARrecently by playing at
2ESORTS#ASINO4UNICANo wonder there is
a big smile on his face.
Diamonds are great
Jackpots are fun
3HIRLEY ( won a playing at "ALLYS
#ASINO 4UNICA She won on a Game King
Poker machine.
9OLANDA - won a jackpot playing
a Double Diamond Deluxe machine at
+ATHLEEN ( won while playing on
a slot machine and is all smiles at 2ESORTS
Lucky at Southland
Red, White, Blue = $
Check please
-ICHAEL 3 won a really nice jackpot worth
playing on a Red White Blue machine
$AVID2smiles big after hitting a jackpot for
while playing a slot machine at 2ESORTS
Big winner
%LISA!hit a jackpot worth recently
on a gaming machine at 3OUTHLAND 0ARK
Video poker winner
3# won a at 3OUTHLAND 0ARK 'AMING
2ACING She holds the big check on the newly
expanded gaming floor.
8 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
Smile, you won in Jackpot!
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Video poker players
suited to learn this rule
Dice have no memory,
but there is craps culture
playing video
the hands that
poker, I used
usually confuse
to refer to my
players when
By Dr. Henry Tamburin strategy card to
they are playing
be sure I was
Jacks or Better
always making
video poker is when it contains a the right decision when my hand
suited high card and 10 along with contained a suited high card and 10
another unsuited high card. For along with another unsuited high
example, how would you play this card. Then it dawned on me that
for the case of either the suited J-10
Jh 3d Qs 10h 6c
or Q-10 along with an unsuited
Your only decision is whether high card holding, you should always
to hold the suited J-10 and discard hold the two unsuited high cards
the unsuited Q or to hold the when the unsuited high card in the
unsuited J-Q and discard the 10. hand was adjacent to the highestThe correct play (the one with the value card in the high card-10
higher Expected Value or EV) is to combination.
hold the unsuited J-Q.
For example, if your hand
Not all suited high cards with a contains a suited J-10 and the
10 combination have the same value. other unsuited high card is a queen,
The suited J-10 has more value than you should hold the unsuited J-Q
a suited Q-10, which has more value (because the queen is adjacent to the
than a suited K-10. The suited A-10 jack). Suppose your hand contained
has the lowest value; in fact, it’s a suited J-10 and unsuited K? Since
lower than holding just the ace alone the king is not adjacent to the jack,
(which is why you should never hold your best hold is suited J-10. Get it?
a suited A-10).
Keep in mind that the above
Many of my friends give me that “adjacent rule” only works for suited
confused look when I tell them it’s J-10 and Q-10. Because suited K-10
sometimes OK to sometimes hold (and A-10, for that matter) is much
suited J-10, Q-10 and K-10, but you lower in value, you should always
never hold a suited A-10. Their usual hold two unsuited high cards over
response goes something like this, a suited K-10 (and you never hold
“They all have the potential to make A-10).
a royal flush, and so what gives?”
For example, if your hand
The reason that A-10 has such contains a suited K-10 and an
a low value is because you can only unsuited Q, you should hold the
make one straight (ace-high) and unsuited K-Q, likewise, if have a
no straight flushes; whereas, say, suited A-10 and an unsuited Q, you
with a suited J-10, you can get four would hold the unsuited Q-A.
straights (A-high, K-high, Q-high,
and J-high), and three straight
Henry Tamburin is a blackjack and
flushes (K-high, Q-high, and J-high). video poker expert. He is the host of the
If you look at a 9/6 (or 8/6) smartgaming.com website and the editor
Jacks or Better strategy card (or a of the Blackjack Insider newsletter. For a
table of hand rankings), you’ll see free three-month subscription, visit www.
the ranking of the different suited bjinsider.com/freetrial. For a free copy
high card-10 holdings and unsuited of his Casino Gambling Catalog, which
high cards holdings. Memorizing contains books, strategy cards and software
the rankings for these holds can be for casino players, call (888) 353-3234
daunting; in fact, when I first started or visit the web store at smartgaming.com.
for you.
From Ro: I
know you said
F r o m
the dice have no
memory but I
By Frank Scoblete
know you ar
have to ask you
a believer i
when you are
on a hot roll and one of your dice dice control and you have writte
leaves the table, do you ask for the several books about it. So tell m
this; who was the greatest dic
same dice?
controller you have ever seen? I
Frank Responds: Sometimes I you are the greatest one you’ve seen
do and sometimes I don’t. I think then pick someone else.
following the culture of the game
Frank Responds: I am not th
— and asking for the same dice is
part of that culture — is probably best I have ever seen — I wish
the correct thing to do. Believing were! I have seen some great one
the culture of the game is probably but the ultimate dice controller wa
wrong. So, whether on a hot roll or a woman called “the Arm” wh
not, asking for the same dice is just played in Atlantic City from aroun
following the culture of the craps 1980 to about 1998, when sh
stopped playing due to arthritis an
In a random game, the dice then Alzheimer’s.
The Arm was a member of th
certainly have no memory and that is
why you cannot predict what kinds late Captain’s crew. For those new
of streaks will come up in the future. to this column, the Captain was m
Of course, gamblers who believe mentor and taught me everythin
dice have a memory believe that I know about craps. He had
if you don’t ask for new dice, you crew (most from the World Wa
might be hurting your chances of II generation) of high rollers wh
followed him for over two decades
winning. Not true.
The Captain passed away severa
From Steve: Is there a quick years ago at 88 years old and wit
way to figure the odds on a Pass the exception of crew member Satc
Line or Come bet? If I bet $10 and and me, all the others have passe
wanted to play the backup odds on as well.
The Captain and one of hi
how do I figure that without looking
amateurish? I am a relatively new crew members, Jimmy P., were dic
player and I don’t want to anger controllers but the Arm was th
anyone at the table by delaying the best. In my new book I recount th
game as I try to figure out what I am amazing adventures of the Captain
his Crew and the remarkable Arm.
gong to put in odds.
Winning Ways
10 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
Frankly Speaking
Frank Responds: No problem
looking amateurish. Just ask the
dealers what you can take in odds.
Or just multiply your Pass Line or
Come bets by whatever the odds
state: 2X, you’d double your bet; 3X,
you’d triple your bet and so forth.
After a while the putting of odds will
become a natural part of the game
Frank Scoblete’s new books are I Am
a Dice Controller: Inside the World
Advantage-Play Craps! and I Am a Car
Counter: Inside the World of Advantag
Play Blackjack! Available from Amazon
com, Kindle or at your favorite bookstor
Join Scoblete on his web site at www
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Bingo, giveaways at Silver Star, Golden Moon
CHOCTAW — Pearl River Resort has
lots in store for guests this month at both
its Silver Star Hotel and Casino and Golden
Moon Hotel & Casino. There is bingo, fourwheeler and truck giveaways, St. Patrick’s
Day fun and more on tap for
s !T 3ILVER 3TAR (OTEL Casino in March:
Silver Star Fridays and Saturdays
from 7 to 11 p.m. Win a fourwheeler Saturdays, March 7, 14
and 21. Win a new Ford F-150
Saturday, March 28.
at the Silver Star Convention
Center Thursday, March 12.
Registration is from 4 to 7:45
p.m. Bingo begins at 8 p.m. The
buy-in is $35 for your chance to
win up to $5,000. Buy-in is at
Player Services from 7 to 7:30
Casino in March:
4-Leaf Fun Giveaway Tuesday,
March 17, from 5 to 10 p.m.
Present your player’s club card
and receive a free St. Patrick’s
Day gift, while supplies last.
Moon Thursdays, March 5 and
26, from 6 to p.m. Win up to
$1,000 cash. There’s plenty of
reason to be Moonstruck.
Golden Moon recently
reopened after a multi-million
renovation. It features a revitalized
70,000-square-foot gaming floor offering
1,150 slot machines, 25 table games, an
elevated 14 table poker room, a stunning
video wall and a new center bar.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
The Golden Moon features a dramatic
architectural ceiling treatment, warm cove
lighting, colorful decorative fixtures and
carpeting designed to pay tribute to Choctaw
culture with a contemporary spin.
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 11
Hollywood Poker Open ambassador part of Tunica event —
Chris Moneymaker talks about his poker life
by David Grisham
marked man at the poker tables. Imagine going from playing as an
TUNICA RESORTS — Poker’s Chris Moneymaker is coming anonymous player to playing as the WSOP Main Event Champion
to Hollywood Casino Tunica for the Hollywood Poker Open. – someone everyone knows. It’s something Moneymaker had to
Anyone who even casually follows poker knows the story of Chris handle. “Seven to 10 years ago my game wasn’t advanced enough
Moneymaker, the one-time accountant
to handle it but I’m comfortable that
who would one day enter an online poker
everyone knows who I am,” he said.
tourney that would take him on a journey
Even though the championship win
to the World Series of Poker Main
was more than a decade ago, it is rare
Event. There, a win over a large field of
for Moneymaker to meet someone in
seasoned poker pros and a $2.5 million
the poker world who doesn’t know or
payday turned him into an overnight
recognize him. “I ran across a guy in
celebrity and helped fuel an explosion in
Prague who didn’t know who I was,”
the popularity of poker.
Moneymaker recalled. “It was really
The year was 2003 and his WSOP
final table duel with second-place
With the passage of time since his
finisher Sammy Farha would seal his lifebiggest win, Moneymaker now has
changing victory and link them together
something else to adjust to: A new
forever in poker lore. While the two are
generation of fans. “People will come
joined together in history, they aren’t
up to me, and say, ‘I was 11 when you
palling around with one another.
won, #legend,” and I’ll say, ‘Come on
“After I won, he (Farah) didn’t speak
now, I’m still in my prime. I’m 39!”
to me for six years,” Moneymaker said,
Moneymaker has some advice for
Chris Moneymaker
in an interview with Jackpot! Magazine.
younger casual players and want-to-be
“Then, a rematch was arranged a few years later
professional poker players. “It’s really difficult to
in a best-of-three, straight up. I beat him again.”
be a professional tournament poker player,” he
The best-of-three event was a Poker Stars
said, explaining that the win percentages are low.
“grudge match” during the 2011 World Series of
He advised, “It takes a lot of patience. You have
to wait for your spot and have the patience to
“A few years later,” Moneymaker continued,
do it.”
“We were at a charity event and spent some time
“It also takes great bankroll management,”
together that evening – pro and rookie. He said it
he added, “And once you hit the table, a good
was amazing how much I had improved. I really
memory helps. You have to be able to read
appreciated that.”
people. It’s more about observance than
Getting the compliment from Farha means a lot to Moneymaker. following the patterns – simple observance. You’ll see things.”
Farha has made a fortune through his wins in many tournaments
Moneymaker is an ambassador for the Hollywood Poker Open
and has a knack for winning bracelets in World Series of Poker and meets a lot of people along the way in his role. He’ll be at the
Omaha events. His second-place finish to Moneymaker in the Texas tables some, playing in the main event and no doubt taking pictures
Hold’em 2003 WSOP Main Event was good for $1.3 million.
with fans and signing autographs.
Moneymaker’s live tournament winnings exceed $3 million. Some
“I always like playing at home,” Moneymaker said, who played
of his best poker moments since his 2003 win, he said, include his in Tunica poker rooms long before he became famous. He said the
experience on the “Heads Up” TV series finals on NBC, where he Tunica event is a great opportunity for players in the area. “The
finished second to Poker Hall of Famer Erik Seidel and the World Hollywood Poker Open is a way for the average player to play in
Poker Tour Shooting Stars event in 2004, where he finished second well-structured tournaments. In other tournaments structures get
for a big $200,000 payday.
really fast. The HPO has more level structures with a big buy-in feel.
Moneymaker’s poker success since 2003 has come with some Fees are lower, players are friendly as well, and the customer service
challenges, however. His celebrity status after 2003, with network is great.”
television exposure and appearances on the “Late Show with David
Visit hollywoodpokeropen.com for more details on the HPO or
Letterman” and “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” made him something of a call the casino at (800) 871-0711.
12 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Hollywood Poker Open
continues through March 8
TUNICA RESORTS — The third season of the Hollywood
Poker Open (HPO) in now taking place in Tunica at Hollywood
Casino through March 8. This is still lots of poker action on tap,
including the HPO Regional Main Event.
This tourney series is for big money and chances to win seats to
the HPO Championship Event at the M Resort in Las Vegas. Chris
Moneymaker, 2003 WSOP Champion, will play in the main event
and will be on hand to meet and greet players.
In the HPO Feature Events at Hollywood Casino, winners will
receive an HPO trophy, additionally the player with the highest
point total (leaderboard) from the feature events (including the
Main) will receive a seat in this year’s HPO Season 3 Championship
at the M Resort, June 26-28. The winner of the HPO Regional
Main Event will also receive a $2,500 entry into the HPO Season 3
Championship at the M Resort in in June.
Events from this Thursday on are listed. Feature events at
Hollywood Casino Tunica are listed in red:
No. 21 - Thursday, March 5, 3 p.m., NL Hold’em Deepstack
Flight A, buy-in is $300.
No. 22 - Thursday, March 5, 7 p.m., NL Hold’em Deepstack
Flight B, buy-in is $300.
No. 23 - Thursday, March 5, 10 p.m., Turbo Satellite (Main
Event Seat Guaranteed), buy-in is $125.
- Friday, March 6, 12 p.m., Mega/Restart Flights.
No. 24 - Friday, March 6, 1 p.m., NL Hold’em Deepstack, buyin is $300.
No. 25 - Friday, March 6, 3 p.m., Mega Satellite (Main Event Seat
Guarantee), buy-in is $235.
No. 26 - Friday, March 6, 5 p.m., Turbo Satellite (Main Event
Seat Guaranteed), buy-in is $125.
No. 27 - Friday, March 6, 7 p.m., Mega Satellite (Main Event Seat
Guarantee), buy-in is $235.
No. 28 - Friday, March 6, 10 p.m., Turbo Satellite (Main Event
Seat Guaranteed), buy-in is $125.
No. 29 -Saturday, March 7, 10 a.m., Mega Satellite (Main Event
Seat Guarantee), buy-in is $235.
No. 30 - Saturday, March 7, 12 p.m., HPO Regional Main Event,
buy-in is $1,115.
No. 31 - Saturday, March 7, 5 p.m., Ladies No Limit Hold’em,
buy-in is $125.
No. 32 - Saturday, March 7, 7 p.m., No Limit ($2,000 guarantee),
buy-in is $125.
No. 33 - Sunday, March 8, 11 a.m., Seniors No Limit (age 50 and
older), buy-in is $235.
- Sunday, March 8, 12 p.m., Main Event Restart.
No. 34 - Sunday, March 8, NL Hold’em Deepstack, $235 buy-in.
Visit hollywoodpokeropen.com for more details or call the
casino at (800) 871-0711.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 13
Tunica Gateway to the Blues Museum celebrates
opening of important collection of music artifacts
TUNICA RESORTS – Tunica’s Gateway to the Blues Museum
celebrated its opening Feb. 19. The museum is located in the Gateway to the Blues Visitors Center on the Blues Highway (United
States Route 61) in the Mississippi Delta - where the blues began.
The Gateway to the Blues exhibition represents one of the most
important collections of blues artifacts and memorabilia in the
country. More than 700 items help to illuminate the story of the
origin and development of blues music in the Mississippi Delta.
“It is with great pleasure that we open the Gateway to the Blues
Museum, the first stop outside of Memphis for blues and music
tourists looking to experience Mississippi’s musical heritage, today,”
said Webster Franklin, president and CEO of the Tunica Convention and Visitors Bureau. “We will forever be grateful of the generosity of Caesars Entertainment, the Mississippi Department of Left to Right – James Dunn, president, Tunica County Board of
Transportation, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hood of Dundee, Missis- Supervisors; George Hunt, artist; Webster Franklin, president and
sippi for making this project a reality.”
CEO, Tunica Convention and Visitors Bureau; and R. Scott Barber,
Franklin said the Gateway to the Blues Museum is a significant regional president, Caesars Mid-South, cut the ceremonial grand
element in the Tunica Convention and Visitors Bureau compre- opening ribbon at the Gateway to the Blues Museum recently.
hensive visitors services strategy to utilize the cultural and heritage visitors to Tunica,” said Caesars Mid-South Regional President R.
tourism product of Mississippi and the Mississippi Delta region and Scott Barber.
to diversify the overall entertainment offerings in Tunica County, a
The Gateway to the Blues Visitor Center & Museum project was
destination known for its gaming offerings.
funded in part by a Transportation Enhancement Grant from the
“The Gateway to the Blues Museum is another great attraction
Mississippi Department of Transportation and
and educational opportuEconomic Development Initiative Grant from the
nity for Mississippi visitors
United States Department of Housing and Urban
and residents alike showcasDevelopment.
ing, blues music, the heart of
“Mississippi is the birthplace of America’s muAmerican music,” said Mississic, the blues and this museum is a testament to that
sippi Governor Phil Bryant.
rich history,” said Transportation Commissioner
The entrance to the museMike Tagert. “The preservation and display of
um is in a restored train depot
such valuable pieces of Mississippi’s musical legacy
that dates back to 1895 and
is a cultural and educational necessity.”
was donated by Mr. and Mrs.
It is estimated that the new Highway 61 GateEdgar Hood. The museum arway to the Blues Visitor Center Museum will have
tifacts were originally part of
visits in excess of 40,000 per year. The center will
the Blues and Legends Hall of
also educate visitors on all Mississippi has to offer
Fame Museum at Horseshoe
in the form of hotel stays, casino visits, and other
Casino. The artifacts are on
museums throughout the Delta region.
loan from Caesars EntertainVisitor numbers for the following attractions
ment, who also donated the
are likely to be enhanced by the development of
land where the museum is lothe Highway 61 Gateway to the Blues Visitor Cencated.
ter: Tunica RiverPark, Tunica Museum, Mississippi
“We are proud to be able
Blues Trail, Delta Blues Museum, Ground Zero
to offer these historic artifacts,
Blues Club, Highway 61 Blues Museum, Red’s
on behalf of Horseshoe TuLounge, Dockery Plantation, Po Monkey’s Lounge,
nica, representing one of MisBB King Blues Museum, Museum of the Missississippi’s most valuable and
far reaching art forms, blues A Robert Johnson display at the museum is one of sippi Delta and the Greenwood Blues & Heritage
music, for the enjoyment of many. The art is by George Hunt.
14 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
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March Lucky Seat giveaway at Sam’s Town
TUNICA RESORTS — Wednesdays in
March take your lucky seat at Sam’s Town
Hotel & Gambling Hall and win in the Lucky
Seat promotion. Sit, play and win from 2 to
10 p.m. in this hot seat giveaway.
Winning Emerald players
receive $100; Sapphire players
receive $50 and Ruby players receive $25. All prizes will be paid
in Slot Dollars. Must be 21 and a
cardholder. Also at Sam’s Town:
Triple Tuesdays 3x Point Multiplier. Earn three times base
points when you play with your
B Connected card from 8 a.m. to
12 a.m. Swipe your card at any
kiosk to activate your point multiplier. There is a maximum of
25,000 points.
Money in March. Sunday, March
8, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 200
accounts will have $250 added
to their card. Find your hidden
money. There will be a guaranteed $5,500 in drawings from
12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Get one free
entry and additional entries with
play. There will be 25 winners of
$100 to $350 and 6 p.m. drawing
winner is guaranteed $100 plus
any unclaimed prizes.
Sam’s Town. Earn 1,000 points
and get two free muffins. Earn
and redeem all day from 7 a.m.
to 11 p.m. Print your voucher at
any kiosk and redeem at Smokey
Bonus Tourney Saturdays in
March. The top three places pay
each session. First pays $500.
Second is $300 an third is $200.
All prizes will be paid in Slot
Dollars. Session prizes will be
automatically awarded. Sessions
are 9 to 11 a.m., 1 to 3 p.m. and
5 to 7 p.m.
day at Roxy’s Live from 6 to 8 p.m. Three
teams win Slot Dollars. First place pays
$250. Second pays $100 and third pays $50.
Must be a B Connected member to claim
prizes. Sign-up is free.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 15
by Rudi Schiffer
After covering casinos for more than 22 years nothing should
surprise me anymore, but there is always something new out there
when the creative minds of casino marketing folks and their agencies go to work.
Like Borgata’s announcement a few days ago that basketball balls
will be bouncing on its floors soon. Borgata, a Boyd Gaming company, has been approved by New Jersey officials to host a basketball
contest next month where gamblers can shoot free throws from 15
feet at a 10-foot-high basket as they bet against each other, not the
I can see it now. Players from the Philadelphia 76’ers show up on
an off day to compete and that would be just fine according to Joe
Lupo, senior vice president. The pros and any player over 21 with a
Borgata card just has to plunk down $20 to compete in 90-second
rounds to qualify for the final round of 16, with the top four shooters splitting $10,000 and the winner nets $5,000.
The March 21 tournament will be the first of its kind in the industry based on physical skill. With all the wanna-be players in the
Mid-South, this would be a hit in Tunica’s casinos, but needs ap-
proval in Mississippi before it can happen.
Why stop there? How about penalty kicks in soccer, skaters taking penalty shots, home run contests. The business needs a jolt, but
don’t count on physical skills to be a panacea. Check out those waistlines in Mississippi.
A better bet is to aggressively pursue legal sports books in MidSouth casinos and it’s nice to see some new activity picking up in
that area. Debate is needed at the federal level on Nevada’s virtual
monopoly on legal sports betting and Senator John McCain said
recently “we need to have hearings in Congress on the whole issue
so we can build consensus.”
He follows NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, who has engaged
other pro leagues in conversations about potential legalization of
sports betting, but to date they remain closed-mouthed with the
exception of the loquacious Mavericks’ owner Mark Cuban, who
said… “l’m glad Adam is putting the hypocrisy behind us and putting it all up front.”
Nearer to home, Mississippi State Representative Bobby Moak
introduced last month Bill 306 to approve and regulate online poker. Let’s see how long that paperwork takes to get approved. But it’s
for online poker. Where is sport betting, Bobby?
The pro leagues and the NCAA have been hiding behind a public
stance that sports betting threatens the integrity of their leagues but
not a lot of people believe that as scandals have rocked baseball, the
NFL and college sports. It will happen someday once those hypocrites figure out a way to make a buck from gambling. Bet on it!
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and FITZ CASINO & HOTEL is
planning a big party for March 17. Enjoy live entertainment on the
Stage Bar, free party favors and free green beer. The Irish-themed
castle will be covered in green. Enjoy free green beer and party
favors from noon to 8 p.m. Share the excitement with live radio
remotes from noon to 6 p.m. Play at Fitz on St. Patrick’s day for
your chance to win $100 every 10 minutes from noon to 8 p.m.
And there’s more. Enjoy the St. Patrick’s Day special Irish Buffet for
$17.99, noon to 10:30 p.m.
GOLD STRIKE Strike will give away four trips to the Final 4
basketball tournament, an Audi Q5 and thousands in FreePlay during the “4 The Love of the Game Ultimate Giveaway,” which runs
through March 14. The grand prize-drawing day is Saturday, March
14 and drawings will be held from 4 to 9 p.m. Up to $3,000 will
be awarded in FreePlay from 4 to 8 p.m. Four trips to the Final 4
basketball tournament, a new Audi Q5 and up to $1,000 in FreePlay
will be awarded at the 9 p.m. drawing.
SOUTHLAND will give away Rolex watches and one winner
will roll home in a new Lexus. In “Rolexus,” guests will be allowed
to Skeeball one time for every 250 points earned (maximum of four
times per day). Prizes include TVs, purses, a Lexus and other prizes.
The Goodtimes Radio Show, now on KWAM 990 AM Memphis, has expanded and added more gaming programming. The show begins at 11 AM.
Listen on www.kwam990.com or get the free app on your phone.
16 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Horseshoe celebrates
20 years in Tunica
Casino opened Feb. 13, 1995
TUNICA RESORTS — Horseshoe Tunica celebrated being in
business 20 years on Feb. 13 with a 20th Anniversary ceremony that
included a ribbon cutting, a dice throw, and recognition of employees who have been at the casino for 20 years. As part of the ceremony, Horseshoe celebrated serving more than 17 million buffets,
entertaining more than 77 million guests, paying out more than $1.6
billion in jackpots, and donating more than $8 million and 70,000
volunteer hours to charitable organizations for the past 20 years.
Horseshoe Tunica opened Feb. 13, 1995.
“We are proud to be celebrating 20 years in business at Horseshoe Tunica where we’ve been number one since day one. We’re
looking forward to celebrating all month long with all of our guests
and giving away $100,000 at the end of the month,” said R. Scott
Barber, regional president, Caesars Mid-South.
Along with Horseshoe, more than 40 employees are celebrating
their 20 year anniversaries in February. The employees were recognized during the ceremony and each received a gift bag as an anniversary gift.
18 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
R. Scott Barber, regional president, Caesars Mid-South, throws
the dice at a 20th anniversary celebration while Webster Franklin,
president and CEO, Tunica Convention and Visitors Bureau, looks
on. Franklin is the right of Barber.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Hot gaming action on Casino Strip —
Marquee Millionaire slot tourneys at Hollywood
TUNICA RESORTS — Play your way to one million dollars
cash in the $10,000 Marquee Millionaire Qualifying Slot Tournaments at Hollywood Casino Tunica this month. Qualify to earn a
seat in the Marquee Millionaire Slot Tournaments on Fridays, March
13, 20 and 27. Earn 400 points Monday through Friday each week
of the qualifying tournaments for one entry to Round 1.
Registration is from 2 to 6 p.m. for
Round 1 and the round one begins at 5
p.m. Then, earn another 200 points day
of the tournament by 8 p.m. and receive
one entry into Round 2. That is two
chances to win. The first place winner
will receive a seat at the Marquee Millionaire Slot Tournament in Las Vegas
and $1,000 for travel expenses. Plus five wildcard winners will win
$500 in Free SlotPlay.
Must be present to win. The $1-million grand prize is paid in annual installments over 20 years. Be advised that any person enrolled
in a self-exclusion program in any state in which Penn National
Gaming operates a casino facility (operating under the names of
Argosy, Hollywood, Casino Rama, Boomtown Biloxi, Zia Park or
M Resort) is ineligible to participate in the Marquee Millionaire Slot
Also at Hollywood:
to Win It Giveaway. Win up to $100,000 cash every Saturday in
March when you spin to win. Earn one entry for every 100 points
now through March 28. Plus earn 10 times entries on Mondays and
Thursdays. Each Saturday, Hollywood will choose five winners every 30 minutes from 5 to 11 p.m. to spin the prize wheel - that’s 65
winners a night.
points between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. and you could win up to $500 in
Free SlotPlay.
March. Earn 150 points each Monday and Tuesday to receive a Free
Epic Buffet breakfast or lunch. Or earn 350 points on Mondays and
Tuesdays for a free dinner buffet. Buffet
is valid on Monday through Thursday
of the same week earned and is limited
to one player account per day.
s 7INNING 7EDNESDAYS ARE AT (OLlywood. Win the hottest prizes like the
Beats headphones given away in February. Giveaways are every 30 minutes
from 7 to 10 p.m. Every 50 points earned that day gets you an entry
into the Winning Wednesdays Giveaway.
From noon to 6 p.m. each Wednesday players who are 50 and older
and earn 50 points will get to play the Hollywood Legends Kiosk
game for a chance to win up to $1,000 in free slot Free SlotPlay.
Casino. The giveaway will take place Saturday, April 25. Start earning entries now for the Ride to Riches Giveaway. Hourly Free SlotPlay and finalist drawings will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. with the
Grand Prize Chevy Tahoe drawing at 10 p.m. Earn 50 points per
entry with 10x entries on Thursdays.
get 50 percent off lunch buffet for players age 50 and older.
month and when you earn 200 points the first day, you can play
Match Game Mania. Win up to $1,000 in Free SlotPlay.
Cash is King in latest Bally’s giveaway event
TUNICA RESORTS —Bally’s Casino hosts the Cash is King
Giveaway every Saturday this month from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Some
25 winners will be selected throughout
the night to win $500 cash each. Earn
entries each week by playing on your
Bonanza Card.
Also at Bally’s in March:
place on Fridays in March from 7 to 11
p.m. Each Friday, 24 winners will have a
chance to win $150 in Promo Chips. Just
listen for the call of “Hot Seat!”
from 7 to 11 p.m. Everyone shares the luck of the Irish with this
promotion as 20 winners will be called to win up to $500 Free Slot
Play. Play with your card and listen for your name.
takes place Sundays, March 8, 15, 22 and
29, from 1 to 4 p.m. Earn 25 points on
Sunday to play in the slot tourney. Each
guest can play up to three rounds with
scores added together.
The top 10 places will be paid with 2
wild card winners drawn to win additional
Free Slot Play. Top prize is $1,000 Free
Slot Play with $5,000 in Free Slot Play
prize pool. Visit the Bally’s Service Center for complete promotion
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 19
Tunica Resorts, MS
"ALLYS #ASINO — See Will Graves and
Soul, March 6-7; Jamie Baker & the VIP’s,
March 13-14; Jerry Braxton, March 20; Gary
Escoe’s Atomic Dance Machine, March 21 and Mark “Muleman,” March 27-28.
&ITZ#ASINO(OTEL— See Carlos Mencia,
Friday and Saturday, March 13-14, 9 p.m. and
Easton Corbin, Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m. Headline
entertainment priced at $25/$35/$55. Buy tickets
at gift shop, call (800) 745-3000 or visit Ticketmaster.com. Free
live music, Wed.-Thurs., 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., Friday-Saturday, 6
p.m.-4 a.m. and Sunday, 6 p.m.-11 p.m.
— See Engelbert Humperdinck,
Saturday, March 21, at 8 p.m.,
Hanna’s Into The Wild, Saturday, April 25, for two shows, 3
and 7 p.m., $9.95/$14.95/$19.95, Kenny G., Saturday, May 30,
$39.95/$49.96/$59.95; Loretta Lynn, Friday and Saturday, May
17-18, $49.95/$59.95/$69.95 and Vince Gill, Saturday, Sept.
26, at 8 p.m., $89.95/$99.95 and $109.95. Call Gold Strike at
(888) 747-7711 for info. Buy tickets at ticketmaster.com. Taxes
and service charges apply. See free on the Stage2 Bar: Almost
Famous, March 5-8; Troy Laz Band, March 12-15; Dr. Zhivegas,
March 19-22 and Space Rockers, March 26-29. Check out
TEN10 Wine & Whiskey Sunday through Thursday. TEN10
features an extensive collection of small batch whiskeys and
numerous wines served by the glass. If your tastes lean more
toward mixed drinks, TEN10’s cocktail menu features signature
creations along with seasonal blends. TEN10’s free tastings take
place the first Thursday of each month starting at 6 p.m.
Loretta Lynn at Gold Strike May 17-18
See Carlos
Mencia at
Fitz Casino
March 13-14
(OLLYWOOD #ASINO — See free live
entertainment at The Stage Bar from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. For more entertainment
information, call (800) 871-0711.
Engelbert Humperdinck at Gold Strike March 21
20 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Lewis, Sunday, March 8; Josh Turner,
Friday, March 13; The Beach Boys,
Saturday, March 21; Jonny Lang,
Friday, April 10; Chicago, Saturday, April 25; Trombone Shorty
& Orleans Avenue, Saturday, May 9; Kathy Griffin, Saturday,
May 16 and Weird Al Yankovic: The Mandatory World Tour,
Sunday, May 24. Tickets at Horseshoe Ticketmaster kiosk or call
Ticketmaster outlets. Charge by phone at (800) 745-3000, or buy
online at www.ticketmaster.com. Enjoy free live music from top
bands nightly.
headline entertainment regularly. Call
(800) 706-7070 for tickets. Free live
music at Resorts. See Brandon Maddox,
March 6-7; Derek Joseph, March 13-14; Erin Sylvester, March 2021 and Billy Jones Band, March 25, 26, 27 and 28.
Kenny G. at
Gold Strike
May 30
Vince Gill at
Gold Strike
Sept. 26
(ALL— See headline entertainment at
the River Palace Entertainment Center.
Taxes and service charges apply. Charge
by phone at (800) 745-3000, or buy online at www.ticketmaster.
com. See free live music at Roxy’s Live, including River Blues,
March 6-7; Aces Wild, March 13-14 and Pamela K. Ward, March
20 and 21. Trivia Sunday is 6 to 8 p.m. in March.
— The Riverstage Showbar features live
music every Friday and Saturday night.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Jack Hannah
at Gold Strike
April 25,
for two shows,
3 and 7 p.m.
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 21
Lula/Greenville, MS
See headline entertainment regularly. Call (800)
THE-ISLE. Enjoy free live music Fridays and
Saturdays, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Harlow’s Casino Resort &
Hotel — Enjoy free live music
at Harlow’s Rhythm & Brew. See
headline entertainment regularly. For
information, call (866) 524-5825.
West Memphis, AR
3OUTHLAND0ARK'AMING2ACING — In the Juke Joint, see
G3: Gary Goin Band, March 6-7; Erik Stone & The Fabulous
Steeler Band, March 13-14; The Dantones, March 20-21 and
Memphis All-Stars, March 27-28. Also at the Juke
Joint: On Sundays, it’s Live Band Karaoke, 7:30
to 11:30 p.m. (sing with a live band.); Wednesday
is Karaoke Night starting at 7 p.m. Enjoy Club
Night Thursdays in the Juke Joint (no cover with DJ
Crumbz) and the Juke Joint features a live band and DJ
on Fridays and Saturdays with a $5 cover charge beginning at 8
p.m. and ladies free until 10 p.m. Party goes on until 3 a.m. In the
Shine Blounge, it’s featured nights with Taproom Tuesdays with
$2 draft beer and Well Wednesdays with $2 well drinks. Sammy
Hagar’s Red Rocker Bar and Grill is now open at Southland with
55 HD TVs , drink specials and bar food. Schedule at Sammy
Hagar’s includes: Monday Pint Nights, Two For Tuesdays, Live
Team Trivia Wednesdays ($500 in prizes), Thursday Fantasy
Sports and Dart Tournament Sundays, $300 cash added to prize
Weird Al Yankovic at Horseshoe Tunica, May 24
Corbin at
Fitz Casino,
April 4
Choctaw, MS
0EARL2IVER2ESORT— See live headline
entertainment. Tickets may be purchased
through ticketmaster.com. Call (866)
44PEARL for more information. At Starlight Lounge, enjoy
free music Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m.-1 a.m. See South of
20 and Miles Flatt, March 6-7; NSP and Platinum Cafe, March
13-14; and Michael D. Band and Premonition, March 20-21.
!T 'OLDEN -OON - See live headline
entertainment. Call (800) 745-3000 or visit
Ticketmaster.com. Call (866) 44PEARL.
22 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
Jonny Lang at Horseshoe Tunica, April 10
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 23
Growlers now at Sam’s Town’s Smokey Joe’s
Fill your’s with 64 ounces of fresh beer straight from the tap
vessel dates back to the late 1800s
By David Grisham
and early 1900s. It is said that origiTUNICA RESORTS — Sam’s
nal growlers were galvanized pails
Town Hotel & Gambling Hall has
with lids that made a rumbling
great news for beer lovers. The casino now has a growler station at
sound caused by escaping carbon
dioxide – hence the name “growlSmokey Joe’s.
For those who may not be up to
While you’re at Smokey Joe’s
speed, a growler is a large jug used to
you’ll want something to go with
sell take-out craft beer from brewyour beer - especially if your stomeries, brewpubs and/or beer taps.
ach is “growling.” The eatery has
The growlers from Smokey Joe’s are
64-ounce, amber-colored glass jugs
plenty of options. Choose from
15 different sandwiches, ranging
and feature screw-on caps. Properly
from burgers to clubs to barbecue
sealed, a growler can hold carbonto chicken salad and more, or try
ation indefinitely. The growler’s
the classic BLT or the ever-popular
darker glass protects the beer from
Philly cheesesteak. Favorite nonexcess light and UV, which breaks
sandwiches listed on the menu indown the beer’s integrity.
Get your growler at Smokey Joe’s
clude chicken wings, fried shrimp,
Alan Handler, Sam’s Town food
and beverage director, said the growler station is a real plus at onion rings, barbecue nachos, chili and more. Is salad your thing?
Smokey Joe’s. “You can take the finest craft beer home or to your Try a fruit salad, a chef ’s salad or the grilled chicken Caesar salad.
And since Smokey Joe’s is open 24 hours, it’s a great place to grab
room and enjoy it straight from the tap to your glass.”
Purchase the growler for $15 and fill it with domestic beer for breakfast. Enjoy ham, sausage or bacon biscuits or try the two-egg
$10 or craft beer for $20. Keep the growler and bring it back to platter, which comes with ham, sausage or bacon with toast and
refill it for the fill price. Crafted beers available include Redd’s tots. Smokey Joe’s menu also includes a hamsteak and egg platter
Apple Ale, Ghost River Golden Ale, Lazy Magnolia Southern Pe- with toast and tots, plus other breakfast options.
can, Suzy B Dirty Blond Ale and Fat Tire. Domestics include BudCheck out Smokey Joe’s on your next visit for your very own
weiser, Bud Light and Miller Lite.
growler and tasty sandwich platter. It’s located across the Atrium
While growlers may be more popular now than ever, the beer from The Great Buffet.
24 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
At Bally’s Casino Tunica —
The Barn Prime has bone-in prime rib eye
the filets to be delicately tender, almost buttery.
By David Grisham
My rib eye was every bit of 22 ounces and its attractive seared
TUNICA RESORTS — Bally’s Casino has some big news. The
Barn Prime is now open and has something for steak lovers to get grilled exterior gave way to a beautiful pink center with each glide
excited about. Guests at The Barn Prime can now feast on the of my steak knife. The hearty beef flavor and juicy melt-in-yourrestaurant’s special prime bone-in rib eye — it’s a cut above most mouth consistency of this steak makes one understand why it is a
any steak you’ll find in the area. Plus, enjoy delicious new entrees and cut above - delicious.
specials, a new wine menu and
For surf-and-turf fanatics,
relax in a cool and contemporary
the menu provides add-ons in
new vibe.
the form of Steak Oscar, crab
We decided to visit The Barn
legs, one or two lobster tails, or
Prime and check out the new
a sizzling shrimp skillet.
menu last week. Bally’s Food and
Beverage Director Steve Armer
available include top sirloin and
and Manger Eddie Sinaga have
a 12-ounce strip. Specialties
been busy taking The Barn Prime
include dry or wet ribs with
to a new level and helped chart
barbecue sauce, braised beef
our dining adventure on this
short ribs, pork chops, Atlantic
salmon, shrimp scampi, seared
I was there for the restaurant’s
trout and seasoned crab legs.
signature item – the prime
For appetizers, we chose
22-ounce bone-in rib eye. Others
shrimp and grits, fried green
in my party opted for a 6-ounce
tomatoes and jumbo crab cakes.
filet. I asked Armer to pair a wine
The shrimp and grits was my
A 22-ounce bone-in rib eye the signature steak on the menu
for us and he recommended
selection. The blend of specially
Bogle Merlot California 2012. This full-bodied wine paired well with seasoned shrimp, cheesy grits and Andouille cream sauce made for
steak. I noted that it had concentrated berry and cherry aromas. a satisfying pre-dinner treat – one that was perfect portioned. Other
Tasting it, I found that it offers an intense fruity and spicy flavor. It apps include jumbo shrimp cocktail, crawfish dip ‘n’ chip, oysters on
is one of several nice wine selections on a wine menu that includes the half shell, Oysters Rockefeller and Bally’s Sea x 3 – shrimp, crab
a variety of wines from Kendall-Jackson and offerings from other and red snapper served in a white wine sauce.
popular winemakers.
For dessert, we opted for the Creme Brule. The traditional
Although appetizers, a salad and desserts were part of our meal, caramelized French vanilla custard topped with fresh berries and
the star at the restaurant is steak, so I’ll get to the point.
whipped cream was the perfect ending to a meal. Other choices
We could see our steaks on the grill while they cooked via a large include cheesecake, cake with berries and creme, a chocolate
monitor facing the dining area. It was nice to keep an eye on them lava cake and, for the adventurous, The Dirty Pig. It is a flavorful
as they sizzled over a hot flame.
combination of chocolate and bacon – the marriage of sweet and
When they arrived at our table, the steaks were visually appetizing, salty taken to the extreme.
branded with a dark grill pattern. It didn’t take long to put our steak
The Barn Prime is open Thursdays from 5 to 10 p.m., Fridays
knives into action. To our delight, the filets were so tender that one and Saturdays from 5 to 11 p.m. and Sundays from 5 to 10 p.m. For
could have cut them with a fork. I sampled a bite or two and found reservations, call (866) 422-5597.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 25
Hollywood has new fine dining special for two
Fairbanks Steakhouse offers three courses, two meals, one amazing price
TUNICA RESORTS — Fairbanks Steakhouse is Hollywood
Casino Tunica’s award-winning fine dining restaurant and has always delivered an inviting atmosphere, great service and delicious
food. Now it has a new dinner-for-two
special available at a never-before-seen
value-packed price that is sure to please.
The Fairbanks Steakhouse Special
offers three courses, two meals and one
amazing price with this deal. Sunday and
Thursday enjoy the special for $49.99
and Friday and Saturday it is available for $59.99. Note, there are no
substitutions on this offer and it is cash only.
The first course consists of a choice between the Fairbanks
spring mix salad and a classic French onion soup au gratin.
For the second course, select from either a 4-ounce beef tenderloin with Yukon Gold mashed potatoes or cedar plank salmon with
herbed rice pilaf.
The third course offers a choice between New York cheesecake and macaroon cookie a la mode.
Whether choosing the Fairbanks
Steakhouse Special or items off of the
regular menu, one can expect a winning
result at Fairbanks Steakhouse. Fairbanks is open Thursday through
Sunday beginning at 5 p.m. For reservations, call (800) 871-0711. To
see the menu, visit hollywoodcasinotunica.com.
Champagne brunch, seafood, theme days at Southland
WEST MEMPHIS — Southland Park Gaming & Racing has
a variety of dining and drink specials sure to whet your appetite.
The Big Breakfast Buffet is now available at Southland from 8 10:30 a.m. Saturdays and 8 - 10 a.m. Sundays for $9.99. Enjoy your
favorite breakfast items including bacon, French toast and various
pastries. The Big Breakfast Buffet joins a variety of other February
specials, like:
- Tex Mex Mondays - Served all day for $12.99.
- T-Bone Tuesdays - Served all day for $14.99.
- More Ribs Wednesdays – Served all day for $12.99.
- Prime Rib Thursdays – Served all day for $14.99.
- Every Friday is “Food Fest Friday” from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for
$12.99. Friday nights are Surf & Turf Fridays from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Enjoy the surf-and-turf buffet with steak and lobster for $24.99 per
- On Saturdays, 11 a.m.-12 a.m., get crackin’ with all-you-caneat crab legs in the World Market Buffet, served all day for $24.99.
Southland’s buffet will feature snow crab, blue crab,
Jonah crab, stuffed crab and more.
- Every Sunday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., the World Market Buffet features a champagne brunch and country style buffet at dinnertime, each for $14.99.
- The Little Breakfast Buffet – Every Monday though
Friday, enjoy a little breakfast from 8 to 10:30 a.m. for $5.99.
Irish theme at Buffet Americana this month
TUNICA RESORTS — Gold Strike Casino Resort hosts
a monthly culinary series at its Buffet Americana. The buffet
features specialty theme cuisine throughout each month in
addition to its regular menu options.
Buffet Americana’s March specialty menu is called “Irish
Favorites.” It will include Irish lamb stew, shepherd’s pie, baked
rainbow trout, spinach and butter sauce, braised chicken,
mushrooms and tarragon, Guinness beef stew and Irish parfait.
Buffet Americana has raised the culinary bar in Tunica
with fresh gourmet selections, interactive food stations and an
intriguing design concept. The 13,500-square-foot restaurant
emphasizes fresh, made-to-order meals at stations designed to
recreate the feeling of an upscale specialty food market. Buffet
26 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
Americana features some of the best in traditional American
cuisine, coupled with exceptional new offerings. Choose from
an array of your favorite foods alongside the buffet’s brick oven
pizza, a Mongolian Grill and Mississippi’s only Tandoori oven.
Weekends enjoy the freshest seafood in the buffet’s all-you-caneat fiesta.
Buffet Americana is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 2
p.m. and 4 to 9:30 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to
midnight; Saturday 8 a.m. to midnight; and Sunday 8 a.m. to 9:30
The Champagne Brunch, offered Saturday and Sunday from 8
a.m. to 2 p.m. features a variety of dishes and a Bloody Mary Bar.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Bad beat jackpots are latest available prior to press time. Promotions good for select hours and subject to change. Contact poker room for details and updates.
Poker Rooms & Bad Beats...
Choctaw, Miss.
West Memphis, Ark.
Hollywood Casino Tunica
(800) 871-0711
Pearl River Resort
Choctaw, Miss. (601) 663-1040
Southland Park Gaming & Racing
West Memphis (800) 467-6182
Manager: Domenick Morreale
Tables: 6, open seven days a week
Open at noon Monday-Friday and at 11
a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
Poker Room Rates: $25 Sunday-Thurs.,
$50 Friday-Saturday, with 5 hrs. play
Texas Hold ‘em:
$3-$6 or higher: $68,009
Wednesdays - Aces Cracked wins $100
Thursdays - Hourly High Hand wins
Fridays - High Hand every 30 minutes
wins $50 (Eight High Hands each day).
Sundays - High Hand every 30 minutes
wins $50 (Eight High Hands each day).
Manager: Neal Atkinson
Poker Room Rates: $35 weekdays/$45
Fridays and Saturdays.
Tables: 12
Featuring Poker Pro automated tables.
Tables: 6
Hours: Monday - Friday: 4 p.m.-4 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Noon to 4 a.m.
Texas Hold ‘em: $45,000
Omaha: $2,863
Sunday-Friday - Progressive drawings
every two hours.
- Sunday drawings - 12, 1, 2, 3 and 4
p.m. for $100 and $500 winner at 5 p.m.
Earn entries with play.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Top Five
High Hands win each day, noon to 10
p.m. Highest hand wins $250 and other
four high hands win $100. Power Hours
are noon to 5 p.m. High Hand prizes are
doubled if made during Power Hours.
Texas Hold ‘em: $10,000
Omaha: $8,149
Horseshoe Casino Tunica
(662) 357-5608
Managers: Lisa Crompton & Paul Dutch
and $65 weekends w/5 hrs. live play.
Texas Hold ‘em: $27,418
Omaha: $15,839
7-Card Stud: $6,663
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
-Monday - Thursdays, Spin & Win hot
seat drawings every 30 min., 4 p.m.-12
a.m. for free play/prizes
Fridays-Sundays - Handemonium: catch
the posted hand and win, starts at $60.
– A $4 rake on no-limit games
– 100 points for every hour played
– Bad Beat Jackpots (Hold’em) - Aces
full of Jacks or better get beat by four of
a kind. Omaha - Quad Jacks beat by Quad
Queens or better.
Bad Beat Jackpots are latest available prior to
press time and subject to change. Regular poker tournament schedule and promotions are provided as a
service to our readers and are also subject to change.
Please contact poker room for updates and more detailed information.
March 5 - March 18, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 27
Jackpot! Weekly Poker Tourney Lineup
Jackpot! Weekly Poker Tourney Lineup
Schedules subject to change. Major casino tournament
to change.
replace daily tournaments at participating casinos.
FUN ‡‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
When you receive good service at a casino, it
is customary to award the person giving the
good service a gratuity (tip). Jackpot! readers
ask us occassionally what the appropriate
tip to leave might be for quality service for
different casino employees. Obviously, many
things factor into this, so please note that the
information below is just a guideline, and
impeccable service would receive a higher tip.
Cocktail Waitresses - Casino
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round,
parties of one or two
Being compensated for work is a reward, Pisces
Editor’s Note: Horoscopes are meant for entertainment purposes only
and are for the time period March 5 - March 18, 2015 .
0ISCES&EB-ARCH — It has been
said money makes the world go around,
although gravity and love are alternative
agencies preferred by some. Material wealth provides
a yardstick by which folk active in the world of work
can judge their progress. Unless you run a charity,
being compensated for what you’re doing is the
ultimate reward.
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
Standard Tip = Place a bet, $2-$10 during your play
High Roller/Comp = Place a bet, $25-$100 during
your play
Slot Attendants
Standard Tip = $1-$5 during your play,
more if you hit a jackpot
High Roller/Comp = $10-$25 during your play,
more if you hit a jackpot
Cocktail Waitresses - Restaurants
Standard Tip = 15%-20% of check
High Roller/Comp = 20%-30% of check
Hotel Bellmen
Standard Tip = $1-$2 per bag,
more for heavier or oversized bags
High Roller/Comp = $3-$5 per bag,
more for heavier or oversized bags
Room Service Personnel
Standard Tip = 15%-20% of check
High Roller/Comp = 20%-30% of check
Standard Tip = $1 per night, place in envelope
at end of stay marked for Maid
High Roller/Comp = $5 per night, place in envelope
at end of stay marked for Maid
Taxi Drivers
Standard Tip = Minimum of $2. Very Short rides,
helpful information, assistance with luggage,
difficult route would receive more
High Roller/Comp = Minimum of $5. Very Short
rides, helpful information, assistance with luggage,
difficult route would receive more
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
Wine Steward
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
By Paul Wade
!RIES-ARCH!PRIL — This period
is the window of opportunity you. Try not
to be impatient or imagine it is a once in a
lifetime chance as you’ll only undermine your best
efforts. The contrast to the lackluster atmosphere
that existed previously could not be more obvious.
4AURUS!PRIL-AY — The action
this period takes place behind the scenes.
From the outside it may look like little is
happening, but that belies the truth. You come to
terms with needs and expectations. It may be that in
the past others have not appreciated how they have
interfered with your peace of mind. Keep them away.
'EMINI-AY*UNE— Your closest
associations are going through a testing
period, where what remains between you is
held up for review. A few emerge stronger and will
shrug off future challenges. Significant encounters
occur with a profound impact on your outlook
professional affairs predominate now.
For many there is an emphasis on your
employment affairs, either in terms of the choices
you’ve made previously or when it comes to the
necessary experience and qualifications to make your
ambitions a reality. Your best option is to cultivate an
individualistic angle for opportunities more lucrative.
,EO *ULY !UG — This period
it is helpful to bear a few guidelines in
mind. Firstly, by thinking positively and
optimistically and by believing in your heart that
events are in your favor matters will turn out as you
want. Modesty and humility win you more friends.
6IRGO!UG3EP— The emphasis
is on other people now. You may feel quite
frustrated and resentful at times because of
the need to gain approval. You accommodate the
wishes of others and integrate them with your needs.
,IBRA 3EP /CT — Those of an
intimate and personal nature are back in
the spotlight. Business partnerships are not
exempt and neither are situations where you’re
seeking reliable and unbiased advice, for example
from your doctor, a financial advisor or a trusted
counsellor. Communication is the key.
3CORPIO/CT.OV— Your mind
is on your financial affairs. You have been
fortunate as opportunities to further your
ambitions have been numerous, particularly when
it comes to your professional interests and career
choices. Keep it going as the cosmos will not always
be so categorically on your side.
made about the harsher qualities of Saturn,
including the constraints with which this
it is associated. Saturn is far from all bad. When
implicated in sympathetic alignments with other
planets, the outcomes are easier to take. Such is the
case at this time, as you happily enjoy the dynamic.
activity on the domestic front keeps you on
your toes. The pace is frenetic and leaves
you playing catch-up. Know that whenever you place
another’s interests before you own, people will notice
you really care.
!QUARIUS *AN &EB — Mercury
is in your sign, influencing communication,
ruling thought and your logical mind, so
your thinking is unusually lucid at the moment, your
memory is better than normal and you are able to deal
with complex concepts if you have to, while holding
the details in your mind. Make it work for you.
Paul Wade, a UK-based astrologer, is published in
seven languages. For weekly, monthly and annual horoscopes,
personal services, information, freebies and more, visit
Golden Moon Hotel & Casino
(866) 447-3275
Silver Star Hotel & Casino
(866) 447-3275
Harlow’s Casino
(866) 524-5825
Trop Casino Greenville
(800) 878-1777
Isle Of Capri Casino
(800) 843-4753
Isle Of Capri Casino
(800) 843-4753
Bally’s Casino
(800) 382-2559
30 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ March 5 - March 18, 2015
Fitz Casino & Hotel
(800) 766-5825
Gold Strike
(888) 245-7529
Hollywood Casino
(800) 871-0711
Horseshoe Casino
(800) 303-7463
Resorts Casino
(866) 797-7111
Sam’s Town
(800) 456-0711
Tunica Roadhouse
(800) 391-3777
Southland Park
Gaming & Racing
(800) 467-6182
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com