Ginger Netten Diabetes Research - Scottsdale Unified School District


Ginger Netten Diabetes Research - Scottsdale Unified School District
Engage, Educate and Empower Every Student, Every Day
Education Center
3811 North 44th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85018
Telephone: 480-484-6100
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Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Hottle, 480-484-6223
Desert Canyon Middle School Student Will Spend Spring Break
Advocating for Diabetics in Washington, D.C.
March 3, 2015
Desert Canyon Middle School student Ginger Netten will be using her Spring Break to travel to
Washington, D.C. with the American Diabetes Association’s Call to Congress program. She will
be part of a select group that will be meeting with senate and congress members to advocate
for diabetics across the United States.
Ginger Netten, an eighth grade student at Desert Canyon Middle School and living with Type 1
Ginger is available for media interviews before and after her trip over Spring Break (March 9-14)
Ginger Netten was first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of five. Now 14, she has
devoted her life to finding a cure for the all types of the disease. She mentors children newly
diagnosed with diabetes, organizes fundraisers and is an inspiration to her friends and family.
Ginger was chosen to be part of the select group of diabetes advocates because of her work in
diabetes advocacy activities. Once in Washington, D.C., she will meet with lawmakers to
discuss diabetes research funding, treatment and the search for a cure. Ginger will also share
her personal journey with diabetes.
“Living with diabetes is hard, but things have gotten easier. There are new things they are
inventing every year that make it better for kids like me,” Ginger says. “Someday, there will be a
cure for diabetes, and I want people to know that with their help we can get there quicker.”
For information, contact Molly Hottle at: 480-480-6223,
Scottsdale Unified School District, where we Engage, Educate and Empower Every Student, Every Day. The District and 19 schools have
earned the state’s highest A-F Achievement Profile grade – A – by the Arizona Department of Education. For more information about
Scottsdale Unified schools, please visit