Avon Stour Pastoral Area Co


Avon Stour Pastoral Area Co
Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth (reg. charity no.: 246871)
Avon Stour Pastoral Area
Co-ordinating Pastor:
Fr. Tom Grufferty, Christchurch – (01202 483340)
Our Lady of Sorrows & St. Philip Benizi,
15, Salisbury Road,
Hampshire, SP6 1EG
The Sacred Heart & St. Thérèse of Lisieux
1, The Close
Hampshire, BH24 1LA
Presbytery & Office, 15, Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, SP6 1EG. Tel.: 01425 653131
Email: shandolos@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Internet: www.shandolos.org.uk; www.avonstourpastoralarea.org
PRIEST: - Fr. Anthony Pennicott MA, - Mobile: 07946 321962; Email: apennicott@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk
Safeguarding Co-ordinators:
Anne Hammond tel.: 01425 654838; Email: hammond.44@talktalk.net
Donna Kerrigan: tel.: 01425 656895 Email: donna.kerrigan@btinternet.com
Margaret Pointon: tel. 01425 480726 Email: pointonfamily@btinternet.com
Fordingbridge Gift Aid
Tony Lane:
tel. 01425 477075 Email: tonylane44@hotmail.co.uk
Ringwood Gift Aid
Betty Baxter:
Email: betty@Servalan-Speaks.com
Parish Hall Administrator
Anne Ringrose
tel. 01425 654201 Email: anne@burgate.plus.com
OTHER CHURCHES in the Avon-Stour Pastoral Area with SUNDAY MASS TIMES:
St. Joseph’s, 67, Purewell, Christchurch, BH23 1EH (Fr. Tom Grufferty) 01202 483340. 6.30pm (vigil), 9.00am & 10.45am.
St. Thomas More, 42, Exton Rd., Iford, Bournemouth, BH6 5QG (Fr Darryl Jordan )01202 485588, 6pm (vigil), 9.30am
Holy Redeemer, 15, Kilmington Way, Highcliffe, BH23 5BL (Fr. Paul Obada) 01425 274838, 8am, 10am
Our Lady Queen of Peace, 18, Douglas Rd., Southbourne, BH6 3ER (Fr. Gerald Onyejuluwa) 01202 424960, 8am, 11am, 6pm
Salisbury: 01722 336262 (ask for Catholic Chaplain). Southampton General: Fr. Michael Cronin Tel: 02380 798517.
Bournemouth: & Christchurch: non-urgent: 01202 704221 (chaplaincy office); urgent: 01202 303626 & ask for duty Catholic chaplain.
Poole: Deacon McConville Tel: 01202 442167 (leave message) or 01202 665511(ask for Catholic Chaplain).
Christchurch: St. Joseph’s Primary, Dorset Road, BH23 3DA, 01202 485976, www.stjosephs.dorset.sch.uk
St. Osmund’s Primary, Exeter Street, SP1 2SG, 01722 322632, www.st-osmunds.wilts.sch.uk
Wimborne: St. Catherine’s Primary, Cutlers Place, Colehill, BH21 2HN, 01202 883763, www.stcatherinescolehill.dorset.sch.uk
Bournemouth:St. Peter’s Secondary, St. Catherine’s Road, BH6 4AH, 01202 421141, www.st-peters.bournemouth.sch.uk
3rd WEEK of LENT – MARCH 8th – 15th 2015
Saturday (Mar 7th)
3rd Sunday of Lent
Sundays: Year B; Weekdays: Lent; Psalter Week 3
6.00pm Vigil Mass (fulfils Sunday obligation)
For the parishes
9.00am Mass
11.00am Mass
Rosary & Liturgy 9.45am/10am
10.00am Mass
Richard Henry Paterson RIP
10.30am-11.30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
9.00am -10.00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
10.00am Mass
Holy Souls
10.30am Stations of the Cross.
9.00am -10.00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
(9.30am: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, in the Hall)
10.00am Mass
Holy Souls
10.30am-11.30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
11.30am Mass - (followed by CAFOD Hunger Lunch in the house.)
11.45am – Lenten prayers, (followed by CAFOD Hunger Lunch in the hall.)
7.00pm Stations of the Cross & Benediction.
Saturday (Mar 14th)
6.00pm Mass (fulfils Sunday obligation) Bishop Philip’s Visitation begins….
RECONCILIATION (Confessions): Ringwood – Fridays 10.30am, after Mass Fordingbridge – 5-00pm Saturdays or by appointment
Collections last week
£ 60.00
Standing Order
£ 208.00
Cafod Fast Day
Thank You
founded in England in 1969 & working now against poverty in 8 African countries. Skilled volunteers training local people. Could you volunteer
for a tour of duty, or at least make a donation towards this excellent work? www.vmminternational.org.
Collection next week for Clergy Assistance Fund
DON’T FORGET Official Visitation of both parishes by Bishop Philip – 14th/15th March – don’t miss it!!
Entrance:380; -. PSALM:You Lord, have the message of eternal life; Offertory: 495;
Gospel Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, O Christ, You are the word of God; - Communion: 356; Exit: 143
RINGWOOD FREE FAMILY FUN DAY – Sat. 30th May 2015 1pm – 6pm on Bickerley Common. Run by the local churches – a great boost for
goodwill & positive community spirit. Great success last year, with several thousand attending. Funded by donation and sponsorship. The parish
will sponsor one or two items, if any individual or business would like to sponsor something please take a list and sign up- THANKS
ECUMENICAL LENT GROUP meeting 7.30pm Wednesday Poulner Baptist Chapel
IF YOU ENJOY WALKING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE (strolling, not hiking), you are welcome to join with St Mary's Ramblers. They walk every
Tuesday in Dorset and the New Forest with a pub lunch halfway. A lift might be available. For more information, see Jane or David Saunders.
>COMMON ITEMS for both Parishes:
24 hour PRAYER VIGIL for the NEW EVANGELISATION – an initiative of Pope Francis. In Avon Stour Pastoral Area this will be held at St.
Joseph’s, Purewell, Christchurch starting with mass at 6.30pm on Friday 13th March and ending with mass at 6.30pm on Saturday 14th Please
do your best to drop in for an hour or more to pray. For more info. see http://www.novaevangelizatio.va See notice Board
FANNING THE FLAME – CATHOLIC YOUTH SUMMER CAMP 2015 – at St.Dominic’s Priory, Shirley Holms Road, Sway, Lymington, SO41
8NH17th – 21st August. Age range: 10-25. Always a sell-out!! Book now!! £90 per person. Details and booking forms from Fr. Tony or the sisters
at Dominican.sisters@talk21.com or on 01590 681874. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR YOUNG PEOPLE See poster in church porch.
‘LIKE’ DIOCESE OF PORTSMOUTH on FACEBOOK & see weekly video clip Made for Glory – through Lent.
CAFOD - ONE CLIMATE ONE WORLD CAMPAIGN Please support the recycling that we have introduced - we are collecting used stamps,
plastic milk bottle tops and used printer cartridges at Ringwood and Fordingbridge. We are supporting the CAFOD campaign as Pope Francis
has reminded us that it is part of our faith, he said "let us be protectors of creation, protectors of God's plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one
another and of the environment"
Are you celebrating a 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th or 60+ wedding anniversary this year? If so, Bishop Philip would like to invite you to a Mass to
celebrate. This takes place on 27th June at St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke, RG24 9DX. It is a wonderful occasion to celebrate and witness to
marriage. If you would like to come, please go to www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk, click on ‘Significant Wedding Anniversaries’ and fill out the
form. You will then be sent an invitation from Bishop Philip. Alternatively, if you don’t have access to the website, contact Liz Murphy at St
Bede’s stbedes@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk or 01256 465214.
PRO-LIFE message from SOCIETY for the PROTECTION OF UNBORN CHILDREN It is essential that we elect people to Parliament who will
vote to protect unborn children and their mothers from the horror of abortion; who will uphold the right to conscientious objection to abortion in
the health professions; who will vote to spare the elderly and the vulnerable from the threat of being killed by assisted suicide and who will vote
to maintain parents’ rights to withdraw their children from damaging sex education lessons in school. Please ask for a copy of SPUC’s general
election handbook. Call Pat Tully or Katherine Hampton on 02070917091or contact political@spuc.org.uk.
GENERAL ELECTION – 7 May 2015 – A Letter to Catholics in England & Wales from our Bishops. This was well received by the press last
week! Copies were available in church last week-end. If you did not get one, there may be some left in the porch. Or you can see it online
www.catholicnews.org.uk . When you have finished with it, pass it on – perhaps to someone not a church-goer or not a Catholic.
KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE LATEST NEWS! THE DIOCESE OF PORTSMOUTH now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and
information from around the Diocese. Go to www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on
Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info as it happens. You can also follow @BishopEgan and @PortsmouthRC on
LENTEN SERVICES OF RECONCILIATION (with Confessions) Fordingbridge: Wed. 18th March 7.00pm with Fr. Tony & Fr. Paul Obada.
St. Thomas More, Iford: Tues. 24th March 7.30pm with priests of the Avon Stour Pastoral Area.
Ringwood: Thurs. 26th March 2.30pm with Fr Tony and Fr. Tom Grufferty.
BISHOP PHILIP’S VISITATION – next weekend – Draft programme: The Bishop will celebrate the 6pm and 11am masses, and preach at
these and the 9am. He will meet the people over refreshments after each mass (incl. after 6pm mass). At 7.30pm on Saturday at Fordingbridge,
he will meet with reps from both pastoral councils and finance committees and 3 age groups – under 30, 30-60, over 60. Reps have been
arranged. After lunch on Sunday he will meet recently Confirmed young people – 2.30pm at Ringwood. From 3pm to 4pm the bishop will lead a
holy hour and benediction at Ringwood.