Name: Form: HEADTEACHER`S NEWS Year 9 Parents` Evening


Name: Form: HEADTEACHER`S NEWS Year 9 Parents` Evening
Issue 459 Friday 6th March 2015 issued every Friday
Enquiries: 020 8270 6222
Absence Line: 020 8724 1531
Twitter: @JRCS_School
Year 9 Parents’ Evening
The final part of the process that makes sure
all our Year 9 students have as much
information as possible to help them make
the right choices for their Key Stage 4
courses will take place next Thursday 12th
March from 3:45pm – 6:45pm. After meeting
with teaching staff, all Year 9 students must
hand in their Option Choice Form to a
member of SLT. I look forward to seeing
every Year 9 parent at this important event.
JRCS on the News
On Monday 2nd March ITN News filmed an
item about primary school students
transferring to their new secondary school.
This item also provided our media studies
students with the opportunity to evaluate a
television presentation with which they were
directly linked!
Please follow us on Twitter @ JRCS_School
for more pictures and updates
Well done Katie!
Many congratulations to
Katie Bryan 8F, another of
our students to be offered
a part in the production of
‘Oliver’ as part of Fagin’s
gang at the Kenneth
Moore Theatre.
We wish her the best of
luck in this exciting role.
Gym update
Our new Gym is now fully refurbished and
furnished with new state of the art exercise
Next week is week 2
equipment. Please contact Castle Green to
find out more details about opening hours
and membership on 020 8724 1500 or email:
Mr Smith
Red Nose Day reminder!
Red noses will be on sale
next week and Friday 13th
March will be marked as a
day of fancy dress. The
cost of non-uniform is a £1
donation to the Red Nose
appeal and ALL money
raised will be sent to this amazing
organisation. Please join us on this day to
make it fun and help us to change lives
across the UK and the globe.
Fundraising Team
Rob Taylor is running the London
Below is a copy of the article that was
published in the Barking and Dagenham Post
04/03/15. We are fully behind Rob as he tries
to raise as much money as possible for
MacMillan. We are also happy to collect
raffle donations via the main school
reception. Which we will then pass them onto
Get Active: Dagenham runner’s London
marathon fundraiser in memory of wife
Anybody wishing to donate prizes for the
raffle can contact him on 07535 710315.
To sponsor his marathon effort, visit:
Weekly Challenge
Every week a challenge will appear in The
Seagull which will qualify for a circle on your
challenge card. Remember, a full challenge
card means an LOC, some pop rocks and a
reward trip. For each challenge make sure
you show all your thinking/working and come
and show it to me in IT4 or your subject
Week 1 Challenge: Work out a reasonable
estimate for how many footballs would fit in
IT4. Good luck!
Ms Moody
Accelerated Learning Co-ordinator
Rob Taylor, 41, hopes to raise £2,000 for
MacMillan in memory of Sheryl Taylor by
running the marathon on what would have
been her 40th birthday.
“My wife passed away last year through
cancer and MacMillan were fantastic,” he
said. “It’s good that it’s on her birthday, that
spurs me on a bit.”
Sheryl was a celebrated Pastoral Support
Worker at Jo Richardson Community School,
where she started in September 2010.
The marathon, to be held on 26th April, will be
Rob’s first, but he’s confident he can
complete it.
“I’ve played football for a few years, I’ve
never done anything this extreme, but I think
I’ll be fine,” he said. “Sheryl would think I was
bonkers, she’d tell me to get home and get
the dinner on. But I hope she’d be proud of
Rob is also holding a fundraiser from 7pmmidnight on Friday 13th March at Millhouse
Social Club in Dagenham, where there will be
a DJ, raffle and auctions with all proceeds
going to MacMillan, Save the Children and
A day with the US ambassador
The US ambassador to the UK, Matthew
Barzun, recently visited Eastbury School; this
presented some Jo Richardson students the
opportunity to meet him for a Q and A
session. Altogether the experience was an
enjoyable one, which gave students some
important insight into the dealings of the
ambassador and the current relationship
between the US and UK. Finally, each
student was given the opportunity to air out
their grievances with the US, the most
popular response being its increased level of
gun crime and racially biased police force.
On the other side of the coin, when asked
about the likeable features of the US, the
most popular response was the entertainment
industry consisting of many idols such as the
world renowned Beyonce.
By Chime Ogbuehi 12A
Understanding Retailing
The Year 13 Extended Diploma class visited
Westfield, Stratford City last week as part of
their Understanding Retailing unit. The
students were cross-examining the differing
levels of customer service on offer from the
wide range of shops at the centre. The
students found out if shops we usually
associate with high levels of service such as
John Lewis lived up to their expectations.
Similarly, would the smaller independent
retailers offer a more personalised service?
Year 9 Parents’ Evening
The Year 9 Parents’ Evening will be held on
Thursday 12th March from 3:45pm – 6:45pm.
Could parents please check that the students
have made appointments with their teachers.
Mrs Stone
Office Manager
PE Fixtures
Week Commencing 9th March
Year 7 A and B
Borough Netball
Tournament @
Redbridge 2pm
Year 9 Football vs
Barking Abbey
3:30pm (Away)
Sixth form football
vs Eastbury
3:30pm (Home)
Year 8 Borough
Tournament @
Redbridge 2pm
London Youth
Games Volleyball
@ Sports Dock
London 9am4:15pm
London Youth
Games Volleyball
@ Sports Dock
London 9am4:15pm
Rugby Festival @
Dagenham RFC
Rugby Festival @
Dagenham RFC
After a selfie in the lift on the way, the
students had a corporate presentation with a
member of the Westfield Management Team
to round off the day.
Mr Marks
Business Studies Department
Year 11 Revision Club
In BS3, every Friday from 3:30pm – 4:30pm.
All welcome.
Mrs Hart
Pastoral Support Assistant Year 11
The Office Assistants for the week beginning
Monday 9th March:
Guerchon Marembo Swarhay 8F
Reece Miller 8F
Denise Muyumba 8F
Baqiu Odofin 8F
Deividas Petreikis 8F
Year 10 Revision Club
In Library, every Friday from 3:30pm to
4:30pm. Providing support in organisation for
revision and a quiet space to focus.
Mrs Eades
Pastoral Support Assistant Year 10
The Library Assistants for the week beginning
Monday 9th March:
Jayley Powell 8F
Tainey-Lea Samuel 8F
Year 10 and Year 11 Mock Exams
Below is a copy of Year 10 and 11 exam timetable. These are internal exams and students will be
required to attend normal lessons. Please make sure students have a good breakfast and they
have the correct equipment with them for each exam, including a calculator (if needed) and a
black pen. If they wish to, they may bring water, but this needs to be in a clear plastic bottle with
the label removed. Please remind your child that under no circumstances should mobile phones
be taken into exam rooms. If your child is unable to attend any of their exams, please call the
attendance line as usual and we will require a letter from your doctor.
Year 10 Mock Exams
Monday 9th March
Art Practical
All day
Art Corridor
Tuesday 10th March
DT Practical
All day
DT Corridor
Monday 22nd June
Drama Practical
All day
Drama Corridor
Tues 23rd & Weds 24th
Music Practical
All day
Music Corridor
Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable 2015
Tuesday 10th March
iGCSE English
Hall & Dance Studio
Tuesday 17th March
Tuesday 17th March
Tuesday 17th March
Wednesday 18th March
Business & Economics (Paper 1)
Wednesday 18th March
Triple Science P3
Wednesday 18th March
Spanish Listening & Reading
Wednesday 18th March
Science B2
Hall & Dance Studio
Art Practical
All day (2 days)
Art Corridor
Maths - Non Calculator
Hall & Dance Studio
Monday 23rd March
French Listening & Reading
Boothroyd Hall
Monday 23rd March
Science C2
Hall & Dance Studio
Tuesday 24th March
Boothroyd Hall
Tuesday 24th March
Boothroyd Hall
Tuesday 24th March
Business (Paper 3) & Economics
(Paper 5)
Science P2
Hall & Dance Studio
Thursday 26th March
Maths - Calculator
Hall & Dance Studio
Thurs 19th & Fri 20th
Monday 23rd March
You will find all tasks in the tab
called “Experiments”
The library now has a fabulous new website for students called ‘Eclipse’.
Once students have logged into their school account they will be
automatically logged into Eclipse. (‘Eclipse’ can be found in ‘Department’ –
‘Library’ – ‘Eclipse’.)
The website has the appearance of a desktop and is interactive, and there
is plenty to check out on the site.
Attention all KS3 students!
Are you interested in doing some fun Science experiments,
collect credits and LOCs? If yes, take part in the Science
Spring challenge. Here’s what to do:
1. Each Friday on the Smarties Science Club website there
All the books in the library are logged on the Eclipse system allowing
students to easily view their library account of current books on loan,
overdue books, past loans and lots more to do like:
 Search/Reserve books ⨠ See New Arrivals and Book
Returned ⨠ Who Next’ book search
 Search Resources, follow Linked Items ⨠ Read and Create Book
 Find/see levels of books on Accelerated Reader ⨠ Store your
favourite books
will be a post with a new experiment.
2. Conduct the experiment at home, take a few photos
showing your results – you could even film yourself doing
the experiment – and email it to Miss Ochwat.
3. For each experiment you are going to get 10 credits. If
you complete 7 out of 12 challenges, you will receive an
4. See Miss Ochwat in SC3 if you have any questions.
The Smarties Science Club website:
Miss Ochwat
Take a look and get interactive with the new library website.
Ms Osland
School Librarian