WCITCA`2015 Call for paper - World Congress on Information
WCITCA`2015 Call for paper - World Congress on Information
World Congress on Information Technology and Computer Applications (WCITCA’2015), 11-13 June 2015 Hammamet, Tunisia http://www.wcitca.org Researchers are invited to submit abstracts, posters or papers through EDAS or by e-mail:tarek.barira@gmail.com; reporting original, unpublished research results in Computer Related Studies by March 05, 2015. WCITCA’2015 will have a poster session for which we will also accept late submissions; such late poster papers will be included in a special proceeding, and also candidate for journal publication. Each submitted paper will be blindly reviewed, through Edas Conferences Submission Systems, by at least two members of an international technical program committee with appropriate expertise. All accepted papers must be presented to be published. All accepted and registered papers (extended versions) will be published in NNGT International Journals: International Journal of Information Security International Journal of Networking and Communication International Journal of Internet and Web Applications International Journal on E-Learning and Education International Journal of Artificial Intelligence International journal of Information Systems International Journal of Signal Processing and Imaging Engineering International Journal of Software Engineering International Journal of Embedded Systems WCITCA’ 2015 invites original contributions on all Computer Applications Technology, including, but not limited to: Track 1: Advances in Big Data Analytics ALGORITHMS FOR BIG DATA: Data and Information Fusion Genetic Algorithms Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Signal Processing Scalable Algorithms Simulation and Modeling Data-Intensive Computing Parallel Algorithms (including the mapreduce paradigm) Testing Methods Dimensionality Reduction Techniques Multidimensional Big Data Multilinear Subspace Learning Sampling Methodologies Streaming BIG DATA FUNDAMENTALS: Novel Computational Methodologies Algorithms for Enhancing Data Quality Models and Frameworks for Big Data Graph Algorithms and Big Data Computational Science Computational Intelligence INFRASTRUCTURES FOR BIG DATA: Cloud Based Infrastructures (applications, storage & computing resources) Data Protection Methods Data Integrity and Privacy Standards and Policies Data Fusion and Integration Data Science Novel Data Management Methods Crowdsourcing Stream Data Management Scientific Data Management BIG DATA SEARCH & MINING METHODS: Multimedia and Big Data Data Mining Social Networks Data Science Web Search and Information Mining Scalable Search Architectures Cleaning Big Data (noise reduction), Acquisition & Integration Visualization Methods for Search Time Series Analysis Recommendation Systems Graph Mining and Other Similar Technologies SECURITY & PRIVACY IN THE ERA OF BIG DATA: Cryptography Threat Detection Using Big Data Analytics Privacy Threats of Big Data Privacy Preserving Big Data Collection Grid and Stream Computing for Big Data High Performance Computing, Including Parallel & Distributed Processing Autonomic Computing Cyber-infrastructures and System Architectures Programming Models and Environments to Support Big Data Software and Tools for Big Data Big Data Open Platforms Emerging Architectural Frameworks for Big Data Paradigms and Models for Big Data beyond Hadoop/MapReduce, ... BIG DATA MANAGEMENT AND FRAMEWORKS: Database and Web Applications Federated Database Systems Distributed Database Systems Distributed File Systems Distributed Storage Systems Knowledge Management and Engineering Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) Databases Novel Data Models Data Preservation and Provenance Intrusion Detection Socio-economical Aspect of Big Data in the Context of Privacy and Security APPLICATIONS OF BIG DATA: Big Data as a Service Big Data Analytics in e-Government and Society Applications in Science Engineering Healthcare Visualization Business Education Security Humanities Bioinformatics Health Informatics Medicine Finance Law Transportation Retailing Telecommunication All Search-based applications.. Track 2: E-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE) : e-Learning: e-Learning design and methodologies e-Learning portals Instructional design methodologies Audio and video technologies for e-Learning Authoring tools e-Learning technologies and tools Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning Content management and development Policy issues in e-Learning On-demand e-Learning e-Learning standards Assessment methodologies Knowledge management Virtual learning environments AI and e-Learning On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, .) Open-source e-Learning platforms Training and evaluation strategies e-Universities Case studies and emerging applications e-Business: e-Business systems integration and standardization Electronic negotiation systems and protocols Internet payment systems Applications of new technologies to e-Business Middleware technologies to support e-business Case studies and applications Enterprise Information Systems: Strategic decision support systems Organizational semiotics and semiotics in computing Datacenters, data warehouses and technologies Knowledge management Enterprise resource planning and e-Business Middleware integration Intranet and extranet business Applications Databases and information systems integration Intelligent agents Enterprise-wide client-server architectures Information systems analysis and specification Ontology engineering CASE tools for system development B2B and B2C applications Business processes re-engineering Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions, ... Semantic web technologies and Cloud computing Web interfaces and usability Human factors and e-Learning Case studies and applications e-Government: e-Democracy and e-Voting e-Procurement methods Techniques for B2B e-Commerce Global e-Commerce and e-Business e-Business models and architectures Service-oriented e-Commerce Trust, security, and privacy in e-Commerce and e-Business Intelligence in e-Commerce Secure Databases and e-Commerce applications Business-oriented and consumer-oriented eCommerce Development of e-Business and applications e-Business in developing countries Novel marketing strategies on the web Organizational and management issues Supply chain management e-Retailing and web design e-Government Use of e-Government methodologies to prevent corruption Legal aspects of e-Government Risk management Methods and tools for e-Government Policies and strategies Designing web services for e-Government Trust and security in e-Government Enterprise architecture for e-Government Interoperability frameworks in e-Government Inter-administration and G2G issues Public and private partnership Teaching e-Government Case studies Track 3: Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA): Embedded system architecture: Multiprocessors reconfigurable platforms memory management support communication Protocols network-on-chip real-time systems embedded microcontrollers, ... Embedded hardware support: System-on-a-chip DSPs FPGAs hardware specification Synthesis Modeling Simulation and analysis Power-aware systems Testable Reliable verifiable systems performance modeling safety critical systems VLIW architectures System on Chip design... Real-time systems: Software distributed real-time systems real-time kernels real-time OS task scheduling multitasking design, ... Embedded software: Compilers assemblers and cross assemblers Programming memory management object-oriented aspects design representation Synthesis Partitioning Estimation design space exploration beyond traditional hardware/ software boundary and algorithms... Testing techniques: Design-for-test test synthesis built-in self-test embedded test for embedded and system-on-a-chip systems. Application-specific processors and devices: Network processors real-time processors media and signal processors application specific hardware accelerators reconfigurable processors low power embedded processors bio/fluidic processors hand-held devices flash memory chips... Industrial practices and benchmark suites: System design processor design software tools case studies Trends emerging technologies benchmark suites Representation interchange format tools Copyrights Maintenance metrics... Embedded computing education: virtual machines scheduling concurrent software for SoCs distributed/resource aware OS middleware support Software utilities ... Hardware/software co-design: Methodologies test and debug strategies Specification and modeling Curriculum issues Teaching tools and methods. Emerging new topics: New challenges for next generation embedded computing systems arising from new technologies (e.g., nanotechnology) new applications (e.g., pervasive or ubiquitous computing, embedded internet tools, embedded Engineering) Track 4: Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS): ABET Accreditation and assessment (experiences and methods) Student recruitment and retention methods Promoting multi-disciplinary initiatives impact on curriculum Capstone research projects: examples and case studies Distance learning; methods, technologies and assessment Innovative degree programs and certificates Innovative uses of technology in the classroom Collaborative learning Learning models and learning from mistakes Computer and web-based software for instruction Ethics in computer science and engineering Incorporating writing into CS and CE curriculum Preparing graduates for academia Preparing graduates for industry Partnerships with industry and government Team projects and case studies Undergraduate research experiences Student observation and mentoring strategies Integrating gender and culture issues into computer science and engineering curriculum Advising methods Evaluation strategies (professors, students, ...) Transition to graduate studies The balance between course-work and research Issues related to the choice of first programming language Debugging tools and learning Projects, software engineering, programming issues, and laboratory practices Virtual laboratories Computer science and computer engineering curriculum Active learning tools Undergraduates as teaching assistants Funding opportunities for curriculum development and studies Pilot studies STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) initiatives Teaching methods Recruiting methods to attract graduate students Proposed methods for ranking CS and CE departments The role of visualization and animation in education Academic dishonesty in a high-tech environment Experiences in the formation of Department Advisory Board Factors that lead to success in CS and CE Track 5: Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE): Knowledge management and cyber-learning Information reliability and security Information and knowledge structures Information retrieval systems Knowledge mining Knowledge delivery methods Knowledge life cycle Knowledge and information extraction and discovery techniques Knowledge classification tools Knowledge and information management techniques Knowledge extraction from images Health information systems Data security and privacy issues Managing copyright laws Interoperability issues Transaction systems Search methods Ontologies and semantics Object-oriented modeling and systems Case-based reasoning Digital watermarking Classical aspects of information theory Coding theory Information geometry Knowledge representation and acquisition Knowledge re-engineering Large-scale information processing methods Intelligent knowledge-based systems Re-usability of software/knowledge/information Aspect-oriented programming Formal and visual specification languages Decision support and expert systems e-Libraries (digital libraries) + e-Publishing Ontology: engineering, sharing and reuse, matching and alignment Digital typography Agent-based techniques and systems Workflow management Business intelligence Large-scale information processing methods and systems Content management Database engineering and systems Data and knowledge fusion Data and knowledge processing Databanks - issues, methods, and standards Dataweb models and systems Global contextual processing and management implementation Data/Information/Knowledge models Data warehousing and datacenters Quantum information theory Applications (e-Commerce, multimedia, business, banking, ...) Emerging technologies and related issues Natural language processing Information integration Multi-cultural information systems Domain analysis and modeling Metamodeling Education and Training Issues Big Data: Massively parallel-processing (MPP) databases Data-mining grids Distributed file systems and information retrieval Distributed databases Cluster analysis Crowdsourcing Data fusion and integration Ensemble learning Natural language processing Neural networks Pattern recognition Data anomaly detection Predictive modeling Supervised and unsupervised learning Time series analysis and visualization Search-based applications Track 6: Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS): Semantic Web: Machine learning approaches for semantic web Semantic web for e-Business and e-Learning Trust networks on semantic web Database technologies for semantic web Semantic knowledge portals Semantic web mining Semantic web inference methodologies Metadata generation Semantic web services Semantic web trust, privacy, and security Tools, languages, and techniques for semantic annotation of web data Semantic intellectual property rights Semantic searching Reasoning in the semantic web Semantic brokering Visualization and modeling Hypermedia and semantic web Software agents for semantic web Community web portals Semantic web and enterprises Trust management for semantic web Semantic interoperability Ontology creation, evolution, reconciliation, and mediation Semantic web mining workflow and process management Transactions mobile and wireless portals services management quality-of-service (QoS); novel web service architectures; development and modeling frameworks for web service applications; composite web services enabling technologies and support infrastructure; Data structures and models. Practices for Developing Enterprise-class Web Services and Applications: Design patterns; architecting for customization, maintenance, and management; architecting for easy integration or service "consumption"; fault-tolerant architectures; Service mediation systems and architectures. Case Studies of Web Service Development and Deployment: e-Commerce applications using web services; Business-to-Business (B2B) applications using web services; mobile and wireless applications using web services; utility and on-demand computing using web services; Semantic web-based knowledge management Ontology languages for semantic web Autonomous semantic web services Service discovery, description, composition and invocation Data semantics Semantic verification of web sites Intersection of Big Data and semantic web Case studies Web Services: Web Service Technologies and Research Directions: Enhancements to the basic web services platform such as SOAP, WSDL, UDDI...; advanced web service technologies including security government applications using web services; Applications of web services in developing countries. Multimedia applications using web services Communication applications using web services Interactive TV applications using web services Big Data: Scalable web services for Big Data; services for data integration; Web services for mapping data to information and to knowledge. Novel applications, case studies, and emerging technologies Track 7: Data Mining (DM): Data Mining Tasks: Regression/Classification Time series forecasting Segmentation/Clustering/Association Deviation and outlier detection Explorative and visual data mining Web mining Mining text and semi-structured data Temporal and spatial data mining Multimedia mining (audio/video) Others Data Mining Algorithms: Artificial neural networks Fuzzy logic and rough sets Decision trees/rule learners Support vector machines Evolutionary computation/meta heuristics Statistical methods Collaborative filtering Case based reasoning Link and sequence analysis Ensembles/committee approaches Others Data Mining Integration: Mining large scale data Distributed and grid based data mining Data and knowledge representation Data warehousing and OLAP integration Integration of prior/domain knowledge Metadata and ontologies Agent technologies for data mining Legal and social aspects of data mining Data Mining Process: Data cleaning and preparation Feature selection and transformation Attribute discretisation and encoding Sampling and rebalancing Missing value imputation Model selection/assessment and comparison Security Data Mining Social Science Mining Data Mining in Logistics Others Data Mining Software: All aspects and modules Alternative and additional examples of possible topics include: Data Mining for Business Intelligence Emerging technologies in data mining Big Data Computational performance issues in data mining Data mining in usability Advanced prediction modelling using data mining Data mining and national security Data mining tools Data analysis Data preparation techniques (selection, transformation, and preprocessing) Information extraction methodologies Clustering algorithms used in data mining Genetic algorithms and categorization techniques used in data mining Data and information integration Microarray design and analysis Privacy-preserving data mining Active data mining Statistical methods used in data mining Multidimensional data Case studies and prototypes Automatic data cleaning Data visualization Theory and practice - knowledge representation and discovery Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) Uncertainty management Data reduction methods Data engineering Content mining Induction principles Model interpretation Others Data Mining Applications: Bioinformatics Medicine Data Mining Business/Corporate/Industrial Data Mining Credit Scoring Direct Marketing Database Marketing Engineering Mining Military Data Mining Indexing schemes Information retrieval Metadata use and management Multidimensional query languages and query optimization Multimedia information systems Search engine query processing Pattern mining Applications (examples: data mining in education, marketing, finance and financial services, business applications, medicine, bioinformatics, biological sciences, science and technology, industry and government) Track 8: Grid & Cloud Computing and Applications: Grid Computing: Software engineering support for grid computing Software integration technologies in grid systems Big Data management on Grid Grid technology and security Grid computing virtual organizations Grid information services Grid middleware and toolkits Grid monitoring, management, and organization tools Evolution of grid standards User development environment and programming tools for grid computing Resource management, scheduling, load balancing & run-time environments Information/knowledge grids Autonomic & utility computing on global grids Architectures for grid computing and fabrics Data grid management systems Metadata, ontologies, and provenance Resource discovery Web services and web security in grid computing Wireless enhanced grid systems Grid and cluster integration e-Science, e-Business applications, and virtual instrumentation Grid object metadata and schemas Grid survivability Grid application and deployment environments Interconnects and protocols for grids Evolution of grid - recent progress Major grid initiatives Grid computing scenarios and applications in science, engineering, and commerce (life science, CFD grids, business process grids, physics grids, ...) Cloud Computing: Big Data management on Cloud Hardware as a service SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS SOA and Cloud computing Green information technology Application portability Cloud scalability Cloud management and databases Use of cloud for high-performance computing Cloud sourcing Cloud interoperability Web-scale computing Data encryption Virtual Private Inter-Cloud Cloud reliability and secure Cloud computing Cloud automation and mobility Cloud policies and compliance Cloud federation Cloud enablement Consumption-based billing Cloud serviceability and architecture Cloud computing and SMBs Cloud applications Enterprise Cloud Orchestration Fabric Computing Eclipse and Cloud computing Cloud internetworking Track 9: Software Engineering Research and Practice: Software architectures Software design and design patterns Architectural analysis and verifications Methods Quality oriented software architecture (design and Support) Software reliability, safety and security methods Software reuse and component engineering UML/MDA and AADL Object oriented technology (design and analysis) Software metrics Reverse and architectural recovery methods Domain specific software engineering Aerospace software and system engineering Software engineering methodologies Survivable systems Engineering of safety/mission critical systems Software testing, evaluation and analysis technologies Workflow - Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Project management issues Distributed and parallel systems Legal issues and standards Automated software design Real-time embedded software engineering Automated software design and synthesis Software security engineering Theoretic approaches (formal methods, graph, ...) Domain modeling and meta-modeling Software maintenance Reflection and metadata methodologies AI approaches to software engineering Component based software engineering Software engineering standards and guidelines Reports on intelligent CASE tools and eclipse plugins issues Multimedia in software engineering Usability engineering Novel software tools and environments Pervasive software engineering Requirement engineering and processes Critical and embedded software design Service oriented software architecture Human computer interaction and usability engineering Model based software engineering Aspect oriented software engineering Agent oriented software engineering Programming languages and compilers Case studies and emerging technologies Track 10: Artificial Intelligence (AI): Brain models / Brain mapping / Cognitive science Natural language processing Fuzzy logic and soft computing Software tools for AI Expert systems Decision support systems Automated problem solving Knowledge discovery Knowledge representation Knowledge acquisition Knowledge-intensive problem solving techniques Knowledge networks and management Intelligent information systems Intelligent data mining and farming Intelligent web-based business Intelligent agents Intelligent networks Intelligent databases Intelligent user interface AI and evolutionary algorithms Intelligent tutoring systems Reasoning strategies Distributed AI algorithms and techniques Distributed AI systems and architectures Neural networks and applications Simulated annealing Heuristic optimization techniques Neural networks Reinforcement learning Multi-criteria reinforcement learning General Learning models Multiple hypothesis testing Decision making Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods Non-parametric methods Graphical models Gaussian graphical models Bayesian networks Particle filter Cross-Entropy method Ant colony optimization Time series prediction Fuzzy logic and learning Inductive learning and applications Grammatical inference General Graph-based Machine Learning Techniques: Graph kernel and graph distance methods Graph-based semi-supervised learning Graph clustering Graph learning based on graph transformations Graph learning based on graph grammars Heuristic searching methods Languages and programming techniques for AI Constraint-based reasoning and constraint programming Intelligent information fusion Learning and adaptive sensor fusion Search and meta-heuristics Multisensor data fusion using neural and fuzzy techniques Integration of AI with other technologies Evaluation of AI tools Social intelligence (markets and computational societies) Social impact of AI Emerging technologies Applications (including: computer vision, signal processing, military, surveillance, robotics, medicine, pattern recognition, face recognition, finger print recognition, finance and marketing, stock market, education, emerging applications, ...) Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications General Machine Learning Theory Statistical learning theory: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning Multivariate analysis Hierarchical learning models Relational learning models Bayesian methods Meta learning Stochastic optimization Graph learning based on graph matching General theoretical aspects of graph learning Statistical modeling of graphs Information-theoretical approaches to graphs Motif search Network inference General issues in graph and tree mining Machine Learning Applications: Aspects of knowledge structures Computational Finance Computational Intelligence Knowledge acquisition and discovery techniques Induction of document grammars Supervised and unsupervised classification of web data General Structure-based approaches in information retrieval, web authoring, information extraction, and web content mining Latent semantic analysis Aspects of natural language processing Intelligent linguistic Aspects of text technology Computational vision Bioinformatics and computational biology Biostatistics High-throughput data analysis Biological network analysis: protein-protein networks, signaling networks, metabolic network, transcriptional regulatory networks Graph-based models in biostatistics Computational Neuroscience Computational Chemistry Computational Statistics Systems Biology Algebraic Biology Track 11: Computer Applications Technology : Academic Integrity, Plagiarism Detection and Software Misuse Architectural Design Artificial Intelligence Bio-informatics Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing Biomedical Engineering BIOS Computer Animation Computer Architecture & VLSI Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Computer Based Education Computer Games Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality Computer Graphics and Multimedia Computer Hardware Computer Human Interaction Computer Modelling Computer Networking Data Privacy and Security Database Database Systems Distributed Computing e-Business File Sharing Future of Computing Genetic Computational Algorithms Graphics Image Processing Information Technology and Critical Systems Metrics and Measurements Methods Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms and their Applications Operating Systems Parallel and Distributed Computing Parallel Computing Pattern Recognition Performance Evaluation Problem Solving Environments Computer Security Computer Security for banking systems Computer Viruses Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing Computer-Ethics Computing Pioneer Computing Practices & Applications Control Systems Data Communications Data Compression Data Encryption Data Mining Programming Languages Robotics and Automation Scientific Computing Signal and Image Processing Simulation and Optimization Techniques Software Engineering Software Maintenance Activities Storage Space Testing Methods UML Methods Virtual Reality Web- and Grid-based Simulation Track 12: Computer Related Knowledge: Advanced Statistical Algorithms Artificial Intelligence Bio-informatics Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing Biomedical Engineering Computer Animation Computer Architecture & VLSI Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Computer Based Education Computer Games Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality Computer Graphics and Multimedia Computer Modelling Computer Networking Computer Security Computer Security for banking systems Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing Computer-Ethics Computing Practices & Applications Important Dates: Submission Deadline March 05, 2015 Note of Acceptance May 05, 2015 Early registration Ends May 20, 2015 Final Camera-ready May 30, 2015 Congress General Chair: Nejmeddine Tagoug, King Saud University, SA Congress Technical Program Chairs: SK MD Mizanur Rahman, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Abdelmonim Mohamed Ali Artoli, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Organization Chairs: Yacine Atef, UAE University, United Arab Emirates Control Systems Data Communications Data Compression Data Encryption Data Mining Database Systems Distributed Computing Genetic Computational Algorithms Parallel and Distributed Computing Parallel Computing Pattern Recognition Performance Evaluation Problem Solving Environments Programming Languages Robotics and Automation Scientific Computing Simulation and Optimization Techniques Virtual Reality Web- and Grid-based Simulation Zouheir Trabelsi, UAE University, UAE M Anwar Hossain , King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Local Organizing Committee Chairs: Chebbi wrida, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Kidissi Zina, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Barira Tarek, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Wahid Hamdi , ISET Tozeur, Tunisia Mahmoud Sfaya, University of Montreal, Canada Mohamed Amine Harabi, Time University, Tunisia Farah Nasri, Monastir University, Tunisia Publication Chair: Abbes Wafa, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Publicity Chair: Raddadi Sghaira, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia Conference Venue: Méhari Hammamet 5* Hammamet , Tunisia