Daily Bulletin - Boston Latin School


Daily Bulletin - Boston Latin School
Notice to Masters and Students
BLS student on The Voice!
Watch Nathan Hermida, Class 1, on The Voice for his blind audition on Monday, March 9th at
8pm on NBC!
Library Closed R1, Wed, 3/11
BLS Library will be closed R1 on Wednesday, March 11 (D2) to host guests and alumni attending Career
Day. The Library will reopen R2. Thank you in advance. (jimlevesquebls@gmail.com)
The National Latin Exam s will be given during R1 in the Dining Hall starting Tuesday, March 10
through Friday, March 13. Tuesday-Introduction; Wednesday-Latin 1; Thursday-Latin ¾ and 5/6;
Friday-Latin 2.
Due to the extreme number of snow days we have incurred, the term 3 and term 4 grading
timelines have been adjusted. Please see below.
Term 3
Progress reports due electronically: Thursday, March 12 @ 11:59 PM (window open March 212)
A Exam Days (Art, Science, Math, MFL): April 2, 7, 9
B Exam Days (English, History, Classics, Music, PE/Health): April 1, 6, 8
(Please note that April 3 is a BPS recognized holiday; exams cannot be administered on that
End of term: Friday, April 10
Grades due electronically: Thursday, April 16 @ 11:59 PM (window open April 2-16)
Term 4- Seniors
Senior Final Failure Forms due to 105: Friday, May 15 @ 7:35 AM
End of term for seniors: Wednesday, June 3
Senior grades due electronically: Wednesday, June 3 @ 7:45 AM
Term 4- Classes II-VI
Progress reports due electronically: Thursday, May 21 @ 11:59 PM (window open May 11-21)
Probable Final Failure Forms due to 105: Wednesday, June 10 @ 7:35 AM
Final exam period: June 22-24 (make-up exams June 25 & 26)
End of term: Tuesday, June 30
Grades due electronically: Tuesday, June 30 @ 7:35 AM
March 27 – Course Selection Sheets due (Classes II, III, IV)
The Boston-Strasbourg High School Exchange Program is pleased to welcome ten students from Boston’s
Sister City, Strasbourg, France. They will be here from July 12 to July 31. Host family responsibilities
include breakfast, dinner, evenings and weekends. Mornings are spent in classes, and afternoons are filled
with excursions around Boston. This is a great opportunity to practice and improve your French. For
application s and more information, see Ms. Blackler in 019, Ms. LaPointe in 035, or Ms. Hantout, in 228
after school. (Hantout)
37 BLS Students Accepted to Junior District Music Festival
An unprecedented 36 BLS students have been accepted to attend the 2015 Massachusetts
Music Educators Association (MMEA) Junior District Music Festival, to be held March 6-7 at
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. The Junior District Music Festival is composed of the best
student musicians in grades 7-9 in the eastern region of Massachusetts.
The BLS Junior District participants are: Treble Chorus: Anna Aldins, Maddy Caruso, Chika
Chukwu, Emma O’Brien, Elisavet Philippakis, Lily Resnikoff, Helena Strauss, Katelyn Wilson, and
Lily Yang.
Mixed Chorus:Isabella Carrasco, Isabelle Doerre Torres, Niara Hightower, Favour Igboenyesi,
Emeka Ihionu, Erica Jurus, Patrick Mello, John Nagasawa, Jackson Petrella, Mary Whelan, and
Stefan Wong.
Band: Henry Bosch,James Han, Sean Keating, Ben Lee,Rachel Lee, Lienna Peng, Susan Tang,
Haoyang Zhang, and Christopher Zhou.
Orchestra: Clara Callagan, Peter Choi, Irene Ju, Jisoo Kim, and Bobby Rouse.
Jazz: Henry Lindeman, Matthew Martin, and Hazel Royer.
Congratulations to the above participants and to all the outstanding BLS musicians who were
invited to audition.
Notice to Masters
March 10 PD
The professional development session scheduled for Tuesday, March 10 from 2:30-4:30 will take
place in the Dining Hall. The session will cover information on PARCC, uploading student work
samples for NEASC, and reading the NEASC standards reports in preparation for ratification in April.
Notice to Students
BLS DRUM CIRCLE Looking for fun, stress relief, and some tasty drum beats? Come to the BLS Drum
Circle, organized by Reuben Gifford '15. But, *plot twist*—this upcoming circle will be facilitated by our
good friend Francis Dwyer '15! Please come out and join in drumming if you are interested. The drum
circle will gather after school on Thursday, March 12 in room 230 (Mr. Mikalaitis’s room) from 2:30 to
3:15. See you there! (FJ and MJ)
Project Link Workshop and Information Session - Wednesday, March 11 2:30-3:30pm in Room
514. Students in Class II, III and IV are welcome to attend a workshop after school led by the
Harvard Graduate School of Design's Project Link. Project Link is an intensive four week
program that seeks to immerse rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors into the
world of design. Students will be exposed to drawing, modeling and representation techniques
associated with architectural design as well as exposed to alternative design perspectives of
landscape design, urban planning, graphic, industrial, and fine arts design. The program strives
to foster design skills and put students on track for exploring these ideas at the collegiate level.
Please see Ms. Walshak in Room 514 or Mr. Harris in Room 515 for details.
Sixie Modern Foreign Langauge Test Up Dates
If you are a sixie who has had at least one year of previous study in the language you want to take next
year, you might want to consider testing up one level.
In order to do this, you must do the following:
1. Contact Mrs. Kelley via email at ckelley2@bostonpublicschools.org or stop by office 042 and let her
know you are interested.
2. Come to room 003 after school at 2:30 on either Wednesday, March 11 OR Thursday, March 12 to
take the BLS level 1 final in the language. It should take 90 minutes.
3. Bring a copy of a transcript or report card showing that you studied the language before coming to
This is your only opportunity to take the exam in order to be placed in the correct level for fall 2015!!
Contact Mrs. Kelley for more information. (KE)
GERMANY UNPACKED! To celebrate National Foreign Language week, the German Club would like
to invite students and faculty to a special exhibit in the Seevak Room next week from March 9-13. This is
a special traveling exhibit from the Goethe Institute introduces the German language, culture and way of
life in a fun way. Teachers may bring their classes to the exhibit. We will have a grand opening
celebration on Monday afternoon at 2:30 in the Seevak Room. Among our guests will be a representative
from the German Consulate and the Goethe Institute, the #1 German language school around. Come join
the fun and have a piece of delicious “Schwarzwälderkirschtorte”! We hope to see you there! See Frau
Kuchta for more details.
Censure Notices are being distributed to students who have not completed their morning tardy
detentions. (WB)
Each senior who wishes to order a 2015 yearbook must pay $100.00 by March 13, 2015. Payment
envelopes will be available in room 105 on Monday, March 2. If paying by check, please make it payable
to Boston Latin School and include your name /homeroom/yearbook in the memo section. Payments must
be submitted in the distributed payment envelopes. The envelope is a record of your payment. Students
are not to give payment to anyone except Mrs. Craven in room 105. (CR)
Students—Come and Try-out for the last Public Declamation of the year!! Get a head start on
participation for next year, or see if you can make it into the last performance of the school year!!
The Fourth Public Declamation has changed, so please note new try-out and Declamation dates.
Fourth Public Declamation try-outs are Wednesday, March 18, 2015. Members of all classes are
invited to try out. Please note that submissions of a copy of your piece for review are due by
Monday, March 16 by 3 p.m. to Ms Holm in Room 120. No submissions will be accepted after that
date/time. Exempt seniors must submit pieces by the March 18 try-out date.
Public Declamation will take place for Class III on Monday, March 23, 2015. See Ms Holm for
additional information or coaching. (HW)