Mar 2015 news letter - Hastings Budgerigar Society


Mar 2015 news letter - Hastings Budgerigar Society
Hastings Budgerigar
March 2015
Issue 50
Inside this issue:
Diary Dates
Please make a note in your diaries of these forthcoming shows. Your support
would be most welcome.
July 19 L&SCBS S&RV Show at Smallfield
Aug 9 South Hants Open Show Hants
Aug 16 Hastings BS Open Show at Northiam
Aug 22 Southern Classic Open Show (run by Sussex BS) at Dial Post
Sept 13 South Eastern & Croydon Open Show at Smallfield
Sept 26 & 27 BS World Show at Doncaster
Oct 11 L&SCBS Area Show at Smallfield
Diary Dates
Open Show Judges
Next Meeting
Schedule Advert
Last Meeting
Club History 2
Colour Competition
Colour Competition
No 1 2015
In addition you may be interested in attending a seminar on Saturday
May 16th to be held at Lancing. Speakers are Beverley Hutt , Jeff Attwood and Brian Reese. Contact Roy Powell on 01903 266606 or
email him on for further details.
Open Show Judges
We are pleased to announce that the following BS Panel Judges have agreed to officiate at
our 2015 Open Show on Sunday 16th August.
Dave Woan
Bruce Greenaway
Peter Smith
We look forward to seeing them—and all the
entries - at our show.
Our next meeting will be held on Monday 23th March
and is to be a ‘Beginner Forum’. The panel will consist
of Pauline Senior , Fred Pilbeam & Brian Vaughan. They
will be answering questions set by other members .
The panel members would like prior notice of the
these questions .
So can you please send any questions you want to
raise to Gavin Carter via email or phone
by no later than 6th March in order that
the panelists can be informed.
Please come along to this new type of venture. I am
sure you will find it both enjoyable and informative.
Do you want an advert in our Open Show Schedule. There are 3 half
page spaces left at £5 each space.
Contact Gavin Carter if you want one or want to increase the size of
your current A5 advert—at an additional cost of £5.
Hastings Budgerigar Society
Page 2
The last meeting , held on
Monday February 23rd ,
was a very enjoyable evening
hosted by Dave Vandepeer
who entertained a well
attended meeting with both
details of his history within the
fancy and his commercial life
and described the benefits of
the ‘Aviary Hygeine’ products.
David described the varying
types of cleaners and
disinfectants and their
individual benefits.
Thank you David for giving us
the benefit of your knowledge.
Advice to all members
Don’t forget if anybody is
having a problem relating to
bird hygiene I am sure David
would be only to willing to
help . So ring him on 01233
860440. We are very
fortunate to have an ‘expert’ in
our midst so
don’t be afraid to
use him..
Best of Colour Competition 2013
The final results of the 2014 completion were as follows:
1st Dave Vandepeer
44 points
2nd Gavin Carter
33 points
3rd Pete Ulyatt & Keith Warman 28 points
4th Matthew Rebaudo
20 points
5th Brian Mepham
19 points
6th Fred Pilbeam
16 points
7th Gareth Simmons
11 points
8th Neil Wheatley
10 points
9th P & K Senior
3 points
10th Brian Vaughan
1 point
Many thanks to all the members who brought birds along to support the competition–
remember it is just a bit of fun so please support the 2015 competition which is open to all
closed rung owner bred birds. THANK YOU. & WELL DONE TO YOU ALL
Best of Colour Competition No 1
The 1st 2015 competition was not held at our last meeting due to a lack of birds. However you have not lost your
chance as both classes of Normal Green and Grey Green have been added to the classes of Normal Blue and Normal
Grey—MAKING 4 COLOUR CLASSES— for our next meeting on March 23rd. Remember only 2 owner bred birds per
Hastings B S History Part 2 1980`s
The original committee continued to supervise the clubs activities with a few additional people taken on board.
Judges and Speakers in the 80`s were, Les Girling, Bert Miller, Les Brazier, Jim Bancroft, Lance Bradley, Tony Scott,
(Brians Dad) Jack Middleton, Mick Mapson, Alan Marshall, Dave Bracher, Peter Barr, Roy Powell, Phil Russell, Ian Fordham, Malcolm Freemantle, Simon Gage
New Members who you may know, Michelle Poole, Les Girling, Ian Standley, , Brenda & Donna Pope, Sid Fox,
John Cosson, Alf Lee, Derek Pope, Peter Marney, Fred Pilbeam, Brian Sargent , , Ron & Eileen Crawford ,
Beryl Hockley, Tony Ely, Russ & Jill Parsons, , Ron Croft, Dave Shaw, Charlie Maynard, Barry & Sandie Wiseman and
many others
Outings were arranged to Birdworld (Surrey), Chessington Zoo, & LSCBS show at Camberly, Petticoat Lane &
London Zoo ,Gatwick Garden Aviaries, Chiddingstone Castle, as well as BBQ`s, Boot Fairs, Jumble Sales etc.
Notable events 3 Shows each year, Nest Feather, Young Stock & Annual
1983 Michelle Poole joined as a Junior,
1984 Bill Holdstock elected President, Brenda pope was elected as Treasurer
1985 Les Girling elected President & Ron & Eileen Crawford as Publicity & Catering Officers. Bill Holdstock made HLM
1986 Derek Pope elected Show/Patronage Sec.
1987 Fred Pilbeam elected Chairman, Ian Standley V/Chairman. Interclub comp with SEBC, Hastings won 170 to 122
1998 Les Girling passed away, Brian Mepham elected new President ,John Mann elected Trophy Steward,
1989 Following a heated dispute at the AGM, an EGM was called in February so that the President could contact individual members with the view to forming a completely new committee which were then elected. Annual show
winners were B&S Wiseman (Beginners)
Decade finished with Assets standing at £1088.25
Our thanks to Brian Mepham for another journey down memory lane.