The AppleLog - Applewood United Church


The AppleLog - Applewood United Church
The Life & Work of
Applewood United Church
an Affirming Congregation
Don’t forget! Set your clocks ahead
on Sunday at 2:00am!
“Planting seeds watching them grow.”
The AppleLog
March 8, 2015
Volume 4, Issue 27
How to Contact Us
Ministry Team:
Rev. Joanne Hedge
905-277-4162 (press 2)
416-951-7911 (cell)
Carolyn Smith
905-277-4162 (press 3)
Music Director:
Christina Mulligan
905-277-4162 (press 4)
Office Administrator
Nancy Beatty
905-277-4162 (press 1)
Lori Coleman
Ready? Get Set … Work!
Lynn Williamson
905-277-4162 (press 8)
Prayer Chain:
Donna Cane
Friendship & Visiting Team:
Agnes Paterson
This Week:
Scott Perkin
Lay Reader:
Agnes Paterson
Counting Captain:
Don Norton
Usher Captain:
Bill Armour
Your Weekly Guide to What’s Happening at Applewood United Church
We warmly welcome you to Applewood United Church! Newcomers
and visitors, please sign our guest book, and complete a request
card which can be added to the offering plates. You are our guest
today and we do not expect a financial contribution, but if you would
like to make a donation you will find a visitor’s envelope in the pews.
After Worship
Please join us after the worship service for a time of fellowship and
refreshments in the auditorium.
Office Hours
Monday, Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00am -12:00pm and 1:00 - 4:00pm
This Week At Applewood
A = Auditorium P = Parlour K = Kitchen N=Nursery
S = Sanctuary B = Boardroom L = Library F = Friendship Room
Mar. 9 10:00am
Mar. 10 9:40am
Mar. 10 7:00pm
Mar. 11 10:00am
Mar. 12 10:00am
Mar. 12 6:45pm
Mar. 12 7:30pm
Moms and Tots Playgroup (N, K)
Ready? Get Set...Work! (L, K)
Executive Committee Meeting (B)
Men’s Coffee Group (P, K)
Moms and Tots Playgroup (N, K)
Taizé Worship Service
Choir (P)
Minister’s Musings
In a mere two weeks, the season of Spring returns. Just the word itself can
lift our spirits and give hope – hope that the cold weather will end and the
snow will disappear, hope for new life and a return to colour and vibrancy .
Spring means Easter. Yet we still have days and weeks left in both our
journey through winter and through Lent. How can we savour the sweet
anticipation of Spring and Easter, while at the same time honour winter’s last
icy grip and Lent’s time of prayer and contemplation? For me, the key to both
is stillness – stillness in God’s presence, stillness in prayer, stillness as I
listen to ice crackle and melt. Sometimes I need a pause in my journey to
experience all that surrounds me. Would you join me in the stillness?
Follow Joanne on Twitter @revjoannehedge
The AppleLog is published weekly. It is available in church on Sundays and on our
website. It is emailed to members and adherents of Applewood United Church, 2067
Stanfield Road, Miss., L4Y 1R4 905-277-4162
Editor: Nancy Beatty
Editorial Board: D. Bateman/L. Kudrewatych/Rev. J. Hedge
Header Photo: Google Image
©2015 Applewood United Church
Upcoming Events
Mar. 12: 6:45 pm—Taizé
Mar. 15: 9:00 am—Taizé
Mar. 17, 18, 19: 9-11:30 am
March Break Camp
March 29: Palm Sunday
April 2: Maundy Thursday
April 3: Good Friday Service
at Cooksville United Church
April 5: Easter Sunday
April 21: 2:00-4:00 pm
Compassionate Care
Seminar—Financial Scams
against Seniors and All
Community Residents
April 26: Outreach Sunday
Marching towards
March Break Camp!
We're planning and preparing
for camp again. If you would
like to volunteer or support
our camp for kids ages 4-10,
please talk to Sophie Cook or
Carolyn Smith. Camp will run
Tues - Wed - Thurs, the 17 19 from 9am until 11:30.
Forms are available in the
front hall.
We're collecting for camp
as well: we need clear
plastic egg cartons; ribbon
about 3/8 - 1/2 inch wide;
and if you have nature or
travel magazines or
magazines like Canadian
Living with pictures of
people and the world
around us, please donate
them to the box provided in
the hall. Can't wait for
News You Can Use
Please remember that announcements must be received by the office no later than 10am
on Wednesday so they can be included in the weekly AppleLog. Articles submitted must
have the name of the contact person and may be edited for content and/or size.
This Sunday: Our guest Preacher is Dr. Stephanie Hedge, Assistant
Professor of Rhetoric and Composition at The State University of New
York at Potsdam - and also the daughter of Rev Joanne. Stephanie is a
dynamic speaker, an award-winning teacher, and a 'cradle' UCC
member. Her theme this Sunday will be 'the power of words'.
Foster Child: It's that time of year again where our continuing support
for Applewood United Church's foster child, Juan-Carlos Gonzalez
Gregorio is needed. Plan International Canada has increased the
sponsorship by $24.00 to $468.00 per year. This time we need 15 people
to come forward to make a one time donation of $30.00. Please see
Leslie West after service in the Narthex on Sunday March 15 to pick
up a package.
Encounters with God: A three-part Lenten study/discussion
group that will explore how three people encountered God, the
nature of the God who met them, and what we can learn
about our encounters with God. We will look at Moses, Elijah
and Jesus and how they encountered God. Each session will be held in
the Parlour on Sunday following worship on March 1, 8 and 15 at 12
noon for one hour. All are welcome! Participants are invited to bring their
own lunch if they wish. Bob Nicholls
The Adult Spirituality Team invite you to “Come and find the Quiet
Centre”: On Wednesday, March 11, from 7 – 9 pm in the parlour join
Lorna McQueen, Hamilton Conference Staff, as she shares her
experiences of Mindfulness Meditation and helps us to incorporate both
meditation and living mindfully into our own lives. Anne Moore
Applewood Women’s Group: The Applewood Women's
Circle will be meeting on March 13, at 1:30 pm. It is our
Easter meeting so wear your Easter Bonnet! Don't have one?
You can make a fine one at home or at the church and you
could win a prize for your artistry. Paper plates make great hats! You
will also have the opportunity to make an Easter card or decorate an
Easter egg. All women are welcome! I hope to see you there! Valerie Reed
A Worship for Seniors at Beechwood Place and Amica: All friends, elders
& singers of Applewood are welcome to join us in worship, song, and fellowship
conducted by Joanne Hedge and supported by the Friendship & Visiting Team.
Tues. Mar. 24 2:00pm
Beechwood Place 1500 Rathburn Rd. E.
Free Help - Income Tax Preparation: The following link will take you to
a Toronto Star article that provides information for students or those who
live on a modest income on where to go for free help regarding income
tax preparation. Photocopies of the article are also available in the